I am coding in Gamemaker Studio 2 and this is my code:
if selected {
value = clamp((mouse_x-x)/sprite_width, 0, max_value);
if value < 0 and value >= 0.1 {
avLevels = 1
} else {
if value < 0.1 and value >= 0.2 {
avLevels = 2
} else {
if value < 0.2 and value >= 0.3 {
avLevels = 3
} else {
if value < 0.3 and value >= 0.4 {
avLevels = 4
} else {
if value < 0.4 and value >= 0.5 {
avLevels = 5
} else {
if value < 0.5 and value >= 0.6 {
avLevels = 6
} else {
if value < 0.6 and value >= 0.7 {
avLevels = 7
} else {
if value < 0.7 and value >= 0.8 {
avLevels = 8
} else {
if value < 0.8 and value >= 0.9 {
avLevels = 9
} else {
if value < 0.9 and value >= 1 {
avLevels = 10
} else {
And on the last line (the last curly bracket) there is a "malformed assignment" syntax error. Does anyone know what this is and how I deal with it?
I think the last curly bracket isn't necessary, as it's not assigned with another curly bracket. (The formatting already shows that the curly bracket is out of place, and pasting the code in notepad shows that the curly bracket is not connected.)
However, I think your code block is also unnecessary complicated, as it has a lot of repeating code (that you'll also need to repeat for each level).
It also looks like your code is looking if the value is smaller than the smallest number, and higher than the highest number. Instead of, presumingly, the value inbetween.
Like Tangentially Perpendicular mentioned, you can summarise the whole if-statement nesting with a single line of code using ceil() (Which lets you round the number to upper).
avLevels = ceil(value*10);
Can someone explain why the below code produces [2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]?
I know it has something to do with filter function is deferred to the last element but I don't see the picture. It would even be better if you can visualise it. Thank you so much.
val primes: Sequence<Int> = sequence {
var numbers = generateSequence(2) { it + 1 }
var prime: Int
while (true) {
prime = numbers.first()
numbers = numbers.drop(1).filter { it % prime != 0 }
it's because you change prime variable in filter closure. For example, on the second step you have numbers as .filter { it % prime != 0 }.filter { it % prime != 0 } but the prime is one variable, and it is equal to 3
Correct version:
val primes: Sequence<Int> = sequence {
var numbers = generateSequence(2) { it + 1 }
while (true) {
val prime = numbers.first()
numbers = numbers.drop(1).filter { it % prime != 0 }
The problem I'm working on accepts a number string and will output the product of the odd or even numbers in the string. While the product of purely number string is working fine, my code should also accept strings that is alphanumeric (ex: 67shdg8092) and output the product. I'm quite confused on how I should code the alphanumeric strings, because the code I have done uses toInt().
Here's my code:
fun myProd(Odd: Boolean, vararg data: Char): Int {
var bool = isOdd
var EvenProd = 1
var OddProd = 1
for (a in data)
val intVal = a.toString().toInt()
if (intVal == 0)
if (intVal % 2 == 0)
EvenProd *= intVal
OddProd *= intVal
if(bool == true) return OddProd
else return EvenProd
Use toIntOrNull instead of toInt. It only converts numeric string
val intVal = a.toString().toIntOrNull()
if (intVal == null || intVal == 0) {
Starting from Kotlin 1.6 you can also use a.digitToIntOrNull().
P.S. Your method could be also rewritten in functional style
fun myProd(isOdd: Boolean, input: String): Int {
return input.asSequence()
.mapNotNull { it.toString().toIntOrNull() } // parse to numeric, ignore non-numeric
.filter { it > 0 } // avoid multiplying by zero
.filter { if (isOdd) it % 2 != 0 else it % 2 == 0 } // pick either odd or even numbers
.fold(1) { prod, i -> prod * i } // accumulate with initial 1
Hey guys, newbie here. One question, can't understand why this while loop doesn't work even when I entered a int bigger than 9 to the variable num, the while loop should repeat itself until the expression is false, and it doesn't, no output even. Am I missing something here? Thanks in advance.
fun main () {
while(true) {
println ("\nWrite a positive number: ")
var num = readLine()!!.toInt()
var sum = 0
if (num > 9) {
while (num > 9) {
var digit = num % 10
sum = sum + digit
num = num / 10
println("\nDigit Sum: $sum")
} else if (num in 1..9) {
println("\nDigit Sum for the number $num is $num")
} else {
println("\nInvalid input, try again.")
The issue is that you are not summing the last num when it gets less or equal to 9. You can even simplify your code a bit. Try the following:
fun main() {
while(true) {
println ("\nWrite a positive number: ")
val insertedNumber = readLine()!!.toInt()
var num = insertedNumber
var sum = 0
while (num > 9) {
val digit = num % 10
sum = sum + digit
num = num / 10
sum = sum + num
println("\nDigit Sum for the number $insertedNumber is $sum")
You don't need to redeclare the variables every time
var sum = sum + digit
var num = num / 10
So simply remove var
sum = sum + digit
num = num / 10
I'm writing a function that allows you to remove certain numbers from an int arraylist.
My code
for (i in 1 until 4) {
divider = setDivider(i)
for(index in 0 until numbers.size){
if(index <= numbers.size){
if (numbers[index] % divider == 0 && !isDone) {
isDone = true
the function to set the divider
fun setDivider(divider: Int): Int {
when (divider) {
1 -> return 2
2 -> return 3
3 -> return 5
4 -> return 7
return 8
I do not know why the ide is giving me the error Index 9 out of bounds for length 9.
Author explained in the comments that the goal is to remove all numbers that are divisible by 2, 3, 5 and 7.
It can be achieved much easier by utilizing ready to use functions from stdlib:
val dividers = listOf(2, 3, 5, 7)
numbers.removeAll { num ->
dividers.any { num % it == 0 }
It removes elements that satisfy the provided condition (is divisible) for any of provided dividers.
Also, it is often cleaner to not modify a collection in-place, but to create an entirely new collection:
val numbers2 = numbers.filterNot { num ->
dividers.any { num % it == 0 }
This program is works as long as the divide variable is of the same base 10 power as the variable num, in this case the number is 12345 so divide needs to be 10000. While this works for 5 digit numbers, anything with more or less than 5 digits will not have their individual digits printed out. How do I configure divide to have be of the same base 10 power as num automatically?
public class lab5testing
public static void main (String args[])
int num = 12345, digit = 0, divide = 10000;
if (num != 0)
while(num != 0 )
digit = ((num/divide)%10);
divide /= 10;
if (divide == 0)
num = 0;
Maybe you should try with this :
int length = (int)(Math.log10(num)+1);
and then :
int divide = Math.pow(10,lengh);