How to find an internal identifier for an Odoo database? - odoo

In Python, I want to pass a unique identifier for an Odoo database to a third-party application so that I can identify which DB the request has come from.
Where can I find a unique identifier?

You can use Odoo standard context variable.
For example:

The Unique ID of your database can be found like this:
Or with the following SQL query: select value from ir_config_parameter where key = 'database.uuid'
Or in the UI : in App Settings :
Switch to debug mode by adding "?debug=1" in your url, reload the page: Then go to the last item in the top menu bar: Technical
in the dropdown menu > System settings ... And in the displayed table, look for database.uuid


Wrong "ReflectedWorkItemIDFieldName" while migrating Azure DevOps Work Items

I am testing the azure-devops-migration-tools and have create a project using (Parts Unlimited). I have generated the configuration.json and changed the Source and Target so I can test a migration, but I'm getting errors while migrating Work Items.
[15:14:41 ERR] Error running query
Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.ValidationException: TF51005: The query references a field that does not exist. The error is caused by «ReflectedWorkItemId».
I've tried different options on the "ReflectedWorkItemIDFieldName" field, Scrum, Basic, Agile, Custom, empty but am still unable to migrate the work items.
How can I get the value to put on this field for the specific project?
Quick Solution: Most ADO instances use the prefix 'custom' for new fields. Try "Custom.ReflectedWorkItemId" in your configuration.json to see if that resolves the problem.
More details: It's hard to tell without an actual configuration.JSON file to review. One possible problem is that you need to use the actual and full internal 'Name' of the ReflectedWorkItemID field. This doesn't show in ADO, or the Process Template when created. The recommendation is that you create a query referencing your custom field, and export the WIQL file (query file). Once you export the WIQL file, you can then open the file and see the full syntax of the custom field.
Exporting Queries: If you don't know how to do this, it can be done with VisualStudio. If you don't know how to do that, you can install this extension. It's a handy WIQL import/Export and editor. Install, and your ADO Queries with have an Edit in WIQL Editor option. Create a query that exposes your 'ReflectedWorkItemID' as a column, then edit that query in the WIQL editor and see the full names of the Reflected Work Items ID Feild.
FROM workitems
I found a possible solution. I have created a custom process, change the process from the projects to this new one and add a new field. This is the field I'm using on the configuration.json and now I'm able to migrate work items
To make the migration in the "ReflectedWorkItemIDFieldName" you must do:
"Organization Settings" -> Process -> Select the process where you project are (Basic, Scrum, Agil, or CMMI).
then click on the 3 dots and create a new Inherited process.
Then with the inherited process, you are able to create a new field for each work item type. The name that you type (could be "IronMan") that name will be in your configuration file.

Filter lookup inside a Dialog- CRM 2015 Online

How can we filter a lookup that is in a page of the dialog process.
E.g. I have a lookup to "incident" on Prompt and Response, I would like to filter it based on the value of a field in incident entity.
I tried:
Creating new views, also setting it as default.
addPreSearch and addCustomFilter on the field on the form(Not sure how to use these scripts inside the Dialog)
Any Ideas ?
Thanks you
Unfortunately this is not possible.
As an alternative you could consider adding a query to the dialog and a page with a prompt having an Option Set (picklist) response type.

Best way to get a return tag from a sql SELECT command

I making a virtual assistant client for my University project and there is a slight problem in getting a tag return based on match string.
The system works like this:
1. The user speech input is converted into a string.
2. The string is then matched to column in table.
3. The matching column returns its id which then return two tags from another table.
The problem is for calling someone, how should I go around it?
I mean, the user will say something like this: "Call Arya", here I can't have predefined command for each person so I have to use "MATCH" or "LIKE" selectors in SQL.
But then if I use these selectors then it will return me the tag for say opening facebook app even if I just "facebook", as the commands for facebook will be "open facebook" or "run facebook".
So how to work around it. Please help.

How to access Customizable Text Fields From Prestashop Module?

I'm creating a new module for Prestashop where users can design their own product from a third party service. When the user later adds the product to their cart, I would like to save a ID that I get from this Third Party Service where the user designed their product.
I guess the best way to do this is to create a Customization Textfield within Prestashop called "designID". Now I want to know how I save data to this field from module development in Prestashop instead of letting the users manually fill in the data.
So basically... How do I add data to these customizable fields from within a Prestashop module, when the user adds the product to their cart?
These customization fields are used if you are simple user and you are not designing a module. Using it to save the designID will be just a hack.
Since you're creating a new module my advice is to keep the 3rd party ID in a newly created database table, which will match the id_product, id_design, id_cart, id_order, etc...
You can hook to "actionCartSave" and add the record with the matching ids, and all the other required data at your table.
If you want to stick to that Customization feature, add a sample field and review the following database tables:
and replicate the changes when you receive the 3rd party ID.
If all your products will be customized, consider adding the required data in ps_customization_field & ps_customization_field_lang (the table for the field structure) during the module installation, so after it's installed you can just fill
ps_customization & ps_customized_data (the tables for the field data)
PrestaShop does not have proper API for adding customizations, only for retrieving data, so you'll have to write the SQL queries yourself. Just review the ProductController for the ps_customization & ps_customized_data changes and the AdminProductsController for ps_customization_field & ps_customization_field_lang.
Do not forget to remove the Customization markup code from your product & cart templates.
I was able to find this out by myself by first trying to use Customization for a couple of hours without any success.
So basically how my module work is that the customer can open a popup iframe to a third party design tool, the customer then save the design in the iframe, which then sends the data to the parent window (The Prestashop Window).
So to store this I did the following:
Add a new column to the database table ps_cart_product
Hook into any display-hook on the product page and check if any post data is send containing the data from the third party module. If so, then:
$id_product = (int)Tools::getValue('id_product');
if (!$this->context->cart->id){
if ($this->context->cart->id)
$this->context->cookie->id_cart = (int)$this->context->cart->id;
$this->context->cart->updateQty(1, $id_product);
if(!Db::getInstance()->update('cart_product', array('id_design'=> pSQL(trim($_POST['thirdparty']))) ,'id_cart = '.$this->context->cart->id.' AND id_product = '.(int)Tools::getValue('id_product') ))
$this->context->controller->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('Error: ').mysql_error();
So basically first I check if POST is set, then I check if any cart exist, if cart does not exist then add a new cart with ->add() (This function took hours to find, 0 documentation). updateQty() is used to update the cart with the new product.
The last part is the SQL query that updates the value of id_design column with the data that is send from the third party.

Adding quick link on admin home page (Prestashop 1.5.4)

Good day! Tell me, how can I add a quick link on the home page of the administrator to configure my module?
Follow the following steps:
1) In admin section to go Administration at top menu and then click on Quick Access.
2) IN next page click on Add new and you will see a form
3) Now open admin panel in another tab and to the module page or section, of which you want to place a link in quick access.
4) Copy that complete link in note pad and remove the token section of the link. It is required to remove the token section according to Prestashop.
5) Now come back to the add new form for quick access, give your link a name and then copy that modified link to the Url field.
6) Save it and you will have that link in quick access.
The above is method is used to add it at admin. Now if you want to add it pro-grammatically you can follow the following steps.
1) In your module in the install function, user a code like below
Db::getInstance()->insert('quick_access', array('new_window' => 0, 'link' => 'link_to_your_module_page'));
//an entry is made in quick_access table, get the quick_access id to insert lang data
$id = Db::getInstance()->Insert_ID(); //this will give you last inserted ID from quick_access table which is your current quick_access id.
//now make insertions in quick_access_lang table for multi language data.
//get all your site languages, and place a foreach loop and in that loop insert
//data into the quick_access_lang table using below code
Db::getInstance()->insert('quick_access_lang', array('id_quick_access' => $id, 'id_lang' => 'lang_id', 'name' => 'name of your link'));
//Now for uninstalling module, you want to delete the link, so you need to store the quick access link id in configuration table so you can use it later.
Configuration::updateValue('MY_QUICK_ACCESS_LINK_ID', $id);
2) Now in your uninstall function in your module class, place the below code
$id = Configuration::get('MY_QUICK_ACCESS_LINK_ID'); //get id of your quick access link
Db::getInstance()->delete('quick_access', 'where id_quick_access = '.$id);
Db::getInstance()->delete('quick_access_lang', 'where id_quick_access = '.$id);
//now delete the id from config table
Note : The above code is not tested, it may / may not need some adjustments.
Thank you
There is a hook in Prestashop DisplayAdminHomeQuickLinks it will help you to add quick link on prestashop admin panel. I have use this in my theme. And it will help you to solve the quick link.
In Prestashop 1.6.1 (maybe earlier too) in Admin view, at the top of the page, Quick Access has the option to "Add current page to QuickAccess". So just navigate to the Configuration page you need and use it.