Pricing API for Open Telekom Cloud - api

Below is the link for for price calculater for "Open Telekom Cloud".
Is there any API that can be used to get prices for different services. According to my understanding this price calculater must be pulling pricing from some API.
For example, AWS has "Query API" that can be used to get prices for different services at following link
Google also has such API called "Cloud Billing API" at following link


How to download a list of transactions using the Google Pay API?

Is there any way to download a list of transactions in your Google Pay account via their API?
There seems to be very little documentation for Google Pay, and the only docs I can find just explain how to use the Web/Javascript based API to request and process a payment. There doesn't seem to be any functionality in the API for requesting historical payment records in the account. Is that feature just not supported?

How to retrieve Walmart Products from API

I'm developing a project in which I need to retrieve Walmart products from product categories using the API.
I'm getting my API token from platform REST Web services here:
However, when I use the walmart API I'm getting an account inactive message.
Please help. This is the call I'm making.

Accessing Campaigns report in AdMob using Adsense API

I use Adsense API to access my AdMob account and generate reports. This is the main API request that I use:
The API offer many options for reporting, but what I need the most is the campaigns report, mainly to know the impressions and clicks of each campaign that I have in AdMob. This can be accessed from here:
The report of the campaigns can be accessed also inside Mediation report as they are categorized as "Ad source":
I have tried all the Metrics and Dimensions in this page to access the campaigns report, but it didn't work. The API doesn't seem to return any data that is related to the campaigns or mediation report.
I also looked for the data of AdMob campaigns by using Adwords API. After creating these campaigns in AdMob, they automatically appear in my Google Ads (AdWord) account. Here is a screenshot of my Google Ads account:
The campaigns in the screenshot above that were named AdMob Campaign were created inside AdMob, and the campaign that was named Google Ads Campaign were created inside Google Ads. However, when I request the campaign data using AdWord API, it returns only the campaigns that were created inside Google Ads (AdWord) account. So, even though the account shows them, the AdWord API doesn't return their data.
It is interesting that these campaigns appear in both AdMob and Google Ads accounts, but both APIs of these services are not returning their data. It seems that there is something missing somewhere.
Does anyone know how I can get the data of the Campaigns that were created inside AdMob? I appreciate any help.
Google finally introduced a new API for AdMob:
The new API can access campaign data using mediationReport.generate. Just make sure your dimensions include AD_SOURCE_INSTANCE to be able to access them.
Here are more data about the new API:
I tested it today, and it is working well!

access to azure invoices from API

Is there any way (API) to access my azure invoce information from an application that is not running in azure?
I would like to get this information and add it to my ERP automatically every month.
Thank you
As mentioned by Andrew, you can use the ratecard and the usage API. If you just want to access the invoice as PDF, you can use the new (since April 2017) invoice API. This API does currently not work for enterprise agreements (but it's planned)
The invoice API can be easily accessed via Powershell (just ensure that your AzureRM module is up to date):
Set-AzureRmContext -SubscriptionId 'YOURSUBSCRIPTIONID'
$invoice = Get-AzureRmBillingInvoice -Latest
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $invoice.DownloadUrl -OutFile 'c:\data\LatestInvoice.pdf'
More useful resources about this:
Microsoft Azure: Billing Reader role and preview of Invoice API
CodeHollow: Azure Invoice API – download all invoices
As of today, there's no API (Billing API) to do so for regular Azure subscriptions. I believe there's one if you have an Enterprise Agreement for Azure.
Since June 25 2015 there are two billing API's available for Azure. Though in preview.
Azure Usage API – A REST API that customers and partners can use to get their usage data for an Azure subscription. As part of this new Billing API we now correlate the usage/costs by the resource tags you can now set set on your Azure resources (for example: you could assign a tag “Department abc” or “Project X” to a VM or Database in order to better track spend on a resource and charge it back to an internal group within your company). To get more details, please read the MSDN page on the Usage API. Enterprise Agreement (EA) customers can also use this API to get a more granular view into their consumption data, and to complement what they get from the EA Billing CSV.
Azure RateCard API – A REST API that customers and partners can use to get the list of the available resources they can use, along with metadata and price information about them. To get more details, please read the MSDN page on the RateCard API.
More useful resources on this:
Code samples on Github
Gain insights into your Microsoft Azure resource consumption
Scott Gu's Blog

Why I failed to access google autocomplete API even though I have provided a Key

I tried to access,-122.44696&radius=500&sensor=true&key=AIzaSyAqTo6fgd8zK8rVNxvSO8WsEkBxRxd3PIE
I got access denied.
As you can see, I have provided some key API. Maybe I supplied different key
Here is the problem.
I got my key from
I enabled all these services
Ad Exchange Buyer API Courtesy limit: 1,000 requests/day
Google Maps API v2 Courtesy limit: 25,000 requests/day • Pricing
Google Maps API v3 Courtesy limit: 25,000 requests/day • Pricing
Google Maps Coordinate API Courtesy limit: 1,000 requests/day
Google Play Android Developer API Courtesy limit: 15,000 requests/day
Google+ API Courtesy limit: 10,000 requests/day
Static Maps API Courtesy limit: 25,000 requests/day • Pricing
Moreover, I read somewhere that google map API 3 does not use key at all to further add confusion.
So, what API key I should have been using anyway? Google API Key? Google Map API Key? Google Map version 3 API key? What?
I access it directly so there is no referrer. Is that the issue? The setting for referrer is:
Any referer allowed
I wonder if that includes blank referrer.
It seems the key you specified is wrong.
I swapped the key to mine, then it worked.
You should use the key which appears at "Simple API Access" in "API Access" page.
I found out what the problem is. Google AutoComplete is part of google places instead of google map. So I need to turn on google places feature.
It still sucks though because it doesn't tell me the latitude and longitude of places found.
using google place API may cause charge. you are limited to only 1000 request per day and this will be extended to 25000 per day if you validate a credit card. exeeding this limits will cause you charge or the user will notre receive response from the service. be aware of the details and google policies. good luck