Technology select for offline Vue.Js + Electron App - vue.js

I'm developping a simple agenda app in Vue.JS (Quasar) that would be deployed in electron.
In order to enable the user to continue using the app without connection (Make a change to be synced later and view the last version), I am thinking to use Electron Store.
However, I'm not sure if it is a correct choice; or shall I use PouchDB or anything else?


Reuse Vue2(Nuxt2) components in Electron new browser Window

I am making an app in Electron with Nuxt 2 and I want to open another window in witch I want to use components from ./components folder. Along those components I would want to use the Vuetify instance that I have in the main window so the design will be the same.
Communication between windows will be don with ipcMain and ipcRenderer.
How should I make the html file that I load when the secondary window is created ? What should be in there ?
I do not want to load the entire app and use only a route. The app is pretty bight and it would be just a waste of resources.
Also I use electron builder for production builds and a http server for dev builds.
Thank you.

Automatically update Vue site / PWA with new release

I have a Vue app that is used both in the browser and as a PWA. I would like to ensure users receive the latest version whenever updates have been pushed to the server.
I am using Nginx, Django and vue-cli along with #vue/cli-plugin-pwa.
Currently when I npm run build and then push the new version to the server, users get the old version of the app (in browser as well as PWA on their phones). To get the new version they do a hard refresh in the browser or for the PWA they close the app and reopen it again.
Is there a way to ensure a version check is done every time the app is loaded so that the new version is retrieved?
In the end I found this excellent article which covers how to display a notification when an update is available. The user is then able to click the notification which updates the app.

How to create a shopify app dev environment

I'm building an embedded shopify app and I struggle to test it as embedded app because it's veeeery slow. I started my app following the official guide of creating an app with node & nextjs and I'm still using both but i'm considering getting rid of nextjs and using just react since it feels veeery slow and so heavy for ngrok to transfer all the files to the shopify iframe...
What would you recommend to work smoothly with shopify when building an embedded app?
(I'm mostly working locally but I still need to often go check that it works well inside the admin & to use shopify-app-bridge library)
if ngrok is slow for you, i would suggest heroku for deployment and testing,
create new application at heroku, you can also connect it with your github and use automatic deploy when you push your code

Is there any proteus (runtime layout engine) version of react-native?

proteus is basically a runtime layout engine for Android developed by Indian e-commerce Flipkart.
Basically, I want to be able to control my home screen & Support Screen of the app from a backend server, so that I don't have to push every for every small change and also I don't want to use web views (we all know the limitations)
I don't think such a tool exists but you should look into Firebase, specifically the remote config module. It allows you to set parameters from your backend which can then be read on your mobile app, at every launch for example. This would allow you to set custom values for any variable you might need on these screens.
You could also look into AppCenter by Microsoft. It is a service which lets you deploy app updates over the air instantly, without going through the App Store and Play Store review processes. The only downside is that you can't push updates containing native code as your app needs to be re-bundled.

React native, do I need to send updates through app store?

Title pretty much explains it. Does it render JS from an external codebase so I can simply push new updates through git, or do I need to actually push the changes through App Store?
This is my previous answer, which is getting downvoted into oblivion because it didn't predict something cool like CodePush coming to React Native :)
React Native compiles to an iOS binary. Updates need to be sent to the
App Store, unless you're simply using React Native for its WebView
and rendering an existing webpage on the client.
Updated 6/2/16
It looks like Microsoft has a sweet plugin for CodePush found here that lets you push changes remotely to your React Native app without having to send the update through the App Store.
Here's a quote from the README docs:
NOTE: While Apple's developer agreement fully allows performing
over-the-air updates of JavaScript and assets (which is what enables
CodePush!), it is against their policy for an app to display an update
prompt. Because of this, we recommend that App Store-distributed apps
don't enable the updateDialog option when calling sync, whereas Google
Play and internally distributed apps (e.g. Enterprise, Fabric,
HockeyApp) can choose to enable/customize it.
I'm actually working on a project (with the React Native Playground team - that will allow you do live update your apps JS on the fly without submitting an update to the App Store. It's called Reploy,
We will be open-sourcing the first portion of it very soon (the updater module). There will also be a service that will help you to manage your updates and even deploy your app to TestFlight and the App Store when needed (App Store updates are still needed when adding a new native module or static assets).
Also, just so you know, Apple has allowed this type of auto-updating via item 3.3.2 in the "iOS Developer Program Requirements" document, it says:
3.3.2 An Application may not download or install executable code. Interpreted
code may only be used in an Application if all scripts, code and interpreters are
packaged in the Application and not downloaded. The only exception to the
foregoing is scripts and code downloaded and run by Apple's built-in WebKit
framework or JavascriptCore, provided that such scripts and code do not change
the primary purpose of the Application by providing features or functionality that are
inconsistent with the intended and advertised purpose of the Application as
submitted to the App Store.
You could push an update to a remote user if you had linked to an external bundle and had the IP / correct ports forwarded, however Apple do not allow this for released AppStore apps.
For beta testing remote apps you might want to try exponent
For completeness, it should be noted that if you are part of the Apple Enterprise program you do not need to publish Apps to the AppStore at all, you can post them to end users via a download link.
I work on a project called AppHub that lets you update JavaScript and images without re-submitting to the App Store. The iOS SDK will be open source, but for now you can use the hosted service to manage new builds of your app.