Doxygen FILE_VERSION_FILTER - documentation

Got the Git command "git log --format='%H' -1" in the settings of FILE_VERSION_FILTER and Doxywizard log also shows while building the specific git commit hash to every file. How can I use now the git commit hash in the comments of the specific files? Thanks!
Version: 1.9.3
Doxywizard gets every latest git commit hash from every file (see picture). I want to add this hash into the source file comments of specific functions as version number.
Something like: \version {latest git hash of this file}


bzr could not complete pull, now files are missing

I bzr pulled from a repo. Some of the new files (related to a TeX documentation) in the repo apparently could not be placed in the corresponding local dir since there was some kind of lock. I had TeXStudio open, I am not sure if it locked a directory.
The pull operation reported an error (which I missed since the shell window was later closed).
Now the status of my local dirs is:
bzr pull shows the system is up to date.
$ bzr pull
Using saved parent location: XXXXX
No revisions or tags to pull.
The local dir is empty. There should be some files (I actually have them in the local dir in another computer).
I guess .bzr contains the required info.
Is there any way to fix the local copy?
You probably need to run:
bzr co
(without any arguments)
To create a working tree for the current branch.

Git submodule is ignored

When I try to add a submodule via
git submodule add git#domian:repo.git contact
I get the following message:
The following path is ignored by one of your .gitignore files:
Use -f if you really want to add it.
Here is my .gitignore:
# Ignore everything
# But not these files:
It is resolved by using the suggested -f option, but I am curious why the !contact/ entry in .gitignore does not alleviate the problem.
A submodule is composed of a gitlink (a special entry 160000 in the Git repository index), and a remote URL+path in the .gitmodules.
So excluding !contact/ would still ignore the gitlink "contact" (which is not a folder contact/, but a special "file")
This would work better, and allow the git submodule add to proceed:
And if any other cause would still block the git submodule add, the next Git 2.26 (Q1 2020) will provide a more helpful error message.
I don't hit that error in your particular case (I have git version
I do hit that error when trying to add a submodule outside the parent repository, though (which apparently isn't supported):
$ git submodule add ../repo
The following path is ignored by one of your .gitignore files:
Use -f if you really want to add it.
Best guess is it's a adding !contact/ to your .gitignore doesn't fix it because it's not actually the .gitignore causing the problem.
What git version do you have? You can download the source code for your particular version, search for the error message (e.g. here it is in v2.21), and trace through the code to figure out what actually goes wrong.

history not preserve while move svn to GIT (for svn Move folders)

I have an SVN project with a structure as specified below:
PROJECT > trunk, branches, tags, subproject1, subproject2, release notes
I have restructured the project through the SVN MOVE command so it looks like:
trunk, branches, Tags. (moved the folders into trunk).
I'm able to see history preserved as I moved through SVN MOVE command.
Now, I have migrated the SVN repository to GIT through below command,
$ git svn clone --stdlayout --authors-file=authors.txt file:///svnrepos/local-svn/PROJECT project.git
NOw, In the GIT repository, I am not able see the history for moved folders and it only shows me last "svn move" command history. I can see history for all other files which are not moved.
Please let me know your comments.
Thank You.
SVN Move will not be able to preserve the history while moving to GIT as it will consider as new directory entry commit in GIT.
there is require to use SVN-DUMP-RELOC which will restrcutre the directory in SVN DUMP file instead of repository.
Please follow the steps mentioned in below link for windows machine:
svn-dump-reloc use in windows command prompt

How do I change ignore-paths on an existing git-svn repo?

I have an already existing git-svn repo with an ignore paths in my .config file that looks like this:
ignore-paths = ^(?!(Path1/Proj1|Path1/Proj2|Path2/Proj3))
This works well.
Someone added a new project in svn that I now need in my git repo.
If I change ignore-paths to what's below and issue a fetch or a rebase, I never see Path2/Proj4
ignore-paths = ^(?!(Path1/Proj1|Path1/Proj2|Path2/Proj3|Path2/Proj4))
In the past, I've always given up and blasted away my git repo and recreated it. Is there a better way?
After editing the ignore-paths you need to
git svn reset -r <n> -p # where <n> is the SVN revision where the new path was added.
git svn fetch
git rebase # or reset
Reference git-svn(1):
Undoes the effects of fetch back to the specified revision.
This allows you to re-fetch an SVN revision. Normally the
contents of an SVN revision should never change and reset
should not be necessary. However, if SVN permissions change,
or if you alter your --ignore-paths option, a fetch may fail
with "not found in commit" (file not previously visible) or
"checksum mismatch" (missed a modification). If the problem
file cannot be ignored forever (with --ignore-paths) the only
way to repair the repo is to use reset.
Only the rev_map and refs/remotes/git-svn are changed (see
$GIT_DIR/svn/*\*/.rev_map.* in the FILES section below for details).
Follow reset with a fetch and then git reset or git rebase to
move local branches onto the new tree.

Getting current Git commit version from within Rails app?

How can I retrieve the current Git commit version from within a Ruby on Rails app?
Want to display the Git version (or maybe the last 6 letters or so) to serve as an App version.
Like #meagar said, use backticks to execute the shell command from within your app, but you may find these two commands more useful:
Full hash:
git rev-parse HEAD
First 7 characters of hash:
git rev-parse --short HEAD
You can invoke the git command from within your script:
commit = `git show --pretty=%H`
puts commit
Depending on your environment you may want to use the full path to the git binary, and possibly specify the GIT_DIR via an environment variable or --git-dir.
A more robust solution would be git show --pretty=%H -q. The -q flag quiets the output.
In order to remove the newline that is part of the output, you can use chomp. For example: system('git show --pretty=%H -q').chomp
The selected answer has the potential to actually return the diff when the commit is not a merge commit. Verified on git version
I presume that you want to include the app version in your HTML somewhere? The prerequisite is that you are deploying your repo with Capistrano in the default manner (you are uploading the repo, not sending up an archive file).
You can add some code to the Rails initializer as outlined here. That approach will get the SHA1 from the last commit, and make it available as an environment variable.
The other way to do it is have you Capistrano task generate a static file in the public directory with the commit SHA in it. You could include other info in this file that seems useful.