How to avoid duplication elem when dragging (safari) - safari

I made draggable slider with attr draggable='true'. When i drag this element in safari, it duplicates. How to avoid this?
draggable duplication


Vue v-expansion-panels move position randomly

I'm using v-expansion-panels from Vue, and I notice an odd behaviour: When expanding the panels the page scrolls randomly, sometimes it scrolls leaving the header on the top page, sometimes it scroll way down moving the desired panel out of sight so I have to scroll up.
Is this normal? Is there a way to control this random scrolling, so when expanding the panel the automatic scroll moves the page to the top of the window browser?
I tried already all the v-expansion-panels attributes.

React Native ScrollView prevent/allow scrolling on scroll start event

I have a ScrollView (actually Animated.ScrollView) that I'd like to decide whether to allow vertically scroll or not on scroll start, based on some states of inner components. I know there is a scrollEnabled property which works but the scroll view contains some components that that a few frames to render and changing scrollEnabled property based on inner views' interactions cause a re-render, which drops a few frames and because of the nature of my app needing to change this property based on some animation/smooth scrolling of the inner views, those dropped frames cause a negative user experience.
I've also tried preventDefault of the scroll begin drag event but nothing changed (it allows scrolling regardless of I call it or not).
How can I decide whether or not to allow scrolling of scroll view dynamically on scroll start without a state/props update (which causes a re-render of an expensive view tree, dropping frames)? Something like pan responder's onMoveShouldSetPanResponder[Capture] events might be of great help but returning false from them just don't work (it captures and scrolls regardlessly even though they are called). (I'm on React Native 0.64)
After reading the post in I solved it by setting native props on scroll view (that I reference directly using a ref) instead of updating state, preventing a re-render:
scrollEnabled: false

Animating during momentum scroll in react-native?

I'm attempting to create a custom NavBar on a screen that renders a ScrollView. Inside the NavBar, there's a button, that when pressed, causes the NavBar to translate downwards, thereby giving the appearance that the NavBar is expanding (This is done using Animated.spring() with the useNativeDriver option). Everything is working great, except if the ScrollView is still scrolling at the time the button is tapped (ie: when "momentum" scroll is taking place). In this scenario, the onPress handler that kicks off the NavBar animation is invoked as expected, but calls to Animated.spring() do not cause any animation to take place. Is it possible to either have the NavBar "expansion" animation to occur during the scroll, or pause the scroll to allow animation to proceed?
Like it's explained in RN docs the animation type you using are stoped by gesture events like scrolling, better use Animated.event() with onScrollprops combined with an interpolation animation to animate you footer.

Webkit scroll position lost

On Webkit re-rendering any of an outer containers (div in my case) child elements or changing on of these childs display attribute from/to display:none/block/inline/inline-block whatsoever, courses the container element to scroll back to top. This way elements located at the lower end of the scrolling area are never be reached by the user since this area keeps scrolling back to top as soon as one of previously mentioned things occure.
On Firefox the scroll position is maintained as required.
Example (expand left-hand list to force scrollbar to appear or choose an album on the left so that the main display area has enough content to bring up scrollbars, scroll to the bottom and hover over the images)
Is there any workaround/fix I could implement to keep the user experience also for webkit browsers?

Sencha Touch: How to get a list item template to be non-scrollable?

I have a working Ext.List object in my Sencha Touch application. I'm rendering each item in the list using the List's itemTpl property. I'm noticing that each individual list item can be scrolled in addition to the whole list which is definitely not what I'm after.
Does anyone have any advice on how to get the individual list items not to scroll? I've tried setting the outermost div in the itemTpl template to have a specified height and overflow:hidden...but this does not prevent the scrolling behavior.
Is it the default HTML scrollbar as rendered by the browser, or is it the built-in scroll feature of Sencha Touch (the iScroller which fades in and out)? If it's the latter, try setting the scroll attribute of that ListItem object to false.
If the former, there's obviously a problem with your CSS selector. Could you share your code if it's this one?
Have you tried to set the height of the list-element, so all the content of a single list-item is visible (so you can't scroll anymore)?