Does Vega Support Text in HTML or Markdown Format? - vega

I want to display text containing links using Vega and would also want the ability to style those texts (headlines, emphasis, italics, dropdown).
Can I style text in Vega using the HTML or Markdown format?
If not, are there comparable alternatives supported by the Vega library?
This is a link to my code.

There is no markdown but you can style the text using fontStyle for italics or fontWeight for bold. You can also assign a href to the whole mark but not individual text elements within it. Details are all here:


Identify Strike-Through text in PDF?

I am using Apache PDFBox and going page by page to extract text. But at the same time I have to remove the strike-through text which comes in between.
I tried :
Detect Bold, Italic and Strike Through text using PDFBox with VB.NET
but its failing for most of my scenarios.
I also tried:
PDFBox delete comment maintain strikethrough
Are there any libraries present which do this?

Can not display tooltip when mouse is over text on PDF

I need some way to have like a tooltip when the mouse is over text. I mean, something like <block>Some text</block> and when the mouse is over "Some text" y need to display a tooltip, just like an HTML link that when the mouse is over it, a tooltip with the value of the title attribute is displayed.
I've searched so much and could not find the answer to my problem.
Annotations in PDF are not part of the XSL FO Specification. The only product I am aware of that supports such things is RenderX's XEP engine. You can review the documentation on this feature here:
One would use:
<fo:block>Note here<rx:pdf-comment content="This is the text of a popup comment"/> and some text after</fo:block>
rx:pdf-comment has additional attributes to set the title of the annotation, the color of the annotation and the opacity it displays with. You can also change the icon used in the PDF.

How to bold a text in PDF?

I'm developing a new function to "my" program. This function is able to write PDF files by the simple way, making a simple text file with some codes of PDF standard.
I'm trying to understand how it works yet, but my first problem is about how to apply bold on some line of my document.
I've already downloaded the PDF REFERENCES GUIDE, but I've not found nothing about it.
Any idea?
PDF is not like HTML where you can apply formatting tags for emphasis. As you've read in the PDF reference, all that you do in PDF is to setup a graphics environment (colours used, fonts used, etc) and then put text on the page.
If you want to have something show in bold, use a font that is bold. If you want to have something show in italic, use a font that is italic.
Older software used dirty tricks to create "bold-alike" text, but the good (and easy) way to do it is to make sure you select the correct font before you start drawing text.

QML formatting text in TextEdit

I'm new to QML, I'm trying to create text editor where you can format text to make it bold, italic, underlined, justification etc. basically I want this to act as general text editor ( LibreOffice Writer or other )
Next step is to convert formatted text in TextEdit field to HTML code, so if text in field is bold then <B>...</B> is added to text, etc.
I managed to create this kind of editor in GDK using text buffer and tags but I don't know where to start with QML.
You can still use tags for formatting text inside a TextEdit Element, as shown in the documentation.

PDF: standard format for highlights?

Many PDF viewers (for example apple's Preview) allow one to select text to highlight like a regular yellow marker highlighter. These highlights can then be saved into the PDF file and reopened in other viewer apps.
Is there a standard part of the de facto PDF specification that defines highlights?
PDF standard (section 3.6.2 of version 1.7, according to this post) deals with annotations, this is what PDF viewer use to save highlights
There are multiple ways to achieve highlights - you can use shapes (rectangles) with transparency or use the highlight annotation type ( Text Markup Annotations).
See Adobe's PDF Spec.