using default and statics methods in interfaces - oop

We use abstract classes if we need to keep an implemented method and method definitions while we use interfaces if we need to keep just the method definitions. But in java and C# we can use default methods and static methods to include implementations in interfaces. So what is the use of abstract classes if we can achieve what it is intended to do by using interfaces?

There are some reasons to have abstract classes.
Abstract classes can inherit interfaces, but not vice versa
Abstract classes can inherit interfaces. However, interface cannot inherit abstract class:
public interface ABar { }
public abstract class Bar : IFoo { }
However, this is not eligible:
public interface IFoo : ABar
public abstract class ABar
Abstract classes can have constructors, fields (can hold state)
Abstract classes can have constructors, fields. By having fields, it is possible to hold state. However, interface cannot have them.
public abstract class ABar
public int test; // some state
public ABar()


Base class or Abstract class without abstract method

I have a problem to chose the between an abstract class without abstract methods OR a base class with an interface.
I have two implementation in my mind:
Let's say I have a AbstractRenderer:
abstract class AbstractRenderer
protected $shape;
public function __construct(AbstractShape $shape)
$this->shape = $shape;
public function render(): string
return $this->shape->generate()->asArray();
and the WebRenderer would be like this:
class WebRenderer extends AbstractRenderer
Have a base class and an interface like this:
Interface InterfaceRenderer
public function __construct(AbstractShape $shape);
public function render(): string;
and a base class that impediments the interface:
class BaseRenderer implements InterfaceRenderer
protected $shape;
public function __construct(AbstractShape $shape)
$this->shape = $shape;
public function render(): string
return $this->shape->generate()->toString();
again, my WebRenderer would be like this:
class WebRenderer extends BaseRenderer
I don't know which is the correct implementation, or there is a better way to implement this and what is the pros and cons of each.
From the Renderer client’s perspective the 2 solutions are basically identical. As long as they depend on an abstract object (interface or an abstract class), you’ll have benefits of polymorphism. You’d lose those if you make them depend on WebRenderer (concrete object).
Interface’s benefits over abstract classes
doesn’t occupy inheritance
no fragile base class problem
Abstract classes provide
static methods (in many languages interface can’t have these)
protected implementation

Implement optional functions in an abstract class

In Kotlin I have an abstract class that other classes can inherit from. I would like to have some functions that the class that inherits this class can optionally implement. In the code below, the function is protected abstract. This however requires that the class that is inheriting this class MUST implement these functions. Is there a way to make it so that the class that is inheriting can choose to implement the functions or not implement them?
abstract class BaseDialogFragment {
protected abstract fun getButton1Text(): String
protected abstract fun getButton2Text(): String
It is very simple, you just provide the default implementation like in the example below and your inheritors can override them:
abstract class BaseDialogFragment {
open fun getButton1Text(): String {
TODO("Your default implementation here")
open fun getButton2Text(): String {
TODO("Your default implementation here")

UML class diagram relation with mother class if every child class uses the same thing

I have two questions:
I have a Singleton class with a property Layout that I use in creating child objects of an abstract class (example below). The abstract class has an abstract method where the layout file is given as a variable. Do I connect that Singleton class to the abstract class or each child? The following example is written using pseudo-code:
public class SingletonClass
public static Instance;
public var[,] Layout;
public abstract class AbstractClass
public abstract void DoSomething(var[,] Layout);
public class ClassA : AbstractClass
public override void DoSomething(var[,] Layout) { some code }
public class ClassB : AbstractClass
public override void DoSomething(var[,] Layout) { some other code }
Is it even needed, or "cleaner", to give the Layout as variable in the method, or is it ok to just call Layout from the singleton class?
The following UML is an equivalent of your code
under the following assumptions: Instance and Layout are assumed to be attributes of analogous classes.
SingletonClass has two owned attributes (denoted by the big dots): public layout of type Layout and instance of type AbstractClass (it's abstract, hence the italics). The latter will later hold either an instance of the concrete ClassA or ClassB.
Whether or not the design is ok depends. Basically there's nothing wrong with this.

Abstract classes in client lib, and concrete class in shared lib

How do I solve the serialization problem with abstract class defined in a shared client library, and concrete implementation in a server side library.
Interface in shared client library :
public interface IMyInterface
void UploadDrawing(Drawing dr);
Concreate Drawing class in shared client library :
public class Drawing
public Shape s;
Abstract class in shared client library :
abstract public class Shape
public abstract string Name;
Concrete class implementation in separate library which references the client library :
public class Cirle : ClientLibrary.Shape
public override string Name { get; set; }
I keep getting the exception message:
There was an error while trying to serialize parameter The InnerException message was 'Type
'Circle' with data contract name
'Circle:' is not expected.
Consider using a DataContractResolver or add any types not known
statically to the list of known types - for example, by using the
KnownTypeAttribute attribute or by adding them to the list of known
types passed to DataContractSerializer.'. Please see InnerException
for more details.
KnownType works in other way. If you want to use KnownType attribute you must use it on the base class to define its child:
abstract public class Shape
public abstract string Name;
That will not be too much helpful in your case. Try to put ServiceKnownType with concrete class on your interface:
public interface IMyInterface
void UploadDrawing(Drawing dr);
You doesn't have to define Shape as ServiceKnownType - it is already known because it is used in Drawing but WCF yet doesn't know the Circle type.

Base class and derived class

I have a question, I have a base class and an another class which derived from the base class. Can we access derived class in the base class.
Thanks in advance
You can access the code in the derived class from the base class code, but only from within an object which is actually a derived class object, and then only if the methods involved are virtual methods.
If you have an object which is itself an instance of the base class, then from within that instance you cannot see derived class code from the base class .
public class Baseclass
public void Foo()
public virtual void Bar()
print("I'm a BaseClass");
public classs Derived: BaseClass
public override void Bar()
print("I'm a Derived Class");
var b = new BaseClass();
x.Foo() // prints "I'm a BaseClass"
// This Foo() calls Bar() in base class
var d = new Derived();
d.Foo() // prints "I'm a Derived Class"
// in above, the code for Foo() (in BaseClass)
// is accessing Bar() in derived class
No you can not. If you happen to know the an object declared as the Base class is actually the derived class, you can cast it. But within the base class you can not access the derived class's members.
There are a lot of ways that a base class can access members of a derived class (depending on programming language), but generally it is considered a design smell.
Instead, you usually want the base class to only directly access its own members, and allow derived classes to override methods.