OpenLdap with Back-SQL : How to add mail attribute - sql

I have installed openldap using the back-SQL with Postgres SQL.
I'm able to modify users, update attributes created by the initial SQL scripts, so far so good.
Now, I would like to add new attributes (like mail, Description). I have done several tests but I'm unable to understand how to perform this. I tried to add mail in mapping, ni persons ... both, but mail is never displayed.
Any suggestions? Documentation someone can point me to ?
To answer to one questions, here are the SQL scripts for ref
Sources for SQL scripts
yes, I have installed the SQL backend for openldap following these steps ( Postgres ): [link]
When I try now to add a mobile with the mobile attribute , I get the following error :
but my config already have this schema ( InetOrgPerson ) :
This is my ldif file :
I don't undestand the problem


How can I use prefix tables in database like am_user with ra-data-opencrud

library :
I've been struggling since 5 days and not able to fixed. I'm using prisma with mysql
if tables in database was like this User, Post . it will work fine
the issue is all tables are named like this am_user , am_post
in this library they used this
who is the hero who can save me? i'm not able to find any workaround
I am not familiar with Prisma but this question is labelled react-admin... do you have no control over your schema type definitions, react admin would only care how your schema is named i am thinking not your db tables... and there must be a way to alias the Post to target ma_post for prisma .. I had to do the same thing but i used sequelize and the functionality for aliasing is quite simple
It sounds to me like you didn't create your database and are attempting to use it with an existing database? I tried this and could not get Prisma to run, that functionality was experimental when i tried it, and i believe it still is and the introspection works for postgres only... however something like this is what i was talking about from a quick google search of prisma docs (This is for postgres)
type Bill #pgTable(name: "ma_bill") {
bill: String!
id: Int! #unique
bill_products: [Bill_product]
This link seems to say introspection is possible for mysql tho, check it out

SSIS error in Data Flow Task with Dynamic connection

I have very basic skills in developing SSIS packages; and getting errors while developing this new package. With this package, the SQLInstance is getting determined fine as can be seen in column mapping in the second picture. But it is not reading columns from the columns of a user table (IndexType column, in this case). This is the issue.
Tried below steps with no luck till now:
I set the VaidateExternalMetaData setting to False, still same error.
Already removed all columns one-by-one to identify whether it is issue with some specific data type, still same issue.
Created a brand new test package, same error in test package also.
Another package working fine in production with same settings with a user database. Copied the DataFlowTask component from it and used it new package, still same issue.
Please help. Many thanks.
It may be SQL server version. I had similar issue when using table variables or temp tables. You need to use with result set, similar to this:
EXEC('SELECT 43112609 AS val;')
val VARCHAR(10)
Article here:
SQL can not tell what is being returned when using temp/table variablbes so you have to specify this. It is needed for some versions of SQL Server.

Jena-Fuseki requires dataset specified

I have Jena-Fuseki server accessed via browser at http://localhost:3030/sparql.html. The query
select * where { }
results in an error:
Error 400: No dataset description in protocol request or in the query string
The query
select * from <> where {}
results in an empty table.
Example queries at 2.1 Writing a Simple Query from the SPARQL specification do not require a 'from' clause. How to configure Jena so that examples execute without errors?
How to make a query to know which datasets are present in a database?
The endpoint "/sparql.html" is a general SPARQL query engine and needs to be told where to get the data from. That can be in protocol or with "FROM".
Fuseki can also be configured to have SPARQL services acting on a specific database. The URL will look like
where DATASET is your choice of name. See the documentation on configuration.
[Jan2015] Fuseki1 requires datasets to be given on the command line or configuration. Fuseki2, soon to be released, has a UI for creating new datasets in a running server as well as the Fuseki1 style configuration.
Its easy to miss the first time you use Fuseki, but you've got to navigate to your dataset, and from there, there's a special query box for that dataset.
start at http://localhost:3030/
click on Control Panel
Select your dataset from the dropdown menu, click "select"
run a query

Issue with SQL reserved keyword when trying to generate Spring Roo Data On Demand

I am trying to generate a Data On Demand class for one of my entities whose class name is Member. However it seems that Member is a reserved SQL keyword.
So when I run the following command in the Roo shell:
dod --entity ~.domain.Member
Roo complains that Member is a reserved keyword with the following message:
Reserved SQL keyword 'Member' is not permitted as simple type name
Does Roo allow for a way to escape the name of my entity? If so how?
If no, how can I circumvent this issue?
Someone from the Springsource team replied to me about this issue. Here is the reply:
The dod command also allows the --permitReservedWords option to
overcome your issue.
Hope it can help someone else.
What DB are you using? I don't know much about Roo, but it appears that it maps the class to a namespaced database table. What I would suggest, although this might seem crude, is to add a prefix to your entity name, e.g. SystemMember.

Connect to Database server-side

I've essentially made a MVC application following the tutorial at
I can upload it to a server and have the main page run just fine.. but running a different page that interacts with a database brings up the error
" Invalid object name 'dbo.Lyrics'. "
Now I can connect to the database that I'm trying to use (on the server) remotely using management studio just fine.. its called Lyrics and the table is Default.Lyrics ..
The connection string I'm using is "connectionString="Data Source=;Initial Catalog=Lyrics;User Id=Default;Password=****;""
So my question is .. why is my application trying to use an object with the name "dbo.Lyrics" when my entire application doesn't have that text in it? How can I solve this?
I know that the dbo prefix means DataBase Owner.. and its like a public table.. but since I'm specifying a User ID shouldn't it look for tables with my ID as the prefix?
dbo at the beginning of an object name is a schema. Schemas partition the objects in your database. dbo is simply the default schema.
So, if you have an object named Lyrics, then it's really dbo.Lyrics.