I have a Vue 3 app and I am seeing inconsistencies in the behaviour of the $emit function.
async updateContact(contact) {
this.$emit("loading", true);
await this.updateCustomerDetails().then((response) => {
}).catch((error) => {
this.$emit("handleError", error);
this.$emit("loading", false);
The first call to $emit seems to work as expected but the subsequent two do not and I can't work out why that might be.
To give some more context, this is my structure:
<app-tabs :tabList="tabs" :activeTab="activeTab" #selectTab="updateSelectedTab">
<template v-slot:tabPanel-1>
<customer-details #loading="loading" #handle-error="handleError">
My customer details component is what should be emitting those events.
I've wasted most of my afternoon trying to get to the bottom of this and fear now I am missing something obvious or completely misunderstanding this somewhere along the line.
I have put together a simplified example.
Say I have an action like this:
async getYoutubeReport({ commit }, payload) {
return await this.$axios
).then((res) => {
let today = utils.yearMonthDay(new Date())
let report = coinData.data.Items.find(Report => utils.yearMonthDay(new Date(Report.createdAt)) == today)
commit('SET_YOUTUBE_REPORT', report)
return report
Does this make any sense at all?
After all, the whole purpose of the Vuex Store is to horizontally make variables accesible across the app which can easily be done with reactive getters.
If the answer is "Yes, it is totally Fine", under which circumstances would make sense?
IMO, the only circumstance where I see it useful and where I do it is for showing a message response from the API in your Vue component.
If you need to access your state data you should use reactive getters.
Otherwise, there is no reason to maintain a vuex store and use data returned from your API.
I am a noob in vuejs. This piece of my code is making my app very slow.
<div v-for="(attribute, i) in attributes" :key="i">
<div>{{ AttributeClicked(attribute) }}</div>
This is the function:
AttributeClicked(attribute) {
this.$store.commit("entities/Attribute/select", attribute.id);
This is the mutation:
mutations: {
select(state, id) {
let selection = Attribute.find(id);
where: (a) => a.selected,
data: {
selected: false
if (selection !== null) {
where: id,
data: {
selected: true
The purpose of this code is to make a webpage like this one https://www.tesla.com/models/design#overview
My objective is for example to show the 5 options below Paint attribute when the page loads.
Can anyone tell me how to speed up this app?
You might need to provide more code or info to get to what you want to be doing, but with the code provided I can see several issues. Maybe understanding the problems will help you get to the solution you are looking for.
You've got a function inside the template, these are fine to pass to event handles such as #click, but they can have a negative effect on performance. Whenever you have the template re-render (which happens when certain data changes) it will re-run the functions. In this case you run the function as many times as you have attributes, and if any if the AttributeClicked method causes a reactivity update to propagate to this template, you will have an endless loop.
looks like you're calling a mutation when an action may be more appropriate. Mutations are strictly for updating state in a synchronous manner. The select mutation does not mutate the state, so it's simply wrong to put it in there. Even though it may work, vuex is a tool that not only stores global state, but also organizes it in an opinionated way. If you're going to go against the intended design, you may find it easier to just avoid using it.
I suspect you may be able to execute AttributeClicked(attribute) one time during component mount.
I have an emit call within my Vue project to update search results, but the emit is being called at least 4 times, because the emit call is defined at various spots, so the data is sometimtes emitted with it and at other spots it is not.
I am using a global bus to perform an emit.
this.$root.bus.$emit('resetValuesInInfiniteLoader', filteredEntities);
this.$root.bus.$on('resetValuesInInfiniteLoader', function (filteredEntities) {});
I tried to name the emits calls differently, and also tried to use a different global vue bus but both options did not really work well.
Any idea how I can do this in an efficient manner so that the $emit is always only called once? How do I need to set it up to ensure that the emit is always only called once? I also tried using $once, which did not work, or tried to destroy the $emit. Can someone give me a small fiddle example or so maybe so I understand how to do this in the right way?
I have found this to be the case also and feel that there are some problems with using it in multiple locations. My understanding is that global event busses are not recommended in most applications as they can lead to a confusing tangle of events. The recommendation is that you use a state management solution like vuex.
But anyway, just a couple of points with your code above. I don't know how you created your bus but I have known to create it as such:
const EventBus = new Vue()
Object.defineProperties(Vue.prototype, {
$bus: {
get: function () {
return EventBus
This creates it and makes it global. It can then be triggered in a component or components with:
<button #click="$bus.$emit('my-event')">click</button>
methods: {
triggerMyEvent () {
this.$bus.$emit('my-event', { ... pass some event data ... })
and listened to:
created () {
this.$bus.$on('my-event', ($event) => {
console.log('My event has been triggered', $event)
this.eventItem = 'Event has now been triggered'
I have found that it works sometimes. I don't know why but it will work then it will trigger several events and I think it is because it isn't finalised or something. You may note I have commented out this.$bus.off which certainly stops it but it then doesn't work again. So I don't know what that's all about.
So there you go, a total non-answer, as in, Yes I've had that too, No I cant fix it.
I went with using vuex store, it seems a lot easier to communicate with any component within the application, has the advantage of global communication, yet does not have the caveat of sending multiple actions such as emit events
I have two <router-view/>s: main and sidebar. Each of them is supplied with a component (EditorMain.vue and EditorSidebar.vue).
EditorMain has a method exportData(). I want to call this method from EditorSidebar on button click.
What is a good way of tackling it?
I do use vuex, but i don't wanna keep this data reactive since the method requires too much computational power.
I could use global events bus, but it doesn't feel right to use it together with vuex (right?)
I could handle it in root of my app by adding event listener to router-view <router-view #exportClick="handleExportData"> and then target editor component, but it does not feel right as well as later i could need 100 listeners.
Is there any good practice for this? Or did i make some mistakes with the way app is set up? Did is overlooked something in documentation?
After two more years of my adventure with Vue I feel confident enough to answer my own question. It boils down to communication between router views. I've presented two possible solutions, I'll address them separately:
Events bus
Use global events bus (but it doesn't feel right to use it together with vuex)
Well, it may not feel right and it is surely not a first thing you have to think about, but it is perfectly fine use-case for event-bus. The advantage of this solution would be that the components are coupled only by the event name.
Router-view event listeners
I could handle it in root of my app by adding event listener to router-view <router-view #exportClick="handleExportData"> and then target editor component, but it does not feel right as well as later i could need 100 listeners.
This way of solving this problem is also fine, buy it couples components together. Coupling happens in the component containing <router-view/> where all the listeners are set.
Big number of listeners could be addressed by passing an object with event: handler mapping pairs to v-on directive; like so:
<router-view v-on="listeners"/>
data () {
return {
listeners: {
'event-one': () => console.log('Event one fired!'),
'event-two': () => console.log('The second event works as well!')
You could create a plugin for handling exports:
import Vue from 'vue'
ExportPlugin.install = function (Vue, options) {
const _data = new Map()
Object.defineProperty(Vue.prototype, '$exporter', {
value: {
setData: (svg) => {
_data.set('svg', svg)
exportData: () => {
const svg = _data.get('svg')
// do data export...
Using like:
// EditorMain component
methods: {
setData (data) {
// EditorSidebar
<button #click="$exporter.exportData">Export</button>
I'm developing an app using Vuejs and Vuex.
I've got a Vuex module called settings_operations. This module has the following action:
async changePassword ({ commit }, { password, id }) {
const user = auth.currentUser
const [changePasswordError, changePasswordSuccess] = await to(user.updatePassword(password))
if (changePasswordError) {
commit(CHANGE_PASSWORD_ERROR, { id, error: changePasswordError })
} else {
commit(CHANGE_PASSWORD_SUCCESS, changePasswordSuccess)
Edit: the to() is https://github.com/scopsy/await-to-js
With the following mutations:
status: 'processing'
[CHANGE_PASSWORD_ERROR] (state, { id, error }) {
status: 'error'
And then, in the component I want to use this state slice:
computed: {
settings_operations: state => state.settings_operations
watch: {
settings_operations: {
handler (newSettings, oldSettings) {
deep: false
The problem is that when the changePassword action results in an error, the watch doesn't stop in the PROCESSING step, it goes directly to the ERROR moment so the array will be filled with 2 objects. It literally jumps the "processing" watching step.
A funny thing that happens is that if I add a setTimeout just like this:
async changePassword ({ commit }, { password, id }) {
setTimeout(async () => {
const user = auth.currentUser
const [changePasswordError, changePasswordSuccess] = await to(user.updatePassword(password))
if (changePasswordError) {
commit(CHANGE_PASSWORD_ERROR, { id, error: changePasswordError })
} else {
commit(CHANGE_PASSWORD_SUCCESS, changePasswordSuccess)
}, 500)
It works! The watch stops two times: the first tick displaying the array with the processing object and the second tick displaying the array with 2 objects; the processing one and the error one.
What am I missing here?
I reproduced the problem here: https://codesandbox.io/s/m40jz26npp
This was the response given in Vue forums by a core team member:
Watchers are not run every time the underlying data changes. They are only run once on the next Tick if their watched data changed at least once.
your rejected Promise in the try block is only a microtask, it doesn’t
push execution to the next call stack (on which the watchers would be
run), so the error handling happens before the watchers are run.
additionally, when you mutat an object or array, the newValue and
oldValue in a deep watcher will be the same. See the docs:
Note: when mutating (rather than replacing) an Object or an Array, the old value will be the same as new value because they reference the
same Object/Array. Vue doesn’t keep a copy of the pre-mutate value.
and as a final sidenote, I’ve never seen anyone use an aray as the
root state of a module, I have no idea if that will work for vuex in
all possible circumstances. I certainly would not recommend doing
Edit with a better and more complete answer from the same member:
Why watchers are asynchronous at all? Because in the vast majority of
use cases, watchers only need to react to the last synchrnous change
that was done. In most cases (in the context of a component), it would
be couterproductive to to react to every change since you would
re-trigger the same behaviour mutliple times even though in the end,
only the last state is the important one.
In other words: Running a watcher on each change by default would
probably lead to apps that burn a lot of CPU cycles doing useless
work. So watchers are implemented with an asynchronous queue that is
only flushed on nexTick. And we don’t allow duplicate watchers then
because the older instance of a watcher would apply to data that
doesn’t “exist” anymore in that state once the queue is flushed.
An important note would be that this only applies to synchronous
changes or those done within a microtask, i.e. in an immediatly
resolving or failing promise - it would, for example, not happen with
an ajax request.
Why are they implemented in a way that they are still not run after a
microtask (i.e. an immediatly resolved promise? That’s a bit more
coplicated to explain and requires a bit of history.
Originally, in Vue 2.0, Vue.nextTick was implemented as a microtask
itself, and the watcher queue is flushed on nextTick. That meant that
back then, a watcher watching a piece of data that was changed two
times, with a microtask (like a promise) in between, would indeed run
two times.
Then, around 2.4 I think, we discovered a problem with this
implementation and switched Vue.nextTick to a macroTask instead. under
this behaviour, both data chhanged would happen on the current call
stack’s microtaks queue, while the watcher queue would be flushed at
th beginning of the next call stack, wich means it will only run once.
We found a couple of new problems with this implementation that are
much more common than the original issue with microtasks, so we will
likely switch back to the microtask implementation in 2.6. Ugly, but
So, this should do the trick for now:
await Vue.nextTick();