How to receive the media id from the Whatsapp Business Cloud API? - api

I have deployed my webhook and connected my WABA. Once I send an image to this business account. It did not return the media id from the response. Actually, the JSON returned to me like this:
"entry": [
"changes": [
"field": "messages",
"value": {
"contacts": [
"profile": {
"name": "XXXXXXX"
"messages": [
"from": "XXXXXXXXXX",
"id": "wamid.aisjdoiajsodiajsodasd\u003d",
"timestamp": "1657527108",
"type": "image"
"metadata": {}
"id": "124071984791824"
"object": "whatsapp_business_account"
Or should I try the Whatsapp On-premises API?

You have to chooose the image_id from the request you receive.
like , let media_id=req.body.entry[0].changes[0].value.messages[0];
you can store this id in DB and use the endpioint where you can get the url for media_id.
Then you can download the image from the URL received and uploaded it anywhere you want.


I want to extract array from json file

i have json file with this data
“rolename”: “Number one”,
“roledescription”: “Number one”,
“rolepermission”: [“manage_users”,“view_user_logs”],
“roletype”: “client”
i want to extract data from “rolepermission” and put it in body request
this api accept data like this
"role": {
"name": "Test",
"description": "Test",
"permissions": [
and i convert it to this to extract data from my json file
"role": {
"name": "{{rolename}}",
"description": "{{roledescription}}",
"permissions": [
"userType": "{{roletype}}"
but he send request like this
“permissions”: [
instead it should send it like this
“permissions”: [
what should i do
To save array data, you need stringify first which is mentioned here
const res = pm.response.json();
const rolepermission =[0].rolepermission;
pm.environment.set("rolepermission", JSON.stringify(rolepermission));
Use this variable in request body:
"role": {
"name": "{{rolename}}",
"description": "{{roledescription}}",
"permissions": {{rolepermission}},
"userType": "{{roletype}}"

Is SMS MFA Status in Cognito user pools set by calling setPreferredMFA or is that something else?

when using setPreferredMFA the SMS MFA Status in Cognito user pools is disabled even if setPreferredMFA is set.
What does SMS MFA Status represent and what does it do when I enable it or disable it?
Thank you
This is nothing more but an inconsistency in AWS console/API responses. Example:
Let's enable SMS MFA for a user:
aws cognito-idp set-user-mfa-preference --sms-mfa-settings Enabled=true,PreferredMfa=true --access-token <value>
Yes, in console it still looks as if SMS MFA was not enabled. But this is not true. Let's get our user's data:
aws cognito-idp get-user --access-token <value>
"Username": "",
"UserAttributes": [
"Name": "sub",
"Value": "491a3eba-381f-4c87-a7d6-befa21e49e82"
"Name": "email_verified",
"Value": "true"
"Name": "phone_number_verified",
"Value": "true"
"Name": "phone_number",
"Value": "+1234567890"
"Name": "email",
"Value": ""
"PreferredMfaSetting": "SMS_MFA",
"UserMFASettingList": [
What you want to look at is the PreferredMfaSetting attribute. It tells you what your user choose for himself/herself.
And if you now try to authenticate like this:
aws cognito-idp initiate-auth --auth-flow USER_PASSWORD_AUTH --client-id <value> --auth-parameters USERNAME=<value>,PASSWORD=<value>
You will receive a response like this:
"ChallengeName": "SMS_MFA",
"Session": "<session-value>",
"ChallengeParameters": {
"CODE_DELIVERY_DESTINATION": "+*********7890",
Ok, so what is this thing in console doing? It is actually deprecated. Take a look at the documentation of the MFAOptions here:
So let's just enable SMS MFA through the console and then check the output of GetUser:
"Username": "",
"UserAttributes": [
"Name": "sub",
"Value": "491a3eba-381f-4c87-a7d6-befa21e49e82"
"Name": "email_verified",
"Value": "true"
"Name": "phone_number_verified",
"Value": "true"
"Name": "phone_number",
"Value": "+1234567890"
"Name": "email",
"Value": ""
"MFAOptions": [
"DeliveryMedium": "SMS",
"AttributeName": "phone_number"
"PreferredMfaSetting": "SMS_MFA",
"UserMFASettingList": [
That's pretty much it.

GraphJSON serialization in Gremlin.Net

I'm trying to query the TinkerPop server (hosted inside docker container) via CosmosDB client library, which uses under the hood Gremlin.Net. So I managed to connect it and insert the data, here's intercepted WebSocket request:
"requestId": "b64bd2eb-46c3-4095-9eef-768bca2a14ed",
"op": "eval",
"processor": "",
"args": {
"gremlin": "g.addV(\"User\").property(\"UserId\",2).property(\"CustomerId\",1)"
The response:
"requestId": "b64bd2eb-46c3-4095-9eef-768bca2a14ed",
"status": {
"message": "",
"code": 200,
"attributes": {
"host": "/"
"result": {
"data": [
"id": 0,
"label": "User",
"type": "vertex",
"properties": {}
"meta": {}
Problem is that I see those properties when I'm connected via gremlin console
gremlin> g.V().hasLabel("User").has("CustomerId",1).has("UserId",2).limit(1).valueMap()
==>{UserId=[2], CustomerId=[1]}
Also, I'm able to query the TinkerPop server with Gremlin.Net:
"requestId": "de35909f-4bc1-4aae-aa5f-28361b3c0933",
"op": "eval",
"processor": "",
"args": {
"gremlin": "g.V().hasLabel(\"User\").has(\"CustomerId\",1).has(\"UserId\",2).limit(1)"
But it returns a payload with zero-valued ID and without any properties included:
"requestId": "de35909f-4bc1-4aae-aa5f-28361b3c0933",
"status": {
"message": "",
"code": 200,
"attributes": {
"host": "/"
"result": {
"data": [
"id": 0,
"label": "User",
"type": "vertex",
"properties": {}
"meta": {}
Tried to swap between GraphSON v1, v2, v3 with no luck. Documentation says that script serializers should include all the properties. Do I have to tweak the config somehow to make this work and return properties?
So it seems that with a version of 3.4 of the Gremlin server ReferenceElementStrategy
was added by default to traversals, to preserve compatibility between binary and script serializers. In our case we wanted to mimic the behavior of the CosmosDB, so to adjust and receive desired behavior just remove the strategy from init script (in our case it was empty-sample.groovy
globals << [g : graph.traversal().withStrategies(ReferenceElementStrategy.instance())]
globals << [g : graph.traversal()]

How to update existing Knowledgebase using QnA Maker API v4.0?

I've successfully created my Knowledgebase using API.
But I forgot to add some alternative questions and metadata for one of the pairs.
I've noticed PATH method in the API to update the Knowledebase, so updating kb is supported.
I've created a payload which looked like this:
"add": {
"delete": {
"update": {
"qnaList": [
"id": 1,
"answer": "Answer",
"source": "link_to_source",
"questions": [
"Question 1?",
"Question 2?"
"metadata": [
"name": "oldMetadata",
"value": "oldMetadata"
"name": "newlyAddedMetaData",
"value": "newlyAddedMetaData"
I get back the following response HTTP 202 Accepted:
"operationState": "NotStarted",
"createdTimestamp": "2018-05-21T07:46:52Z",
"lastActionTimestamp": "2018-05-21T07:46:52Z",
"userId": "user_uuid",
"operationId": "operation_uuid"
So, looks like it worked. But in reality, this request doesn't take any affect.
When I check operation details, it returns me the following:
"operationState": "Succeeded",
"createdTimestamp": "2018-05-21T07:46:52Z",
"lastActionTimestamp": "2018-05-21T07:46:54Z",
"resourceLocation": "/knowledgebases/kb_uuid",
"userId": "user_uuid",
"operationId": "operation_uuid"
What am I doing wrong? And how should I update my kb via API properly?
Please help
I had the same problem, I discovered that it was necessary to have all the data of the json even if they were not used.
In your case you need "name" and "urls" in the "update" section and "Delete" in "update/qnaList/questions" section:
"add": {},
"delete": {},
"update": {
"name": "nameofKbBase", //this
"qnaList": [
"id": 2370,
"answer": "DemoAnswerEdit",
"source": "CustomSource",
"questions": {
"add": [
"delete": [] //this
"metadata": { }
"urls": [] //this

Detect the id of a sent mail

I would like to detect the message-id of an email
sent from the gmail interface?
what are your proposals?
One way of doing it would be to first list messages:
"messages": [
"id": "14f60b097be71757",
"threadId": "14f60b097be71757"
"id": "14f603ead78aff97",
"threadId": "14f603ead78aff97"
}, ...
Then, get the message you want, and just ask for the Message-Id-header:
format = metadata
metadataHeaders = Message-Id
"id": "14f60b097be71757",
"threadId": "14f60b097be71757",
"labelIds": [
"snippet": "Cool snippet...",
"historyId": "545168",
"internalDate": "1440436229000",
"payload": {
"mimeType": "multipart/alternative",
"headers": [
"name": "Message-Id",
"value": "<>" // Here it is!
"sizeEstimate": 73995