Why is my output values not printing-out correctly using C#? - arcgis

I am trying to output my results (2 lists results) into a text file, but I keep getting this error message printed on the text file, instead of the values "System.Collections.Generic.List1 System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List1 System String". I am getting the data error at this line:
strOutputs.Add(string.Join(",",List1, List2));
Any ideas why and how to resolve it? Thanks!


No matter what programme I write , it is showing invalid syntax. Eg. If I write a=45 print(a), it says name a is not defined?

a= 45
print (a)
It starts saying name "a" is not defined
What to do?
Even if I copy code from somewhere and paste then it says invalid syntax..
Even if I type in everything correct, the response is same as invalid syntax.
Write it in two lines code
There could be 2 simple reason for this error
First reason:
You could been writing in another file not the .py file, for example, it will give you error if you're file is a .css or .html or .js or .java etc.
Second reason:
It could be an error writing in a line for example it should be
a = 45
print (a)

Reading .mpr/.mps/.mpt files with pd.read_csv

I'm trying to read some .mpr, .mps and .mpt files with Pandas and my professor told us to use pd.read_csv to open them. When I try to do this using: pd.read_csv(path+filename, delimiter='\t', header=55) I get the following error consistently:
ParserError: Error tokenizing data. C error: Expected 1 fields in line 9, saw 2
If I use skip_rows I can circumvent this problem and display the column names of the file, but no data appears. I know the file isn't empty so I'm wondering why this is happening.

SSIS Conditional Split Error Output not writing any data to table

I have created this simple SSIS package:
This is my conditional split:
This is the Configure Error Output:
I am getting this error when running:
[ErrorTable [52]] Warning: Rows sent to the error output(s) will be
lost. Add new data flow transformations or destinations to receive
error rows, or reconfigure the component to stop redirecting rows to
the error output(s).
Before I got this error it was creating the error table but did not write any rows so I changed it to redirect row and now have this error. I'd be grateful for any help.
I just ran into the same issue and think I found the answer.
The output from your conditional split should not be the red "Error" path, but another output path (blue) to the "Error" file.
I kept expecting the red path to output the data from the conditional split, but it didn't because there actually weren't any errors.
I'm learning here, but I'm guessing the red "error" path is for actual data issues and not the conditional split functions.
Hope that helps! I

I am getting the error message "ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "WIN1251": 0x00"

I am trying to load the CSV to my postgres database but I am getting the above error message:
My query is :
COPY dbo.tbl(col1,col2)
FROM 'C:\Data\dbo.tbl.csv' DELIMITER ',' null as 'null' encoding 'windows-1251' CSV;
I tried this link for reference:https://www.postgresqltutorial.com/import-csv-file-into-posgresql-table/'
Can someone please help me what is the issue. I am new to postgres database.
For my experience, I have csv file with encoding 'WIN874' and postgres client encoding is 'UTF-8'. I can use copy command without problems.
To make sure that your file encoding is 'WIN1251', you can open your csv file in visual studio code. It will show file encoding on the right bottom pane.

SQL Server Database Attach error. The system cannot find the file specified

When im trying to attach database get such error Does Anyone have an idea what can be problem?
On your first picture, I see the med_log.ldf file. On second picture you trying to attach med.ldf. Try to change the name of file in line 3 to med_log.ldf.
Your error message states that it is looking for Med.ldf, not Med_log.ldf.
You need to change the filename in the second part of your restore command to match this filename.
The name of the Log file seems to be incorrect. it should be "Med_log.ldf" instead of "Med.ldf"