how to get min count or max count in spring-boot-data-mongodb after grouping - mongodb-query

i wated to get minimum count of after grouping I tried by this way in repository
#Aggregation(pipeline = { "{$group: {" + "_id: $group, " + "count: {$sum:1}," + "}}" })
public List<GroupingRequestByCount> groupBy();
output =[
"group": "G3",
"count": 3
"group": "G1",
"count": 4
"group": "G2",
"count": 3
but want to have minimum count? kindly give solution


Postgres 12.9 - Getting the value of a json array on matching key

I have a column in my database that stores a json string listing the weapons used in each game activity, what I need to be able to do is return the 'values'->'uniqueWeaponKills'->'basic'->'value' when the 'referenceId' key = 1994645182, and 0 if the key,value pair is not in the column.
Example 'weapons' column data
"weapons": [
"values": {
"uniqueWeaponKills": {
"basic": {
"value": 14,
"displayValue": "14"
"uniqueWeaponPrecisionKills": {
"basic": {
"value": 0,
"displayValue": "0"
"uniqueWeaponKillsPrecisionKills": {
"basic": {
"value": 0,
"displayValue": "0%"
"referenceId": 1994645182
"values": {
"uniqueWeaponKills": {
"basic": {
"value": 2,
"displayValue": "2"
"uniqueWeaponPrecisionKills": {
"basic": {
"value": 1,
"displayValue": "1"
"uniqueWeaponKillsPrecisionKills": {
"basic": {
"value": 0.5,
"displayValue": "50%"
"referenceId": 1853180924
Edit 1:
Using the suggestion from Kendle I got to the following query, I haven't seen a way to dynamically look in each of the array elements instead of having to specify the one to look at.
select weapons::json->'weapons'->1->'values'->'uniqueWeaponKills'->'basic'->>'value' as "uniqueWeaponKills",
weapons::json->'weapons'->1->'referenceId' as "weaponId"
from activities
where (weapons::json->'weapons'->1->>'referenceId')::BIGINT = 1687353095;
You could try
weapons::json->'values'->> 'uniqueWeaponKills'->>'basic' ->>'value'
FROM table_name
weapons::json->'referenceId' = 1994645182;
See also How to parse JSON in postgresql
I think I found the solution I am looking for using json_array_elements()
SELECT obj->'values'->'uniqueWeaponKills'->'basic'->>'value' as "uniqueWeaponKills"
FROM activities a, json_array_elements(a.weapons#>'{weapons}') obj
WHERE (obj->>'referenceId')::BIGINT = 1687353095;

Kotlin - Merge two data class

Data class
data class A(
var data: List<Data>
) {
data class Data(
var key: String,
var count: Long = 0,
var sub: List<Data>? = null
A class data values expressed in json.
"data": [
"count": 47,
"sub": [
"key": "N",
"count": 46,
"sub": [
"key": "S1",
"count": 1
"key": "S2",
"count": 13
"key": "B+",
"count": 1,
"sub": [
"key": "S1",
"count": 2
"key": "S2",
"count": 1
"key": "CELLECTIS",
"count": 5,
"sub": [
"key": "B+",
"count": 2,
"sub": [
"key": "S1",
"count": 3
"key": "S2",
"count": 5
"key": "B",
"count": 2,
"sub": [
"key": "S1",
"count": 6
"key": "S2",
"count": 1
"key": "N",
"count": 1,
"sub": [
"key": "S1",
"count": 8
"key": "S2",
"count": 4
"key": "PFIZER",
"count": 5,
"sub": [
"key": "N",
"count": 5,
"sub": [
"key": "S1",
"count": 83
"key": "S2",
"count": 1
I would like to combine elements with key values of "ALLOGENE THERAPEUTICS" and "CELECTIS" and replace the key value with "STUB".
When the elements are combined, all the "count" values must be combined.
And elements that are not there must be added.
Therefore, the results should be as follows.
"data": [
"key": "STUB",
"count": 52, // "ALLOGENE THERAPEUTICS"(47) + "CELECTIS"(5) = 52
"sub": [
"key": "N",
"count": 47, // 46 + 1
"sub": [
"key": "S1",
"count": 9
"key": "S2",
"count": 17
"key": "B+",
"count": 3,
"sub": [
"key": "S1",
"count": 5
"key": "S2",
"count": 6
"key": "B",
"count": 5,
"sub": [
"key": "S1",
"count": 11
"key": "S2",
"count": 7
"key": "PFIZER",
"count": 5,
"sub": [
"key": "N",
"count": 5,
"sub": [
"key": "S1",
"count": 83
"key": "S2",
"count": 1
How can I code the work neatly with Kotlin?
For reference, the values of the data class are expressed as json, and the result value must be data class.
This is the progress so far:
create a function for Data that creates a merged copy
data class Data(
var key: String,
var count: Long = 0,
var sub: List<Data> = emptyList()
) {
fun mergedWith(other: Data): Data {
return copy(
count = count + other.count,
sub = sub + other.sub
fold the consolidation list into a single data item and add them back together.
val consolidatedKeys = listOf("ALLOGENE THERAPEUTICS", "CELECTIS")
val (consolidatedValues, nonconsolidatedValues) = { it.key in consolidatedKeys }
val consolidatedData = when {
consolidatedValues.isEmpty() -> emptyList()
else -> listOf(consolidatedValues.fold(A.Data("STUB", 0), A.Data::mergedWith))
val result = A(consolidatedData + nonconsolidatedValues)
And combine the sub-elements.
consolidatedData.forEach { x ->
.groupBy { group -> group.key }
.map { A.Data(it.key, it.value.sumOf { c -> c.count }) }
This is the current situation.
In this way, elements with depth of 2 will work normally, but elements with depth of 3 will not be added.
For example, up to "N" below STUB is combined, but "S1" and "S2" below "N" are not combined.
Therefore, the current result is output in this way.
"data": [
"key": "STUB",
"count": 52, <--------- WORK FINE
"sub": [
"key": "N",
"count": 47, <--------- WORK FINE
"sub": [] <--------- EMPTY !!
"key": "B+",
"count": 3, <--------- WORK FINE
"sub": [] <--------- EMPTY !!
"key": "B",
"count": 5, <--------- WORK FINE
"sub": [] <--------- EMPTY !!
"key": "PFIZER",
"count": 5,
"sub": [
"key": "N",
"count": 5,
"sub": [
"key": "S1",
"count": 83
"key": "S2",
"count": 1
How can all the sub-elements be combined and implemented?
First break down your problem. You can create a function for Data that creates a merged copy:
fun mergedWith(other: Data): Data {
return copy(
count = count + other.count,
sub = when {
sub == null && other.sub == null -> null
else -> sub.orEmpty() + other.sub.orEmpty()
I recommend if possible that you use a non-nullable List for your sub parameter, and use emptyList() when there's nothing in it. This makes it simpler since there aren't two different ways to represent a lack of items and you won't have to deal with nullability:
data class Data(
var key: String,
var count: Long = 0,
var sub: List<Data> = emptyList()
) {
fun mergedWith(other: Data): Data {
return copy(
count = count + other.count,
sub = sub + other.sub
Then you can split your list into ones that you want to consolidate vs. the rest. Then fold the consolidation list into a single data item and add them back together.
val consolidatedKeys = listOf("ALLOGENE THERAPEUTICS", "CELECTIS")
val (consolidatedValues, nonconsolidatedValues) = { it.key in consolidatedKeys }
val consolidatedData = when {
consolidatedValues.isEmpty() -> emptyList()
else -> listOf(consolidatedValues.fold(A.Data("STUB", 0), A.Data::mergedWith))
val result = A(consolidatedData + nonconsolidatedValues)

How to filter Cosmos DB data based on value of an element in an array of values Using SQL API

I have a cosmosDB collection with below Data in it.
I have to find out the data only for EVENT named ABC and its value using SQL query.
"ID": "01XXXXX",
"Name": "ABC",
"Value": 0
"Name": "XYZ",
"Value": 4
"Name": "PQR",
"Value": 5
"ID": "02XXXXX",
"Name": "ABC",
"Value": 1
"Name": "XYZ",
"Value": 2
"Name": "PQR",
"Value": 3
I have tried the below code but it is not working since EVENT is an array.
SELECT * FROM c where c.EVENTS.Name = 'ABC'
Is there any way to find filter out the data only with Event Name as ABC using SQL?
Try using join
join l in c.EVENTS
where l.Name = 'ABC'

How to visualize array of objects in Kibana?

I have a few documents of the below format.
"_index": "myIndex",
"preferenceCount": [
"name": "apple",
"count": 1
"name": "mango",
"count": 1
"name": "apple",
"count": 1
"_index": "myIndex",
"preferenceCount": [
"name": "mango",
"count": 1
"name": "mango",
"count": 1
"name": "orange",
"count": 1
I want to visualise this data aggregated in such a way that I get the below graph (sorry for not uploading picture)
apple: 2 (sum of count for name = apple across documents in time range)
mango: 3
orange: 1
I tried
sum(preferenceCount.count) groupBy (
But that sums count across documents and displays below graph
apple: 3
mango: 6
orange: 3
Please let me know how might I achieve this.
I don't know kibana but in Vega-Lite, you can extract data from a property:
"data": {
"property": "preferenceCount",
"type": "json",

Nested "for loop" searches in SQL - Azure CosmosDB

I am using Cosmos DB and have a document with the following simplified structure:
"stuff": [
"id2": "stuff",
"a": {
"b": {
"c": {
"d": [
"e": [
"id3": "things",
"name": "animals",
"classes": [
"name": "ostrich",
"meta": 1
"name": "big ostrich",
"meta": 1
"id3": "default",
"name": "other",
"classes": [
"name": "green trees",
"meta": 1
"name": "trees",
"score": 1
My issue is - I have an array of these documents and need to search name to see if it matches my search word. For example I want both big trees and trees to return if a user types in trees.
So currently I push every document into an array and do the following:
For each document
for each stuff
for each a.b.c.d[0].e
for each classes
var splice = name.split(' ')
if (splice.includes(searchWord))
return id1, id2 and id3.
Using cosmosDB I am using SQL with the following code:
`SELECT * FROM root r`
).toArray((err, results) => {stuff});
This effectively brings every document in my collection into an array to perform the search manually above as mentioned.
This is going to cause issues when I have 1000s or 1,000,000s of documents in the array and I believe I should be leveraging the search mechanics available within Cosmos itself. Is anyone able to help me to work out what SQL query would be able to perform this type of function?
Having searched everything is it also possible to search the 5 latest documents?
Thanks for any insight in advance!
1.Is anyone able to help me to work out what SQL query would be able to
perform this type of function?
According to your sample and description, I suggest you using ARRAY_CONTAINS in cosmos db sql. Please refer to my sample:
sample documents:
"id1": "123",
"stuff": [
"id2": "stuff",
"a": {
"b": {
"c": {
"d": [
"e": [
"id3": "things",
"name": "animals",
"classes": [
"name": "ostrich",
"meta": 1
"name": "big ostrich",
"meta": 1
"id3": "default",
"name": "other",
"classes": [
"name": "green trees",
"meta": 1
"name": "trees",
"score": 1
"id1": "456",
"stuff": [
"id2": "stuff2",
"a": {
"b": {
"c": {
"d": [
"e": [
"id3": "things2",
"name": "animals",
"classes": [
"name": "ostrich",
"meta": 1
"name": "trees",
"meta": 1
"id3": "default2",
"name": "other",
"classes": [
"name": "green trees",
"meta": 1
"name": "trees",
"score": 1
"id1": "789",
"stuff": [
"id2": "stuff3",
"a": {
"b": {
"c": {
"d": [
"e": [
"id3": "things3",
"name": "animals",
"classes": [
"name": "ostrich",
"meta": 1
"name": "big",
"meta": 1
"id3": "default3",
"name": "other",
"classes": [
"name": "big trees",
"meta": 1
query :
SELECT distinct c.id1,stuff.id2,e.id3 FROM c
join stuff in c.stuff
join d in stuff.a.b.c.d
join e in d.e
where ARRAY_CONTAINS(e.classes,{name:"trees"},true)
or ARRAY_CONTAINS(e.classes,{name:"big trees"},true)
2.Having searched everything is it also possible to search the 5 latest
Per my research, features like LIMIT is not supported in cosmos so far. However , TOP is supported by cosmos db. So if you could add sort field(such as date or id), then you could use sql:
select top 5 from c order by c.sort desc