Trips - Trail Length -

I am using the "node-app" example of to plot some trips data on a trips layer. When I try to edit the trail length, the user interface will not let me exceed a length of 1000. Is there a way to increase this limit to something like 1,000,000?


Can someone explain this PromQL query to me?

I'm new to promQL and I am using it to create grafana dashboard to visualize various API metrics like throughput, latency etc.
For measuring latency I came across these queries being used together. Can someone explain how are they working
histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(irate(http_request_duration_seconds_bucket{path="<API Endpoint>"}[2m])*30) by (path,le))
histogram_quantile(0.95, sum(irate(http_request_duration_seconds_bucket{path="<API Endpoint>"}[2m])*30) by (path,le))
Also I want to write a query which will show me number of API calls with latency greater than 4sec. Can someone please help me there as well?
The provided queries are designed to return 99th and 95th percentiles for the http_request_duration_seconds{path="..."} metric of histogram type over requests received during the last 2 minutes (see 2m in square brackets).
Unfortunately the provided queries have some issues:
They use irate() function for calculating the per-second increase rate of every bucket defined in http_request_duration_seconds histogram. This function isn't recommended to use in general case, because it tends to return jumpy results on repeated queries - see this article for details. So it is better to use rate or increase instead when calculating histogram_quantile.
They multiply the calculated irate() by 30. This has no any effect on query results, since histogram_quantile() normalizes the provided per-bucket values.
So it is recommended to use the following query instead:
) by (le)
This query works in the following way:
Prometheus selects all the time series matching the http_request_duration_seconds_bucket{path="..."} time series selector on the selected time range on the graph. These time series represent histogram buckets for the http_request_duration_seconds histogram. Each such bucket contains a counter, which counts the number of requests with duration not exceeding the value specified in the le label.
Prometheus calculates the increase over the last 2 minutes per each selected time series, e.g. how many requests hit every bucket during the last 2 minutes.
Prometheus calculates per-le sums over bucket values calculated at step 2 - see sum() function docs for details.
Prometheus calculates the estimated 99th percentile for the bucket results returned at step 3 by executing histogram_quantile function. The error of the estimation depends on the number of buckets and the le values. More buckets with better le distribution usually give lower error for the estimated percentile.

Detect breakdown voltage in an AC waveform

I need to monitor an AC Voltage waveform and record the RMS value when the breakdown happens. I roughly know how to acquire data from videos I have watched, however, it is difficult for me to produce a solution that reads the Breakdown Voltage Value. Ideally, I would also take a screenshot along with the breakdown voltage value,
In case you are not familiar with this topic, When a breakdown happens the voltage will drop immediately to zero. So what I need is to measure the voltage just before it falls to zero, and if possible take a screenshot. This is an image of a normal waveform (black) with a breakdown one (red).
Naive solution*:
Take the data and get the Y values (this would depend on the datatype you have, which would depend on how you acquire the data).
Find the breakdown point by iterating over the values and maintaining a couple of flags (I would probably say track "got higher than X" and once that's true, track "got lower than Y").
From that, I would just say take the last N points (Get Array Subset) and get the array max. Or just track the maximum value as you run.
Assuming you have the graph in a control, you can just right click and select Create>>Invoke Node>>Export Image.
I would suggest trying playing with that with a VI with static data which you can repeatedly run to check how your code behaves.
*I don't know the problem domain and an not overly familiar with the various analysis VIs that ship with LV, so there are quite possibly more efficient ways of doing this.

Compensating for laggy positive feedback

I'm trying to make a program run as accurately as possible while staying at a fixed frame rate. How do you do this?
Formally, I have some parameter b in [0,1] that I can set to determine how accurate my computations are (where 0 is least accurate, 0.5 is fairly accurate, and 1 is very accurate). The higher this is, the lower frame rate I will get.
However, there is a "lag", where after changing this parameter, the frame rate won't change until d milliseconds afterwards, where d can vary and is unknown.
Is there a way to change this parameter in a way that prevents "wiggling"? The problem is that if I am experiencing a low frame rate, if I increase the parameter then measure again, it will only be slightly higher, so I will need to increase it more, and then the framerate will be too slow, so I need to decrease the parameter, and I get this oscillating behavior. Is there a way to prevent this? I need to be as reactive as possible in doing this, because changing too slowly will cause the framerate to be incorrect for too long.
Looks like you need an adaptive feedback dampener. Trying an electrical circuit analogy :)
I'd first try to get more info about how the circuit's input signal and responsiveness look like. So I'd first make the algorithm update b not with the desired values but with the previous values plus or minus (as needed towards the desired value) a small fixed increment, say .01 instead (ignore the sloppy response time for now). While doing so I'd collect and plot/analyze the "desired" b values, looking for:
the general shape of the changes: smooth or rather "steppy" or "spiky"? (spiky would require a stronger dampening to prevent oscillations, steppy would require a weaker dampening to prevent lagging)
the maximum/typical/minimum changes in values from sample to sample
the distribution of the changes in values from sample to sample (I'd plan the algorithm to react best for changes in a typical range, say 20-80% range and consider acceptable lagging for changes higher than that or oscillations for values lower than that)
The end goal is to be able to obtain parameters for operating alternatively in 2 modes:
a high-speed tracking mode (also the system's initial mode)
a normal tracking mode
In high-speed tracking mode the b value updates can be either:
not dampened - the update value is the full desired value - only if the changes shape is not spiky and only in the 1st b update after entering the high-speed tracking mode. This would help reduce lagging.
dampened - the update delta is just a fraction (dampening factor) of the desired delta and reflects the fact that the effect of the previous b value update might not be completely reflected in the current frame rate due to d. Dampening helps preventing oscillations at the expense of potentially increasing lag (always conflicting requirements). The dampening factor would be higher for a smooth shape and smaller for a spiky shape.
Switching from high-speed tracking mode to normal tracking mode can be done when the delta between b's previous value and its desired value falls below a certain mode change threshold value (eventually maintained for a minimum number of consecutive samples). The mode change threshold value would be initially estimated from the info collected above and/or empirically determined.
In normal tracking mode the delta between b's previous value and its desired value remain below the mode change threshold value and is either ignored (no b update) or and update is made either with the desired value or some average one - tiny course corrections, keeping the frame rate practically constant, no dampening, no lagging, no oscillations.
When in normal tracking mode the delta between b's previous value and its desired value goes above the mode change threshold value the system switches again to the high-speed tracking mode.
I would also try to get a general idea about how the d response time looks like. To do that I'd change the algorithm to only update b with the desired values not at every iteration, but every n iterations apart (maybe even re-try for several n values). This should indicate how many sample periods would generally a b value change take to become fully effective and should be reflected in the dampening factor: the longer it takes for a change to take effect the stronger the dampening should be to prevent oscillations.
Of course, this is just the general idea, a lot of experimental trial/adjustment iterations may be required to reach a satisfactory solution.

Calculate A-Weighting and C-weighting values

I am working on fetching the current peak and average peak values using Core Audio, however I would also like to fetch A-Weighted, Flat, and C-Weighted dB values. I've searched the documentation, but failed to find anything on this concept.
CoreAudio does not provide such options. You can filter the signal, then calculate the peak/avg from the filtered signal.
You could use (full- or third-) octave band filters and use tabulated values to perform the A- or C- weighting for each band. Calculate the signal level in each band and add the tabulated weighting values found here.

Mesaure upload and download speed in iPhone

I would like to measure the upload and download speed of data in iPhone, is any API available to achieve the same? Is it correct to measure it on the basis of dividing total bytes received with time taken in response?
Yes, it is correct to measure the total bytes / time taken, that is exactly what the speed is. You might want to take an average if you want to constantly show the download speed.., like using 500 bytes and the time it took to download those particular ones.
For doing this you could like have an NSMutableArray, as a buffer, which you empty idk every 2 seconds. Then you do [bufferMutableArray length]/2 and you know how many bytes a second you had those 2 seconds. When you empty the buffer ofc append to the data you are downloading.
There is no direct API to know the speed.
Total data received/sent and time only will give you average speed. There use to be lot of variation in the speed over the time so if you want more accurate value then do the speed calculation based on sampling.
(Data transferred in 1 miniut) /(60 seconds) ---> this solution only if you need greater accuracy in the speed calculation. The sampling duration can changed based on the level of accuracy required.