How does the Max function work in Kotlin? - kotlin

Hello i've been following a book to learn kotlin. Following the example i have tried to use the .max function for a mutable map. I can't work out why the Max function isn't working as suggested online. I believe i could use a for statment to get around this issue however i want to learn why it's not working for me.
val scores: MutableMap<T, Int> = mutableMapOf()
fun addScore(t: T, score: Int = 0) {
if (score >=0) scores.put(t, score)
fun getWinners(): MutableSet<T> {
val winners: MutableSet<T> = mutableSetOf()
val highScore = scores.values.max()
for ((t, score) in scores) {
if (score == highScore) winners.add(t)
return winners

The max() function was temporarily deprecated in Kotlin 1.4, and in Kotlin 1.5 and 1.6 it shows a compile error and you cannot use it.
In Kotlin 1.7, max() is back with new behavior. It throws an exception instead of returning null if the collection is empty. This is more convenient to use if you know for sure the collection is not empty, because it returns a non-nullable Int instead of nullable Int?.
To get the same behavior as the old max() function, you can use maxOrNull().
The official explanation of the above is here. But I think they forgot to update it to say they postponed the reintroduction of min() and max() from 1.6 to 1.7.
The reason they did this temporary deprecation was to correct the behavior to match convention for how the function is named. They wanted all functions that return null for failures to have "orNull" in the name. But simply changing the behavior all at once would silently break existing code, so they did it gradually to force people to modify their code so it won't silently break later.


Why does `EffectScope.shift` need the type parameter `B`?

The move to the new continuations API in Arrow brought with it a handy new function: shift, in theory letting me get rid of ensure(false) { NewError() } or NewError().left().bind() constructs.
But I'm not sure how to properly use it. The documentation states that it is intended to short-circuit the continuation, and there are no conditionals, so it should always take the parameter, and (in either parlance) "make it a left value", and exit the scope.
So what is the type parameter B intended to be used for? It determines the return type of shift, but shift will not return. Given no more context, B can not be inferred, leading to this kind of code:
val res = either {
val intermediate = mayReturnNull()
if (intermediate == null) {
Note the <Nothing> (and ignore the contrived example, the main point is that shifts return type can not be inferred – the actual type parameter does not even matter).
I could wrap shift like this:
suspend fun <L> EffectScope<L>.fail(left: L): Nothing = shift(left)
But I feel like that is missing the point. Any explanations/hints would be greatly appreciated.
That is a great question!
This is more a matter of style, ideally we'd have both but they conflict so we cannot have both APIs available.
So shift always returns Nothing in its implementation, and so the B parameter is completely artificial.
This is something that is true for a lot of other things in Kotlin, such as object EmptyList : List<Nothing>. The Kotlin Std however exposes it as fun <A> emptyList(): List<A> = EmptyList.
For Arrow to stay consistent with APIs found in Kotlin Std, and to remain as Kotlin idiomatic as possible we also require a type argument just like emptyList. This has been up for discussion multiple times, and the Kotlin languages authors have stated that it was decided too explicitly require A for emptyList since that results in the best and most consistent ergonomics in Kotlin.
In the example you shared I would however recommend using ensureNotNull which will also smart-cast intermediate to non-null.
Arrow attempts to build the DSL so that you don't need to rely on shift in most cases, and you should prefer ensure and ensureNotNull when possible.
val res = either {
val intermediate = mayReturnNull()
ensureNotNull(intermediate) { IntermediateWasNull() }
process(intermediate) // <-- smart casted to non-null

Kotlin expression fun vs normal fun - differences

Let's assume that I have two functions which do the same stuff.
First one:
fun doSomething() = someObject.getSomeData()
Second one:
fun doSomething(): SomeData {
return someObject.getSomeData()
Are there any technical differences between expression functions and standard function in Kotlin excluding the way how they look?
Is compiled output the same?
Are there any advantages using one instead another?
As #Sơn Phan says, they both compile to exactly the same bytecode.
So the differences are simply about conciseness.  The expression form omits the braces and return; it also lets you omit the return type (using type inference as needed).  As the question illustrates, the expression form can be shorter — and when all else is equal, shorter tends to be easier to read and understand.
So whether the expression form is appropriate is usually a matter of style rather than correctness.  For example, this function could be on one line:
fun String.toPositiveIntegers() = split(",").mapNotNull{ it.toIntOrNull() }.filter{ it >= 0 }
But it's a bit long, and probably better to split it.  You could keep the expression form:
fun String.toPositiveIntegers()
= split(",")
.mapNotNull{ it.toIntOrNull() }
.filter{ it >= 0 }
Or use a traditional function form:
fun String.toPositiveIntegers(): List<Int> {
return split(",")
.mapNotNull{ it.toIntOrNull() }
.filter{ it >= 0 }
(I tend to prefer the former, but there are arguments both ways.)
Similarly, I rather like using it when the body is a simple lambda, e.g.:
fun createMyObject() = MyObject.apply {
…but I expect some folk wouldn't.
One gotcha when using the expression form is the type inference.  Generally speaking, in Kotlin it's good to let the compiler figure out the type when it can; but for function return values, that's not always such a good idea.  For example:
fun myFun(): String = someProperty.someFunction()
will give a compilation error if the someFunction() is ever changed to return something other than a String — even a nullable String?.  However:
fun myFun() = someProperty.someFunction()
…would NOT give a compilation error; it would silently change the function's return type.  That can mask bugs, or make them harder to find.  (It's not a very common problem, but I've hit it myself.)  So you might consider specifying the return type, even though you don't need to, whenever there's a risk of it changing.
One particular case of this is when calling a Java function which doesn't have an annotation specifying its nullability.  Kotlin will treat the result as a ‘platform type’ (which means it can't tell whether it's nullable); returning such a platform type is rarely a good idea, and IntelliJ has a warning suggesting that you specify the return type explicitly.
1. Compiled output
Yes the compiled output will be completely the same
2. Advantage
You usually use expression function when the body of a function is only one line of expression to make it a oneliner function. Its advantage mainly about making the code more concise. Imagine instead of all the brackets and return, you only need a = to make things done.

Using Kotlin's scope functions in not exhaustive with / when

I'm pretty new with Kotlin and I'm trying to figure out Kotlin's scope functions.
My code looks like this:
with(something) {
when {
equals("test") -> var1 = "test123"
startsWith("test2") -> var2 = "test456"
contains("test3") -> myNullableVar?.let { it.var3 = "test789" }
So before I entered the third check with the .let function my with function does not need to be exhaustive (I'm not returning something, I'm only doing assignments). In my third check I'm using .let as a null-check ... but only for an assignment of it.var3 (if it is not null). I don't need to return anything while I know that Kotlin's .let function returns the result of the body by standard.
Nevertheless now my with/when needs to be exhaustive otherwise it won't compile anymore.
This got me thinking and trying out different things. I found these ways to solve this issue:
I can add an else to my with/when so it becomes exhaustive but actually I don't need an else and I don't want to use it in this case.
I can add another .let, so it looks like this: myNullableVar?.let { it.var3 = "test789" }.let{} .... but this looks kinda hacky to me. Is it supposed to work like this?
Use If(xy==null){...}else{...} stuff but I thought I can solve this with Kotlin differently
Because I'm new with Kotlin I'm not really sure how to handle this case properly. I would probably just go with my second idea because "it works". Or should I don't use .let for null-checks? Add another empty .let{}? Or did I not get the null-safety concept at all? I feel a little bit lost here. Thanks for any help.
This seems to be an unfortunate combination of features…
A when can be non-exhaustive only when it doesn't return a value.  The problem is that the with() function does return a value.  And since the when is at the bottom, its value is what gets returned, so in this case it must be exhaustive.
So why doesn't it insist on an else branch even if you omit the "test3" branch?  That's because assignments don't yield a value.  (They evaluate to Unit, which is Kotlin's special type for functions that don't return a useful value.)  If every branch gives Unit, then Kotlin seems* to be happy to infer a default branch also giving Unit.
But the "test3" branch returns something else — the type of myNullableVar.  So what type does the when infer?  The nearest common supertype of that type and Unit, which is the top type Any?.  And now it needs an explicit else branch!
So what to do?
You've found a few options, none of which is ideal.  So here are a few more, ditto!
You could return an explicit Unit from that branch:
contains("test3") -> { myNullableVar?.let { it.var3 = "test789" }; Unit }
You could return an explicit Unit from the with():
contains("test3") -> myNullableVar?.let { it.var3 = "test789" }
You could give an explicit type for the with(). (It has two type parameters, so you'd need to give both, starting with the type of its parameter):
with<String, Unit>("abc") {
I haven't found a single obvious best answer, I'm afraid…
And to answer your last question: yes, ?.let{ is perfectly idiomatic and common for null checks.  In this particular case, replacing it with an if happens to solve the type problem:
contains("test3") -> { if (myNullableVar != null) myNullableVar.var3 = "test789" }
But as well as being long-winded, if myNullableVar is a property and not a local variable, then it opens up a race condition (what if another thread sets it to null in between the test and the assignment?) so the compiler would complain — which is exactly why people use let instead!
(* I can't find a reference for this behaviour.  Is there an official word on it?)

LiveData map transformations in kotlin in LiveData transformations take two arguments :
#NonNull LiveData source
#NonNull final Function func
I tried to make the function like this:
val localLiveData = #some live data of type LiveData<User>, s->{return = "Hi"})
but this shows error cannot unresolved "s"
finally i got it working by this : { = "Hi"
return#map s
How this thing is working map has only one argument? (noob in kotlin)
Most of the problems here are with Kotlin's lambda syntax, which is slightly different from that of some other languages.
In Kotlin, a lambda must have braces.  But the -> is optional in some cases (if the lambda takes no parameters; or if it takes one and you're referring to it with the dummy name it).
This is one reason why your first version fails; it would need the s -> moved inside the braces.  (Another is that in Kotlin, an assignment is not an expression, and doesn't return a value, so you can't use it in a return.)
Your second works because in Kotlin, if the last parameter is a lambda, it can be moved outside the parenthesis.  (This allows for higher-order functions that look like language syntax.  In fact, if the lambda is the only parameter, you can omit the parentheses entirely!)
I don't know LiveData, but I wonder if the return#map is doing the right thing: it will return not just from the lambda, but from the map() method itself.  (Such non-local returns aren't needed very often, and can be confusing.)
Also, a lambda doesn't need an explicit return; it returns the value of its last expression.
So I suspect that a more concise version would be: { = "Hi"; it }

Immutable val null check inside extension function

When I have an immutable val optional, the compiler tracks the information about the check I performed for null and can treat the variable as non null and call it directly inside the if condition.
val s: String? = "test"
if (s != null) {
s.startsWith("3") // This works
if (!s.isNullOrEmpty()) {
s.startsWith("3") // Not working
Is it possible to make that check in an extension function and keep the compiler aware of it?
This is not yet available in Kotlin.
There is a feature called "Contracts" which is currently developed at JetBrains ( – it's similar to what they've done with their own #Contract annotation for Java code, but will have support from the compiler.
However, it's in early stages and there is no release date yet.