Winsock2 receiving data from multiple clients without iterating over each client - winsock2

I use winsock2 with C++ to connect thousands of clients to my server using the TCP protocol.
The clients will rarely send packets to the server.... there is about 1 minute between 2 packets from a client.
Right now I iterate over each client with non-blocking sockets to check if the client has sent anything to the server.
But I think a much better design of the server would be to wait until it receives a packet from the thousands of clients and then ask for the client's socket. That would be better because the server wouldn't have to iterate over each client, where 99.99% of the time nothing happens. And with a million clients, a complete iteration might take seconds....
Is there a way to receive data from each client without iterating over each client's socket?

What you want is to use IO completion ports, I think. See Microsoft even has an example at GitHub for this:
BTW, do not expect to server million connections on single machine. Generally, there are limits, like available memory, both user space and kernel space, handle limits, etc. If you are careful, you can probably serve tens of thousands of connection per process.


server-to-server multicast messaging with Google Cloud PubSub?

I have a cluster of backend servers on GCP, and they need to send messages to each other. All the servers need to receive every message, but I can tolerate a low error rate. I can deal with receiving the message more than once on a given server. Packet ordering doesn't matter.
I don't need much of a persistence layer. A message becomes stale within a couple of seconds after sending it.
I wired up Google Cloud PubSub and pretty quickly realized that for a given subscription, you can have any number of subscribers but only one of them is guaranteed to get the message. I considered making the subscribers all fail to ack it, but that seems like a gross hack that probably won't work well.
My server cluster is sized dynamically by an autoscaler. It spins up VM instances as needed, with dynamic hostnames and IP addresses. There is no convenient way to map the dynamic hosts to static subscriptions, but it feels like that's my only real option: Create more subscriptions than my max server pool size, and then use some sort of paxos system (runtime config, zookeeper, whatever) to allocate servers to subscriptions.
I'm starting to feel that even though my use case feels really simple ("Every server can multicast a message to every other server in my group"), it may not be a good fit for Cloud PubSub.
Should I be using GCM/FCM? Or some other technology?
Cloud Pub/Sub may or may not be a fit for you, depending on the size of your server cluster. Failing to ack the messages certainly won't work because you can't be sure each instance will get the message; it could just be redelivered to the same instance over and over again.
You could use multiple subscriptions and have each instance create a new subscription when it starts up. This only works if you don't plan to scale beyond 10,000 instances in your cluster, as that is the maximum number of subscriptions per topic allowed. The difficulty here is in cleaning up subscriptions for instances that go down. Ones that cleanly shut down could probably delete their own subscriptions, but there will always be some that don't get cleaned up. You'd need some kind of external process that can determine if the instance for each subscription is still up and running and if not, delete the subscription. You could use GCE shutdown scripts to catch this most of the time, though there will still be edge cases where deletes would have to be done manually.

Persistent connections to 100K of devices

Server needs to push data to 100K of clients which cannot be connected directly since the machine are inside private network. Currently thinking of using Rabbitmq, Each client subscribed to separate queue, when server has data to be pushed to the client, it publish the data to the corresponding queue. Is there any issues with the above approach? Number of clients may go upto 100K. Through spike, i expecting the memory size to be of 20GB for maintaining the connection. We can still go ahead with this approach if the memory not increasing more than 30GB.
the question is too much generic.
I suggest to read this RabbitMQ - How many queues RabbitMQ can handle on a single server?
Then you should consider to use a cluster to scale the number of the queues

Should I use Oort or write my own forwarding using CometD, when nodes don't need to know about each other?

My app will work as follows:
I'll have a bunch of replica servers and a load balancer. The data updates will be managed outside CometD. EDIT: I still intend to notify each CometD server of those updates, if necessary, so they can respond back to clients.
The clients are only subscribing to those updates (i.e. read only), so the CometD server nodes don't need to know anything about each other's behavior.
Am I right in thinking I could have server side "client" instances on the load balancer, per client connection, where each instance listens on the same channel as its respective client and forwards any messages back to it? If so, are there any disadvantages to this approach, instead of using Oort?
Reading the docs about Oort, it seems that the nodes "know" about each other, which I don't need. Would it be better then for me to avoid using Oort altogether, in my case? My concern would be that if I ended up adding many many nodes, the fact that they communicate to "each other" could mean unnecessary processing?
The description of the issue specifies that the data updates are managed outside CometD, but it does not detail how the CometD servers are notified of these data updates.
The two common solutions are A) to notify each CometD server or B) to use Oort.
In solution A) you have an event that triggers a data update, and some external application performs the data update on, say, a database. At this point the external application must notify the CometD servers that there was a data update. If the external application runs on a JVM, it can use the CometD Java client to send a message to each CometD server, notifying them of the data update; in turn, the CometD servers will notify the remote clients.
In solution B) the external application must notify just one CometD server that there was a data update; the Oort cluster will do the rest, broadcasting that message across the cluster, and then to remote clients.
Solution A) does not require the Oort cluster, but requires the external application to know exactly all nodes, and send a message to each node.
Solution B) uses Oort, so the external application needs only to know one Oort node.
Oort requires a bit of additional processing because the nodes are interconnected, but depending on the case this processing may be negligible, or the complications of notifying each CometD server "manually" (as in solution A) may be greater than running Oort.
I don't understand exactly what you mean by having "server side client instances on the load balancer". Typically load balancers don't run a JVM so it is not possible to run CometD clients on them, so this sentence does not sound right.
Besides the CometD documentation, you can also look at these slides.

how to deal with read() timeout in Redis client?

Assume that my client send a 'INCR' command to redis server, but the response packet is lost, so my client's read() will times out, but client is not able to tell if INCR operation has been performed by server.
what to do next? resending INCR or continuing next command? If client resends INCR, but in case redis had carried out INCR in server side before, this key will be increased two times, which is not what we want.
This is not a problem specific to Redis: it also applies to any other data stores (including transactional ones). There is no solution to this problem: you can only hope to minimize the issue.
For instance, some people tend to put very aggressive values for their timeout thinking that Redis is supposed to be a soft real-time data store. Redis is fast, but you also need to consider the network, and the system itself. Network related problems may generate high latencies. If the system starts swapping, it will very seriously impact Redis response times.
I tend to think that putting a timeout under 2 secs is a nonsense on any Unix/Linux system, and if a network is involved, I am much more comfortable with 10 secs. People put very low values because they want to avoid their application to block: it is a mistake. Rather than setting very low timeouts and keep the application synchronous, they should design the application to be asynchronous and set sensible timeouts.
After a timeout, a client should never "continue" with the next command. It should close the connection, and try to open a new one. If a reply (or a query) has been lost, it is unlikely that the client and the server can resynchronize. It is safer to close the connection.
Should you try to issue the INCR again after the reconnection? It is really up to you. But if a read timeout has just been triggered, there is a good chance the reconnection will time out as well. Redis being single-threaded, when it is slow for one connection, it is slow for all connections simultaneously.

Detecting Connection Speed / Bandwidth in .net/WCF

I'm writing both client and server code using WCF, where I need to know the "perceived" bandwidth of traffic between the client and server. I could use ping statistics to gather this information separately, but I wonder if there is a way to configure the channel stack in WCF so that the same statistics can be gathered simultaneously while performing my web service invocations. This would be particularly useful in cases where ICMP is disabled (e.g. ping won't work).
In short, while making my regular business-related web service calls (REST calls to be precise), is there a way to collect connection speed data implicitly?
Certainly I could time the web service round trip, compared to the size of data used in the round-trip, to give me an idea of throughput - but I won't know how much of that perceived bandwidth was network related, or simply due to server-processing latency. I could perhaps solve that by having the server send back a time delta, representing server latency, so that the client can compute the actual network traffic time. If a more sophisticated approach is not available, that might be my answer...
The ICMP was not created with the intention of trying those connection speed statistics, but rather if a valid connection was made between two hosts.
My best guess is that the amount of data sent in those REST calls or ICMP traffic is not enough to calculate a perceived connection speed / bandwidth.
If you calculate by these metrics, you will get very big bandwidth statistics or very low, use as an example the copy box in windows XP. You need a constant and substantial amount of data to be sent in order to calculate valid throughput statistics.