Firefox 102.0.1 Windows Authentication via URL - authentication

We've been using XUnit with Firefox for automated testing with Windows Authentication and passing the credentials with the URL in the form http://username:password#server.url/ and it has been working fine until a recent update to Firefox it appears on July 6th? Version is 102.0.1. Now when the same script is executed an alert box is popped up asking for login credentials. We coded for that, but when running tests in parallel, multiple tests attempt to access the same alert box and tests fail. Looked at similar questions from years past and tried the solutions listed but those are not working with 102.


Trouble getting Selenum automated testing to auto-login using my profile

I'm using MS Edge browser (Version 109.0.1518.78) along with Selenium to do some automated UI testing with my corp environment.
Trouble is, the tests are always prompting challenging me to login.
Now here's the confusion: when i use Edge normally, the browser uses my profile settings to auto-authenticate me. However, when running the tests (via Visual Studio), an Edge browser instance is started WITHOUT my profile.
First thing I tried:
I have tried following various example without any success, such as this one from SO. Using this example i added these 2 arguments like this:
This didn't do anything. So I'm wondering if maybe the arguments have changed? The edge driver documentation is worthless when it comes to this.
Second thing I tried:
I tried creating edge driver service with arguments of my edge driver path.
Unfortunately, i get a driver initialization error saying something about "msedge.exe".
The summarize, my problem is that my selenium tests are starting an edge browser instance without my default corp profile. therefore i am forced to manually login, which is what i want to avoid.
Note that occassionally things will work fine as expected. Then suddenly the next day it reverts to this default behavior again. I am no sure what is going on!

Getting white screen when running selenium automation

When i running selenium automation to URL , username and password fields are loading after entering username and password application not directed to dashboard but when I try same this via manual its working fine
This is regression automation code was working earlier and I am using chrome latest version
Also same automation run one of friend laptop and one AWS instance(windows) without any issues
can anyone has concern on this ?

Azure DevOps VSTest,Site Currently unavailable message and times out despite being up

Currently using Selenium + ChromeDriver to execute automated functional tests through Azure DevOps VsTest task but whenever the task tries to execute tests pointing to a website in NetCore, it times out very quickly and sometimes (a lot of times) I get the standard error message from the registered screenshot on error of "This site can't be reached".
I tried running this locally and pointing to the same website but this issue doesn't seem to happen at all and I've got no clue on what's going on due to the big inconsistency between the results that the VsTest task provides.
I also tried opening Chrome on the machine that executes the task but it seems to open the URL fine there.
One thing to note is that the website I'm using uses Windows Authentication mechanism and I'm sending my credentials directly through the URL with https:\\ and it seems to open the page without issue there too.

Run chrome as different user using Selenium and C#

As part of a testing project, I am trying to run a chrome instance as different user ('UserA') using Selenium and C#. I have tried all suggestions I could find, but nothing works. No matter what I do, the Chrome instance that is opened during the test, runs as the user logged into the machine and not as 'UserA'. Everything runs locally.
I am fairly new to this, so any advice/suggestion is appreciated

Phantomjs - Silent Browser

I was using Phantomjs driver for execution of my Application test scenario.
In the Recent update, they have implemented individual certificates to each machines, so once I enter my application URL and hit enter_key, the URL is redirected to an internal server and I need to provide the Userid and Password to Log in.
This Scenario works well in chromedriver but when i'm using phantomjs, the elements are not getting recognized.
I tried to take the screenshots but only blank image came in the screenshot.