React Native Fetch Blob/React Native Blob Util Fail in Production but not in Developer time - react-native

I am trying to download a pdf generated through an own api that worked normally for me until yesterday, since then it has stopped working without any modification. Reviewing in developer mode through the metro everything seems to work correctly without any problems (I download the pdf normally), but when deploying the application in the playstore it closes unexpectedly, leaving me without knowing why this happens.
First I was using the React Native Fetch Blob, then I used React Native Blob Util hoping it would solve the problem but it keeps happening. Do you guys have any ideas for why does this happen?
The PDF file download this function:
const generarReciboPdf = async (datosDeuda:FormularioScreenParams,formaPago:ReactText,nroCheque?:string) =>{
const{config,fs} = ReactNativeBlobUtil
if (formaPago === 4 && (nroCheque == ""|| undefined)) {
return console.log('debe llenar todos los campos');
const { DownloadDir } = fs.dirs;
const token = await AsyncStorage.getItem('token');
let datosDeudaCompleto= {
let url = ''+JSON.stringify(datosDeudaCompleto)
// return console.log(url);
const options = {
fileCache: true,
addAndroidDownloads: {
useDownloadManager: true, // true will use native manager and be shown on notification bar.
notification: true,
path: `${DownloadDir}/recibo_${datosDeuda.mes_deuda.replace(/ /g, "")}_${datosDeuda.razon_social.replace(/ /g, "")}.pdf`,
description: 'Downloading.',
config(options).fetch('GET', url,{Authorization :'Bearer '+token}).then((res) => {
console.log('se imprimio correctamte el pdf');
Also, this error appears in Play Console: "PlayConsole Error Image".
PlayConsole Error Image


How can I obtain a reference to the URL that was used to open my app with a link in iOS

I have a problem with the situation where my React Native Expo app is running in the background / inactive modus and the app is brought back to the foreground / active mode as a result of the user opening a deep link to my app from the mobile browser.
When this situation occurs, my app needs to get a reference to the deep link in order to show the expected content to the user. The problem is that Linking.getInitialURL() always returns the link that was used to open the app from cold start and not the link that was used to bring the app back to foreground / active modus.
Advice on how to fix this problem would be greatly appreciated.
Found it out by myself :-)
useEffect(() => {
Linking.addEventListener('url', handleLinkEvent);
return () => {
Linking.removeEventListener('url', handleLinkEvent);
}, []);
For these cases you should use Linking.addEventListener
To complete #timboektoe's answer, react-navigation offers a subscribe function to listen to any URL received.
const subscribe = (listener) => {
const onReceiveURL = ({ url }) => { listener(url); };
const subscription = Linking.addEventListener('url', onReceiveURL);
return () => {
const linking = {

useURL hook expo-linking for background app

The expo-linking React Native package has a hook named useURL that isn't working for me when the app is in the background. From the docs it Returns the initial URL followed by any subsequent changes to the URL. The problem I'm having with my managed expo app is that the hook doesn't work when the app is already open in the background. Here is the hook:
export default function App() {
const isLoadingComplete = useCachedResources();
const url = Linking.useURL();
useEffect(() => {
Alert.alert(url ? url.substring(20) : 'null');
}, [url]);
if (!isLoadingComplete) {
return null;
} else {
return (
If I open the URL exp:// the app is closed, I get an Alert as expected. If the app is in the background, the Alert doesn't go off. I've tested on an iOS emulator and a physical Android. Any solutions? Note that similar problems happen with Linking.addEventListener().

How to detect screenshots with React Native (both Android and iOS)

I am trying to detect if a user takes a screenshot while using a smartphone app that I have built. I am building my project with React Native.
I have been told that I can possibly prevent screenshots for Android but not for iOS. but can I still detect whether a user attempts to take a screenshot so that I can at least send a warning via Alert?
Thanks in advance
I tried react-native-screenshot-detector but it did not work
you can use this package it supports android&ios screenshot detecting react-native-detector
import {
} from 'react-native-detector';
// ...
React.useEffect(() => {
const userDidScreenshot = () => {
console.log('User took screenshot');
const listener = addScreenshotListener(userDidScreenshot);
return () => {
}, []);
There is no package for it currently.

React Native Uploading Video to YouTube (Stuck at Processing)

I am attempting to upload video files to YouTube using their v3 API and their MediaUploader. It works in my ReactJS application, but not in my React Native application. When uploading via React Native, the upload completes, then stalls at 100%. In my YouTube account, I can see the new video file, but it is stuck at "Video is still being processed."
I believe the issue may be that I need to send a video file and not an object with a video uri but I don't know how to get around that.
I am using the YouTube MediaUploader from the CORS example at I am using an OAuth 2.0 client Id, and this setup works correctly when using the ReactJS app via my website. I am using React Native Expo with Camera, which returns me an Object with a URI, for example:
Video File: Object {
"uri": "file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/353A7969-E2A8-4C80-B641-C80B2B029555/Library/Caches/ExponentExperienceData/%2540dj_walksalot%252Fwandereo/Camera/",
This file can be viewed in the application, and I can even successfully send this to my server for playback on the web app and in the React Native app. However, sending this object in the MediaUploader does not work. It will take an appropriate amount of time to upload, but then sits at 100%, while my YouTube account will show it has received the video with the correct metadata, but the video itself remains stuck at "Video is still being processed."
video_file: Object {
"uri": "file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/353A7969-E2A8-4C80-B641-C80B2B029555/Library/Caches/ExponentExperienceData/%2540dj_walksalot%252Fwandereo/Camera/",
export const uploadToYouTube = (access_token, video_file, metadata) => async (dispatch) => {
var uploader = new MediaUploader({
baseUrl: ``,
file: video_file,
token: access_token,
metadata: metadata,
contentType: 'video/quicktime',
// contentType: 'application/octet-stream',//"video/*",
// contentType = options.contentType || this.file.type || 'application/octet-stream';
params: {
part: Object.keys(metadata).join(',')
onError: function(data) {
// onError code
let err = JSON.parse(data);
dispatch(returnErrors(err.message, err.code))
console.log('Error: ', err);
onProgress: function(progressEvent){
// onProgress code
let percentCompleted = Math.round((progressEvent.loaded * 100) /;
payload: percentCompleted
onComplete: function(data) {
// onComplete code
let responseData = JSON.parse(data);
payload: JSON.parse(data)
payload: 0
Similar to my currently-working web app, after completing the upload, the "onComplete" function should fire, and YouTube should process the video. This does not happen. I believe it's because I'm attaching an object with a URI and not the actual file.
I was able to solve this from a post at Expert Mill by Joe Edgar at
By using fetch and .blob() I was able to convert the URI object to a data object and upload. Additional code:
const file = await fetch(video_file.uri);
const file_blob = await file.blob();
No need to install RNFetchBlob since this is in the Expo SDK.

How to add a in-app browser in React Native (Expo)

How to open a web browser in expo rather than using the expo browser.I want open the browser in inside the app.
you can use the following library react-native-inappbrowser
follow the installation from the github page
import { Linking } from 'react-native'
import InAppBrowser from 'react-native-inappbrowser-reborn'
async openLink() {
try {
const url = ''
if (await InAppBrowser.isAvailable()) {
const result = await, {
// iOS Properties
dismissButtonStyle: 'cancel',
preferredBarTintColor: '#453AA4',
preferredControlTintColor: 'white',
readerMode: false,
animated: true,
modalPresentationStyle: 'overFullScreen',
modalTransitionStyle: 'partialCurl',
modalEnabled: true,
// Android Properties
showTitle: true,
toolbarColor: '#6200EE',
secondaryToolbarColor: 'black',
enableUrlBarHiding: true,
enableDefaultShare: true,
forceCloseOnRedirection: false,
// Specify full animation resource identifier(package:anim/name)
// or only resource name(in case of animation bundled with app).
animations: {
startEnter: 'slide_in_right',
startExit: 'slide_out_left',
endEnter: 'slide_in_left',
endExit: 'slide_out_right'
headers: {
'my-custom-header': 'my custom header value'
waitForRedirectDelay: 0
else Linking.openURL(url)
} catch (error) {
you can check the example app here
for expo it becomes little bit complicated please check the related tutorial by Medium
if you want reading mode in ios please refer this link
The expo-web-browser package opens an in app browser.
This worked for me with expo. I tried react-native-inappbrowser-reborn first, but isAvailable() was throwing an error.
import * as WebBrowser from 'expo-web-browser'
WebBrowser.openBrowserAsync(url, {showTitle: true})