I have two tables in my postgresql database which I want to join:
Table 1) platforms:
ID (INT) | data (JSONB)
1 | {"identity": "1", "platformName": "Teradata" }
2 | {"identity": "2", "platformName": "MSSQL" }
Table 2) users:
ID (INT) | data (JSONB)
12 | { "role": "developer", "identity": "12", "accessRights": {"platforms": ["1"]} }
13 | { "role": "admin", "identity": "13", "accessRights": {"platforms": ["1", "2"]}" }
I need to get the list of platforms along with the list of users who has access to them. Something like this:
Platform ID | data (JSONB)
1 | [{"role": "developer", "identity": "12"}]
2 | [{"role": "developer", "identity": "12"}, {"role": "admin", "identity": "13"}]
I thought maybe something like this can help:
SELECT p.id, u.id, u.role
FROM users u
INNER JOIN platforms p ON (u.data->>'accessRights'->'platforms')::text::int = p.id
But I can't make it work. So is there anyway to get the result I need?
A simple join is not enough because you need to aggregate information from the users.data JSON for each platform.
select p.id as platform_id, u.*
from platforms p
cross join lateral (
select jsonb_agg(u.data - 'accessRights') as data
from users u
where u.data -> 'accessRights' -> 'platforms' ? p.id::text
) as u
Note this only works because you stored the platform IDs in the array as strings, not as (JSON) integers, because the ? operator only works on strings.
Online example
I have a table with a JSONB column. The column contains a number of topics as an array: Example:
select id, topics from c;
id | topics
7783263 | [{"id": "ddded8f7-1a72-4e43-b040-86a01e82d2c6", "name": "Finance"}]
7783556 | [{"id": "7bad8662-a07b-45c5-bea5-1aa6050c0dfb", "name": "Politics"}]
7783795 |
7785318 | [{"id": "7bad8662-a07b-45c5-bea5-1aa6050c0dfb", "name": "Politics"}, {"id": "ddded8f7-1a72-4e43-b040-86a01e82d2c6", "name": "Finance"}]
I have tried the #> operator and some others but to no help. I need to be able to select all the items that has either one specific topic like "Finance" or several such as ["Finance", "Politics"].
I tried topics #> '{"name": ["Finance"]}' as an example, but that didn't work.
One way is to use an OR condition:
select *
from the_table
where topics #> '[{"name": "Finance"}]'
or topics #> '[{"name": "Politics"}]'
If you are using Postgres 12 or later, you can also collect all names into a (JSON) array and use the ?| operator:
select *
from the_table
where jsonb_path_query_array(topics, '$.name') ?| array['Finance', 'Politics']
My previous question has been answered, thanks to #Erwin Brandstetter for the help:
Query individual values in a nested json record
I have a follow-up:
Aurora Postgres - PostgreSQL 13.1. My jsonb column value looks like this:
"usertype": [
"type": "staff",
"status": "active",
"permissions": {
"1": "add user",
"2": "add account"
"type": "customer",
"status": "suspended",
"permissions": {
"1": "add",
"2": "edit",
"3": "view",
"4": "all"
I would like to produce a table style output where each permission item i shown as a column. It should show the value if not null else it will be NULL.
type | status | perm1 | perm2 | perm3 | perm4 | perm5 | perm6
staff | active | adduser | addaccount | null | null | null | null
customer | suspended | add | edit | view | all | null | null
In other words, I would like a way to find out the max permissions count and show that many column in the select query.
An SQL query has to return a fixed number of columns. The return type has to be known at call time (at the latest). Number, names and data types of columns in the returned row(s) are fixed by then. There is no way to get a truly dynamic number of result columns in SQL. You'd have to use two steps (two round trips to the DB server):
Determine the list or result columns.
Send a query to produce that result.
Notably, that leaves a time window for race conditions under concurrent write load.
Typically, it's simpler to just return an array or a list or a document type (like JSON) for a variable number of values. Or a set of rows.
If there is a low, well-known maximum of possible values, say 6, like in your added example, just over-provision:
, js_line_item ->> 'type' AS type
, js_line_item ->> 'status' AS status
, js_line_item #>> '{permissions, 1}' AS perm1
, js_line_item #>> '{permissions, 2}' AS perm2
-- , ...
, js_line_item #>> '{permissions, 6}' AS perm6
FROM newtable n
LEFT JOIN LATERAL jsonb_array_elements(n.column1 -> 'usertype') AS js_line_item ON true;
LEFT JOIN to retain rows without any permissions.
A table says products have a JSONB column called identifiers that stores an array of JSON objects.
Sample data in products
id | name | identifiers
1 | umbrella | [{"id": "productID-umbrella-123", "domain": "ecommerce.com"}, {"id": "amzn-123", "domain": "amzn.com"}]
2 | ball | [{"id": "amzn-234", "domain": "amzn.com"}]
3 | bat | [{"id": "productID-bat-234", "domain": "ecommerce.com"}]
Now, I have to write a query that sorts the elements in the table based on the "id" value for the domain "amzn.com"
Expected result
id | name | identifiers
----- |--------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 | bat | [{"id": "productID-bat-234", "domain": "ecommerce.com"}]
1 | umbrella | [{"id": "productID-umbrella-123", "domain": "ecommerce.com"}, {"id": "amzn-123", "domain": "amzn.com"}]
2 | ball | [{"id": "amzn-234", "domain": "amzn.com"}]
ids of amzn.com are "amzn-123" and "amzn-234".
When sorted by ids of amzn.com "amzn-123" appears first, followed by "amzn-234"
Ordering the table by values of "id" for the domain "amzn.com",
record with id 3 appears first since the id for amzn.com is NULL,
followed by a record with id 1 and 2, which has a valid id that is sorted.
I am genuinely clueless as to how I could write a query for this use case.
If it were a JSONB and not an array of JSON I would have tried.
Is it possible to write a query for such a use case in PostgreSQL?
If yes, please at least give me a pseudo code or the rough query.
As you don't know the position in the array, you will need to iterate over all array elements to find the amazon ID.
Once you have the ID, you can use it with an order by. Using nulls first puts those products at the top that don't have an amazon ID.
select p.*, a.amazon_id
from products p
left join lateral (
select item ->> 'id' as amazon_id
from jsonb_array_elements(p.identifiers) as x(item)
where x.item ->> 'domain' = 'amzn.com'
limit 1 --<< safe guard in case there is more than one amazon id
) a on true --<< we don't really need a join condition
order by a.amazon_id nulls first;
Online example
With Postgres 12 this would be a bit shorter:
select p.*
from products p
order by jsonb_path_query_first(identifiers, '$[*] ? (#.domain == "amzn.com").id') nulls first
After few tweaks, this is the query that finally made it,
select p.*, amzn -> 'id' AS amzn_id
from products p left join lateral JSONB_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(p.identifiers) amzn ON amzn->>'domain' = 'amzn.com'
order by amzn_id nulls first
Currently my table looks something like this
id | companies
1 | {"companies": [{"name": "Google", "industry": "TECH"},
| {"name": "FOX News", "industry": "MEDIA"}]}
2 | {"companies": [{"name": "Honda", "industry": "AUTO"}]}
3 | {"companies": [{"name": "Nike", "industry": "SPORTS"}]}
I want to grab all the rows were the companies JSONB array contains a company with industry in a the list ["TECH", "SPORTS"].
In this example, the query would return rows 1 and 3.
I'm unsure of how to do this due to the nesting involved.
You can use jsonb_array_elements() and exists:
select t.*
from mytable t
where exists (
select 1
from jsonb_array_elements(t.companies -> 'companies') x(obj)
where x.obj ->> 'industry' in ('TECH', 'SPORTS')
Another way to write this, is to use the contains operator #>
select *
from the_table t
where t.companies -> 'companies' #> '[{"industry": "TECH"}]'
or t.companies -> 'companies' #> '[{"industry": "SPORTS"}]'
This could make use of a GIN index on companies
I am considering switching to PostgreSQL, because of the JSON support. However, I am wondering, if the following would be possible with a single query:
Let's say there are two tables:
Table 1) organisations:
ID (INT) | members (JSONB) |
1 | [{ id: 23, role: "admin" }, { id: 24, role: "default" }]|
2 | [{ id: 23, role: "user" }]
Table 2) users:
ID (INT) | name TEXT | email TEXT |
23 | Max | max#gmail.com |
24 | Joe | joe#gmail.com |
Now I want to get a result like this (all i have is the ID of the organisation [1]):
ID (INT) | members (JSONB) |
1 | [{ id: 23, name: "Max", email: "max#gmail.com", role:
"admin" },
{ id: 24, name: "Joe", email: "joe#gmail.com ", role:
"default" }]
(1 row)
I know this is not what JSONB is intended for and that there is a better solution for storing this data in SQL, but I am just curious if it would be possible.
Yes it is possible to meet this requirement with Postgres. Here is a solution for 9.6 or higher.
'id' , u.id,
'name' , u.name,
'email' , u.email,
'role' , e.usr->'role'
FROM organisations o
INNER JOIN users u ON (e.usr->'id')::text::int = u.id
See this db fiddle.
Explanation :
the JSONB_ARRAY_ELEMENTS function splits the organisation json array into rows (one per user) ; it is usually used in combination with JOIN LATERAL
to join the users table, we access the content of the id field using the -> operator
for each user, the JSONB_BUILD_OBJECT is used to create a new object, by passing a list of values/keys pairs ; most values comes from the users table, excepted the role, that is taken from the organisation json element
the query aggregates by organisation id, using JSONB_AGG to generate a json array by combining above objects
For more information, you may also have a look at Postgres JSON Functions documentation.
There might be more ways to do that. One way would use jsonb_to_recordset() to transform the JSON into a record set you can join. Then create a JSON from the result using jsonb_build_object() for the individual members and jsonb_agg() to aggregate them in a JSON array.
SELECT jsonb_agg(jsonb_build_object('id', "u"."id",
'name', "u"."name",
'email', "u"."email",
'role', "m"."role"))
FROM "organisations" "o"
CROSS JOIN LATERAL jsonb_to_recordset(o."members") "m" ("id" integer,
"role" text)
INNER JOIN "users" "u"
ON "u"."id" = "m"."id";
What functions are available in detail depends on the version. But since you said you consider switching, assuming a more recent version should be fair.