Zabbix user login trigger - authentication

I have a problem with zabbix, i want him to search trough /var/log/log.auth and send a notification when someone logs into by SSH. I know how to send notifications when trigger is active but i don't know how to create this exact trigger.

You should set up a log item like log[/var/log/log.auth,authentication successful] (or the exact string you are looking for in the logfile.
Then you should create a corresponding trigger with the regexp function: .regexp(authentication successful)}=1
From the doc, regexp:
1 - found
0 - otherwise
It's a bit redundant, but it's good to filter out everything you don't need before storing it into zabbix.


Update secret parameter in Jenkins Job

I have a lot of free-style jobs in my Jenkins instance. I create them with Jenkins API (generate XML-file with configuration and post them by "http://my-jenkins-instance:8080/createItem?name=JobName").
There is one problem - I can not generate value in secret fields. For example, I want such a config:
Inject passwords to the build as environment variables -> Job passwords.
And I need to set 123 to Password field.
I can not do this through XML because it appears decoded in XML. Something like this: {AQAAABAAAANwHq0hsSF6...}
I want to set the value to this parameter
So my questions are:
Can I get the decoded value of a plain password through some API? So I could send 123 and get {AQAAABAAAANwHq0hsSF6...} back.
If not, can I set secret value some other way? I can only think of using Selenium but it is too slow (comparing to API).
I have found the solution.
I can set the value as a plain text: <value>123</value>, create or update a job. Then I need to disable and enable the job.

How to create "Round Robin Call Forwarding Function" in Twilio Stack

I have researched high and low through multiple websites and have not found a single fully documented solution for round-robin call forwarding with-in the Twilio stack; let alone within Twilio Studio. The last time this question was asked in detail was in 2013 so your help is greatly appreciated. I am looking to find a solution to the following to educate myself and others:
[Round Robin Scenario]
Mentioned by Phil Krnjeu on Aug 1 '13 at 23:04, "I'm trying to create a website that has a phone number on it (say, a phone number for a school). When you call that number, it has different secretary offices (A,B,C, D). I want to create something where the main number is called, and then it goes and calls phone number A the first time, the second time someone calls the main number, number B is called, C, then D. Once D is called (which would be the 4th call), the 5th call goes back to A."
The response to the above question was to use an IVR Screening & Recording application which requires the caller to pick an agent which is not a true Round Robin solution. The solution I am looking for and many others require the system to know which agent is in a group and which agent is next to receive a call.
[Key Features Needed]
Ability to add forwarding numbers as identified above A, B, C, D as a group or IVR extensions such as 1 = Management, 2 = Sales and etc...
Set a subsequent calling rule that notates in a DB of some sort. Caller A through D, for example, equals 1 unsuccessful. When caller A has been forwarded a call it now equals 0 successful then the script stops and allows the call to be answered by the user or its voicemail. Then the next call comes in and is forwarded to user B and assigned a 0 successful value, then the script stops.
After the caller finishes the call or finishes leaving a voicemail the script needs to end the call.
[Final Destination]
The round-robin should finalize its call with the forwarded phone numbers voicemail.
[Known Issues]
Forwarding a call to multiple numbers not stopping when someone answers
Once this question is posted I am sure someone will ask in the near future what if I wanted the call to be forwarded to a Twilio voicemail instead of using the forwarded phone number's voicemail which could be let's say a cell phone. I do not necessarily need this feature, however, making an additional comment would be very helpful to the community. Thank you for your time.
I have limited knowledge of programming besides having the ability to review articles posted by other users. One article I researched in detail that did not work for me was, "IVR: Screening & Recording with PHP and Laravel."
The solution I am looking for first would be to make this code through the new Twilio Studio interface if that is not possible then any other solution would be helpful to all.
Sam here from the Twilio Support Team. You can build what you've described using Twilio's Runtime suite, Studio, and Functions.
I wrote a blog post with detailed instructions and screenshots here, and I've included a summarized version below as well.
First, you need to create a serverless Variable which will be used as the round robin counter. The variable must be inside an Environment, which is inside a Service. This is the only part of the application where you will need your own laptop. You can see how to create these with any of the SDKs or using curl in the docs.
Create a Service
Create an Environment
Create a Variable
Be sure to copy the SIDs of your Service, Environment, and Variable since you will need that for your function.
For convenience, this is how you create the Variable in NodeJS.
const accountSid = 'your_account_sid';
const authToken = 'your_auth_token';
const client = require('twilio')(accountSid, authToken);'ZSXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX')
.create({key: 'key', value: 'value'})
.then(variable => console.log(variable.sid));
Create the following Environment Variables here in the console and save set them equal to their respective SID that you saved earlier.
Next, make sure you check the Enable ACCOUNT_SID and AUTH_TOKEN checkbox above the Environment Variables section under Credentials.
Be sure your Twilio Client version in the Dependencies section is set to the latest, so we can be sure it includes the Serverless resources. At the time of writing (March 2020), the default Client version does not include them, so we upgraded to 3.41.1, which was the latest.
Go here in the console and create a blank Function.
Copy and paste the following code and replace the numbers with the ones you would like to include in your Round Robin (make sure the environment variables you just created match what's in the code).
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
// Number List
let numbers = [
"+18652142345", //Sam
"+18651092837", //Tina
"+19193271892", //Matt
// Copy and paste line above to add another number.
// Initialize Twilio Client
let client = context.getTwilioClient();
// Fetch Round Robin Ctr
.then(variable => {
// Use counter value to determine number to call
let number = numbers[variable.value];
// Create var with new ctr value
let ctr = variable.value;
// Check if current counter value is less than RR length (i.e. the number of numbers in round robin)
// If so, increment
if(ctr == numbers.length-1) {
ctr = 0;
// Otherwise reset ctr
else ctr++;
// Update counter value
.update({value: ctr})
.then(resp => {
// Return number to call
let response = {number};
// Return our counter value and a null error value
callback(null, response);
Click the red plus sign to create a new Flow here.
Give the Flow a name and click Next.
Scroll to the bottom of the templates and click 'Import from JSON' and click Next.
Paste the Flow JSON shown here and click Next.
Click the RoundRobin function widget and select the Function you just created under the Default service.
Click the FunctionError widget, click MESSAGING & CHAT CONFIG, and change the SEND MESSAGE TO number to a number that you would like to notify by text in the event of a Function failure.
Click the DefaultNumber widget and change the default number that will be forwarded to in the event of a Function failure.
Click the Publish button at the top of your Flow.
Go here in the console.
Click the Twilio number you would like to configure.
Scroll down to the A CALL COMES IN dropdown in the Voice section and select Studio Flow.
Select your new Flow in the Select a Flow dropdown to the right.
Click Save at the bottom.
And that's it. You're now all set to test!

Configure dovecot and exim4 to accept logins

I can login on my IMAP server using my username, but can't using (related: Dovecot Authentication failed if trying login with #domain) . Same thing happens for SMTP with exim4.
How can I setup dovecot (IMAP) and exim4 (SMTP) to allow as the login?
EDIT: I'm using driver = passwd for the userdb, and driver = pam for the passdb.
I had the same question, and similar reasons. This may not be the best wa but I used a test account, lets call it 'user' for the sake of illustration and, copied the user's line in /etc/passwd (I'm on a Ubuntu cloud server), and changed the name on the copied line-- just adding the fqdn so the user UID has two names: '' and the original, just 'user'. I setup the account first on Thunderbird with just 'user' to login to dovecot and exim, tested send/recieve ok. Then changed the login on Thunderbird for both servers to ''. I had to re-enter the password, but it appears to have worked spectacularly well. It tested send/recieve ok, and otherwise appears the same as before. Now, I'm short on time so I set the password separately for both accounts, but I'm not sure that part is necessary. I'll have to check later, but I think pam looks up passwords matched to the PID (if I'm wrong about that, please someone tell me!). Anyway, more testing later. I'll let you know if there are deleterious side-effects. Aside: it may be possible to simply add the full email address as an alias in /etc/alias but I haven't tested that, and I just thought of it. Anyone try that one, leave a comment! Thanks! Ciao...
You have to create users in complete form of user#domain.tld.
Setup login autocompletion by #hostname if domain part is omitted, before dovecot-auth invocation.
As far as there is lot of dovecot/exim howtos, there is no ready-to-use recipe for your case.
You can change your SQL query to use only the first part before the # sign by using the substring_index() function. Conveniently, this string search query will return the whole string if there is no # sign. This means that if the customer enters "", it will use the correct value (just the "local_part"), and if the customer enters just "user", it will return the whole string.
mysql> select substring_index('','#',1);
| substring_index('','#',1) |
| user |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select substring_index('user','#',1);
| substring_index('user','#',1) |
| user |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Command Status 0x00000011 with submit_multi for SMPP integration

Hi am integrating with Sybase Mobile 365 Services and I have gotten submit_sm and deliver_sm to work fine. I am trying to get submit_multi to work, but no matter what I try I get back a Command Status = 11. Does anyone have any thoughts as to what that command status means? Why I would get that? I have tried different service types and everything else I can think of... with no success.
Command Status = 11 (ESME_RINVDSTADR) means "Invalid destination address".
This mean that probably the the dest_address field in your submit_multi request is wrong.
The dest_address field for submit_multi should be a list of destination address structures as defined in SMPP 3.4 Specification - chapter
The number of destination addresses in the list is set in the number_of_dests field.
Additionally, you could also check that the dest_addr_ton (Type of Number) and dest_addr_npi (Numbering Plan Indicator) are correct for each destination address. For more details about this check out this link.

multiple user logins in jmeter

I am using jmeter to test a php application. I need to create a different thread with a unique session for each user. Because in my application you can only have one login per user at a time so putting 100 times the same user I will not get to any conclusion.
I have created 40 users user0,user1....user39 with the same password is there a way to automatically create simultaneous threads for each of them?
I just implemented this using jmeter for an app that uses Spring Security (It would be very similar to PHP). This is fairly straightforward, basically:
1) Create a new CSV file using a text editor
Ex: CSVSample_user.csv
username1, password1
username2, password2
2) In jmeter, create a CSV Data Set Config element
Thread Group>add>Config Element>CSV Data Set Config
=> Assign variable names (see image)
3) Create an HTTP Request element
Thread Group>add>Sampler>HTTP Request
=> Create a POST with parameters, have the variable you created
put the values for the parameter. (See bottom image).
NOTE: There are other elements you need, such as cookie manager, etc. Also number of threads needs to be set to the number of login users.
You can use a CSV Data Set Config. This control will allow you to use an external source of variables.
Add -> Config Element -> CSV Data Set Config
You must set the variable names, something like:
Variable Names (comma-delimited): USERNAME,PASSWORD
Then you can use the variables in your HTTP Requests parameters like:
I realize this question is over a year old, but I just came across the same issue and thought I'd add my solution for anyone else who stumbles upon this issue.
If you have a sequence of usernames and passwords that are simply differentiated by numbers at the end of their values, you can use the __threadNum variable to log them in. So for the value of username you might say user${__threadNum}.
This solution is simpler than including a csv but only works where you have a list such as the one you suggested in your question.
keep csv file and testplan (i.e jmx) in a same folder and recheck the variable name in CSV datasetconfig and http request for any typing error.