Photoshop script - export specific layersets by name - photoshop

I have layersets as here
I wish to merge visible layers (by copying) and export as png from each layerset.
So, I'd have 1.png, 2.png, 3.png, 4.png, and 5.png
I can access the layersets by name, but don't know how to save afterwards.
var layersetNames = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"];
for (n = 0; n < layersetNames.length; n++) {
var layersetName = layersetNames[n];
// get layerset by name
var layerset = app.activeDocument.layerSets.getByName(layersetName);
// copy & merge visible layers within this layerset
// save the merged layer as .png
// after done saving, delete all the merged layers as if nothing had happened.

If this is destructive, (ie you don't worry about the state the psd is afterwards) and you're just going through the layers, saving out a png each time, then you don't need to do the copy and merge. You do however, need to switch the layers visibility on and off:
var layersetNames = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"];
for (n = 0; n < layersetNames.length; n++)
var layersetName = layersetNames[n];
// get layerset by name
var layerset = app.activeDocument.layerSets.getByName(layersetName);
layerset.visible = true;
// save the merged layer as .png
png_it("C:\\temp\\" + layersetName + ".png"); // change this
layerset.visible = false;
function png_it(afilePath)
// app.activeDocument.mergeVisibleLayers();
// save as a png
var pngFile = new File(afilePath);
pngSaveOptions = new PNGSaveOptions();
pngSaveOptions.formatOptions = FormatOptions.STANDARDBASELINE;
pngSaveOptions.interlaced = false;
activeDocument.saveAs(pngFile, pngSaveOptions, false, Extension.LOWERCASE);


Global Variables only Called Once then Lost their Scope

I Have a Problem with my Script and hope helping me, and thanks in advance, i still learning javascript and try to learn somthing new everyday, i have a script that draw modeless interface (palette) and have button including (option) that make another new palette (for options), i made the variables as globals for the option palette, but the problem is the global variables is only called once!, and the script lose the global variable scope!.
enter image description here
so my question is how to make the variables not losing its scope and retain in the memory? as long the script run, as an Example if the user move the slider and hit (Show alert due options) its only run once and then lose the scope, even the slider no longer interact with the user and update text box, please test the code to see the problem, and thank again for any help or advice.
//Global Variables only Called Once then Lost their Scope!
#targetengine "session1";
var w = new Window("palette", {independent:true}); //Main Palette Windows
var findoptions = new Window("palette"); //Options Palette
function Main() {
// Check to see whether any InDesign documents are open.
// If no documents are open, display an error message.
if (app.documents.length > 0) {
var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
// No documents are open, so display an error message.
alert("No InDesign documents are open. Please open a document and try again.");
//Making Palettes Windows
#targetengine "session1";
var w = new Window("palette", {independent:true}); //Main Palette Windows
var findoptions = new Window("palette"); //Options Palette
//gqmanager is the (GREP Query Manager) outside the main Function
w.text = "Test the Connection Between Global Variables and Palettes";
w.preferredSize.width = 500;
w.alignChildren = ["center", "center"]; //"left";
w.orientation = "column"; //"row";
w.spacing = 10;
w.margins = 16;
//Parent - Input Panel Prepare
var InputPanel = w.add("panel", undefined, undefined, { name: "panel1" });
InputPanel.text = "Text Find : ";
InputPanel.preferredSize.width = 1000;
InputPanel.orientation = "row";
InputPanel.alignChildren = ["center", "center"];
InputPanel.spacing = 10;
InputPanel.margins = 16;
//Children - input Panel Inside Prepare
var myInputPanelInside = InputPanel.add("group", undefined, { name: "myInput" });
//--Adding Find What
myInputPanelInside.add("statictext", undefined, "Find What :");
//myInputPanelInside.alignment = "center";
var myGREPString = myInputPanelInside.add("edittext", undefined, "SAMPLE");
myGREPString.helpTip = "Enter Your Text"
myGREPString.characters = 20;
myGREPString.enabled = true;
myGREPString.preferredSize.width = 460;
var Button1 = myInputPanelInside.add("button", undefined, "Options");
//Parent - Radio Panel Prepare
var RadioPanel = w.add("panel", undefined, undefined, { name: "panel2" });
RadioPanel.text = "Select Desired Option : ";
RadioPanel.preferredSize.width = 1000;
RadioPanel.orientation = "row";
RadioPanel.alignChildren = ["center", "center"];
RadioPanel.spacing = 10;
RadioPanel.margins = 16;
//Children - input Panel Inside Prepare
var myRadioPanelInside = RadioPanel.add("group", undefined, { name: "myRadio" });
myRadioPanelInside.preferredSize.width = 500;
myRadioPanelInside.alignChildren = ["center", "center"];
//Adding Radio Buttons
var radio1 = myRadioPanelInside.add("radiobutton", undefined, "Option 1");
var radio2 = myRadioPanelInside.add("radiobutton", undefined, "Option 2");
var radio3 = myRadioPanelInside.add("radiobutton", undefined, "Option 3");
radio1.preferredSize.width = 200;
radio2.preferredSize.width = 200;
radio3.preferredSize.width = 200;
//Previous Default Condition
radio1.value = true;
var myButtonGroup = w.add("group");
myButtonGroup.alignment = "center";
var Button2 = myButtonGroup.add("button", undefined, "Show Alert Due Options");
var Button3 = myButtonGroup.add("button", undefined, "Exit");
Button1.onClick = function () {
Button2.onClick = function () { Find(); };
function Find() {
Button3.onClick = function() {Canceled();};
function Canceled() {
//After Drawing Interface
var a =;
function ExitSure() {
var a = w.close();
//User Selection for Radio Buttons
function doRadioButtonOpt() {
myDoc = app.activeDocument;
if (radio1.value == true) {
function TestVars() {
#targetengine "session1";
var myDoc = app.activeDocument
var TimeMs = Number(SliderControlText.text); //Converting Text to Number
//Show Results Found as User Wish
if (DontShowResults.value == true) { //no Show only Apply
alert("you Select not to Show Results!");
}else{ //Direct Show and Apply
if (ShowResultsDirect.value == true) {
alert("you Select to Show Results in real time!");
}else{ //Show and Apply By WaitinhTime!
if (ShowResults.value == true) { //Show and Apply
alert("you Select to Show Results with Specific time!");
$.sleep(TimeMs); //Wait ms
alert("Do you need somthing else?, try again", "Finish Report");
var DontShowResults;
var ShowResultsDirect;
var ShowResults;
var SliderControlText;
var slider;
//--------------------------------------------Building the Find Options Palette-----------------------------------------//
function CalltheFindOptions() {
#targetengine "session1";
//Find Options Window
findoptions.text = "Find Options";
//Parent - Input Panel Prepare
SelectPanel = findoptions.add("panel", undefined, undefined, { name: "panel1" });
SelectPanel.text = " Find Options : ";
SelectPanel.preferredSize.width = 1000;
SelectPanel.orientation = "row";
SelectPanel.alignChildren = ["center", "center"];
SelectPanel.spacing = 10;
SelectPanel.margins = 16;
//Children - input Panel Inside Prepare
mySelectPanelInside = SelectPanel.add("group", undefined, { name: "mySelOpt" });
DontShowResults = mySelectPanelInside.add("checkbox", undefined, "Don't Show Results");
DontShowResults.value = true; //by Default
DontShowResults.alignment = "left";
ShowResultsDirect = mySelectPanelInside.add("checkbox", undefined, "Show Results");
ShowResultsDirect.value = false; //by Default
ShowResults = mySelectPanelInside.add("checkbox", undefined, "Show Results Delayed in milliseconds(Ms) :");
ShowResults.value = false; //by Default
//Adding Slider to Control MS Time
SliderControlText = mySelectPanelInside.add ("edittext", undefined, 10, {readonly: false}); //read only prevent user Entering Nums
SliderControlText.characters = 3;
slider = mySelectPanelInside.add ("slider {minvalue: 1, maxvalue: 100, value: 10}");
//Slider Listener Plus SliderControl Text Listener
slider.onChanging = function () {SliderControlText.text = slider.value;} //Listen to Slider
var c =;
If I understand you correctly you need to use as global variables values rather than the objects. And you can change the values of global variables by onClick events.
Here is the bottom part of your code (the rest part of the code wasn't changed):
function TestVars() {
#targetengine "session1";
var myDoc = app.activeDocument
var TimeMs = Number(SliderControlText_text); //Converting Text to Number
//Show Results Found as User Wish
if (DontShowResults_value == true) { //no Show only Apply
alert("you Select not to Show Results!");
} else { //Direct Show and Apply
if (ShowResultsDirect_value == true) {
alert("you Select to Show Results in real time!");
} else { //Show and Apply By WaitinhTime!
if (ShowResults_value == true) { //Show and Apply
alert("you Select to Show Results with Specific time!");
$.sleep(TimeMs); //Wait ms
alert("Do you need somthing else?, try again", "Finish Report");
// values! not objects
var DontShowResults_value = true;
var ShowResultsDirect_value = false;
var ShowResults_value = false;
var SliderControlText_text = '10';
var slider_value = 10;
//--------------------------------------------Building the Find Options Palette-----------------------------------------//
function CalltheFindOptions() {
#targetengine "session1";
//Find Options Window
findoptions.text = "Find Options";
//Parent - Input Panel Prepare
SelectPanel = findoptions.add("panel", undefined, undefined, {
name: "panel1"
SelectPanel.text = " Find Options : ";
SelectPanel.preferredSize.width = 1000;
SelectPanel.orientation = "row";
SelectPanel.alignChildren = ["center", "center"];
SelectPanel.spacing = 10;
SelectPanel.margins = 16;
//Children - input Panel Inside Prepare
var mySelectPanelInside = SelectPanel.add("group", undefined, {
name: "mySelOpt"
var DontShowResults = mySelectPanelInside.add("checkbox", undefined, "Don't Show Results");
DontShowResults.value = DontShowResults_value; //by Default
DontShowResults.alignment = "left";
// change the global variable by click
DontShowResults.onClick = function() { DontShowResults_value = DontShowResults.value }
var ShowResultsDirect = mySelectPanelInside.add("checkbox", undefined, "Show Results");
ShowResultsDirect.value = false; //by Default
// change the global variable by click
ShowResultsDirect.onClick = function() { ShowResultsDirect_value = ShowResultsDirect.value }
var ShowResults = mySelectPanelInside.add("checkbox", undefined, "Show Results Delayed in milliseconds(Ms) :");
ShowResults.value = ShowResults_value; //by Default
// change the global variable by click
ShowResults.onClick = function() { ShowResults_value = ShowResults.value }
//Adding Slider to Control MS Time
// SliderControlText = mySelectPanelInside.add("edittext", undefined, 10, {
var SliderControlText = mySelectPanelInside.add("edittext", undefined, SliderControlText_text, {
readonly: false
}); //read only prevent user Entering Nums
SliderControlText.characters = 3;
var slider = mySelectPanelInside.add("slider {minvalue: 1, maxvalue: 100, value: 10}");
// change slider every time as numbers is changes
SliderControlText.onChanging = function() {slider.value = SliderControlText.text};
//Slider Listener Plus SliderControl Text Listener
slider.onChanging = function () {
SliderControlText.text = slider.value;
// change the global variable by onChange
SliderControlText_text = SliderControlText.text;
} //Listen to Slider;
It seems it works as intended.
As far as I can tell (I can be wrong), the cause of the problem was that the objects ShowResultsDirect, ShowResultsDirect, etc, disappears as soon as you close the palette. Because they are elements of the palette. They can't keep values if the palette is closed. That why they worked well only when you open the palette first time.

Area map into a bootstrap tab not working

I have a bootstrap tabs that is working well.
I have an area map that is working well if it is not inserted into a tab.
I use the Responsive Image Maps jQuery Plugin from Matt Stow, also works fine.
The symptom:
Then I put the area map into one of the tabs, a not active by default.
Then I click on the tab to make it shown. So the img is well shown.
But the area map does not working. I can't see the clickable rect.
But if I manually resize my navigator, then the area map works.
The page:
Select tab "Guide de choix", the white rectangles should be clickable. THey are not until I manually resize the window.
The cause:
The responsible is the Responsive Image Maps jQuery Plugin. In its code, it makes a call to the jquery .width() method to obtain the width of the img where the map should works. And because the parent (tab) is hidden, the returned width is wrong. And it uses it to resize the map... with bad values. The map is then so small that it seems to not work.
Thanks for your help.
One solution is to modify the Responsive Image Maps jQuery Plugin by making ancestors visible before calling width().
Original code:
* rwdImageMaps jQuery plugin v1.6
* Allows image maps to be used in a responsive design by recalculating the area coordinates to match the actual image size on load and window.resize
* Copyright (c) 2016 Matt Stow
* Licensed under the MIT license
;(function($) {
$.fn.rwdImageMaps = function() {
var $img = this;
var rwdImageMap = function() {
$img.each(function() {
if (typeof($(this).attr('usemap')) == 'undefined')
var that = this,
$that = $(that);
// Since WebKit doesn't know the height until after the image has loaded, perform everything in an onload copy
$('<img />').on('load', function() {
var attrW = 'width',
attrH = 'height',
w = $that.attr(attrW),
h = $that.attr(attrH);
if (!w || !h) {
var temp = new Image();
temp.src = $that.attr('src');
if (!w)
w = temp.width;
if (!h)
h = temp.height;
var wPercent = $that.width()/100,
hPercent = $that.height()/100,
map = $that.attr('usemap').replace('#', ''),
c = 'coords';
$('map[name="' + map + '"]').find('area').each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if (!$
$, $this.attr(c));
var coords = $','),
coordsPercent = new Array(coords.length);
for (var i = 0; i < coordsPercent.length; ++i) {
if (i % 2 === 0)
coordsPercent[i] = parseInt(((coords[i]/w)*100)*wPercent);
coordsPercent[i] = parseInt(((coords[i]/h)*100)*hPercent);
$this.attr(c, coordsPercent.toString());
}).attr('src', $that.attr('src'));
return this;
The modified code:
* rwdImageMaps jQuery plugin v1.6
* Allows image maps to be used in a responsive design by recalculating the area coordinates to match the actual image size on load and window.resize
* Copyright (c) 2016 Matt Stow
* Licensed under the MIT license
;(function($) {
$.fn.rwdImageMaps = function() {
var $img = this;
var rwdImageMap = function() {
$img.each(function() {
if (typeof($(this).attr('usemap')) == 'undefined')
var that = this,
$that = $(that);
// Since WebKit doesn't know the height until after the image has loaded, perform everything in an onload copy
$('<img />').on('load', function() {
// Modif BC : make ancestors visible so .width() can return the right value
var hidden_ancestors = [];
$that.parents().each(function() {
if ($(this).css('display') == 'none')
// END Modif BC
var attrW = 'width',
attrH = 'height',
w = $that.attr(attrW),
h = $that.attr(attrH);
if (!w || !h) {
var temp = new Image();
temp.src = $that.attr('src');
if (!w)
w = temp.width;
if (!h)
h = temp.height;
var wPercent = $that.width()/100,
hPercent = $that.height()/100,
map = $that.attr('usemap').replace('#', ''),
c = 'coords';
$('map[name="' + map + '"]').find('area').each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if (!$
$, $this.attr(c));
var coords = $','),
coordsPercent = new Array(coords.length);
for (var i = 0; i < coordsPercent.length; ++i) {
if (i % 2 === 0)
coordsPercent[i] = parseInt(((coords[i]/w)*100)*wPercent);
coordsPercent[i] = parseInt(((coords[i]/h)*100)*hPercent);
$this.attr(c, coordsPercent.toString());
// Modif BC : Restore invisibility on ancestors
jQuery.each(hidden_ancestors, function(index, value)
$(value).css({display: ''});
// END Modif BC
}).attr('src', $that.attr('src'));
return this;
I will propose this improvment to Matt Stow, the author

XPages:Saving special character to dojo grid

When ever i try to save special character like ä,ö to my DojoGrid which loads and saves data via xe:restService the character get messedup,
When ever i end the grid directly it save ok, but when ever i work on it in the background and save it, it get messedup.below is the script on my button
var args = {
onComplete: function() {},
onError: function() { alert('Update error'); }
var grid = dijit.byId('#{id:grid}');
var selectedIDs =grid.selection.getSelected();
var store =;
var Index = grid.selection.selectedIndex;
if(Index != null){
var curEntry = dataGrid.getItem(Index);
var nextEntry = dataGrid.getItem(Index-1);
currentViewIndex = store.getValue(curEntry,"ViewIndex");
nextViewIndex = store.getValue(nextEntry,"ViewIndex");
store.setValue(curEntry, 'ViewIndex',nextViewIndex);
store.setValue(nextEntry, 'ViewIndex',currentViewIndex);

Java script for "Save for Web" in photoshop not producing good quality image

#target photoshop
var doc = app.activeDocument;
if (doc == null) {
throw "No Valid document available for export.";
if (doc.width != doc.height) {
throw "Image is not square";
var startState = doc.activeHistoryState; // save for undo
var initialPrefs = app.preferences.rulerUnits; // will restore at end
app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS; // use pixels
// Folder selection dialog
var destFolder = Folder.selectDialog( "Select Output folder");
// Save icons in PNG using Save for Web.
var sfw = new ExportOptionsSaveForWeb();
sfw.format = SaveDocumentType.PNG;
sfw.PNG8 = false; // use PNG-24
sfw.transparency = true; = null; // delete metadata
var icons = [
{"name": "ic_launcher", "folder_name":"drawable-ldpi","size":36},
{"name": "ic_launcher", "folder_name":"drawable-mdpi","size":48},
{"name": "ic_launcher", "folder_name":"drawable-hdpi","size":72},
{"name": "ic_launcher", "folder_name":"drawable-xdpi","size":96},
{"name": "ic_launcher120x120", "folder_name":"Others","size":120},
{"name": "ic_launcher144x144", "folder_name":"Others","size":144},
{"name": "ic_launcher512x512", "folder_name":"Others","size":512},
var icon;
for (i = 0; i < icons.length; i++) {
icon = icons[i];
//Resolution was 72 while creating the psd for the images.
doc.resizeImage(icon.size, icon.size, null, ResampleMethod.BICUBIC);
var destFileName = + ".png";
var folderPath = new Folder(destFolder + "/" + icon.folder_name);
doc.exportDocument(new File( folderPath + "/"
+ destFileName), ExportType.SAVEFORWEB, sfw);
doc.activeHistoryState = startState; // undo resize
alert("Android Icons created!");
if (doc != null) {
app.preferences.rulerUnits = initialPrefs; // restore prefs
I am trying to automate the behavior of "save for web" in Photoshop. I am successful in creating images but its producing low quality image.
I am a newbie here. Not sure what is going wrong.
If i do it the usual gui way, it generates the good quality.
I've had problems with save for web. It might be easier just to save it as png
var pngFile = new File(afilePath);
pngSaveOptions = new PNGSaveOptions();
pngSaveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
pngSaveOptions.formatOptions = FormatOptions.STANDARDBASELINE;
pngSaveOptions.matte = MatteType.NONE; pngSaveOptions.quality = 1;
activeDocument.saveAs(pngFile, pngSaveOptions, false, Extension.LOWERCASE);
Admittedly this is a bit old but below answer above is wrong, as it uses JPG settings for saving a PNG. See below for a commented correction.
var image = app.activeDocument;
// set Destination
var destination = new Folder("~/Desktop/Output");
if ( ! destination.exists ) {
// Get original filename
var sourceName = decodeURI(\.[^\.]+$/, '');
// Set destination path
var destination = File(destination + "/" + sourceName + ".png");
// PNG save options to use below, using defaults
var pngOpts = new PNGSaveOptions();
pngOpts.compression = 0;
pngOpts.interlaced = false;
// Save
image.saveAs(destination, pngOpts, true, Extension.LOWERCASE);

What is the standard way in gmaps4rails for dynamically resetting marker icons / pictures?

All I want to do is dynamically reset a marker's icon. For example, suppose a red marker is pinned to a specific location on the map. A user-interaction occurs which requires the red marker to become yellow. In this case, I would expect to be able to do something like this:
var icon = marker.serviceObject.getIcon();
if ($("#chooseJobsForWorkSite ul li input:checked").size() > 0) {
icon.url = "/assets/purple_MarkerT.png";
} else {
icon.url = "/assets/green_MarkerS.png";
This works fine for a single marker, but when I loop across this code for more than
one marker, something goes wrong -- I do not get the desired colors for all markers.
I resolved this issue by using the replaceMarkers API method. Here's the code that worked:
var replacementMarkers = new Array();
for (var k = 0; k < activeMarkers.length; ++k) {
var marker = activeMarkers[k];
var iconUrl = null;
if ($.inArray(marker, taskMarkers) >= 0) {
iconUrl = "/assets/purple_MarkerT.png";
} else {
iconUrl = "/assets/green_MarkerS.png";
"lng": marker.lng.toString(),
"picture": iconUrl,
"description": marker.description
// Delay the replacement operation because in some instances, we reach this branch via the
// In that case, I prefer to defer touching the gmap4rails until the current branch is done.
window.setTimeout(function() {;
}, 25);