View logs for Expo Web on physical iOS device - react-native

I am using expo-av and I have a feeling it is crashing my app, but I have no way of knowing because I don't know how to view the logs from safari when I run expo web on it.
I am developing on Windows - does anyone know how to view logs from safari on a physical iPhone? Microsoft Edge has inspect element and then the console, but I don't know any equivalent for Safari on mobile, or if there is another way to see logs.


This app is not available for your phone because it requires front facing camera

We have developed an app using Xamarin Forms which targets iOS, Android and Windows Phone. We are using camera feature to take/select photos to be uploaded to the app and the feature works well on all three mentioned platforms.
We have some users facing issues on few windows devices. When a user tries to download the app from Windows App Store, they receive following error:
"This app is not available for your phone because it requires front facing cameraā€¯
I have attached screen shot showing the error for reference. The screen shot is taken from Nokia Lumia 635. Our finding that this device has only back camera, no front camera and we believe this might be the reason for above mentioned issue.
Ideally, users should not get this error as this device has back camera and they still can get the photos.
Is this a known issue in windows phone world?
Can this be fixed from code, device permissions?
Is this a device specific problem?
Any ideas?

Worklight user-agent

I've been showing a page on the console (Android environment), and testing if this external page (an html page of mine) has been opened using a mobile device or a desktop by checking the user-agent using this piece of code:
If I run this piece of code on the real device it shows it's an Android device, if I launch the Worklight Console it shows it's a desktop device. How can I change the user-agent in order to let Console think it's an Android device? I've installed the Chrome extension but I didn't understand how to use it.
It sounds to me like you want to debug your Android environment (which is meant for mobile devices) while using the Chrome desktop browser?
Try the following and see if this is what you want:
Preview the web resources
If all your web resources are in the common\css or common\js folder, open Worklight Console and click on "preview web resources"
If the web resources are coming from both the common\ and android\ folders, you can use this URL structure: http://replace-with-host-or-ip-address:10080/replace-with-project-name/apps/services/preview/replace-with-app-name/android/1.0,
Open the Chrome DevTools and click on the device icon:
Then, from the UI that will open up you can select from the Devices dropdown to adjust the viewport to that of the chosen Android device.

Cannot view video from publisher using Chrome to iPad with OpenTok

I'm currently trying to set up a connection between my web client and my iOS app, but for some reason my iOS client only sees a black box when using Chrome (version 33). I can see the video just fine if I use Firefox (both in my app and when I put the browsers side-by-side, they can see each other).
This doesn't appear to be a documented known issue with the JavaScript SDK, and I can't see any recent discussion about this on the forums (last post was mine).
The iOS sample can be located here (samples/OpenTokHelloWorld) with the browser page in samples/OpenTokHelloWorld/browser_demo.html
I suggest cd'ing into samples/OpenTokHelloWorld and running python -m SimpleHTTPServer, as it can't be run from a file:/// path.
Here is what my iPad sees:
And Chrome/Firefox (respectively), both publishing video from the same camera
Edit: after testing on other machines, it may be something specific to my environment even though none of my extensions run in Incognito and I don't have any custom plugins installed.
It looks like the OpenTok mobile SDKs with the specific webcam I was using has issues. On Android the video stream will display for a brief moment then segfault, and on iOS there will be no video at all.
I have tested this many times and could not reproduce what you are seeing in your chrome.
Without seeing any console errors or iOS logs the best suggestion is to try clearing your cache, or maybe restarting your computer (longshot)

Sencha Touch work flow

I have started working in Sencha Touch 2.1.1. I would like to know the following:
What is the best work flow for a Sencha Touch app during development? Testing in Chrome may not give the actual mobile view. How can I test my app on Windows during development?
xtype 'label' is not getting resized when I change the browser size.
After changing the code each time I come to Chrome and refresh, but it takes a few seconds to load the app. Is there any quicker way?
Host you app using WAMP or some we server and open it on you mobile
device is you are using same WiFi.
please attach screen shots
Its not an Egyptian magic, it will take few seconds pal...

How to upload a photo image using Sencha Touch without phonegap

Is it possible to upload an image created by the phone using Sencha Touch but without any dependency on PhoneGap? Basically my app will be accessible via the web, and not installed natively on the device. I want to be able to select an image from the phone storage and then be able to upload it to the service. I effectively want the same functionality as you would get with the file upload control on a normal desktop browser.
Is this possible, and if so how?
There is a current solution in its infancy, but it works. I tested it on my Nexus 7 using Chrome. Here is the list of compatibility:
Android (4.0 up) browser support as regular
Google Chrome for desktop and mobile
iOS Safari browser support from version 6.0 (not tested on mobile)
Desktop webbrowser and mobile browser are different in lot many cases. To access file upload option you need to access the OS API which is not possible using javascript only. Phonegap provides us option to connect js with device API. If you can find a way to do this, without using Phonegap, then may be you can fix, or else its not possible.