Scrapy requires installing Pillow 4.0.0 or later - scrapy

I wrote a spider and I ran it on my windows PC. Everything was working fine. I wanted to switch now to my Raspberry Pi and I get the error:
"2022-08-06 14:23:16 [scrapy.middleware] WARNING: Disabled CustomImagePipelines: ImagesPipeline requires installing Pillow 4.0.0 or later
2022-08-06 14:23:16 [scrapy.middleware] INFO: Enabled item pipelines:
although I installed Pillow and image.
Has anyone an idea, what could be the problem? Is there any other hidden package, that needs to be installed that I missed? On myRaspberry I should have installed Pillow 9.2.

Okay, I solved the issue.
I had a look into the source code and it tries to import
"from PIL import Image". And this gave some error due to missing libraries.
I installed them, now everything is working fine.


tenserflow kernel keeps dying after installing "pydot (version 1.4.1)" and "python-graphviz (version 0.8.4)"

I installed "pydot (version 1.4.1)" and "python-graphviz (version 0.8.4)" to my tensorflow environment in anaconda. Now my tenserflow kernel keeps dying. I did get this warning once when I was trying to import the tensorflow libraries.
C:\Users\lbasnet\Anaconda3\envs\tflow\lib\site-packages\ UserWarning: h5py is running against HDF5 1.10.5 when it was built against 1.10.4, this may cause problems '{0}.{1}.{2}'.format(*version.hdf5_built_version_tuple)
Any idea how I can resolve this?
I got it resolved by myself. I uninstalled h5py pip uninstall h5py and reinstalled it pip install h5py
If you were trying to get plot_model to work and ended up with the above issue I faced, the following links can be very helpful to get "pydot" and "graphviz" to work.
Link 1 for "pydot"
Link 2 for "pydot"
Link 3 for "graphviz", refer to the answer by Silvia Bakalova if you are a windows user.

web2py cannot import pymysql 0.9.2 : No module named cryptography.hazmat.backends

I installed web2py in Windows using web2py.exe. When I try to update pymysql using 0.9.2, I got this error "No module named cryptography.hazmat.backends" when I try to start web2py.exe and cannot import pymysql driver. This only happens with pymysql 0.9.2 not 0.8.1 or lower. pymysql 0.9.2 works ok on windows alone not with web2py. I know that for pymysql 0.9.2 it requires cryptography, I already installed it via pip3. May I ask what I'm missing? Thanks so much.
The Windows binary version of web2py (i.e., web2py.exe) includes its own Python interpreter and does not use the system installed Python or any of its libraries. External libraries must be installed into its /site-packages folder. However, given that you already have Python installed on your system, a simpler option is to use the source version of web2py rather than web2py.exe.

Tensorflow on Anaconda error cannot find cudnn64_6.dll

I am having a problem with Tensorflow running on Spyder. When I installed it in cmd, it had the same problem that it couldn't find the path to cudnn64_6.dll, and so I added pathway to it and it seemed to import. Then, I installed the theano library and the keras and it seemed ok, then when I tried to import the keras library in spider, I got this message:
I have Cuda v8.0 and it should have that with it, at least I am told. I have installed all the drivers and downloaded the cudnn v6.0 for Cuda 8.0 and have added enough paths but still no luck. Where have I gone wrong?
Its Ok I just had to get rid of some environment paths and restart. My bad

How do I install GTK headers/dev package on Mac OS?

-Mac OSX 10.9 Mavericks -Python 2.7 -matplotlib 1.3
I tried running matplotlib with the TKAgg backend, but ran into some issues, so I decided to try GTKAgg instead. I can do "import gtk", so I know GTK is properly installed on my machine. However, when I try "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt", I get the following error:
ImportError: No module named _backend_gdk
I went into my matplotlib/backends directory and couldn't find that module. It seems that I need to install the gtk dev package/headers for it to work properly. I've googled around and can't seem to find a good answer to how to go about doing this on Mac OS. Here are my questions:
1) I'm a bit unclear on the interplay between the gtk headers, gtk and matplotlib. Could someone briefly explain what exactly the headers do?
2) What is the best way to download this gtk dev package for Mac OS?
3) Will I need to uninstall and reinstall matplotlib so that it recognizes the headers?
Thank you

Setting up pyquery for python 2.7 for windows

I am trying to setup pyquery,but is giving me a hard time.
There is .py file , which imports from setuptools
I also read lxml can be used instead of that ,i have installed lxml.
Could anyone guide me with this installation.I also did read this link
PyQuery is just an api wrapper for lxml.
Once you get lxml installed you can easily install pyquery
I guess that your problem occur because setuptools try to install lxml and failed at compilation time
Added the folder Pyquery to to python27/lib/site-packages.
It works now.