How to handle event on html render by computed function in vue js? - vue.js

I'm using vue 2. I have a text get from api.
"Hello everyone! My name is [input]. I'm [input] year old".
Now, I have to replace the [input] with an html input and handle the onKeyUp for this input.
What I have to do?
I used computed render html, but it not work with v-on:xxx.
content.replaceAll('[answer]', '<input type="text" class="input_answer" v-on:click="handleInput()"/>')

After spending an hour and so on this requirement, I came up with the solution.
Here you go (I added all the descriptive comments/steps in the below code snippet itself) :
// Template coming from API
var textFromAPI = "<p>Hello everyone! My name is [input]. I'm [input] year old</p>";
// getting the array of input tags. So that we can loop and create the proper input element.
const matched = textFromAPI.match(/(input)/g);
// Iterating over an array of matched substrings and creating a HTML element along with the required attributes and events.
matched.forEach((el, index) => {
textFromAPI = textFromAPI.replace('[input]', `<input type="text" id="${index + 1}" v-model="inputValue[${index}]" v-on:keyup="getValue"/>`);
// Here, we are compiling the whole string so that it will behave in a Vue way.
var res = Vue.compile(textFromAPI)
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
compiled: null,
inputValue: []
render: res.render,
staticRenderFns: res.staticRenderFns,
mounted() {
setTimeout(() => {
this.compiled = res;
methods: {
getValue() {
// Here you will get the updated values of the inputs.
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">

Thanks # Rohit Jíndal, but!
When I use vue2 and it doesn't work. And there is an error:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'string')
I build this to a component and use anywhere in my project.
<render-html :text="question.quest_content" #handleAnswer="handleAnswer"></render-html>

I used and it's work.
this.$options.staticRenderFns = string.staticRenderFns;
return string.render.bind(this)(h)
Thanks so much!


How come is my array not reactive in vuejs?

Good evening everyone,
I have been making a kind of social network as a personal project using vuejs, nodejs and mysql database.
Basically, you can post a message, and then people can answer to it. I bind comments to post using an id. I got two tables: 1 comments and 1 posts. If a comment is posted for post number 38, in mysql table there is a field idPost = 38.
i got a function displaying all the answers for the post by clicking on a button, which is:
displayAnswers(id) {
axios.get('http://localhost:3000/wall/answer/get/'+id )
.then(response => {
this.answers =;
.catch(error => {
Where id is the id of the post I want to display answers.
Now, the problem is when I add a comment, I need either to refresh the page to see the comment or to force the refresh by calling the displaypost function, like this:
postAnswer(id) {
let syntaxe = /^[a-z A-ZáàâäãåçéèêëíìîïñóòôöõúùûüýÿæœÁÀÂÄÃÅÇÉÈÊËÍÌÎÏÑÓÒÔÖÕÚÙÛÜÝŸÆŒ0-9-]{1,}$/;
if(syntaxe.test(this.answerToPost)) {
let answer = {
message: this.answerToPost,
postId: id,
auteur: this.$store.state.pseudoUser
}'http://localhost:3000/wall/post/answer', answer)
.then(response => {
this.feedbackMessage =;
this.isAlert = false;
this.answerToPost = '';
setTimeout(() => {
this.feedbackMessage = ''
}, 2000);
.catch(error => {
this.feedbackMessage =;
this.isAlert = true;
} else {
this.errorMessage = "Le message ne respecte pas la syntaxe autorisée";
To summarize, my data this.answers, is not reactive. it is declared this way in the app:
data() {
return {
Auteur: '',
displayPostAnswers: [],
answerToPost: '',
isAlert: true,
feedbackMessage: '',
answers: ''
and called this way in my template, using a v-for loop to display the answers:
<div v-for="answer in answers" :key="" class="answerDisplayer" >
<div class="containerEachAnswer">
<div class="avatarAuteur">
<img src="../assets/defaultUser.png" width="48" height="48" alt="">
<div class="answer">
<strong>{{ answer.auteur }}</strong><br>
{{ answer.message}}
I looked for the issue on the internet, I found this doc:
So I tried to use the function Vue.set but it does not seem to work.
I would like to know if more experienced developer could help me to find another way to either make my data reactive or help me to do it another way, I tried several kind of things but it did not work.
PS: I tried to use computed data, but v-for does not work with computed data.
Thank you!
Have a good evening!
Since you are trying to change this within the instance I suggest you try this.$set(this.someObject, 'b', 2) as described in
Also you seem to declare answers as a string in your data function, try declaring it as an array answers: []

Vuejs2 - How to update the whole object from the server not losing reactivity?

I have a list of objects that can be updated from the database.
So, when I load the list, objects have only id and name.
When I click on an object I load other fields that can be of any length - that's why I don't load them with the objects in the list.
I found that when I update an object it can be difficult to keep reactivity so I need to find some workaround.
this code works almost okay:
if (response){
But the problem is the fields that have not been presented from the beginning is not 100% reactive anymore. What is going on is a new field has been updated reactively only when I change another, previous one. So, if I show 2 text field with old and new properties, if I change the second property, the field will not be updated until I change the first one.
I got item object from the component:
data () {
return {
items: [],
<div v-for="item in items" #click="selectItem(item)" >
Then item's been passed to the function selectItem.
What is the proper pattern to load new fields and keep them reactive? (NB: it's not the case when I can assign field by field - I want to reuse the same code no matter which object it is, so I need so the solution for updating an object at a time without listing all new fields.)
Note. This code works inside the component.
Completely revised post: Ok, the example you give uses an array, which has its own caveats, in particular that you can't directly set values like vm.items[indexOfItem] = newValue and have it react.
So you have to use Vue.set with the array as the first argument and the index as the second. Here's an example that adds a name property to object items and then uses Vue.set to set the item to a new object created by Object.assign.
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
items: [{
id: 1,
other: 'data'
}, {
id: 2,
other: 'thingy'
methods: {
selectItem(parent, key) {
const newObj = Object.assign({}, parent[key], {
name: 'some new name'
Vue.set(parent, key, newObj);
setTimeout(() => {parent[key].name = 'Look, reactive!';}, 1500);
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<div v-for="item, index in items" #click="selectItem(items, index)">
<span>{{ || 'empty'}}</span>
{{JSON.stringify(items, null, 2)}}
Have a look at Change-Detection-Caveats Vue cannot detect property addition or deletion if you use "normal assign" methods.
You must use Vue.set(object, key, value)
Try something like the following:
if (response){
let item = {}
Vue.set(item, 'data',
Than would than be reactiv.
Can simply use Vue.set to update this.item reactively
if (response){
this.$set(this, "item",;

Do I need to check for inequality between old and new values in watchers?

Currently, a lot of my watcher code looks like this:
watch: {
// whenever question changes, this function will run
question: function (newQuestion, oldQuestion) {
if (newQuestion != oldQuestion) {
// do something
My question is if I need newQuestion != oldQuestion or does Vue not trigger the watcher if newQuestion = oldQuestion. If the latter is true, then what kind of inequalities does Vue check for? Just = or deep equality (e.g. all checking if elements of array are same even if arrays aren't the same) as well?
To answer your question, the watcher does not trigger if they are equal. To check for deep equal you could structure your watcher like so (only needed when dealing with non scalars).
question: {
handler: () => {},
deep: true
Hope that helps.
try it yourself:
new Vue({
data:_=>({x:"", log:""}),
this.log += `<hr/>old: ${od} new: ${nw} x: ${this.x}`
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<input v-model="x"/>
<div v-html="log"></div>

How to embed codepen as HTML in vue.js

I can't figure out how to embed a codepen using the recommended HTML method i a Vue application.
As <script> tag cannot be part of a Vue component template, I tried to add it to index.html where my Vue application is injected without luck. However, when I tried to paste the html code outside the div where Vue resides, the code got turned into an iFrame as it should.
Here is the HTML embed:
<p data-height="265" data-theme-id="0" data-slug-hash="JyxKMg" data-default-tab="js,result" data-user="sindael" data-embed-version="2" data-pen-title="Fullscreen image gallery using Wallop, Greensock and Flexbox" class="codepen">See the Pen Fullscreen image gallery using Wallop, Greensock and Flexbox by Dan (#sindael) on CodePen.</p>
And the script:
<script async src=""></script>
Embedding an iFrame directly works fine, but I wonder. Is there a way how to get the html working?
Look into the, then you will see it executes two steps:
check document.getElementsByClassName if exists, create it if not.
one IIFE to execute the embed.
So one hacky way as below simple demo:
copy the source codes from
copy the codes of first step then wrap it as one function = _codepen_selector_contructor
copy the codes of second step and remove () from the end, then wrap it as one function = _codepen_embed_method
create one vue-directive (I prefer using the directive to support the features which directly process Dom elements, you can use other solutions), then execute _codepen_selector_contructor and _codepen_embed_method
Probably you want to replace document inside _codepen_embed_method with el instead, then execute _codepen_embed_method(el). so that it will not affects other elements.
Below demo uses the hook='inserted', you could use other hooks if inserted can't meet your requirements.
let vCodePen = {}
vCodePen.install = function install (Vue) {//copy from
let _codepen_selector_contructor = function () {
document.getElementsByClassName||(document.getElementsByClassName=function(e){var n,t,r,a=document,o=[];if(a.querySelectorAll)return a.querySelectorAll("."+e);if(a.evaluate)for(t=".//*[contains(concat(' ', #class, ' '), ' "+e+" ')]",n=a.evaluate(t,a,null,0,null);r=n.iterateNext();)o.push(r);else for(n=a.getElementsByTagName("*"),t=new RegExp("(^|\\s)"+e+"(\\s|$)"),r=0;r<n.length;r++)t.test(n[r].className)&&o.push(n[r]);return o})
let _codepen_embed_method = //copy from then removed `()` from the end
function(){function e(){function e(){for(var e=document.getElementsByClassName("codepen"),t=e.length-1;t>-1;t--){var u=a(e[t]);if(0!==Object.keys(u).length&&(u=o(u),u.user=n(u,e[t]),r(u))){var c=i(u),l=s(u,c);f(e[t],l)}}m()}function n(e,n){if("string"==typeof e.user)return e.user;for(var t=0,r=n.children.length;t<r;t++){var a=n.children[t],o=a.href||"",i=o.match(/codepen\.(io|dev)\/(\w+)\/pen\//i);if(i)return i[2]}return"anon"}function r(e){return e["slug-hash"]}function a(e){for(var n={},t=e.attributes,r=0,a=t.length;r<a;r++){var o=t[r].name;0===o.indexOf("data-")&&(n[o.replace("data-","")]=t[r].value)}return n}function o(e){return e.href&&(e["slug-hash"]=e.href),e.type&&(e["default-tab"]=e.type),"true""run":e.animations="stop-after-5"),e}function i(e){var n=u(e),t=e.user?e.user:"anon",r="?"+l(e),a=e.preview&&"true"===e.preview?"embed/preview":"embed",o=[n,t,a,e["slug-hash"]+r].join("/");return o.replace(/\/\//g,"//")}function u(e){return"file:"===document.location.protocol?"":"//"}function c(e){return e.match(/^\/\//)||!e.match(/https?:/)?document.location.protocol+"//"+e:e}function l(e){var n="";for(var t in e)""!==n&&(n+="&"),n+=t+"="+encodeURIComponent(e[t]);return n}function s(e,n){var r;e["pen-title"]?r=e["pen-title"]:(r="CodePen Embed "+t,t++);var a={id:"cp_embed_"+e["slug-hash"].replace("/","_"),src:n,scrolling:"no",frameborder:"0",height:d(e),allowTransparency:"true",allowfullscreen:"true",allowpaymentrequest:"true",name:"CodePen Embed",title:r,"class":"cp_embed_iframe "+(e["class"]?e["class"]:""),style:"width: "+p+"; overflow: hidden;"},o="<iframe ";for(var i in a)o+=i+'="'+a[i]+'" ';return o+="></iframe>"}function d(e){return e.height?e.height:300}function f(e,n){if(e.parentNode){var t=document.createElement("div");t.className="cp_embed_wrapper",t.innerHTML=n,e.parentNode.replaceChild(t,e)}else e.innerHTML=n}function m(){"function"==typeof __CodePenIFrameAddedToPage&&__CodePenIFrameAddedToPage()}var p="100%";e()}function n(e){/in/.test(document.readyState)?setTimeout("window.__cp_domReady("+e+")",9):e()}var t=1;window.__cp_domReady=n,window.__CPEmbed=e,n(function(){new __CPEmbed})}
let defaultProps = {class: 'codepen', 'data-height':265, 'data-theme-id':0, 'data-slug-hash':'', 'data-default-tab':'js,result', 'data-user':'sindael', 'data-embed-version':'2', 'data-pen-title':''}
Vue.directive('code-pen', {
inserted: function (el, binding, vnode) {
let options = Object.assign({}, defaultProps, binding.value)
Object.entries(options).forEach((item) => {
el.setAttribute(item[0], item[1])
setTimeout(() => {
_codepen_embed_method() //_codepen_embed_method(el); you can pass el to take place of `document`
}, 100)
componentUpdated: function (el, binding, vnode) {
Vue.config.productionTip = false
app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
keyword: '',
mounted: function () {
methods: {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<p v-code-pen="{class: 'codepen', 'data-height':'265', 'data-theme-id':0, 'data-slug-hash':'JyxKMg', 'data-default-tab':'js,result', 'data-user':'sindael', 'data-embed-version':'2', 'data-pen-title':'Test'}">

access object with dynamic variable vue.js

This is my object
var users ={
twitter : {
name : //,
lastname : //
facebook : {
name : //,
lastname : //
I have a dynamic variable activeuser that updates from Facebook to twitter.
What i'm trying to do is refer to the inner object in users depending on the value of activeuser. I need to give my div something like this class :
<div class=' {{users.activeuser}}'></div>
I know this is not how it should be done with vue.js. Do you have any suggestions?
Thank You!
Using VueJS you should be able to assign your dynamic variable to a Vue Model when you load the new object using a Vue setter $set('property name', 'value')
Example AJAX retreival:
$.getJSON('myURL.html?query=xxx', function(data, textStatus, jqXHR){
MyVue.$set('dynamicObject', data);
A generic Vue may look like this:
var MyVue = new Vue({
data: {
dynamicObject : ''
Bound to an example HTML element:
<div id="exampleDiv">
<label class="{{dynamicObject.activeuser}}">{{dynamicObject.username}}</label>
In the case that you have an object with an array of objects which also contain properties Vue makes it very simple to create many HTML elements (for each child object) by simply adding a v-repeat (example) to the desired HTML and assigning the datasource:
<div id="exampleDiv">
<label v-repeat="dynamicObject" class="{{dynamicObject.activeuser}}"></label>