Delete message from Azure Storage Queue using REST API - azure-storage

I am trying to simply Get a message off an Azure Storage Queue and then delete it using the REST API.
I can retrieve the message and get a popreceipt but when I try and use this to delete the message, I keep getting, "The specified message does not exist."
In the documentation ( it looks like you only have to supply the popreceipt however further down the page, it says,
After a client retrieves a message with the Get Messages operation, the client is expected to process and delete the message. To delete the message, you must have two items of data returned in the response body of the Get Messages operation:
The message ID, an opaque GUID value that identifies the message in
the queue.
A valid pop receipt, an opaque value that indicates that the message has been retrieved.
So this implies you do need to send the MessageId as well but there is nothing in the docs that specifies where to place the messageid.
The URI in the docs says to pass DELETE to and I have tried replacing messageid with the actual messageid from the GET but this does not seem to be correct.
Has anyone used this and can explain why I always get "The specified message does not exist" when trying to DELETE the message off the queue or am I missing something?

When GET message /dequeue a message is requested, the message becomes
invisible for certain amount of time .In this mean time ,if it is
not deleted in process which dequeued ,it will be visible again as
said by #gaurav mantri and have a chance to be picked up by another
process i.e ; when you perform get message operation with a visibility timeout reached, another message object is returned with a new pop_receipt .
So please check the time, when you dequeue the message and wait if
the time is out or delete it on time as sometimes encoding process
may take more time than the message invisibility timeout.
Also please note that the maximum timeout interval for Queue service
operations is 30 seconds. If the server timeout interval elapses
before the service has finished processing the request, the service
returns an error.
For the next process pop receipt is updated and so using old one
gives error error code 404 (Not Found) because message with a
matching pop receipt wont be found .
So please check by gradually increasing the invisibility timeout.
Queue getmessage fails - some messages only. (
Setting timeouts for Queue service operations (REST API) - Azure
Storage | Microsoft Docs


TimedOut in python-telegram-bot but message is sent

I've got following error while trying to send a message to a specific telegram channel:
TimedOut: Timed out
The read operation timed out
the method which I used from python-telegram-bot was send_message.
Although my bot got this error but it still sent the message to the channel and because I did not catch that exception all data from the message was lost but I really need to remove my messages from that channel after a specific period of time.
Is this OK that the bot sent the message even though it got Timed Out? How can I prevent this from happen again or remove this kind of messages from the channel after being sent?
Time out errors mean that TG didn't send a response to your send_message request quick enough. It does not necessarily mean that the request wasn't processed - that's why the message may still be sent. However, without response from TG, you don't have the message id of the resulting message and it will be hard to impossible to delete it.
You can try to increase the time that PTB waits for a response from TG. THis can be done in different ways:
with the timeout parameter of send_message
with Defaults.timeout, if you're using PTBs Defaults setup
by specifying it via the request_kwargs that you pass to Updater
You may want to have a look at this wiki page on networking.
Disclaimer: I'm currently the maintainer of python-telegram-bot
After a couple of hours reading here and there, and passing timeout=30 to and getting an error that says unknown parameter even though send_audio's docs clearly states it takes a timeout param, I found that you can fix this by passing the timeouts to the Application upon building it:
application = ApplicationBuilder()
This fixed my bot. Hope this helps you as well.

Why ConfirmCallback#confirm#CorrelationData has only one property id rather than the entire message so that i can resend message immediately

I am trying some stuff about Reliability of message delivery using ConfirmCallback.
So far I've done these:
1.When I send a message, I save it in the db (There is a field called status that indicates whether the message reached the broker successfully). Message id will stored in correlationData.
2.Using ConfirmCallback, if ack, i will update Message#status to success.( I can get message id from CorrelationData )
3.Using timed tasks to find the message that was not sent successfully, and resend.
I wonder why ConfirmCallback#confirm#CorrelationData has only one property id rather than the entire message so that I can resend message immediately.(In this way I don't need to persist messages).
Is there any other way to ensure that the message is sent successfully?
Any Suggestions would be appreciated.
You can sub-class CorrelationData to add the message.

Using Sagas with Recoverabilty

We are having an issue with recovery for messages originating from Sagas.
When a Saga sends a message for processing, the message handler can sometimes fail with an exception. We currently use a try/catch and when an exception is thrown, we "Reply" with a failed message to the Saga. The issue with this approach is that Recoverability retries don't happen since we are handling the error in the message handler.
My thought was to add custom logic to the pipeline and if the Command message implements some special Interface, the custom logic would send a failed message response to the Saga if an exception occurs (after the retries fails), but I'm not sure where to plug into the pipeline that would allow me to send messages after retries fails.
Is this a valid approach? If not, how can I solve for Saga to Handler failure messages after retries?
You can use immediate dispatch to not wait for a handler to complete.
However, I would like to suggest an alternate approach. Why not create a Timeout in the saga? If the reply from the processing-handler isn't received within a certain TimeSpan, you take an alternate path. The processing-handler gets 5 minutes and if it doesn't respond within 5 minutes, we do something else. If it still responds after 6 minutes, we know we've already taken the alternate path (use a boolean flag or so and store that inside the saga data) and put aside the reply that arrived too late.
If you want to start a discussion based on this, check our community platform.

Error queue and batch sending of messages

Hopefully this is a simple question but i need to verify that my assumption is correct: If i send 4 messages in one batch send and one of the 4 messages causes a fault and fails retries in its handler does that single message get forwarded to the error queue or does the entire batch message get placed into the error queue?
Common sense tells me that the single message would be moved to the error queue as the batch message has been unwrapped and delegated to its handlers.
The transaction boundary is the handler and therefore each message has its own set of retries. The only complexity to this is that if you are using a pipeline of message handlers you also have to consider that if any of the handlers fail for a given message, a retry will occur.

Handling NServiceBus timeouts correctly

NServiceBus provides a timeout mechanism. From
The RequestTimeout method on the base
class tells NServiceBus to send a
message to another endpoint which will
durably keep time for us ... There's a
process that comes with NServiceBus
called the Timeout Manager which
provides a basic implementation of
this functionality.
When time is up, the Timeout Manager
sends a message back to the saga
causing its Timeout method to be
called with the same state object
originally passed.
As I see it there is a possibility that the timeout is triggered even though the message has been delivered to the receiver (the reply got stuck somewhere for example).
How do I design my application in such a way that my application will behave correctly regardless if the message made it to the receiver or not.
If the Client sends a message to the Server and then requests a Timeout, the state of the request will be stored. If the Timeout message is received by the Client prior to the reply from the Server then you can compare the state returned by the Timeout to the current state and see that the Server has not replied and decide what to do. If the request is no longer valid, you might ignore the reply. If that is the case, you may want to look at the "TimeToBeReceived" attribute for the Server message. It will throw away messages it can't receive in the designated time.