How to add icon beside the lable using Vue Bootstrap - vue.js

I have this vue bootstrap input field:
<b-form-group label="Name" label-for="name">
#default="{ errors }"
name="Mapping Name"
:state="errors.length > 0 ? false : null"
placeholder="Enter a maping name"
<small class="text-danger">{{ errors[0] }}</small>
The output is look like this :
Now, beside ( Right side of the name ) the Name label I want to add a icon which is:
class="mr-50 my-icon""'Some tooltip text'"
So for that I have added this after the : <b-form-group label="Name" label-for="name">. Now it look like this:
But its should be beside the name label.
Is there any way to do this?

Yes. You can use the template slot label of b-form-group like this:
<b-form-group label-for="name">
#default="{ errors }"
name="Mapping Name"
<template slot="label">
<feather-icon"'Some tooltip text'"
class="mr-50 my-icon"
:state="errors.length > 0 ? false : null"
placeholder="Enter a maping name"
<small class="text-danger">{{ errors[0] }}</small>


descending to ascending in input search on Vuejs

I want the result in this field, which is displayed as suggested, to be from descending to ascending.
<!-- city -->
<div class="col-md-6">
<label class="form-label fw-bold w-100">{{ $t('post code') }}
<v-select v-model="form.postCode" :disabled="!" label="name" :filterable="false"
:class="{ 'is-invalid': form.errors.has('postCode') }"
<template slot="no-options">
Please enter 2 or more characters
<template #search="{attributes, events}">
<has-error :form="form" field="postCode" />
How can i ?
You can create computed property and array sort inside of that computed property and return the result from that property. You can also check this post for more information: array sort
More information about computed properties:

Default for step-by-step editing in vuejs?

I've done the extra in vuejs. Now I do the editing , But have some problems.
// edit
v-ripple.400="'rgba(113, 102, 240, 0.15)'"
class="btn-icon "
:to="{ name: 'user-edit', params: { id: } }"
I want when I go to the edit page, it will be in step two Personal Info instead of step one Account Details.
Below is the code I process step by step
<div class="user-setting">
:title="'User Setting'"
:subtitle="'Setting the user by yourself'"
class="wizard-vertical mb-3"
<!-- Account Details -->
title="Account Details"
:before-change="() => validate('firstStep')"
<b-col cols="12" class="mb-2">
<h5 class="mb-0">Account Details</h5>
<small class="text-muted"> Enter Your Account Details </small>
<!-- Personal Info -->
title="Personal Info"
:before-change="() => validate('secondStep')"
<b-col cols="12" class="mb-2">
<h5 class="mb-0">Personal Info</h5>
<discount-cut-off ref="thirdStep"
:offerOptions="offerOptions" v-if="cutoff"/>
<promotion-object v-else
Let me know your ideas. Thanks.

VueJS dynamic adding form components

I'm trying to make dynamic form, so if i want to add another text or some other field i can do it through web and save that to some json file.
Here is my code so far:
<div class="q-pa-md" style="max-width: 800px">
<div class="col-2">
<q-btn color="primary" label="Add Field" #click="addField = true"/>
<q-dialog v-model="addField">
<div class="text-h6">Add Field</div>
<q-separator />
<q-card-section style="max-height: 50vh" class="scroll">
<q-separator />
<q-card-actions align="right">
<q-btn flat label="Cancel" color="primary" v-close-popup />
<q-btn flat label="Add" color="primary" v-close-popup />
<q-separator spaced inset />
<s-input v-model="" label="Email" required />
<q-item-label caption lines="2">Email field.</q-item-label>
<q-item-section side top>
<q-icon name="keyboard_arrow_up" color="blue" size="md"/>
<q-icon name="keyboard_arrow_down" color="blue" size="md"/>
<q-separator spaced inset />
<s-input v-model="data.username" label="Username" required />
<q-item-label caption lines="2">Username field.</q-item-label>
<q-item-section side top>
<q-icon name="keyboard_arrow_up" color="blue" size="md"/>
<q-icon name="keyboard_arrow_down" color="blue" size="md"/>
<q-separator spaced inset />
<s-input v-model="data.password" label="Password" type="password" required />
<q-item-label caption lines="2">Password field.</q-item-label>
<q-item-section side top>
<q-icon name="keyboard_arrow_up" color="blue" size="md"/>
<q-icon name="keyboard_arrow_down" color="blue" size="md"/>
export default {
data () {
return {
newItem: true,
titleAction: null,
title: null,
titleHideEvent: false,
addField: false,
data: {
active: true
these are all field i have. Now if user wants to add another checkbox he should open dialog with button Add Field and choose that type of component and after he confirm that new chekcbox should be added in form. But i don't know how to make it dynamic. This 3 field should be mandatory and show in all forms (email, username and password).
Can anyone please help with some advice about this?
That's a huge template you got ^^"
Think that you can success by adding counters in your component's data.
Each time the User want to add a checkbox, you increment one of your counter depending on his choices. If the User wants to add a field for name for example, increment counterOfNameFields. In your template you can loop over these counters to display the right amount of fields.
Also, make a function that will push the content of these fields in arrays for example. You should have the same amount of arrays as counters.
Hope this answer your problem, tell me if it's not the case :)
You can have a list for added fields
data: function {
return {
And in your template
<q-item v-for="item in addedItems>
some html, which depends on how you define your items in your code
When you add an item to the page you just push it into
collection and when you remove it from the page you remove it from collection.
I think this may be helpful
You can use v-bind:is="'yourComponentName'"
And you can store list of dynamic components and their options in some array.
Something like this (of course it's only example)
<component v-for="component in components" v-bind:is="" v-bind:someoptions="component.options">

ion-input component (required, size) properties not working

Currently I am working on PWA project. In that I am using ionic-vue package. I am using ion-input for taking user input in form but required and size properties not working.
Code for vue component:
<ion-icon name="close" class="close-icon" #click.prevent="redirectTo(close)"></ion-icon>
<ion-title>{{ title }}</ion-title>
<ion-content class="occupie-field" padding>
{{ content }}
<ion-input class="modal-ion-input"
type="number" mode="ios" inputmode="decimal"
#input="total_person = $"
<ion-input class="modal-ion-input"
#input="booking_name = $"
<ion-input class="modal-ion-input"
type="tel" inputmode="tel"
#input="contact_number = $"
<ion-input class="modal-ion-input"
:value="gst_no" size="15" type="text"
#input="gst_no = $"
<!-- <tags-input
placeholder="Merge Table"
></tags-input> -->
<!-- <ion-list> -->
<ion-item class="select-tablee">
<ion-label hidden>{{rootElement.$t('select-tables')}}</ion-label>
<ion-select :placeholder="rootElement.$t('merge-table')" multiple="true" value="merge_tables" #ionChange="selectChange($event)" :disabled="Object.keys(available_table_list).length === 0">
<ion-select-option v-for="(table, index) in available_table_list" :key="index" :value="index">{{ table }}</ion-select-option>
<!-- </ion-list> -->
<ion-button class="occupie-table-button" #click.prevent="submit" :disabled="disableBtn">{{rootElement.$t('occupie-table')}}</ion-button>
When I add required property in ion-input then required property not working and form submitted without checking.
see this -
<IonInputVue v-model="contact_number" size="10"/>

vee validate "required" validation is working only when on change of the field

Below is my code. Three fields are there in my form. Firstname, Middlename, Lastname. All these fields are set as required one. Only difference is that "Firstname & Lastname" contains input tag, but "Middlename" contains b-form-input tag. Actually my problem is, When I focus out(blur) these("Firstname & Lastname") fields it throws an required error but when I do the same for ("Middlename") field it doesn't Image1. I have to enter the value in that ("Middlename") field Image2 ,then I removed the value it's throwing error
Image3 i.e. required validation is only working "on change" of the "("Middlename") field. What is the reason for this?
<h4 slot="header" class="card-title">Employee</h4>
<b-col sm="3">
<label for="name">First Name </label>
<input type="text" id="" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter your name" v-validate="'required'" name="Firstname">
<span v-show="errors.has('Firstname')" class="is-danger">{{ errors.first('Firstname') }}</span>
<b-col sm="3">
<label for="name">Middle Name </label>
<b-form-input type="text" id="" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter your name" v-validate="'required'" name="Middlename"> </b-form-input>
<span v-show="errors.has('Middlename')" class="help is-danger">{{ errors.first('Middlename') }}</span>
<b-col sm="3">
<label for="name">Last Name </label>
<input type="text" id="" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter your middle name" v-validate="'required|Name'" name="Lastname">
<span v-show="errors.has('Lastname')" class="help is-danger">{{ errors.first('Lastname') }}</span>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" #click="validateForm">
import Vue from 'vue'
import VeeValidate from 'vee-validate';
export default {
name: 'addEmpl',
created: function() {
this.$validator.extend('Name', {
getMessage: field => '* Enter valid ' + field + '',
validate: value => /^[a-zA-Z]*$/.test(value)
<style lang="scss" scoped>
color: RED;
First of all, I am also new to Vue.js and Vee-validate so I stand corrected.
The difference between the 2 fields and the middlename field is that it is a component instead of native input field.
In essence, you need to make the component behaves like an input, i.e. emits the necessary events so Vee-validate can pick up on them ('input', 'change', 'blur' etc).
For e.g if your component is a div wrapping on input it would be something like this:
<div class="myClassForDiv">
#input="$emit('input', $"
export default {
name: "b-form-input"
The part relevant to the question is #blur="$emit('blur')". Without this line, VeeValidate has no way of getting notified of a blur event occurring hence does not validate (I don't know what other events VeeValidate listens to by default, but 'blur' works for me and 'focusout' does not. You can always use the data-vv-validate-on directive for special events specific to your components).
You may refer to the this article by the maintainer of VeeValidate library. Notice how he creates a component that plays nicely with VeeValidate by making the component emits all the right events.