How to make dataframe from different parts of an Excel sheet given specific keywords? - pandas

I have one Excel file where multiple tables are placed in same sheet. My requirement is to read certain tables based on keyword. I have read tables using skip rows and nrows method, which is working as of now, but in future it won't work due to dynamic table length.
Is there any other workaround apart from skip rows & nrows method to read table as shown in picture?
I want to read data1 as one table & data2 as another table. Out of which in particular I want columns "RR","FF" & "WW" as two different data frames.
Appreciate if some one can help or guide to do this.
Method I have tried:
df1 = pd.read_excel(all_files[0],skiprows=11,nrows= 3)
df2 = pd.read_excel(all_files[0],skiprows=23,nrows= 3)
This works fine, the only problem is table length will vary every time.

With an Excel file identical to the one of your image, here is one way to do it:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_excel("file.xlsx").dropna(how="all").reset_index(drop=True)
# Setup
targets = ["Data1", "Data2"]
indices = [df.loc[df["Unnamed: 0"] == target].index.values[0] for target in targets]
dfs = []
for i in range(len(indices)):
# Slice df starting from first indice to second one
data = df.loc[indices[i] : indices[i + 1] - 1, :]
except IndexError:
data = df.loc[indices[i] :, :]
# For one slice, get only values where row starts with 'rr'
r_idx = data.loc[df["Unnamed: 0"] == "rr"].index.values[0]
data = data.loc[r_idx:, :].reset_index(drop=True).dropna(how="all", axis=1)
# Cleanup
data.columns = data.iloc[0] = ""
dfs.append(data.loc[1:, :].iloc[:, 0:3])
And so:
for item in dfs:
# Output
rr ff ww
1 car1 1000000 sellout
2 car2 1500000 to be sold
3 car3 1300000 sellout
rr ff ww
1 car1 1000000 sellout
2 car2 1500000 to be sold
3 car3 1300000 sellout


Working on multiple data frames with data for NBA players during the season, how can I modify all the dataframes at the same time?

I have a list of 16 dataframes that contain stats for each player in the NBA during the respective season. My end goal is to run unsupervised learning algorithms on the data frames. For example, I want to see if I can determine a player's position by their stats or if I can determine their total points during the season based on their stats.
What I would like to do is modify the list(df_list), unless there's a better solution, of these dataframes instead modifying each dataframe to:
Change the datatype of the MP(minutes played column from str to int.
Modify the dataframe where there are only players with 1000 or more MP and there are no duplicate players(Rk)
(for instance in a season, a player(Rk) can play for three teams in a season and have 200MP, 300MP, and 400MP mins with each team. He'll have a column for each team and a column called TOT which will render his MP as 900(200+300+400) for a total of four rows in the dataframe. I only need the TOT row
Use simple algebra with various and individual columns columns, for example: being able to total the MP column and the PTS column and then diving the sum of the PTS column by the MP column.
Or dividing the total of the PTS column by the len of the PTS column.
What I've done so far is this:
Import my libraries and create 16 dataframes using pd.read_html(url).
The first dataframes created using two lines of code:
url = ""
ninetysix = pd.read_html(url)[0]
HOWEVER, the next four data frames had to be created using a few additional line of code(I received an error code that said "html5lib not found, please install it" so I downloaded both html5lib and requests). I say that to say...this distinction in creating the DF may have to considered in a solution.
The code I used:
import requests
import uuid
url = ''
cookies = {'euConsentId': str(uuid.uuid4())}
html = requests.get(url, cookies=cookies).content
ninetyseven = pd.read_html(html)[0]
These four data frames look like this:
I tried this but it didn't do anything:
df_list = [
eightyfour, eightyfive, eightysix, eightyseven,
eightyeight, eightynine, ninety, ninetyone,
ninetytwo, ninetyfour, ninetyfive,
ninetysix, ninetyseven, ninetyeight, owe_one, owe_two
for df in df_list:
df = df.loc[df['Tm'] == 'TOT']
df = df.copy()
df['MP'] = df['MP'].astype(int)
df['Rk'] = df['Rk'].astype(int)
df = list(df[df['MP'] >= 1000]['Rk'])
df = df[df['Rk'].isin(df)]
This code will solves a portion of problem # 2
url = ''
dd = pd.read_html(url)[0]
dd = dd[dd['Rk'].ne('Rk')]
dd['MP'] = dd['MP'].astype(int)
players_1000_rk_list = list(dd[dd['MP'] >= 1000]['Rk'])
players_dd = dd[dd['Rk'].isin(players_1000_rk_list)]
But it doesn't remove the duplicates.
==================== UPDATE 10/11/22 ================================
Let's say I take rows with values "TOT" in the "Tm" and create a new DF with them, and these rows from the original data frame...
could I then compare the new DF with the original data frame and remove the names from the original data IF they match the names from the new data frame?
the problem is that the df you are working on in the loop is not the same df that is in the df_list. you could solve this by saving the new df back to the list, overwriting the old df
for i,df in enumerate(df_list):
df = df.loc[df['Tm'] == 'TOT']
df = df.copy()
df['MP'] = df['MP'].astype(int)
df['Rk'] = df['Rk'].astype(int)
df = list(df[df['MP'] >= 1000]['Rk'])
df = df[df['Rk'].isin(df)]
df_list[i] = df
the2 lines are probably wrong as well
df = list(df[df['MP'] >= 1000]['Rk'])
df = df[df['Rk'].isin(df)]
perhaps you want this
for i,df in enumerate(df_list):
df = df.loc[df['Tm'] == 'TOT']
df = df.copy()
df['MP'] = df['MP'].astype(int)
df['Rk'] = df['Rk'].astype(int)
#df = list(df[df['MP'] >= 1000]['Rk'])
#df = df[df['Rk'].isin(df)]
# just the rows where MP > 1000
df_list[i] = df[df['MP'] >= 1000]

Creating batches based on city in pandas

I have two different dataframes that I want to fuzzy match against each other to find and remove duplicates. To make the process faster/more accurate I want to only fuzzy match records from both dataframes in the same cities. So that makes it necessary to create batches based on cities in the one dataframe then running the fuzzy matcher between each batch and a subset of the other dataframe with like cities. I can't find another post that does this and I am stuck. Here is what I have so far. Thanks!
df = pd.DataFrame({'A':[1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3],'B':['Q','Q','R','R','R','P','L','L'],'origin':['file1','file2','file3','file4','file5','file6','file7','file8']})
cols = ['B']
df1 = df[df.duplicated(subset=cols,keep=False)].copy()
df1 = df1.sort_values(cols)
df1['group'] = 'g' + (df1.groupby(cols).ngroup() + 1).astype(str)
df1['duplicate_count'] = df1.groupby(cols)['origin'].transform('size')
df1_g1 = df1.loc[df1['group'] == 'g1']
which will not factor in anything that isn't duplicated so if a value only appears once then it will be skipped as is the case with 'P' in column B. It also requires me to go in and hard-code the group in each time which is not ideal. I haven't been able to figure out a for loop or any other method to solve this. Thanks!
You can pass to locals
variables = locals()
for i,j in df1.groupby('group'):
variables["df1_{0}".format(i)] = j
A B origin group duplicate_count
6 3 L file7 g1 2
7 3 L file8 g1 2

Getting same value from list in dataframe column using Python

I have dataframe in which there 3 columns, Now, I added one more column and in which I am adding unique values using random function.
I created list variable and using for loop I am adding random string in that list variable
after that, I created another loop in which I am extracting value of list and adding it in column's value.
But, Same value is adding in each row everytime.
df = pd.read_csv("test.csv")
lst = []
for i in range(20):
randColumn = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits)
for i in range(20))
for j in lst:
df['randColumn'] = j
A B C randColumn
Could you please help me to fix this that Why each row has same value from list.
Updated to work correctly with any type of column in df.
If I got your question clearly, you can use method zip of rdd to achieve your goals.
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, Row
import pyspark.sql.types as t
lst = []
for i in range(2):
rand_column = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for i in range(20))
# Adding random strings as Row to list
# Making rdd from random strings array
random_rdd = sparkSession.sparkContext.parallelize(lst)
res = rows: Row(**(rows[0].asDict()), **(rows[1].asDict()))).toDF()

Pandas dividing filtered column from df 1 by filtered column of df 2 warning and weird behavior

I have a data frame which is conditionally broken up into two separate dataframes as follows:
df = pd.read_csv(file, names)
df = df.loc[df['name1'] == common_val]
df1 = df.loc[df['name2'] == target1]
df2 = df.loc[df['name2'] == target2]
# each df has a 'name3' I want to perform a division on after this filtering
The original df is filtered by a value shared by the two dataframes, and then each of the two new dataframes are further filtered by another shared column.
What I want to work:
df1['name3'] = df1['name3']/df2['name3']
However, as many questions have pointed out, this causes a setting with copy warning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead
I tried what was recommended in this question:
df1.loc[:,'name3'] = df1.loc[:,'name3'] / df2.loc[:,'name3']
# also tried:
df1.loc[:,'name3'] = df1.loc[:,'name3'] / df2['name3']
But in both cases I still get weird behavior and the set by copy warning.
I then tried what was recommended in this answer:
df.loc[df['name2']==target1, 'name3'] = df.loc[df['name2']==target1, 'name3']/df.loc[df['name2'] == target2, 'name3']
which still results in the same copy warning.
If possible I would like to avoid copying the data frame to get around this because of the size of these dataframes (and I'm already somewhat wastefully making two almost identical dfs from the original).
If copying is the best way to go with this problem I'm interested to hear why that works over all the options I explored above.
Edit: here is a simple data frame along the lines of what df would look like after the line df.loc[df['name1'] == common_val]
name1 other1 other2 name2 name3
a x y 1 2
a x y 1 4
a x y 2 5
a x y 2 3
So if target1=1 and target2=2,
I would like df1 to contain only rows where name1=1 and df2 to contain only rows where name2=2, then divide the resulting df1['name3'] by the resulting df2['name3'].
If there is a less convoluted way to do this (without splitting the original df) I'm open to that as well!

How to read a very messy .txt file using with multiple conditions

I have a very messy .txt file that I'm attempting to read in using pd.read_csv(). The file has multiple challenges to overcome 1) The first 12 lines are not needed and therefore need to be skipped, the next 50 rows are needed, the next 14 rows need to be Skipped, next 50 rows needed, next 14 to be skipped , and so on. 2) Each normal row of data actually exists across 2 rows of data in this report, meaning that we need to lift the 2nd row of data up to the 1st row of data and place it to the right in new columns. (This action would halve the number of total rows and double the number of columns of the desired dataframe) 3) The last challenge is that the first row of data has 8 spaces of seperation between values while the 2 row of data has anywhere from 8 through to 17 spaces of sep between values.
I thought the best way to approach this would be to first remove the rows that I don't need. I would then find way to merge row 1 with row2 / row 3 with row 4/ row 5 with row 6 until all rows are correctly consolidated. I would then use the 'sep' function to separate values of each row for anything that has 8 spaces and over. This would hopefully get to my desired Output - has anyone ever had a similar challenge that they have overcome?
First picture is an image of the raw data
Second picture is my ideal output
Ok, so the error_bad_lines=False combined with sep = '\s+|\^+' worked a treat.
I then solved the problem of bad lines by removing them one by one.
I then solved the '1 row over 2 rows' problem by splitting the dataframe into two dfs (df8,df9) and recombined them on axis=1. Looks perfect now.
import pandas as pd #importing Pandas Package to wrangle data
boltcogs = 'ABAPlist.txt'
df = pd.read_csv(boltcogs,skiprows=12,error_bad_lines=False,header = None ,sep = '\s+|\^+')
df1 = df[df.iloc[:,0] != 'Production' ] ## removing verbose lines
df2 = df1[df1.iloc[:,0] != '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ]
df3 = df2[df2.iloc[:,0] != 'Kuala' ] ## removing bad rows
df4 = df3[df3.iloc[:,0] != 'Operating' ] ## removing bad rows
df5 = df4[df4.iloc[:,0] != 'Plant:' ] ## removing bad rows
df6 = df5[df5.iloc[:,0] != 'Costing' ] ## removing bad rows
df7 = df6[df6.iloc[:,0] != 'Currency:' ] ## removing bad rows
df8 = df7.iloc[0::2, :].reset_index() # Selecting every second row to get second half of row
df9 = df7.iloc[1::2, :].reset_index()# Selecting remainder to to get first half of row
df10 = pd.concat([df8, df9], axis=1, ignore_index=True) # joining them together