What else do I need to add to my SQL query to bring related information in other columns if using MIN() GROUP BY - sql

There is a table with the following column headers: indi_cod, ries_cod, date, time and level. Each ries_cod contains more than one indi_cod, and these indi_cod are random consecutive numbers.
Which SQL query would be appropriate to build if the aim is to find the smallest ID of each ries_cod, and at the same time bring its related information corresponding to date, time and level?
I tried the following query:
SELECT MIN (indi_cod) AS min_indi_cod
FROM my-project-01-354113.indi_cod.second_step
GROUP BY ries_cod
ORDER BY ries_cod
And, indeed, it presented me with the minimum value of indi_cod for each group of ries_cod, but I couldn't write the appropriate query to bring me the information from the date, time and level columns corresponding to each indi_cod.

I usually use some kind of ranking for this type of thing. you can use row_number, rank, or dense_rank depending on your rdbms. here is an example.
with t as(select a.*,
row_number() over (partition by ries_cod, order by indi_cod) as rn
from mytable)
select * from t where rn = 1
in addition if you are using oracle you can do this without two queries by using keep.

I think you just need to group by with the other columns
SELECT MIN (indi_cod), ries_cod, date, time, level AS min_indi_cod
FROM mytavke p
GROUP BY ries_cod, date, time, level
ORDER BY ries_cod


SQL Query for multiple columns with one column distinct

I've spent an inordinate amount of time this morning trying to Google what I thought would be a simple thing. I need to set up an SQL query that selects multiple columns, but only returns one instance if one of the columns (let's call it case_number) returns duplicate rows.
select case_number, name, date_entered from ticket order by date_entered
There are rows in the ticket table that have duplicate case_number, so I want to eliminate those duplicate rows from the results and only show one instance of them. If I use "select distinct case_number, name, date_entered" it applies the distinct operator to all three fields, instead of just the case_number field. I need that logic to apply to only the case_number field and not all three. If I use "group by case_number having count (*)>1" then it returns only the duplicates, which I don't want.
Any ideas on what to do here are appreciated, thank you so much!
You can use ROW_NUMBER(). For example
select *
from (
select *,
row_number() over(partition by case_number) as rn
) x
where rn = 1
The query above will pseudo-randomly pick one row for each case_number. If you want a better selection criteria you can add ORDER BY or window frames to the OVER clause.

how to group by sql data in a sub-query to show evolution

I have my sqlite database which contains urls and the number of times it has been visited per week. it's stored this way :
uid, url, date, nb_visits,...
I would like to get every single URL with the evolution of the number of visits grouped by date.
something that could looks like :
here my assumption is that there are 5 dates stored into the db, don't need the dates, just want them to be ordered from old to recent
I tried something like this, but don't accept 2 field in the second select
select url, visits,
(select sum(visits) from data d2 where d2.url=d1.url group by date) as evol
from data d1
where date = (select max(date) from data);
This query isn't working just wanted to share what i'm trying to do
Thanks for the help
What you want is the result of GROUP_CONCAT() for each url.
The problem with the aggregate function GROUP_CONCAT() is that it does not support an ORDER BY clause, which you need to sort the visits by date, so the result that you would get is not guaranteed to be correct.
In SQLite there is also a GROUP_CONCAT() window function which supports an ORDER BY clause and can be used to return the result that you want:
) visits
FROM data
See a simplified demo.
Are you looking for group_concat()?
select url, group_concat(visits)
from (select d.*
from data d
order by url, date
) d
group by url;
Note: SQLite doesn't support an order by as part of the group_concat() syntax. In theory, sorting in the subquery should have the desired effect of ordering the dates.

SQL Query - Rank showing only 1 rank for all records

I am trying to perform ranking based on some calculation of already existing columns. I tried using the SQL RANK() function however it is showing the result as 1 for all entries even if the value of the order by (score column) is different. Please see the details below:
qu_point and ti_points are calculated columns
score column is again a derived column, however, simply sum of two columns mentioned in point 1.
I have used the SQL query as follow:
use EFR_DB
select d.serial, d.question_set_id, d.correct_answers, d.total_questions, d.time_taken_seconds, q.total_time_in_secs,
(cast(d.correct_answers as float)/d.total_questions) as qu_point, ((q.total_time_in_secs-d.time_taken_seconds)/q.total_time_in_secs) as ti_point,
(((cast(d.correct_answers as float)/d.total_questions)*2) + ((q.total_time_in_secs-d.time_taken_seconds)/q.total_time_in_secs)) as score,
rank() over (partition by d.question_set_id order by score)
from daily_quiz_record d join Question_set q
on q.question_set_id=d.question_set_id
Please help me how can I do the raking which is partitioned by question_set_id and ranked on the basis of the score.
Screenshot attached for your reference.
enter image description here
You can’t use an alias defined in the select clause in the same clause. I suppose that one of your table has a column called score, otherwise your query would error - so this existing column is being used for ordering instead of the computed value.
Since your expression is lengthy, it is simpler to turn the query to a subquery, and rank in the outer query:
rank() over(partition by question_set_id order by score) rn
from (
-- your existing query (without rank)
) t

Retrieving last record in each group from database with additional max() condition in MSSQL

This is a follow-up question to Retrieving last record in each group from database - SQL Server 2005/2008
In the answers, this example was provided to retrieve last record for a group of parameters (example below retrieves last updates for each value in computername):
select t.*
from t
where t.lastupdate = (select max(t2.lastupdate)
from t t2
where t2.computername = t.computername
In my case, however, "lastupdate" is not unique (some updates come in batches and have same lastupdate value, and if two updates of "computername" come in the same batch, you will get non-unique output for "computername + lastupdate").
Suppose I also have field "rowId" that is just auto-incremental. The mitigation would be to include in the query another criterion for a max('rowId') field.
NB: while the example employs time-specific name "lastupdate", the actual selection criteria may not be related to the time at all.
I, therefore, like to ask, what would be the most performant query that selects the last record in each group based both on "group-defining parameter" (in the case above, "computername") and on maximal rowId?
If you don't have uniqueness, then row_number() is simpler:
select t.*
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by computername order by lastupdate, rowid desc) as seqnum
from t
) t
where seqnum = 1;
With the right indexes, the correlated subquery is usually faster. However, the performance difference is not that great.

how to find maximum of sum of number using if else in procedure in sap hana sql

I want to list out the product which has highest sales amount on date wise.
note: highest sales amount in the sense max(sum(sales_amnt)...
by using if or case In the procedure in sap hana SQL....
I did this by using with the clause :
/--------------------------CORRECT ONE ----------------------------------------------/
WITH ranked AS
FROM ranked
WHERE rank IN ( select MAX(rank) from ranked group by "SALES_DATE")
this is my table
You can not use IF along with SELECT statement. Note that, you can achieve most of boolean logics with CASE statement syntax
In select, you are applying it over a column and your logic will be executed as many as times the count of result set rows. Hence , righting an imperative logic is not well appreciated. Still, if you want to do the same, create a calculation view and use intermediate calculated columns to achieve what you are expecting .
try this... i got an answer ...
from "KABIL"."DATE"
having (SUM("SALES_AMNT"),"SALES_DATE") IN (select
from (select SUM("SALES_AMNT")
from "KABIL"."DATE"
group by "SALES_DATE");