Can I use VBA to update an email signature with leave dates? - vba

I have been using VBA in Excel for about a year now, but I have never considered using it in Outlook.
One of the email signatures that I use ends with "Advance notice of leave: [leave dates]", however I know that I will likely forget to update this after I return to the office. Is there a way to synchronise this email signature with my outlook calendar so that the signature will automatically update to show my next leave period?
If possible, please answer in simple terms because this is my first time coding with VBA in Outlook! Thanks

The Outlook object model provides properties and methods for scanning the message body including the signature. The Outlook object model supports three main ways of dealing with the message body:
The Body property returns or sets a string representing the clear-text body of the Outlook item.
The HTMLBody property of the MailItem class returns or sets a string representing the HTML body of the specified item. Setting the HTMLBody property will always update the Body property immediately. For example:
Sub CreateHTMLMail()
'Creates a new e-mail item and modifies its properties.
Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem
'Create e-mail item
Set objMail = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With objMail
'Set body format to HTML
.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
.HTMLBody = "<HTML><BODY>Enter the message text here. </BODY></HTML>"
End With
End Sub
The Word object model can be used for dealing with message bodies. See Chapter 17: Working with Item Bodies for more information.
Note, the MailItem.BodyFormat property allows you to programmatically change the editor that is used for the body of an item.
After detecting the keyword in the message body you may create an appointment on the calendar, see How To: Create a new Outlook Appointment item for more information.


Reprocessing Outlook Undelivered Mail

I have an Exchange mailbox with a bunch of Outlook ReportItem Undelivered messages. I am attempting to reprocess the undelivered messages via an Outlook VBA script by invoking the "SendAgain" operation on the ReportItem messages. My issue is that the ReportItem does not have a send method, so I have no way of actually sending the reprocessed messages. I am using the following code to go through the messages:
Dim objApp As Outlook.Application
Dim objNameSpace As NameSpace
Dim journalAlertInbox As Folder
Dim objInspector As Inspector
Dim resendItem As ReportItem
Set objApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objNameSpace = objApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set journalAlertInbox = objNameSpace.Stores.Item("thestore").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
For Each folderItem In journalAlertInbox.Items
If TypeOf folderItem Is ReportItem Then
Set objInspector = folderItem.GetInspector
objInspector.CommandBars.ExecuteMso "SendAgain"
Set resendItem = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
Set objInspector = resendItem.GetInspector
''how do I send the item that is now displayed?
''resendItem.Close olSave
folderItem.Close olDiscard
End If
Next folderItem
I thought I might be able to save the displayed message as a draft, however If I uncomment the resendItem.close olSave line this results in a message in my Outlook Drafts folder of type ReportItem. I can open up the saved draft message it the Outlook GUI and click the send button, but I do not see a way to actually invoke the send operation programmatically. Examining the message in drafts shows it to be of type ReportItem, which does not have a .Send method.
How can I invoke the "Send" operation on the Report Item? I can clearly see the "Send" button, but there seems to be no programmatic way of actually clicking it.
OOM does not expose any functionality that allows to link a ReportItem object to the original MailItem, and, generally, there might not be any kind of link between the two. The best you can do is to retrieve PR_ORIGINAL_SEARCH_KEY MAPI property (or PR_REPORT_TAG, which includes both the search key and the store/Sent Items folder entry id) using ReportItem.PropertyAccess.GetProperty and try to find a matching message in the Sent Items folder. You can see these properties in OutlookSpy (I am its author).
Keep in mind that OOM does not allow to search on the binary (PT_BINARY) properties in Items.Find/Restrict.
If using Redemption is an option (I am also its author), it exposes RDOReportItem.FindOriginalItem method.
Once you have the original item, you can make a copy and try to send it again.
The ReportItem doesn't represent the original item which is failed to be sent. Also it doesn't contain any relationship with the original mail item, so you will not find any property or method available in the Outlook object model. Your existing solution looks good.
You may also try using the ReportItem.GetConversation method which obtains a Conversation object that represents the conversation to which this item belongs. So, you may try getting the previous item from the conversation, it could be the original item which has been submitted.

VBA Outlook Redirect Emails to Distribution List

I have the following problem and would be extremely grateful for help:
I have a rule set up on Outlook to redirect all emails coming in from a specific email address.
However, I cannot set it to redirect the email to all the people in my distribution list named "Lecturers". In addition, I want the redirection to be BCC (due to spam issues).
Thank you very much for your help.
You can assign a VBA macro to the existing rule as a possible action. The VBA method should look in the following way:
Public Sub Test(item as MailItem)
' your actions here
End Sub
So, in the VBA macro called by the Outlook rule you can implement all the required functionality. Use the MailItem.Recipients property which returns a Recipients collection that represents all the recipients for the Outlook item to set up recipients of your redirect email. Use the Add method to create a new Recipient object and add it to the Recipients object. The Type property of a new Recipient object is set to the default for the associated MailItem object and must be reset to indicate another recipient type. For example:
Set myRecipient = myItem.Recipients.Add ("Eugene Astafiev")
myRecipient.Type = olBCC

Reply, with template, using properties of original mail

I work at a Company that gets requests we filter in terms of
being eligibile for financing from our financing partner
requiring more information from the enquirer
There is a lot of monotonous work, in copy pasting email replies.
I looked into creating a Quick Action in Outlook, but because our mother company does not allow certain freedoms, like the Font has to be specifically Segoe Ui Light etc. I could not use this, so I thought about writing a macro.
I intended for a macro button to:
Open a new Reply email, replying to all in the original mail.
In this new email text body, use a template email that I already made and saved as a template. (This way it saved the Font, size and other formatting.)
Put in the original Sender and CC'ed mail addresses as well as the Subject from the original mail.
And then display the email, so I could make edits if I wanted to before sending.
Sub ReplyGewerbeanmeldung()
Dim origEmail As MailItem
Dim replyEmail As MailItem
Set origEmail = Application.ActiveWindow.Selection.Item(1)
Set replyEmail = Application.CreateItemFromTemplate(" "C:\Users\XYZ\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates\ReplyGewerbeanmeldung.oft"\ReplyGewerbeanmeldung.oft")
replyEmail.To = origEmail.Sender
replyEmail.CC = origEmail.CC
replyEmail.Subject = origEmail.Subject
replyEmail.HTMLBody = replyEmail.HTMLBody & origEmail.Reply.HTMLBody
End Sub
First of all, it seems you need to correct the file path to the template message. The following string is not a valid file path:
" "C:\Users\XYZ\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates\ReplyGewerbeanmeldung.oft"\ReplyGewerbeanmeldung.oft"
Try to use the following string instead:
Set replyEmail = Application.CreateItemFromTemplate("C:\Users\XYZ\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates\ReplyGewerbeanmeldung.oft")
You can read more about that in the How To: Create a new Outlook message based on a template article.
Anyway, creating items from a template will not preserve the original message body. Moreover, in Outlook you will not get any visual appearance that a particular items was replied. So, you need to call the ReplyAll method on the original item in Outlook to avoid this artefacts in Outlook.
You can create a new mail item, but only for copying the message body response which is required to paste into the reply. The NameSpace.OpenSharedItem method can be used to to open iCalendar appointment (.ics) files, vCard (.vcf) files, and Outlook message (.msg) files. You may consider using it instead of creating a new item based on the template to grab the message body from there.

Generating Email with Hyperlink from MS Access

I'm attempting to generate an email from MS Access when a particular procedure is run and certain conditions are met, the email will include a hyperlink. I've found the sendobject macro command does not allow for hyperlink, only static text. It seems that the solution is to code the portion of the entire process that generates and sends the email in VBA and call on that code in the appropriate segment of my if function within my macro.
I can't figure out the appropriate code to generate and send and email with a hyperlink to an individual however. It will be very simple, single recepient, unchanging title, and the body will read 'New providers require designation, please access the provider designation dashboard for provider designation' ideally the provider designation dashboard would be the hyperlink and point to a shared network space.
What commands do I need to accomplish this, I'm inexperienced in VBA and this is eating up a fair amount of time I don't have.
Thank you
There are some different approaches for sending e-mail with code. The code bellow uses an Outlook Application COM object to generate the message with a hyperlink - thus, it will only work if MS Outlook is installed in the user's machine.
Sub NewEmail(ByVal mylink As String, ByVal therecipient As String)
Dim Outlook As Object, Email As Object
Set Outlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set Email = Outlook.CreateItem(0) 'olMailItem = 0
With Email
.Subject = "My Subject" 'message subject
.HTMLBody = "Greetings, please check this link: <a href='" & mylink & "'>Click me</a>." 'message body, in html. concatenate multiple strings if you need to
.To = therecipient 'recipient
'use this if you want to generate the message and show it to the user
'use this instead if you want the mail to be sent directly
End With
Set Email = Nothing
Set Outlook = Nothing
End Sub
Put the code in a module. Then anywhere in your code you may call the procedure with something like:
NewEmail "", ""
Notice that the routine above uses late binding. To use early binding (and get intellisese, but with some drawbacks), you would have to add a reference to Microsoft Outlook XX.X Object Library and dim the "Outlook" and "Email" objects as Outlook.Application and Outlook.MailItem, respectively.

Outlook ReportItem.Body returning messed up encoding

If certain users automate the Outlook Client to view bounce backs/ReportItems in a shared inbox, rather than returning the clear text of the message as indicated by the documentation there is a unicode string that has been parsed as a UTF-8 string - so it looks like Chinese.
I can get past that with some code, but the additional issue is that this change occurs in Outlook as well for all users with access to that inbox. The message itself as viewed in Outlook appears as Chinese characters - the original unicode html parsed as UTF-8.
We are using the normal methods to access the report item:
For Counter as Integer = Inbox.Items.Count To 1 Step -1
Dim Report As Outlook.ReportItem = Inbox.Items(Counter)
Dim Body As String = Report.Body
The last line is where we get the garbled text In VBA it attempts to parse it as ASCII and returns a large block of "?". In .Net it returns the value parsed as UTF-8 and we get the characters that appear Chinese. In either case the report item in the inbox begins displaying as Chinese characters and continues to do so for all users of that inbox.
I just had this happen to my VBA function in Outlook that processes email bounce backs for orders and marks those orders as requiring attention. The original email in outlook looks fine but when I attempt to process it, the characters change to Chinese and Report.Body just shows question marks.
I found using StrConv to convert to Unicode could get me the correct body contents for processing.
Dim strBody as String
strBody = StrConv(Report.Body, vbUnicode)
Are you sure that the Inbox.Items(Counter) call returns an instance of the ReportItem class? Did you have a chance to check out the MessageClass property?
Most probably you try to cast an instance of the MailItem class to the ReportItem class. Is that the case?
Also I'd suggest using any low-level property viewer such as MFCMAPI or OutlookSpy for observing properties at runtime. Do you see "chinese" charactere there?
I came across this issue and I've written a function that solves the issue for me. I thought I'd share it here in case it's of use to anyone else.
Private Sub Example()
Dim Item As Object
Set Item = Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection(1)
Debug.Print ItemBody(Item)
End Sub
Public Function ItemBody(Item As Variant) As String
On Error Resume Next
If TypeName(Item) = "ReportItem" Then
With Item.GetInspector
ItemBody = .WordEditor.Content
.Close 1
End With
ItemBody = Item.Body
End If
End Function
Yes, there is a problem with ReportItem.Body property in the Outlook Object Model (present in Outlook 2013 and 2016) - you can see it in OutlookSpy (I am its author): select an NDR message, click Item button, select the Body property - it will be garbled. Worse than that, once the report item is touched with OOM, Outlook will display the same junk in the preview pane.
The report text is stored in various MAPI recipient properties (click IMessage button in OutlookSpy and go to the GetRecipientTable tab). The problem is the ReportItem object does not expose the Recipients collection. The workaround is to either use Extended MAPI (C++ or Delphi) or Redemption (any language - I am also its author) - its ReportItem.ReportText property does not have this problem:
set oItem = Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection(1)
set oSession = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")
oSession.MAPIOBJECT = Application.Session.MAPIOBJECT
set rItem = oSession.GetRDOObjectFromOutlookObject(oItem)
MsgBox rItem.ReportText