Vue3 get div content and post it to form - vue.js

Good afternoon, sorry for the stupid question.
I need to get content from h1 or p or something else and pass it to the form vue and post it to the backend, how can this be done?
I know how to do it through the input and in the v-model, but how to get the values ​​from the div content?
I have form:
setup(props) {
const form = useForm({
And i have this HTML code, how i can get data from:
<h2 v-else >{{ price * counter }}$</h2>
<h2 id="saleCount"{{ price * counter * (100 - 20) / 100}}</h2>
and put it to my const form?

It seems like you are outputting js content to the template using {{}} syntax. It would be by far the easiest to just use those values directly in your script.
However, if you have something that's directly in template such as:
<h1>My Heading in Template</h1>
and you want that value, I suggest using template refs:
<script setup>
import { onMounted, ref } from 'vue';
const myHeading = ref(null);
onMounted(() => {
console.log(myHeading.value.innerText); //this will print "My Heading in Template"
<h1 ref="myHeading">My Heading in Template</h1>


How do I reference an image inside the Setup function in the Composition API in Vue 3?

How do I reference an image in the Setup function in the Composition API? The path is '../assets/pic.png'
If I use the path directly inside the template, as the src in an img tag, the image displays on the page. When I inspect it, it shows the image name, followed by an id, then the file extension e.g: “/img/pic.123456.png”. I can do it like this to get what I want, but it doesn’t seem like the correct way of doing things in Vue.
I’m thinking it should be something like:
<img src="pic">
import { ref } from 'vue'
export default {
const pic = ref('../assets/pic.png')
return { pic }
I believe it would work like this in the Options API (without ‘ref’, of course). I can’t get it to work with the Composition API. I'm thinking it may be something to do with the 'id'. Also how would I reference images in an array?
You need to require the image first with the require function, and then pass the returned value to ref. and you should bind the src attribute with v-bind.
here is a complete example based on your code:
<img v-bind:src="pic">
import { ref } from 'vue'
export default {
const pic = ref(require('../assets/pic.png'))
return { pic }
I had the same issue, and using require didnt work for me, finally, I got this:
<img v-bind:src="pic">
import pic from '../assets/pic.png'
export default {

Passing props to Vue root instance via attributes on element the app is mounted on

I am terribly new to Vue, so forgive me if my terminology is off. I have a .NET Core MVC project with small, separate vue pages. On my current page, I return a view from the controller that just has:
#model long;
<div id="faq-category" v-bind:faqCategoryId="#Model"></div>
#section Scripts {
<script src="~/scripts/js/faqCategory.js"></script>
Where I send in the id of the item this page will go grab and create the edit form for. faqCategory.js is the compiled vue app. I need to pass in the long parameter to the vue app on initialization, so it can go fetch the full object. I mount it with a main.ts like:
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import FaqCategoryPage from './FaqCategoryPage.vue'
How can I get my faqCategoryId into my vue app to kick off the initialization and load the object? My v-bind attempt seems to not work - I have a #Prop(Number) readonly faqCategoryId: number = 0; on the vue component, but it is always 0.
My FaqCategoryPAge.vue script is simply:
<script lang="ts">
import { Options, Vue } from "vue-class-component";
import { Prop } from 'vue-property-decorator'
import Card from "#/Card.vue";
import axios from "axios";
import FaqCategory from "../shared/FaqCategory";
components: {
export default class FaqCategoryPage extends Vue {
#Prop(Number) readonly faqCategoryId: number = 0;
mounted() {
It seems passing props to root instance vie attributes placed on element the app is mounting on is not supported
You can solve it using data- attributes easily
Vue 2
const mountEl = document.querySelector("#app");
new Vue({
propsData: { ...mountEl.dataset },
props: ["message"]
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app" data-message="Hello from HTML">
{{ message }}
Vue 3
const mountEl = document.querySelector("#app");
props: ["message"]
}, { ...mountEl.dataset }).mount("#app");
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app" data-message="Hello from HTML">
{{ message }}
Biggest disadvantage of this is that everything taken from data- attributes is a string so if your component expects something else (Number, Boolean etc) you need to make conversion yourself.
One more option of course is pushing your component one level down. As long as you use v-bind (:counter), proper JS type is passed into the component:
components: {
MyComponent: {
props: {
message: String,
counter: Number
template: '<div> {{ message }} (counter: {{ counter }}) </div>'
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<my-component :message="'Hello from HTML'" :counter="10" />
Just an idea (not a real problem)
Not really sure but it can be a problem with Props casing
HTML attribute names are case-insensitive, so browsers will interpret any uppercase characters as lowercase. That means when you're using in-DOM templates, camelCased prop names need to use their kebab-cased (hyphen-delimited) equivalents
Try to change your MVC view into this:
<div id="faq-category" v-bind:faq-category-id="#Model"></div>
Further to Michal Levý's answer regarding Vue 3, you can also implement that pattern with a Single File Component:
<div id="app" data-message="My Message"/>
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import MyComponent from './my-component.vue';
const mountEl = document.querySelector("#app");
Vue.createApp(MyComponent, { ...mountEl.dataset }).mount("#app");
{{ message }}
export default {
props: {
message: String
Or you could even grab data from anywhere on the parent HTML page, eg:
<h1>My Message</h1>
<div id="app"/>
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import MyComponent from './my-component.vue';
const message = document.querySelector('h1').innerText;
Vue.createApp(MyComponent, { message }).mount("#app");
{{ message }}
export default {
props: {
message: String
To answer TheStoryCoder's question: you would need to use a data prop. My answers above demonstrate how to pass a value from the parent DOM to the Vue app when it is mounted. If you wanted to then change the value of message after it was mounted, you would need to do something like this (I've called the data prop myMessage for clarity, but you could also just use the same prop name message):
{{ myMessage }}
<button #click="myMessage = 'foo'">Foo me</button>
export default {
props: {
message: String
data() {
return {
myMessage: this.message
So I'm not at all familiar with .NET and what model does, but Vue will treat the DOM element as a placeholder only and it does not extend to it the same functionality as the components within the app have.
so v-bind is not going to work, even without the value being reactive, the option is not there to do it.
you could try a hack to access the value and assign to a data such as...
const app = Vue.createApp({
return {
faqCategoryId: null
mounted() {
const props = ["faqCategoryId"]
const el = this.$el.parentElement;
props.forEach((key) => {
const val = el.getAttribute(key);
if(val !== null) this[key] = (val);
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app" faqCategoryId="12">
<h1>Faq Category Id: {{faqCategoryId}}</h1>
where you get the value from the html dom element, and assign to a data. The reason I'm suggesting data instead of props is that props are setup to be write only, so you wouldn't be able to override them, so instead I've used a variable props to define the props to look for in the dom element.
Another option
is to use inject/provide
it's easier to just use js to provide the variable, but assuming you want to use this in an mvc framework, so that it is managed through the view only. In addition, you can make it simpler by picking the exact attributes you want to pass to the application, but this provides a better "framework" for reuse.
const mount = ($el) => {
const app = Vue.createApp({
inject: {
faqCategoryId: {
default: 'optional'
const el = document.querySelector($el)
Object.keys(app._component.inject).forEach(key => {
if (el.getAttribute(key) !== null) {
app.provide(key, el.getAttribute(key))
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app" faqCategoryId="66">
<h1>Faq Category Id: {{faqCategoryId}}</h1>
As i tried in the following example
you could do :
mounted() {
All other answers might be valid, but for Vue 3 the simple way is here:
import {createApp} from 'vue'
import rootComponent from './app.vue'
let rootProps = {};
createApp(rootComponent, rootProps)

Use existing CMS output as data for Single File Components (Vue.js)

I have access to the templates that CMS uses to generate pages. This CMS is very primitive. The output is pieces of HTML.
I want to use this data in Single File Components. Most importantly, this data should not be rendered by the browser. I figured that wrapping the CMS output into a noscript tag would work. Then I just parse the string from the noscript to get HTML.
This method is pretty dirty and it does not use the power of Vue.js templates. I'm wondering if there is a better way?
CMS template:
<noscript id="cms-output">
<!-- HTML generated by CMS -->
Main JavaScript file:
import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './app.vue'
const cmsOutput = document.getElementById('cms-output')
const parser = new DOMParser()
Vue.prototype.$cms = parser.parseFromString(cmsOutput.innerHTML, 'text/html')
Vue.config.productionTip = false
new Vue({ render: (h) => h(App) }).$mount('#app')
Single File Component:
<div v-html="content"></div>
export default {
computed: {
content: function() {
const contentElement = this.$cms.querySelector('.content')
// contentElement manipulations here (working with descendants, CSS classes, etc)
return contentElement.outerHTML
You can use DOM-injected HTML (or even JavaScript strings) as a template in your SFC but you'll need to enable Vue's runtime compiler. Add the following to the project's vue.config.js:
module.exports = {
runtimeCompiler: true
Wrap the content of your HTML output in an x-template:
<script type="text/x-template" id="cms-output">
In your SFC, don't use <template></template> tags. Instead, use the template option in your component (this is what the runtime compiler is needed for):
export default {
template: '#cms-output'
Now you can use the template just as if it were defined in the SFC, with directives, mustache syntax, etc.
EDIT (based on feedback)
There's nothing unique or complex about this if I understand correctly. Use a normal component / template. Since the output isn't ready to be used as a template then there is no choice but to parse it. You could load it from AJAX instead of embedding it as in your question but either way works. Your component could look something like this:
export default {
data() {
return {
data1: '',
data2: '',
dataN: ''
created() {
const contentElement = this.$cms.querySelector('.content');
const arrayOfData = parseTheContent(contentElement);
this.data1 = arrayOfData[1];
this.data2 = arrayOfData[2];
this.dataN = arrayOfData[100];
And you'd use a standard template:
Some stuff {{ data1 }}. Some more stuff {{ data2 }}.<br />
{{ dataN }}

Vue component not rendered on second visit

I have a Vue component that lists a bunch of clickable tags. When you click on a tag, it takes you to another page with a list of objects containing that tag.
The relevant parts of the component code are:
<h2>All Tags</h2>
<TagList v-bind:tags="tags"/>
import TagList from './TagList'
export default {
name: 'AllTags',
components: {
data () {
return {
tags: []
mounted () {
tags = // array loaded from a database
This all works fine when I initially view the page. However if I browse away from this list, e.g. by clicking on a single tag, and then browse back, I only see the <h2>All Tags</h2> header. Using the Vue debugger in the browser, I can see that the data are still there.
I'm using <router-view :key="$route.fullPath"> to control the overall app and suspect the problem lies with the keys somehow.
Can someone point me in the right direction here? How can I get the TagList component to render every time I visit that page of the app?
EDIT: Here's the code of the TagList component:
<div class="tags">
<Tag v-for="tag in tags" v-bind:tag="tag" v-bind:key="tag" />
import Tag from './Tag'
export default {
name: 'TagList',
props: ['tags'],
components: {
You can try removing v-bind all thought its not required to use, I've checked your code it seems to work fine after visiting a tag and going back, all tags are still rendered. You can take a look at this working sample .

vuejs Setting Dynamic path to template's src

I have an vue application which I have divided in components kinda manner seen below.
What I want is to bind src property in <template> like below so that I could have a dynamic path every time a user asks for different template to get loaded.
The .ts file will have same code in use for every different template. which prompt me to ask this question.
Please suggest a solution to it. Or am I going into right direction or not to achieve this ?
One way to achieve dynamic templates being rendered is using dynamic component rendering:
<button #click="selectedComponent = 'app-quote'">Quote</button>
<button #click="selectedComponent = 'app-author'">Author</button>
<button #click="selectedComponent = 'app-new'">New</button>
<component :is="selectedComponent"></component>
import Quote from './components/Quote.vue'
import Author from './components/Author.vue'
import New from './components/New.vue'
data: function() {
return {
selectedComponent: 'app-quote'
components: {
'app-quote': Quote,
'app-author': Author,
'app-new': New