Where is annotation stored in ir tree for backing field? - kotlin

Where is annotation stored in ir tree? is it in backing field descriptor?
I have
val DEPRECATED_STATIC_FIELD = "deprecated field"
ir tree is below
PROPERTY name:DEPRECATED_STATIC_FIELD visibility:public modality:FINAL [val]
Deprecated(message = '', replaceWith = <null>, level = <null>)
FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:DEPRECATED_STATIC_FIELD type:kotlin.String visibility:private [final,static]
CONST String type=kotlin.String value="deprecated field"
FUN DEFAULT_PROPERTY_ACCESSOR name:<get-DEPRECATED_STATIC_FIELD> visibility:public modality:FINAL <> () returnType:kotlin.String
correspondingProperty: PROPERTY name:DEPRECATED_STATIC_FIELD visibility:public modality:FINAL [val]
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun <get-DEPRECATED_STATIC_FIELD> (): kotlin.String declared in deprecated'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:DEPRECATED_STATIC_FIELD type:kotlin.String visibility:private [final,static]' type=kotlin.String origin=null
why is it not stored in backing field?
I have also seen it is stored in ir tree backing field:
PROPERTY name:g visibility:public modality:FINAL [var]
FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:g type:kotlin.Int visibility:private [static]
JsProperty(name = <null>, namespace = <null>)
CONST Int type=kotlin.Int value=10
FUN DEFAULT_PROPERTY_ACCESSOR name:<get-g> visibility:public modality:FINAL <> () returnType:kotlin.Int
correspondingProperty: PROPERTY name:g visibility:public modality:FINAL [var]
how should I decide where it is stored? Thanks


micronaut-data and composite key mapping

I have an entity with a composite key
data class Page(
val pageId : PageId,
data class PageId (
#Column(name = "id")
val id: UUID,
#Column(name = "is_published")
val isPublished: Boolean
But I need to respect the existing column names in the db table, which are 'id' and 'is_published'
But querying the db with a JDBCRepository I get the error:
SQL Error executing Query: ERROR: column page_.page_id_published does
not exist
Is there any way that I can map the columns correctly?
Try and error led me to the answer, somehow Micronaut does not like a Boolean to be named 'isPublished', when I rename it to 'published' it works fine:
data class PageId (
#MappedProperty(value = "id")
val id: UUID,
#MappedProperty(value = "is_published")
val published: Boolean)

DDL source Z1127_EXTVIEW of type ABAP Dictionary Type cannot be converted to Extend (-> long text)

I have the table Z1127_STUDENT:
define table z1127_student {
key id : z1127_sample not null;
branch : z1127_sample1;
age : z1127_age;
address : z1127_address;
percentage : z1127_percent;
(the types of the columns are based on the types int2 and char)
and the CDS view Z1127_CDS_VIEWS:
#AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'Z1127_CDSVIEWS'
#AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true
#AbapCatalog.preserveKey: true
#AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
#EndUserText.label: 'CDS VIEWS'
define view Z1127_CDS_VIEWS as select from z1127_student
key id,
I tried to create this extended view :
#AbapCatalog.sqlViewAppendName: 'Z1127_SQL_3'
#EndUserText.label: 'cds view 3'
extend view Z1127_CDS_VIEWS with z1127_cds3 {
But it's showing this error :
DDL source z1127_cds3 of type ABAP Dictionary Type cannot be converted to Extend (-> long text)
How to avoid this error?

How can I sort elements of a TypedPipe in Scalding?

I have not been able to find a way to sort elements of a TypedPipe in Scalding (when not performing a group operation). Here are the relevant parts of my program (replacing irrelevant parts with ellipses):
case class ReduceOutput(val slug : String, score : Int, json1 : String, json2 : String)
val pipe1 : TypedPipe[(String, ReduceFeatures)] = ...
val pipe2 : TypedPipe[(String, ReduceFeatures)] = ...
pipe1.join(pipe2).map { entry =>
val (slug : String, (features1 : ReduceFeatures, features2 : ReduceFeatures)) = entry
new ReduceOutput(
computeScore(features1, features2),
Is there a way to sort the elements on their score after the map but before the write?

How correctly built an object graph based on multi level join in Slick?

I have a model structure as following:
Group -> Many Parties -> Many Participants
In on of the API calls I need to get single groups with parties and it's participants attached.
This whole structure is built on 4 tables:
Naturally, with SQL it's a pretty straight forward join that combines all of them. And this is exactly what I am trying to do with slick.
Mu method is dao class looks something like this:
def findOneByKeyAndAccountIdWithPartiesAndParticipants(key: UUID, accountId: Int): Future[Option[JourneyGroup]] = {
val joins = JourneyGroups.groups join
Parties.parties on (_.id === _.journeyGroupId) joinLeft
PartiesParticipants.relations on (_._2.id === _.partyId) joinLeft
Participants.participants on (_._2.map(_.participantId) === _.id)
val query = joins.filter(_._1._1._1.accountId === accountId).filter(_._1._1._1.key === key)
val q = for {
(((journeyGroup, party), partyParticipant), participant) <- query
} yield (journeyGroup, party, participant)
val result = db.run(q.result)
result ????
The problem here, is that the result is type of Future[Seq[(JourneyGroup, Party, Participant)]]
However, what I really need is Future[Option[JourneyGroup]]
Note: case classes of JourneyGroup and Party have sequences for there children defined:
case class Party(id: Option[Int] = None,
partyType: Parties.Type.Value,
journeyGroupId: Int,
accountId: Int,
participants: Seq[Participant] = Seq.empty[Participant])
case class JourneyGroup(id: Option[Int] = None,
key: UUID,
name: String,
data: Option[JsValue],
accountId: Int,
parties: Seq[Party] = Seq.empty[Party])
So they both can hold the descendants.
What is the correct way to convert to the result I need? Or am I completely in a wrong direction?
Also, is this statement is correct:
Participants.participants on (_._2.map(_.participantId) === _.id) ?
I ended up doing something like this:
journeyGroupDao.findOneByKeyAndAccountIdWithPartiesAndParticipants(key, account.id.get) map { data =>
val groupedByJourneyGroup = data.groupBy(_._1)
groupedByJourneyGroup.map { case (group, rows) =>
val parties = rows.map(_._2).distinct map { party =>
val participants = rows.filter(r => r._2.id == party.id).flatMap(_._3)
party.copy(participants = participants)
group.copy(parties = parties)
where DAO method's signature is:
def findOneByKeyAndAccountIdWithPartiesAndParticipants(key: UUID, accountId: Int): Future[Seq[(JourneyGroup, Party, Option[Participant])]]

scala: how to model a basic parent-child relation

I have a Brand class that has several products
And in the product class I want to have a reference to the brand, like this:
case class Brand(val name:String, val products: List[Product])
case class Product(val name: String, val brand: Brand)
How can I poulate these classes???
I mean, I can't create a product unless I have a brand
And I can't create the brand unless I have a list of Products (because Brand.products is a val)
What would be the best way to model this kind of relation?
I would question why you are repeating the information, by saying which products relate to which brand in both the List and in each Product.
Still, you can do it:
class Brand(val name: String, ps: => List[Product]) {
lazy val products = ps
override def toString = "Brand("+name+", "+products+")"
class Product(val name: String, b: => Brand) {
lazy val brand = b
override def toString = "Product("+name+", "+brand.name+")"
lazy val p1: Product = new Product("fish", birdseye)
lazy val p2: Product = new Product("peas", birdseye)
lazy val birdseye = new Brand("BirdsEye", List(p1, p2))
//Brand(BirdsEye, List(Product(fish, BirdsEye), Product(peas, BirdsEye)))
By-name params don't seem to be allowed for case classes unfortunately.
See also this similar question: Instantiating immutable paired objects
Since your question is about model to this relationship, I will say why not just model them like what we do in database? Separate the entity and the relationship.
val productsOfBrand: Map[Brand, List[Product]] = {
// Initial your brand to products mapping here, using var
// or mutable map to construct the relation is fine, since
// it is limit to this scope, and transparent to the outside
// world
case class Brand(val name:String){
def products = productsOfBrand.get(this).getOrElse(Nil)
case class Product(val name: String, val brand: Brand) // If you really need that brand reference