How to automate OTPS when the otp is sent to the registered email id
Have tried mailsurp, it does not work ?
Any leads on how to automate it using robot framework
I wanted to test an API which needs OTP to proceed further.. i am using another API to fetch the OTP, but it wouldnt be returned in the response, inturn it will be sent to the mobile..
My question is that , how to fetch the OTP from phone message and continue the test. challenge is that i cant disable security or use any API for this as it will be sent to the phone number
If you really need to get SMS from the real phone you would need to use phone automation framework like Appium.
There is Appium Java Client which you can use in JSR223 Test Elements with Groovy language in order to control your mobile device and read the SMS with the OTP
But this approach would be extremely slow and the maximum throughput will be set to Appium execution speed.
So you could rather think of using SMS Gateway and a library like jSMPP or use an online SMS receiving service providing API and "normal" JMeter Post-Processors.
While automating using selenium, before the application opens it asks for Microsoft authentication.After entering email and password it asks for verification(approve or deny ) in mobile. How can I automate this verify process in mobile in selenium in Java.
While recording test cases through the browser, the Windows Integrated Authentication window pops up, which needs a username and password for authentication. This is not being recorded by the PlayWright Headless test recorder obviously as this is not browser activity. So to automate the login process, how to handle this popup and authenticate the user, is there any workaround for this.
Could you please let me know if you have encountered this kind of issue earlier for the PlayWright test framework or any other testing framework? Any help on this and highly appreciated.
I am new to flutter. So, I want to know whether I can use selenium webdriver/java to automate a flutter web application.
I have used java / cucumber to automate web applications and used page object pattern. so, can I do the same technologies to automate a flutter web application ?.
Yes you can, because the automation code is going run on top of the application. So there is no restriction. There is a package available in flutter WebDriver maybe you can try this out . And here is the API documentation.
I am looking to automate electron based application, using nightwatch.js
I tried to do it using Java/Selenium but did not succeeded as I was able to open application but not able to perform any action after opening.
Now I read about Nightwatch JS which uses webdriverIO which can help us automate web based applications.
As Electron app is window based application which opens web view in it so thinking of using it.
I managed to do the same and have uploaded a sample project in Github for reference at