Selenoid is not executing 5 (default) test cases in parellel - selenoid

I am doing a POC for Setting up selenoid +ggr
on 1 machine I have ggr and on other machine I have selenoid
my selenoid setup on machine has 5 instance available
but when I execute the tests I can see only 2 tests are running.
in anther project same setup is running fine

Selenoid is just an API that executes as many browsers as you request in parallel. Make sure you are really requesting as many browser sessions in parallel as you wish to have.


BrowserStack e2e tests with mock server

My goal is to set up an environment where CircleCI would run my e2e tests on BrowserStack in different browsers.
My tests are assuming that there is a mock server running. (E.g. tests are checking whether a certain call to the mock server has been made or not.)
I learned that there is such a thing as local testing for BrowserStack, but whenever I'd like to start the mock server on port 65432 it says the port is already being used. Error: listen EADDRINUSE :::65432
I have an Express mock server running (on port 65432), tests are ran by Nightwatch against Selenium server.
So far I only saw examples which run tests against homepages which are living on the internet (like, but I would like to run my own mock server locally and run my tests against it.
Is there a way where I could run a mock server and run my tests with Nightwatch and Selenium against that mock server and all done by a CI tool running the tests on BrowserStack?
If you have a internal website (not accessible to public) hosted on your machine (using mock server - Tomcat, Nginx, Express Mock Server, etc) and wish to run the Selenium based scripts to test that application on BrowserStack, then you can use the Local Testing feature.
You simply need to run the binary file that they provide on your local machine (where the internal website is accessible) and set the capability 'browserstack.local' to 'true'. Hence the tests running on BrowserStack will be able to access your internal website. I would recommend you to review the documentation here. You can checkout the documentation on NightwatchJS-BrowserStack here.
If you wish to trigger the tests using CircleCI. They provide the plug-in for CircleCI as well, read more on the same here. The plug-in itself will handle the Local Testing for you in that case.
For future readers: my problem was parallelism - I set 2 workers (child processes basically) with the following object:
"test_workers": {
'enabled': true,
'workers': 2
I found this setup from one of the examples which I can't find anymore, but if you are running your Nightwatch tests with your own mock server this might mess up the test suite since every worker will try to spin up a mock server for it's own tests, which will obviously fail.

Selenium java - can we run selenium multiple instances at same time on server

Details -
Can we run the multiple instances of selenium script at same time
while running multiple instances of selenium script at same time my script failed connection refused
AnyOne has the solution for it .
You can try something called Selenium Grid.
Selenium-Grid allows you run your tests on different machines against
different browsers in parallel. That is, running multiple tests at the
same time against different machines running different browsers and
operating systems. Essentially, Selenium-Grid support distributed test
execution. It allows for running your tests in a distributed test
execution environment.
You can find more on the following website=
Also, check out this response as well. It was for a similar question= Running multiple Selenium tests at the same time

Selenium Grid - Is there a limit to how many simultaneous incoming test connections can be made to a hub?

I have a selenium grid set up with several nodes covering different operating systems and browsers which I use for cross-browser compatibility testing for a site. Those tests are automatically triggered as part of the Jenkins-controlled CI, and currently that grid is for the sole use of that site's testing.
However, does anyone know if there is a limit to the number of incoming test connections for a grid? I want to know if I can reuse this grid for testing another site, so a separate set of tests being triggered by different Jenkins jobs. Will that cause conflicts if the original set of tests happen to be running at the same time, or will the hub simply redirect the new stream of tests to a suitable, free node, and the two sets of tests would run happily in parallel?
If that is the case (parallel running) is there a known limit to how many different sets of tests would be able to use that same hub (assuming enough nodes were connected to service the requests coming in)?
or will the hub simply redirect the new stream of tests to a suitable, free node, and the two sets of tests would run happily in parallel?
The hub can run as many tests in parallel as there are nodes connected. If a node has more than one browser available, you can use them all, given the -maxSession option is set correctly.
This is also interesting:
-browser < params > If -browser is not set, a node will start with 5 firefox, 1 chrome, and 1 internet explorer instance (assuming it’s on a windows box)

How can anyone run access Selenium test scripts without having to install/run it locally?

I am looking for ways to set up like a central 'hub' for Selenium in my work, allowing anyone to access in within the company. For example, Tester A writes test scripts, the Person B can run without having to manually copy over the test scripts to their local workstation)
So far, I've only thought of installing Selenium in a VM which will then execute as per normal. But if I run Selenium Grid, it will run VMs within VM (?). My only concern with VMs is that it'd run slowly.
If anyone can think of a better solution or recommendation please do give me some advice. Thank you in advance.
One idea. You can create an infrastructure combining Jenkins/Selenium/Amazon.
The following is my solution from another post.
You can do it with a grid.
First of all you need to create a Selenium hub with an EC2 ubuntu 14.04 AMI without UI and link it as a jenkins slave to your Jenkins master. Or as directly a master. What you want. Only command line. Download Selenium Server standalone. (be careful on downloading the version. If you Download the Selenium3Beta, things could change). Here you can configure the HUB. You can also add the Selenium Hub as a service and configure to run automatically at server start. its important that you open the Selenium default port (or the one that you configured) so the nodes can connect to it. You can do that on the Amazon EC2 console when you have created your instance. You just need to add a security group with an inbound rule for TCP in the port you want for the IPs you want.
Then, you can create a Windows server 2012 instance server (for example, that's what I did), and do the same process. Download the same version for Selenium and the chromedriver (there is no need to download any firefoxdriver for Selenium versions before Selenium3). Generate a txt file and prepare the Selenium command to link to the HUB as a NODE. And convert it to *.bat in order to execute it. If you want to run the bat at start you can create a service with the task scheduler or use NSSM ( Don't forget to add the rules to the security groups for this machine too!
Next, create the Jenkins server. You can use the Selenium Hub as the Jenkins master or as a slave.
Last step is configuring a job to be run in the Jenkins-Selenium machine. This job needs to be linked to your code repository (git, mercurial...) Using the parametrized build plugion for jenkins you can tell that job to pull the revision you want (where every developer can pull the revision with the new changes and new tests) and run the Selenium tests in that build with the current breanch/revision and against one unique selenium. You can use ANT or Maven to run the Selenium tests in Jenkins.
May be it's complicated to understand because there are so many concepts here but it's robust and it works fine!
If you have doubts, tell me!
If Internet Explorer is not one of the browsers on which you must run your automation tests, I would recommend that you consider docker selenium.
Selenium is providing pre-configured docker images for both Selenium Hub and Node ( refer here for more information ). For making use of docker selenium all you need to do is find a machine (preferably unix machine), install docker on it by following instructions detailed here and then start the hub and node by starting off those containers. In the case of docker you can literally transform a VM (or) a physical machine into a VM farm and yet not have to worry about slowness etc., because I believe docker is optimised for these and it runs your VM as a process.
Resorting to using Amazon cloud for running your selenium nodes is all fine, but if you have corporate policies that prevent in-coming traffic from the internet into your intranet region, then I am not sure how far Amazon cloud would be useful.
Also remember that Jenkins is not something that is absolutely required but is more of a good to have part in the setup because it would let anyone run their tests from a web UI. This will however require that all your tests are checked-in and made available in a central version control system in your organization.
PS : The reason why called out Internet Explorer as an exception is because IE runs only on windows and there are no docker images (yet) for windows. All the docker images are UNIX based images.

Any idea for executing Selenium webdriver + Java/Python tests from Cloud

I can't found any question/answer about that (probably I don't know how to find it...)
Could somebody give me a global idea to execute +200 Selenium webdriver tests (Python) from cloud servers/tools?
Another way is Saucelabs, using this service you'll be able to just send your Selenium
Java/Python tests
to their Cloud infrastructure for execution. The benefits of such testing are obvious – no need to waste time and resources setting up and maintaining your own VM farm, and additionally you can run your test suite in various browsers in parallel. Also no need to share any sensitive data, source code and databases.
As said in this acticle:
Of course inserting this roundtrip across the Internet is not without cost. The penalty of running Selenium tests this way is that they run quite slowly, typically about 3 times slower in my experience. This means that this is not something that individual developers are going to do from their workstations.
To ease the integration of this service into your projects, maybe you'll have to write a some kind of saucelabs-adapter, that will do the necessary SSH tunnel setup/teardown and Selenium configuration, automatically as part of a test.
And for a better visualization:
Here's a global idea:
Use Amazon Web Services.
Using AWS, you can have a setup like this:
1 Selenium Grid. IP: X.X.X.X
100 Selenium nodes connecting to X.X.X.X:4444/wd/register
Each Selenium node has a node config, running 2 maxSessions at once. (depending on size of course)
Have also, a Continuous integration server like Jenkins, run your Python tests Against X.X.X.X grid.