Dynamic column fields using existing column values in SQL - sql

I have this existing query
mt.Last_name as OLD_Last_name,
ot.Last_name as New_Last_name,
ot.Date as Update_Date,
from maintable as mt
JOIN othertable as ot on mt.id=ot.id
I'd like to join a new column with the following output:
[mt.First_name] [ot.Last_name], nee [mt.Last_name] changed their name on [ot.Date].
I tried using a case statement but didn't get it right.

For closure, moving #Jnevill answer from comment to actual answer:
SELECT mt.First_name || ' ' || ot.Last_name || ', nee ' || mt.last_name || ' changed their name on ' || ot.Date AS yournewcolumn, mt.First_name
, mt.Last_name as OLD_Last_name
, ot.Last_name as New_Last_name
, ot.Date as Update_Date
from maintable as mt
JOIN othertable as ot on mt.id=ot.id
Apparently OP wanted to know how to concatenate strings, which is done with ||.


How to take multiple rows and make a comma separated list in SQL

I have a query I ran which is
SELECT * FROM rpg.class_primary_abilities AS cpab
INNER JOIN rpg.abilities AS ab ON cpab.ability_id = ab.ability_id
INNER JOIN rpg.classes AS cl ON cpab.class_id = cl.class_id;
It gives me the below output.
What I would like to know is how can I change this query in order to display everything except the first class_id column in a comma separated list. Essentially I would like to get an output of class_idand value,value,value,value,value,value,value,value as my two columns in the output.
I am a college student just learning SQL and have not been exposed to any possible solutions to this problem in class. Any help is appreciated.
Most databases support a function such as string_agg() or listagg() that does what you want:
SELECT cl.class_id,
STRING_AGG(ability_id, ',') as ability_ids,
. . .
FROM rpg.class_primary_abilities cpab JOIN
rpg.abilities ab
ON cpab.ability_id = ab.ability_id JOIN
rpg.classes cl
ON cpab.class_id = cl.class_id
GROUP BY cl.class_id
Please tag your database for more info.
This is one way for Oracle where Ihave used a concatenate sign which is || to concatenate(put two strings together in one) and between them I have also concatenated a comma ,. You can also see that I have used double quotes for the column named desc. I did it because it is not a good practice to call your columns with keywords and word desc is used for example when you order by some column(at the end of the query) you can order by that column ascending then you use asc or descending when you can use desc. Also in both examples I used keyword as to give a name to this concatenated column.
SELECT class_id, cpab.ability_id || ',' ||
ab.ability_id || ',' ||
ab.name || ',' ||
class_id || ',' ||
cpab.name || ',' ||
hit_die || ',' ||
"desc" || ',' ||
isPlayable as values
FROM rpg.class_primary_abilities AS cpab
INNER JOIN rpg.abilities AS ab ON cpab.ability_id = ab.ability_id
INNER JOIN rpg.classes AS cl ON cpab.class_id = cl.class_id;
This is another for MYSQL where I have used concat to concatenate column values and I have used different single quotes for desc column.:
SELECT class_id, concat(cpab.ability_id, ',' ,
ab.ability_id, ',' ,
ab.name, ',' ,
class_id, ',' ,
cpab.name, ',' ,
hit_die, ',' ,
`desc`, ',' ,
isPlayable) as values
FROM rpg.class_primary_abilities AS cpab
INNER JOIN rpg.abilities AS ab ON cpab.ability_id = ab.ability_id
INNER JOIN rpg.classes AS cl ON cpab.class_id = cl.class_id;
In both examples you have columns with same name from different tables and theer you will have to use aliases when calling them in your select clause like I have did in my example: cpab.ability_id and ab.ability_id but please note that I do not know if they are from cpab and ab tables.

Oracle SQL: Missing identifier error in Select with Xmlagg

I am new to Oracle and hope someone here can help me with this.
I have a Select that returns the following without row aggregation:
current output
My problem here is that I can have multiple rows for certain IDs in the first column whereas I need just one row per ID, like this:
required output
Select Distinct is not an option in my case and Listag doesn't allow enough characters for the second column.
After some research I think Xmlagg is exactly what I need here but I cannot get this to work and always get an error here so I think I am writing it wrong.
Latest error:
ORA-00931: missing identifier
Can someone show me how to write this properly ?
My query (shortened):
b.title || ' -' || c.item || ' -' || b.quantity) ORDER BY b.title)
).EXTRACT('//text()'), ' --- ') AS Details
, TO_CHAR(c.total, 'FM9,990.00') AS Sum
table1 d
/* joins */
/* ... */
, b.title
, c.item
, b.quantity
Many thanks in advance.
Just a few things need to be moved here and there.
|| ' -'
|| c.item
|| ' -'
|| b.quantity ,' --- ' ).EXTRACT('//text()')
ORDER BY b.title),
' --- ')
Details , TO_CHAR(c.total, 'FM9,990.00')
SUM FROM table1 d
/* joins */
* ... */
, b.title
, c.item
, b.quantity

Postgres concatenate regex and table column

I would like to run the query
SELECT * FROM table_a JOIN table_b ON table_a.title LIKE ('^[a-b]' || table_b.title)
where if table_a.title = "the foo bar", and table_b.title has a row named "oo", the query will not return any results, but if table_b.title has a row named "foo", it will return results.
Basically I want to match the title on table_b only if it is an entire word (surrounded by spaces, or at the beginning and end of string) but not if another word has a part of table_b.title in it.
Any ideas?
If you want to use regular expressions in Postgres, use ~, similar to, or regexp_matches, not like:
FROM table_a JOIN
ON table_a.title ~ ('^[a-b]' || table_b.title);
This is what ended up working for me:
SELECT 1 FROM table_a JOIN table_b
ON (' ' || table_b.title || ' ') ~* ('.*?[^a-zA-Z0-9]+' || table_b.name || '[^a-zA-Z0-9].*?')
where table_b.id IS NOT NULL

how to reference an alias in an oracle nested query?

I have a couple of nested queries like this:
(SELECT "impartidas"."idUsuarioProf"
FROM "impartidas"
WHERE "impartidas"."periodo" = "periodoPlanGrado"."periodo" and
"impartidas"."idMateria" = "materiasPlan"."idMateria") T,
(SELECT "usuarios"."apellidoPaterno" || ' , ' || "usuarios"."nombres"
FROM "usuarios"
WHERE "usuarios"."idUsuario" = 36) as "nomprofesor"
The first one outputs the teacher ID in a column named T.
What do I need to change in the second query, just so that instead of 36, it uses the value that was shown in column aliased T?
In short I need to perform the second query, based on the output ID value of the first query.
r In the absence of any context it's difficult to understand why you're taken such a convoluted approach. The obvious approach is just a straightforward join:
SELECT "impartidas"."idUsuarioProf"
, "usuarios"."apellidoPaterno" || ' , ' || "usuarios"."nombres" "nomprofesor"
FROM "impartidas"
, "periodoPlanGrado"
, "materiasPlan"
, "usuarios"
WHERE "impartidas"."periodo" = "periodoPlanGrado"."periodo"
and "impartidas"."idMateria" = "materiasPlan"."idMateria") T
and "usuarios"."idUsuario" = "impartidas"."idUsuarioProf"
But if you really need the inlining then you would need to do the joining externally, something like this:
select P."nomprofesor"
(SELECT "impartidas"."idUsuarioProf"
FROM "impartidas"
, "periodoPlanGrado"
, "materiasPlan"
WHERE "impartidas"."periodo" = "periodoPlanGrado"."periodo"
and "impartidas"."idMateria" = "materiasPlan"."idMateria") T,
(SELECT "usuarios"."apellidoPaterno" || ' , ' || "usuarios"."nombres" as "nomprofesor"
, "usuarios"."idUsuario"
FROM "usuarios" ) P
WHERE P."idUsuario" = T."idUsuarioProf"
Note that you need to include all the joining columns in the projection of each sub-query. As, you need to use an aliases to reference a derived column in the outer query.
What about this:
SELECT "usuarios"."apellidoPaterno" || ' , ' || "usuarios"."nombres" AS "nomprofesor"
FROM "usuarios"
WHERE "usuarios"."idUsuario" = (
SELECT "impartidas"."idUsuarioProf"
FROM "impartidas", "periodoPlanGrando", "materiasPlan"
WHERE "impartidas"."periodo" = "periodoPlanGrado"."periodo"
AND "impartidas"."idMateria" = "materiasPlan"."idMateria"
or maybe
SELECT "usuarios"."apellidoPaterno" || ' , ' || "usuarios"."nombres" AS "nomprofesor"
FROM "usuarios"
WHERE "usuarios"."idUsuario" IN (
SELECT "impartidas"."idUsuarioProf"
FROM "impartidas", "periodoPlanGrando", "materiasPlan"
WHERE "impartidas"."periodo" = "periodoPlanGrado"."periodo"
AND "impartidas"."idMateria" = "materiasPlan"."idMateria"
if multiple rows might be generated by the subquery (I do not know the schema and my Spanish is not very good (IS NULL) to understand what might be in the "impartidas" table).
For code maintenance and readability reasons I would write this:
SELECT u.apellidoPaterno || ' , ' || u.nombres AS nomprofesor
FROM usuarios u
WHERE u.idUsuario = (
SELECT i.idUsuarioProf
FROM impartidas i
INNER JOIN periodoPlanGrando p USING ( periodo )
INNER JOIN materiasPlan m USING ( idMateria )
-- WHERE (other condifitions)
or even this:
SELECT u.apellido_paterno || ' , ' || u.nombres AS nom_profesor
FROM usuarios u
WHERE u.id_usuario = (
SELECT i.id_usuario_prof
FROM impartidas i
INNER JOIN periodo_plan_grado p USING ( periodo )
INNER JOIN materias_plan m USING ( id_materia )
-- WHERE (other condifitions)
but this would require refractoring table and column names to be more Oracle identifier like.

Find all tables with a field containing xml string values

I have an SQL 2005 database and I know that in the database there is a table which has got some xml strings in it. How can I find this table(s)?
If the fields are actually of type XML, then this query will give you what you're looking for:
select * from information_schema.columns
where DATA_TYPE = 'XML'
Run this:
select 'select distinct ''' || a.name || '.' || b.name
|| ''' from ' || b.name
|| 'where ' || b.name || ' like ''%<%/>%'' union '
from systable a
join syscolumns b on (a.id = b.id)
join systypes c on (b.type = c.xtype)
where a.type ='U' and c.name = ('CHAR', 'CHARN', 'VARCHAR', 'VARCHARN');
The first result set will have one row per character column in the database:
select distinct 'table.column' from table where column like '%<%/>%' union
Take that resultset, snip off the last union, and run the resultset as a SQL statement. It'll bring back the table name and column name for any column that has one or more rows that look XML-ish.
Edit: this is from memory; the join to systypes and the type names may be wrong, so select from systypes and check.