Accessing agent computer in azure devops -

I am new in azure devops services, and i am trying to run a pipeline that process an core application.
I have a task for restoring the project dependencies. Its code is dotnet Restore
The piepeline fail on that command with this message :
1:5>C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\5.0.410\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.TargetFrameworkInference.targets(141,5): error NETSDK1045: The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET 6.0. Either target .NET 5.0 or lower, or use a version of the .NET SDK that supports .NET 6.0. [D:\a\1\s\AspNetProjectOnDocker.csproj]
Done executing task "NETSdkError" -- FAILED.
1:5>Done building target "_CheckForUnsupportedNETCoreVersion" in project "AspNetProjectOnDocker.csproj" -- FAILED.
1:5>Done Building Project "D:\a\1\s\AspNetProjectOnDocker.csproj" (_GenerateRestoreGraphProjectEntry target(s)) -- FAILED.
1>Done executing task "MSBuild" -- FAILED.
1>Done building target "_GenerateRestoreGraph" in project "AspNetProjectOnDocker.csproj" -- FAILED.
1>Done Building Project "D:\a\1\s\AspNetProjectOnDocker.csproj" (Restore target(s)) -- FAILED.
AspNetProjectOnDocker is the name of my .net project
My Questions :
How to access to the folder : C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\5.0.410\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.TargetFrameworkInference.targets specified in the error message above.

My Questions :
How to access to the folder : C:\Program
specified in the error message above.
Answer to your question:
This is not a folder, it is a file. You can access it via the following YAML pipeline definition.
- none
vmImage: windows-2019
- script: |
echo Check target file
cd C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\5.0.410\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets
more Microsoft.NET.TargetFrameworkInference.targets
displayName: 'Check target file'
# if you encounter some issue such as can't find directory, you can use the following method to check what happens.
# - script: |
# echo Check target file step by step
# dir
# C:
# dir
# cd Program Files
# dir
# cd dotnet
# dir
# cd sdk
# dir
# cd 5.0.410
# dir
# cd Sdks
# dir
# cd Microsoft.NET.Sdk
# dir
# cd targets
# dir
# more Microsoft.NET.TargetFrameworkInference.targets
# displayName: 'Check target file step by step'
Successfully get the file content:


conan doesn't upload export/ to remote

I have created customized OpenCV package using conan package manager and uploaded it to a remote storage.
create package
cd c:\path\to\
conan create . smart/4.26 --profile ue4
Export with conan export . opencv-ue4/3.4.0#smart/4.26
c:\path\> conan export . opencv-ue4/3.4.0#smart/4.26
[HOOK -] pre_export(): WARN: Conanfile doesn't have 'url'. It is recommended to add it as attribute
Exporting package recipe
opencv-ue4/3.4.0#smart/4.26 exports_sources: Copied 3 '.patch' files: cmakes.patch, check_function.patch, typedefs.patch
opencv-ue4/3.4.0#smart/4.26: The stored package has not changed
opencv-ue4/3.4.0#smart/4.26: Exported revision: ceee251590f4bf50c4ff48f6dc27c2ed
I upload everything to the remote:
c:\path> conan upload -r bart opencv-ue4/3.4.0#rs7-smart/4.26 --all
Uploading to remote 'bart':
Uploading opencv-ue4/3.4.0#smart/4.26 to remote 'bart'
Recipe is up to date, upload skipped
Uploading package 1/1: 1d79899922d252aec6da136ce61bff640124c1c4 to 'bart'
Uploaded conan_package.tgz -> opencv-ue4/3.4.0#smart/4.26:1d79 [23667.97k]
Uploaded conaninfo.txt -> opencv-ue4/3.4.0#smart/4.26:1d79 [0.75k]
Uploaded conanmanifest.txt -> opencv-ue4/3.4.0#smart/4.26:1d79 [11.81k]
Our remote storage runs on the Artifactory, and I can see in a browser that is not listed anywhere.
I can also verify that directory C:\Users\user\.conan\data\opencv-ue4\3.4.0\smart\4.26\export on my Windows PC does contain both and conanmanifest.txt
I am using Windows PC for doing all above.
Now I'm trying to consume that package on another machine, running Ubuntu Linux.
Here is my conanfile.txt
Command and results
> conan install -g json . opencv-ue4/3.4.0#smart/4.26
opencv-ue4/3.4.0#smart/4.26: Not found in local cache, looking in remotes...
opencv-ue4/3.4.0#smart/4.26: Trying with 'bart'...
Downloading conanmanifest.txt completed [0.33k]
opencv-ue4/3.4.0#-smart/4.26: Downloaded recipe revision 0
ERROR: opencv-ue4/3.4.0#smart/4.26: Cannot load recipe.
Error loading conanfile at '/home/user/.conan/data/opencv-ue4/3.4.0/smart/4.26/export/': /home/user/.conan/data/opencv-ue4/3.4.0/smart/4.26/export/ not found!
Running ls -la /home/user/.conan/data/opencv-ue4/3.4.0/smart/4.26/export/ shows that the directory indeed contains only file conanmanifest.txt
Below is the relevant part of the that I've used to build the package
from conans import ConanFile, CMake, tools
class OpenCVUE4Conan(ConanFile):
name = "opencv-ue4"
version = "3.4.0"
url = ""
description = "OpenCV custom build for UE4"
license = "BSD"
settings = "os", "compiler", "build_type", "arch"
generators = "cmake"
exports_sources = 'patches/cmakes.patch', 'patches/check_function.patch', 'patches/typedefs.patch'
def requirements(self):
def cmake_flags(self):
flags = [
# cut
return flags
def source(self):"git clone --depth=1 -b {}".format(self.version))"git clone --depth=1 -b {}".format(self.version))
def build(self):
# Patch OpenCV to avoid build errors
for p in self.exports_sources:
if p.endswith(".patch"):
tools.patch(base_path='opencv', patch_file=p, fuzz=True)
cmake = CMake(self)
cmake.configure(source_folder="opencv", args=self.cmake_flags())
def package_info(self):
self.cpp_info.libs = tools.collect_libs(self)
Conan version both in Windows and in Linux is 1.54.0
How do I correctly upload and consume the package?
After conversation with #drodri in comments I have removed from exports_sources, deleted all conan-generated files in all PCs and removed uploaded files from the Artifactory.
Then I've rebuilt the package, re-exported and re-uploaded it.
The issue was in restrictions of our Artifactory. Admins have forbidden uploading .py files.

Dotnet Sonarcloud end failed

I trying to integrate my Solution based on .net6 with SonarCloud and Github actions.The problem is that the action build failed on the sonar scanner end.I tried to change working dirs but with the same effect.The project is public HERE
The SonarScanner for MSBuild integration failed: SonarCloud was unable to collect the required information about your projects.
Possible causes:
The project has not been built - the project must be built in between the begin and end steps
An unsupported version of MSBuild has been used to build the project. Currently MSBuild 14.0.25420.1 and higher are supported.
The begin, build and end steps have not all been launched from the same folder
None of the analyzed projects have a valid ProjectGuid and you have not used a solution (.sln) SonarScanner for MSBuild 5.7.2 Using
the .NET Core version of the Scanner for MSBuild Post-processing
started. 10:38:06.016 Generation of the sonar-properties file failed.
Unable to complete the analysis. 10:38:06.024 Post-processing failed.
Exit code: 1 Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
name: build-all
# Controls when the action will run.
- main
# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
# This workflow contains a single job called "build"
# The type of runner that the job will run on
runs-on: windows-latest
# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
# Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
- uses: actions/checkout#v2
# Disabling shallow clone is recommended for improving relevancy of reporting
fetch-depth: 0
- uses: actions/setup-dotnet#v1
dotnet-version: ${{ env.DOTNET_VERSION }}
- uses: microsoft/setup-msbuild#v1
- uses: actions/setup-java#v2
distribution: 'adopt'
java-version: '11'
- name: Restore NuGet packages
run: |
cd App
nuget restore App.sln
- name: Begin Sonar scan
run: |
cd App
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-sonarscanner
dotnet sonarscanner begin /o:vladimirpetukhov /k:vladimirpetukhov_Musement_CLI /d:sonar.login=${{ secrets.SONAR_TOKEN }} /
- name: Build Api
run: |
cd ./App/App.API
dotnet build App.API.csproj --no-restore
# dotnet test App.API.csproj --no-build --no-restore --verbosity normal -p:CollectCoverage=true -p:CoverletOutputFormat=opencover
- name: Build Main
run: |
cd ./App/App.Main
dotnet build App.Main.csproj --no-restore
# dotnet test App.Main.csproj --no-build --no-restore --verbosity normal -p:CollectCoverage=true -p:CoverletOutputFormat=opencover
- name: End Sonar scan
run: |
cd App
dotnet sonarscanner end /d:sonar.login=${{ secrets.SONAR_TOKEN }}

Gazebo Garden installation problems with cmake and msbuild (Windows 10)

I'm installing Gazebo Garden on my Windows 10 laptop and recently had some problems regarding building the ignition libraries with cmake.
First, I had an error that make couldn't run the msbuild command. The solution to that was to add the msbuild path to the system environment variables and to delete the cmake cache as in explained.
Here may be the first source of error. I changed the MS Visual studio version to the correct version of VS 19, but was not sure about the source and build folder. I set the source code folder to /ign-ws/src/ign-cmake from the installation manual ( and the build folder to a new empty folder.
It kinda worked and I went on to build the libraries, but the command
colcon build --cmake-args -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF --merge-install --packages-up-to ignition-gazebo7
gave an error again. This time the error is something about the VCtargetsPath as shown in the error code:
(ign-ws) C:\Windows\System32> colcon build --cmake-args -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF --merge-install --packages-up-to ignition-gazebo7
Starting >>> ignition-cmake3
Starting >>> ignition-tools2
--- stderr: ignition-cmake3
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:6 (project):
Failed to run MSBuild command:
C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Community/MSBuild/Current/Bin/MSBuild.exe
to get the value of VCTargetsPath:
Microsoft (R)-Build-Engine, Version 16.11.2+f32259642 fΓΌr .NET Framework
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
MSBUILD : error MSB1009: Die Projektdatei ist nicht vorhanden.
Schalter: VCTargetsPath.vcxproj
Exit code: 1
Failed <<< ignition-cmake3 [1.41s, exited with code 1]
Aborted <<< ignition-tools2 [1.27s]
Summary: 0 packages finished [14.7s]
1 package failed: ignition-cmake3
1 package aborted: ignition-tools2
2 packages had stderr output: ignition-cmake3 ignition-tools2
13 packages not processed
I couldn't find any solution connecting both errors. Is the cause of my second error the false source folder? Maybe someone can help?

Setup of azure-pipelines.yml "No web project was found in the repository" with ASP.NET Core

I need help to setup my azure-pipelines.yml build file because I cannot find any good tutorial, sample or other kind of help anywhere.
I follow this tutorial by Microsoft but despite all information they give I still get errors.
# ASP.NET Core
# Build and test ASP.NET Core projects targeting .NET Core.
# Add steps that run tests, create a NuGet package, deploy, and more:
- master
vmImage: 'Ubuntu-16.04'
buildConfiguration: 'Release'
# - script: dotnet build --configuration $(buildConfiguration)
# displayName: 'dotnet build $(buildConfiguration)'
- task: DotNetCoreInstaller#0
version: '2.2.202' # replace this value with the version that you need for your project
- script: dotnet restore
- task: DotNetCoreCLI#2
displayName: Build
command: build
projects: '**/*.csproj'
arguments: '--configuration Release' # Update this to match your need
# do this after you've built your app, near the end of your pipeline in most cases
# for example, you do this before you deploy to an Azure web app on Windows
- task: DotNetCoreCLI#2
command: publish
publishWebProjects: True
arguments: '--configuration $(BuildConfiguration) --output $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
zipAfterPublish: True
- task: PublishBuildArtifacts#1
ArtifactName: 'drop'
##[section]Starting: DotNetCoreCLI
Task : .NET Core
Description : Build, test, package, or publish a dotnet application, or run a custom dotnet command. For package commands, supports and authenticated feeds like Package Management and MyGet.
Version : 2.150.1
Author : Microsoft Corporation
Help : [More Information](
##[error]No web project was found in the repository. Web projects are identified by presence of either a web.config file or wwwroot folder in the directory.
##[error]Project file(s) matching the specified pattern were not found.
##[section]Finishing: DotNetCoreCLI
Why these error and what am I doing wrong?
Additional information
- I can build and publish from Visual Studio to my Azure web app. My API is working. I just cannot do it as part of CI / CD.
- I don't understand this error because I don't understand why the DotNetCore are requesting a web.config.
It only worked for me when I gave it the path to my Web API (set **/*WebApi.csproj to your own location).
But just as importantly, I had to assure the build agent it was NOT a web project by setting publishWebProjects to false.
- task: DotNetCoreCLI#2
displayName: 'πŸ“—πŸ“—πŸ“— Publish πŸ“—πŸ“—πŸ“—'
command: publish
projects: '**/*WebApi.csproj'
publishWebProjects: False
arguments: '--configuration $(BuildConfiguration) --output $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
zipAfterPublish: True
Q: Are emojis necessary in the publish definition?
A: Yes, emojis are necessary. (Actually, no. But it would be less silly than having to set publishWebProjects to false.)

bazel - Error building TensorFlow with local LLVM repository

Essentially, I want to run TensorFlow with a custom LLVM repository and not the llvm-mirror that bazel pulls from.
I made the following changes:
Changed the temp_workaround_http_archive rule in //tensorflow/workspace.bzl to:
native.local_repository (
name = "llvm",
path = "/git/llvm/",
In /git/llvm I added the file WORKSPACE containing:
workspace( name = "llvm" )
However, I know that an file is required, but since I am new to bazel, I am not sure where it should be located.
I am getting the following error log:
bazel build --config=opt //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package
ERROR: /git/tensorflow/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/BUILD:81:1: no such package '#llvm//': BUILD file not found on package path and referenced by '//tensorflow/tools/pip_package:licenses'.
ERROR: Analysis of target '//tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package' failed; build aborted.
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.219s
I installed TensorFlow from source. Here is the version info:
$ git rev-parse HEAD
$ bazel version
Build label: 0.4.5
Build target: bazel-out/local-fastbuild/bin/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/bazel/BazelServer_deploy.jar
Build time: Thu Mar 16 12:19:38 2017 (1489666778)
Build timestamp: 1489666778
Build timestamp as int: 1489666778
Thanks in advance for the help!
Found the fix. Quite simple actually.
The local_repository rule in bazel is for external bazel repositories only. To use a non-bazel external repository, we need to use new_local_repository which takes build_file as an argument.
You can use the http server function of python to build a local file server, like:
python3 -m http.server
Then edit the file "tensorflow/workspace.bzl"
name = "llvm",
urls = [
sha256 = "57a8333f8e6095d49f1e597ca18e591aba8a89d417f4b58bceffc5fe1ffcc02b",
strip_prefix = "llvm-195a164675af86f390f9816e53291013d1b551d7",
build_file = str(Label("//third_party/llvm:llvm.BUILD")),
Add one local file path in the middle line of urls, and then rebuild it again.