Bigdecimal operation - kotlin

why does decrement result -0.8?
What is the logic?
import java.math.BigDecimal
fun main(){
var first = BigDecimal("0.2")
val decrement = --first
println(decrement) //-0.8

The -- operator is added by Kotlin onto BigDecimal:
For completeness -- means reduce the value by 1, which is why 0.2 - 1 = -0.8. -- is normally used with integers, but it seems Kotlin has extended it for BigDecimal too.


Kotlin - Random numbers without repeating

I have a question, how to prevent random numbers from being repeated.
By the way, can someone explain to me how to sort these random numbers?
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val textView = findViewById<TextView>(
val button = findViewById<Button>(
button.setOnClickListener {
var liczba = List(6){Random.nextInt(1,69)}
textView.text = liczba.toString()
There are three basic methods to avoid repeating 'random' numbers. If they don't repeat then they are not really random of course.
with a small range of numbers, randomly shuffle the numbers and pick them in order after the shuffle.
with a medium size range of numbers, record the numbers you have picked, and reject any repeats. This will get slow if you pick a large percentage of the numbers available.
with a very large range of numbers you need something like an encryption: a one-to-one mapping which maps 0, 1, 2, 3 ... to the numbers in the (large) range. For example a 128 bit encryption will give an apparently random ordering of non-repeating 128-bit numbers.
Sequences are a great way to generate streams of data and limit or filter the results.
import kotlin.random.Random
import kotlin.random.nextInt
val randomInts = generateSequence {
// this lambda is the source of the sequence's values
// make the values distinct, so there's no repeated ints
// only fetch 6 values
// Note: It's very important that the source lambda can provide
// this many distinct values! If not, the stream will
// hang, endlessly waiting for more unique values.
// sort the values
// and collect them into a Set
run in Kotlin Playground
To make sure this works, here's a property-based-test using Kotest.
import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldBeMonotonicallyIncreasing
import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldBeUnique
import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldHaveSize
import kotlin.random.Random
import kotlin.random.nextInt
class RandomImageLogicTest : FunSpec({
test("expect sequence of random ints is distinct, sorted, and the correct size") {
checkAll(Arb.positiveInts(30)) { limit ->
val randomInts = generateSequence { Random.nextInt(1..69) }
The test passes!
Test Duration Result
expect sequence of random ints is di... 0.163s passed
val size = 6
val s = HashSet<Int>(size)
while (s.size < size) {
s += Random.nextInt(1,69)
I create simple class, in constructor you enter "from" number (minimal possible number) and "to" (maximal posible number), class create list of numbers.
"nextInt()" return random item from collection and remove it.
class RandomUnrepeated(from: Int, to: Int) {
private val numbers = (
fun nextInt(): Int {
val index = kotlin.random.Random.nextInt(numbers.size)
val number = numbers[index]
return number
val r = RandomUnrepeated(0,100)
Similar to #IR42's answer, you can do something like this
import kotlin.random.Random
fun getUniqueRandoms() = sequence {
val seen = mutableSetOf<Int>()
while(true) {
val next = Random.nextInt()
// add returns true if it wasn't already in the set - i.e. it's not a duplicate
if (seen.add(next)) yield(next)
fun main() {
So getUniqueRandoms creates an independent sequence, and holds its own internal state of which numbers it's produced. For the caller, it's just a basic sequence that produces unique values, and you can consume those however you like.
Like #rossum says, this really depends on how many you're going to produce - if you're generating a lot, or this sequence is really long-lived, that set of seen numbers will get very large over time. Plus it will start to slow down as you get more and more collisions, and have to keep trying to find one that hasn't been seen yet.
But for most situations, this kind of thing is just fine - you'd probably want to benchmark it if you're producing, say, millions of numbers, but for something like 6 it's not even worth worrying about!
You can use Set and MutableSet instead of List:
val mySet = mutableSetOf<Int>()
while (mySet.size < 6)
mySet.add(Random.nextInt(1, 69))

String "2" toInt returns 50

Im just working through some simple practice problems in kotlin. In my code below I'm taking a number and attempting to add the number members together. Ex. 29, return 2 + 9 = 11. There could be a better way to accomplish this but, I'm taking the numbers, converting to string, and then putting them into a list, ie ["2","9"] when I attempt to convert list[0].toInt() it returns 50. It appears there is some rounding taking place but I have not found another kotlin method to work with. Can anyone offer some insights? TIA
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
fun addTwoDigits(n: Int): Int {
val sliced = n.toString().toList()
val int1 = sliced[0].toInt()
println(sliced[0]) //returns "2"
println(int1) // returns 50
return sliced[0].toInt() + sliced[1].toInt()
Koltin Char.toString(), which you are using in line:
val int1 = sliced[0].toInt()
converts the character using the ASCII Code table.
You can simply add a toString() call before the toInt() call:
val int1 = sliced[0].toString().toInt()

Custom 'typesafe' Int Types

What I would like to have is two different integer types which are semantically distinguishable.
E.g. in this code a 'Meter' type and a 'Pixel' int type
typealias Meter = Int
typealias Pixel = Int
fun Meter.toPixel() = this * 100
fun Pixel.toMeter() = this / 100
fun calcSquareMeters(width: Meter, height: Meter) = width * height
fun calcSquarePixels(width: Pixel, height: Pixel) = width * height
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val pixelWidth: Pixel = 50
val pixelHeight: Pixel = 50
val meterWidth: Meter = 50
val meterHeight: Meter = 50
calcSquareMeters(pixelWidth, pixelHeight) // (a) this should not work
pixelWidth.toPixel() // (b) this should not work
The problem with this solution is
(a) that I can call calcSquareMeters with my 'Pixel' type which I don't want to be possible and
(b) that I can call the toPixel() extension function which I only want to have for my 'Meter' type on my 'Pixel' type which I don't want to be possible.
I guess this is the intended behaviour of typealias, so I guess to achieve my goal I have to use something different than typealias...
So how can I achieve this?
In addition to the existing answer: If you have a lot of common functionality between the two types and don't want to duplicate it, you can work with an interface:
interface MetricType<T> {
val value: Int
fun new(value: Int): T
data class Meter(override val value: Int) : MetricType<Meter> {
override fun new(value: Int) = Meter(value)
data class Pixel(override val value: Int) : MetricType<Pixel> {
override fun new(value: Int) = Pixel(value)
Like this, you can easily define operations on the base interface, such as addition, subtraction and scaling:
operator fun <T : MetricType<T>> T) = new(this.value + rhs.value)
operator fun <T : MetricType<T>> T.minus(rhs: T) = new(this.value + rhs.value)
operator fun <T : MetricType<T>> T.times(rhs: Int) = new(this.value * rhs)
The combination of interface and generics ensures type safety, so you do not accidentally mix types:
fun test() {
val m = Meter(3)
val p = Pixel(7)
val mm = m + m // OK
val pp = p + p // OK
val mp = m + p // does not compile
Keep in mind that this solution comes at a runtime cost due to the virtual functions (compared to rewriting the operators for each type separately). This in addition to the overhead of object creation.
Indeed, typealiases don't guarantee this sort of type safety. You'll have to create wrapper classes around an Int value instead to achieve this - it's a good idea to make these data classes so that equality comparisons work on them:
data class Meter(val value: Int)
data class Pixel(val value: Int)
Creation of instances of these classes can be solved with extension properties:
val Int.px
get() = Pixel(this)
val pixelWidth: Pixel = 50.px
The only problematic thing is that you can no longer directly perform arithmetic operations on Pixel and Meter instances, for example, the conversion functions would now look like this:
fun Meter.toPixel() = this.value * 100
Or the square calculations like this:
fun calcSquareMeters(width: Meter, height: Meter) = width.value * height.value
If you really need direct operator use, you can still define those, but it will be quite tedious:
class Meter(val value: Int) {
operator fun times(that: Meter) = this.value * that.value
fun calcSquareMeters(width: Meter, height: Meter) = width * height
There is a proposal (not yet guaranteed to be accepted) to add inline classes for this purpose. I.e.
#InlineOnly inline class Meter(val value: Int)
will really be an Int at runtime.
See and
From kotlin doc:
Type aliases do not introduce new types. They are equivalent to the corresponding underlying types. When you add typealias Predicate and use Predicate in your code, the Kotlin compiler always expand it to (Int) -> Boolean. Thus you can pass a variable of your type whenever a general function type is required and vice versa
This means that there isn't possible check over your typealias, and you are rally declaring your extensions functions as:
fun Int.toPixel() = this * 100
fun Int.toMeter() = this / 100
fun calcSquareMeters(width: Int, height: Int) = width * height
fun calcSquarePixels(width: Int, height: Int) = width * height
I fear the only way to achieve that you want is implementing an extra class for each type.
I would also go with the solution from TheOperator. But I would like to add the inline keyword to the operator functions. By doing so you could avoid a virtual function call when ever you use this operators.
inline operator fun <T : MetricType<T>> T) = new(this.value + rhs.value)
inline operator fun <T : MetricType<T>> T.minus(rhs: T) = new(this.value + rhs.value)
inline operator fun <T : MetricType<T>> T.times(rhs: Int) = new(this.value * rhs)

Kotlin Long to Float difference

I am trying to convert Long value to Float in Kotlin. However I am seeing it is changing the value by a small fraction.
Here's a simple test run:
import java.text.DecimalFormat
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val l = 1513741500
val f:Float = l.toFloat()
val df = DecimalFormat("0")
As can be seen there is a slight difference between the values. How can I ensure the same value is returned on conversion?
l: Int = 1513741500
f: Float = 1.51374144E9
d: Double = 1.5137415E9
So if you plan to use large numbers, rather use Double than Float.

How to convert toFixed(2) in Kotlin

What should I write in the place of area.toFixed(2)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val a = 20
val h = 30
val area = a * h / 2
println("Triangle area = ${area.toFixed(2)}")
I think you really meet a problem that how to convert Javascript code to Kotlin code. You need to ask the question clearly at next time, :). you can use String#format instead, for example:
println("%.2f".format(1.0)) // print "1.00"
println("%.2f".format(1.253)) // print "1.25"
println("%.2f".format(1.255)) // print "1.26"
AND the area is an Int which means it will truncates the precision, Kotlin doesn't like as Javascript use the numeric by default, so you should let a*h divide by a Double, then your code is like as below:
// v--- use a `Double` instead
val area = a * h / 2.0
println("Triangle area = ${"%.2f".format(area)}")