How to change the styling of the NativeBase Toast component's close IconButton? - react-native

I cannot find a way to change the style the IconButton of the status: 'error' Toast component in native base v3, which under the hood is using an IconButton component.
Here is the link to the main Toast functions such as useToast and their props
The simplified code to render a toast looks like the following:
import { useToast } from 'native-base';
const Toast = useToast():
title: 'title',
status: 'error',
style: { backgroundColor: 'blue.200' },
But how would I increase the padding of the close icon button for example? It would be nice to do something like
I understand I can use the render prop to render a custom component, but I would prefer to use the default styling from native base and my extended theme - instead of having to style and render a component that looks exactly the same as the current Toast. This poses an issue if there are default style changes from native base or the app's extended theme, as changes would have to be hardcoded and changed in this render fn as well. Which is not practical!{
style: {
_icon: {
padding: 10,
// or
iconButtonStyle: { padding: 10 },
I can extend the theme and set a default style for IconButton component like so, but this would change every single IconButton in the app - which is not practical.
const myTheme = extendTheme({
components: {
IconButton: {
baseStyle: {
rounded: 'full',
padding: 10,
Is it possible to change the base styles like so?
const myTheme = extendTheme({
components: {
Toast: {
baseStyle: {
_icon: {
padding: 10,
It would be great to know how to change the styling of either:
the icon button of one specific Toast component (like in above)
or the default styling for the close icon button of all Toast's, but not other IconButtons


Cannot make VueMapbox 100% of parent

I am using a VueMapbox with markers and trying to display it in a parent container. I added this CSS because without this the map has 0 height and width:
.mapboxgl-map {
position: relative !important;
I want the width to be 100% of the parent, so I added this which DOES work:
.mapboxgl-canvas {
height: 100% !important;
width: 100% !important;
HOWEVER, when you drag the map or zoom in, the markers move around as if the map is the default size. I've tried messing around with the CSS and I haven't had any success.
I've also tried calling map.resize() after the map gets loaded. The function gets called but doesn't do anything and once you zoom in to the map, the background disappears. Here is my component:
<MglMap :accessToken="accessToken" :mapStyle="mapStyle"
<MglMarker v-for="team in teams"
import Mapbox from "mapbox-gl";
import { MglMap, MglGeojsonLayer, MglMarker, MglPopup } from "vue-mapbox";
export default {
components: {
mixins: [teamHelper],
data() {
return {
accessToken: ...,
mapStyle: "mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v11",
coordinates: [-50.549668, 39.014],
map: null,
mapbox: null
props: {
teams: []
created() {
this.mapbox = Mapbox
methods: {
onMapLoaded(event) { =;; // does not work
Once you resize the window it works as expected, so if there were a way to trigger that properly, then I feel like it should work. I've also read all of the similar questions on this I could find, and none helped, AND I read the documentation which does not mention anything about this.
I'm using Vue ^2.5.17 and vue-mapbox ^0.4.1
Alright well I found a somewhat hacky workaround. You just have to render the map component inside an IFrame, set the size of the IFrame to 100% of the parent and you're good to go.
If you need to pass data from the parent component to the child, you can do something like this:
If you have a better solution or know why the resizing wasn't working then please respond.

Vue JS props is underfined

Im using Gridsome frame work for VUE JS
I am navigating to a new page by using this.$router.push(PATH, PARAMS)
this.$router.push({path: `/${value.sectionLink}/`, params: {pageOBJ: value}})
The page route works fine - however the PROP, pageOBJ is undefined in the page as seen in the VUE inspector:
it should be an object (which is what VALUE is set to) i.e.
I've tried a number of different techniques to resolve this but have not managed to figure this out so I assume I have missed something here?
gridsome auto generates the page routes when you add a new PAGE.VUE file to the /pages folder -
Is this the issue?
Gridsome also references graphQI, are you supposed to grab the data using graph and not by pushing Props?
Any help would be amazing here - please let me know if you need any further information.
Thanks -
I have already added props:true to the component as shown below, but the issue is still present.
User clicks on the SectionTitle component, this then emits the page link
(each of the SectionTitle is a object from : sections array of Object)
To see the current online version of this please look at
<div class="navs" v-for="section in sections" :key="section.sectionTitle">
<!-- On click delay for screen to come ove top -->
<!-- router to be put here -->
<SectionTitle :data="section" #routeChange="reRoute($event)"/>
<PageTransition :dataObj="transitionObj"/>
import SectionTitle from '#/components/SectionTitle.vue';
import PageTransition from '#/components/PageTransition.vue'
export default {
metaInfo: {
title: 'Hello, world!'
components: {
return {
// data to be passed to the components
sections: [
sectionTitle: 'Clients',
sectionLink: 'clients',
sectionSubTitle: '"Some of the amazing humans I have had the pleasure of working with"',
backgroundColor: '#F08080',
titleColor: '#E65454'
sectionTitle: 'Projects',
sectionLink: 'projects',
backgroundColor: '#20B2AA',
titleColor: '#11DACF'
sectionTitle: 'Skills',
sectionLink: 'skills',
sectionSubTitle: `"LEARNING WILL NEVER END, SO LONG AS YOUR AMBITIONS ARE STOKED, AND I've got plenty of ambition"`,
backgroundColor: '#A921B2',
titleColor: '#CA14D6'
sectionTitle: 'About Me',
sectionLink: 'aboutme',
sectionSubTitle: `"My joruney becoming a developer so far"`,
backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF',
titleColor: '#D1D1D1'
sectionTitle: 'Contact Me',
sectionLink: 'contactme',
sectionSubTitle: `"If you have any questions or want to reach out about a project then i'd love to speak with you"`,
backgroundColor: '#2185B2',
titleColor: '#0076AB'
divText: null,
transitionObj: null
// 1)A) - change the text of the div to say the section it is being moved to
this.divText = value.sectionTitle
this.transitionObj = value
// FIND center pixcle value to place text - scrolled height + windowHeight / 2 = centerPos
let centerPos = window.scrollY+(window.innerHeight/2)
// Apply secific Title color - and center possitioning
document.querySelector('.leaveScreen p').style.cssText=`color: ${value.titleColor}; top: ${centerPos}px`
// 1) animate the loading screen
let screen = document.querySelector('.leaveScreen');`background: ${value.backgroundColor}; left: 0%`;
// 2) re-route the page
this.$router.push({path: `/${value.sectionLink}/`, params: {pageOBJ: value}}) // << says that the route name is not found
// this.$router.push(value.sectionLink)
}, 700)
<style lang="scss">
// &&&& npm install -D sass-loader node-sass
// Universal Font being used - LEMON MILK
#font-face {
font-family: LemonMilk;
src: url('../assets/fonts/LemonMilk.otf');
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
.navs {
font-family: LemonMilk;
cursor: pointer;
Pass name rather than path in this.$router.push()
this.$router.push({name: ${value.sectionLink}, params: {pageOBJ: value}})
You should add props:true to the route definition :

How can i change the hover style of a PrimaryButton in Fluent UI?

I am currently trying to re-style a Fabric UI Button in React by changing its shape, background color and hovering color. I managed to change the first two, but i'm still having troubles in accessing the hover color, since the selectors property does not seem to work.
My code is the following:
import React, { Component, Props } from 'react';
import { PrimaryButton as FluentPrimaryButton, IButtonStyles, IStyle} from 'office-ui-fabric-react';
interface MyPrimaryButtonProps {
label?: string
const MyPrimaryButton = ({label}: MyPrimaryButtonProps) => {
const styles: IButtonStyles = {
root: [
fontSize: '16px',
background: '#525CA3 ',
border: '1px solid #525CA3',
borderRadius: '20px',
padding: '0px 30px',
height: '40px',
selectors: { // <---
':hover': { // <--- this part doesn't work.
backgroundColor: 'red' // <---
return (
<FluentPrimaryButton styles={styles} text={label} />
export default MyPrimaryButton;
I get a custom button, but still the hover color remains default blue, instead of switching to red.
You can change the styling of the button when hovered like this:
const btnStyles = {
rootHovered: {
backgroundColor: "red"
// ...
<FluentPrimaryButton text = {label} styles = {btnStyles} />;

VideoJS overlay and React

I was wondering, is it possible to add a react component as the content?
I added the component inside the overlay like so -
content: <SomeReactComponent />,
align: 'bottom-left',
overlays: [{
start: 'play',
end: 'end'
and the SomeReactComponent is just a react component for a dynamic image renderer that looks like this
import like from './like.png';
import love from './love.png';
import neutral from './neutral.png';
class SomeReactComponent extends Component {
getImage(pic) {
const image = pic;
return image;
render() {
const pic = [love, like, neutral];
return (
{ =>
<img src={this.getImage(pic)} style={{ width: '75%', height: '75%', objectFit: 'scale-down' }} />
When i call this.player.overlay in my console, it says the overlays.options.content is a Symbol of React.element, however, I'm not getting anything as an overlay
It's not possible to use React component for this property unfortunately, but only string or node element. Take a look to the doc for more information.

New animation after setState - React Native

I don't find the answer to my problem for my react native app.
If you have an idea how to achieve that, that would be great :)
What I'm trying to do:
In a page, when I press somewhere, I want to display an animation (for example a square apparition) on the press position.
What I have achieved:
When I click, a square is display with an animation on the right position.
But when i click somewhere else, The position of the square changes but the animation doesn't restart.
What I have tried:
To do the animation, I place a < View/> (with position: 'absolute') on the press position.
This < View/> is embeded in a component that I call 1 time in my App render:
<ClickAnimation x={item.x} y={item.y}/>
where item.x and item.y are are the coordinate.
This is the code of my component:
import React from 'react';
import {Animated, View} from 'react-native';
export default class ClickAnimation extends React.Component {
state = {
scaleAnim: new Animated.Value(0)
componentWillMount() {
.timing(this.state.scaleAnim, {
toValue: 2,
duration: 500
componentWillUpdate(nextProps) {
if (nextProps.x != this.props.x && nextProps.y != this.props.y) {
scaleAnim: new Animated.Value(0)
componentDidUpdate() {
.timing(this.state.scaleAnim, {
toValue: 2,
duration: 500
render() {
return (<Animated.View
position: "absolute",
top: this.props.y,
left: this.props.x,
width: 50,
height: 50,
backgroundColor: "red",
transform: [
scaleY: this.state.scaleAnim
}, {
scaleX: this.state.scaleAnim
}, {
translateX: -25
}, {
translateY: -25
The console.log in componentDidUpdate give me for each click 2 logs:
{_children: Array(2), _value: 2, ..., _animation: null…}
{_children: Array(2), _value: 0,..., _animation: null…}
I really don't know what to do next.
PS: In NativeScript, that was more easy. I had just to add the new component to the DOM.
According to React docs you cannot this.setState() inside componentWillUpdate(),if you need to update state in response to a prop change, use componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) instead.
Read the above link for more details on that and check its caveats.
I hope this is what is causing the problem
It seems that EXPO XDE make the application too slow and this is why the animation part doesn't work properly.
I have found the solution.
This come with this issue:
I had seen it and this is why I wrote first 0,001. But 0,001 is still to little. With 0,01 it works great.
So the answer is:
Just replace 0 by 0.01 because it was too little.