Understanding Haskell realToFrac function - kotlin

I meed to migrate some Haskell code to Kotlin and I have some confusion trying yo understand the next code:
floor ((realToFrac minutes :: Double) / 60)
minutes is a integer value, my Kotlin code, looks like this:
floor((minutes / 60).toDouble())
But I am not getting the expected results. I think I am missing the realToFrac part.
I do not have Haskell experience. If it possible could you give me some idea of this line of code in another language such Java or JavaScript.

The issue is that your Kotlin code is doing integer division and the Haskell code is doing division on Doubles.
On the Kotlin side, if minutes is an integer, then so is minutes / 60. This will discard the remainder. You then convert to double and call floor, which will do nothing.
I think what you meant to do was:
floor(minutes.toDouble() / 60.0)
Which is equivalent to the Haskell code.


Does Kotlin have it's own function for rounding up when a number is greater than zero, but rounding down when a number is less than zero?

Prepended: I just found a similar question about Java. This question is the exact same as that except about Kotlin. This means I would prefer not referencing any Java code and am wondering about native Kotlin.
Is there a function that always rounds up, but relative to zero. Essentially a rounding function that will always round away from zero. A cousin of ceil if you will. For example...
\\ Ceil does this
\\ And floor does this
I want to know if there is a built-in function that reproduces this in Kotlin. I know how to program one myself, I just want to know if there is a built-in (for elegance). It might look something like this.
fun round(num: Double) == if (num > 0) ceil(num) else floor(num)
Kotlin has ceil in it's kotlin.math library, but it rounds to the next whole number.
kotlin.math is in kotlin-stdlib so I'd assume it fits your requirement of native Kotlin.

How to handle precision problems of floating point numbers?

I am using Firebird 3.0.4 (both in Windows and Linux) and I have the following procedure that clearly demonstrates my problem with floating point numbers, and that also demonstrates a possible workaround:
create or alter procedure test_float returns (res double precision,
res1 double precision,
res2 double precision)
declare variable z1 double precision;
declare variable z2 double precision;
declare variable z3 double precision;
res=z1*z2*z3; /* one expects res to be 8.085, but internally, inside the procedure
it is represented as 8.084999999999.
The procedure-internal representation is repaired when then
res is sent to the output of the procedure, but the procedure-internal
representation (which is worng) impacts the further calculations */
res1=round(res, 2);
res2=round(round(res, 8), 2);
On can see the result of the procedure with:
select proc.res, proc.res1, proc.res2
from test_float proc
The result is
8,085 8,08 8,09
But one can expect that RES2 should be 8.09.
One can clearly see that the internal representation of the res contains 8.0849999 (e.g. one can assign res to the exception message and then raise this exception), it is repaired during output but it leads to the failed calculations when such variable is used in the further calculations.
RES2 demonstrates the repair: I can always apply ROUND(..., 8) to repair the internal representation. I am ready to go with this solution, but my question is - is it acceptable workaround (when the outer ROUND is with strictly less than 5 decimal places) or is there better workaround.
All my tests pass with this workaround, but the feeling is bad.
Of course, I know the minimum that every programmer should know about floats (there is article about that) and I know that one should not use double for business calculations.
This is an inherent problem with calculating with floating point numbers, and is not specific to Firebird. The problem is that the calculation of 15 * 1.1 * 0.49 using double precision numbers is not exactly 8.085. In fact, if you would do 8.085 - RES, you'd get a value that is (approximately) 1.776356839400251e-015 (although likely your client will just present it as 0.00000000).
You would get similar results in different languages. For example, in Java
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.00");
df.format(15 * 1.1 * 0.49);
will also produce 8.08 for exactly the same reason.
Also, if you would change the order of operations, you would get a different result. For example using 15 * 0.49 * 1.1 would produce 8.085 and round to 8.09, so the actual results would match your expectations.
Given round itself also returns a double precision, this isn't really a good way to handle this in your SQL code, because the rounded value with a higher number of decimals might still yield a value slightly less than what you'd expect because of how floating point numbers work, so the double round may still fail for some numbers even if the presentation in your client 'looks' correct.
If you purely want this for presentation purposes, it might be better to do this in your frontend, but alternatively you could try tricks like adding a small value and casting to decimal, for example something like:
cast(RES + 1e-10 as decimal(18,2))
However this still has rounding issues, because it is impossible to distinguish between values that genuinely are 8.08499999999 (and should be rounded down to 8.08), and values where the result of calculation just happens to be 8.08499999999 in floating point, while it would be 8.085 in exact numerics (and therefor need to be rounded up to 8.09).
In a similar vein, you could try to use double casting to decimal (eg cast(cast(res as decimal(18,3)) as decimal(18,2))), or casting the decimal and then rounding (eg round(cast(res as decimal(18,3)), 2). This would be a bit more consistent than double rounding because the first cast will convert to exact numerics, but again this has similar downside as mentioned above.
Although you don't want to hear this answer, if you want exact numeric semantics, you shouldn't be using floating point types.

Squeak Smalltalk, why sometimes the reduced method doesn't work?

(2332 / 2332) reduced
(2332 / 2) reduced
(2332 / 322) reduced (1166/161)
(2332 / 3) reduced (2332/3)
(2332 / 2432423) reduced (2332/2432423)
Look at the above codes. The first and second, when printed, do not work. The MessageNotUnderstood window pops up. And the 3rd, 4th, 5th code are okay. Results come out right.
Why does the reduced method not work?
Is it because the reduced method fails to handle final results which are integers like Uko guesses ?
Fractions are reduced automatically in the / method. There is no need to send the reduced message.
E.g. if you print the result of
2 / 4
you get the reduced (1/2) automatically.
If you print the result of
2332 / 2332
it is reduced to 1 which is not a Fraction, but an Integer, and Integers do not understand the reduced message. That's why you get an error.
The only case when a Fraction is not automatically reduced is when you create it manually, as in
Fraction numerator: 2 denominator: 4
which will answer the non-reduced (2/4). But in normal arithmetic expressions you never need to send reduced.
The error occurs because by default, the Integer class does not understand the message reduced in Squeak. This despite members of Squeak's Integer class being fractions.
5 isFraction "returns True"
The wonderful thing about Smalltalk is that if something does not work the way you want, you can change it. So if an Integer does not respond to the message reduced and you want it to, then you can add a reduced method to Integer with the expected behavior:
"treat an integer like a fraction"
^ self
Adding methods to Classes is the way Smalltalk makes it easy to write expressive programs. For example, Fractions in GNU Smalltalk understand the message reduce but not the message reduced available in Squeak. Rather than trying to remember a meaningless difference, the programmer can simply make reduced available to fractions in GNU Smalltalk:
Fraction extend [
"I am a synonym for reduce"
reduced [
^ self reduce
Likewise one can extend Fraction in Squeak to have a reduce method:
"I am a synonym for reduced"
^ self reduced
The designers of Smalltalk made a language that let's programmers express themselves in the way that they think about the problem.

Is this syntax good form: "PI / (double) (i - j)" in C?

EDIT — Actually the syntax was not good form, because there is a superlative statement, which is a fair reason for me being confused, whether it is good form, and if so, why. It's my first C code ever, grafting 9 research journal algorithms inside 1000 line code from 1989.
What is a double-type in between brackets:
PI / (double) (i - j);
Is it to ensure that the result is a float?
The bigger expression statement is:
xi[i] = xi[i] + 2.0 * xr[j] / PI / (double) (i - j);
There's nothing "antiquated" about it, it's a normal C type cast.
Assuming PI is of a floating-point type, which seems safe, the division will be performed using the type of PI thanks to promotion.
So, the cast might (depending on the context) have value if PI is of type float, but you really want the division to happen at double precision. Of course, it would make more sense to actually cast PI in that case ...

Compiler Type Promotion of Right Hand Side expressions automatically in an Assignment Statement

Why does a compiler not type promote all evaluations of expressions in the right hand side of an assignment expression to at least the left hand sides type level?
"double x = (88.0 - 32) * 5 / 9" converts to Celsius from Fahrenheit correctly but...
"double x = (88.0 - 32) * (5 / 9)" will not.
My question is not why the second example does not return the desired result. My question is why does the compiler not type promote the evaluation of (5/9) to that of a double.
Why does a compiler not type promote all evaluations of expressions in
the right hand side of an assignment expression to at least the left
hand sides type level?
Very good question. Actually,let's suppose for sometime that the compiler does this automatically. Now, taking your example :-
double x = 88.0 - 32 * 5 / 9
Now the RHS part of this assignment can be converted into double completely for all tokens(lexemes) in several of ways. I am adding some of them :-
88.0 - 32 * (double)(5 / 9)
88.0 - 32 * 5 / 9 // default rule
88.0 - (double)(32 * 5) / 9
Individually type-casting to double every token which doesn't seem to be a double entity.
Several other ways.
This turns to combinatorial problem like "In how many ways a given expression can be reduced to double(whatever type)?"
But, the compiler designers wouldn't take such a pain in their *** to convert each of the tokens to the desired highest type(double here) considering the exhaustive use of memory. Also it appears like an unnatural rationale behind it doing this way for no reason because users could better perform the operation by manually giving some hints to the compiler that it has to typecast using the way coded by the user.
Being everything automatic conversion is not going to yield you the result always, as sometimes what a user wants may not be achieved with this kind of rationale of automatic type promotion, BUT, the vice-versa of type-promoting will serve in a much better way as is done by the compilers today. Current rule for type-casting is serving all the purposes correctly, though with some extra effort, but, FLAWLESSLY.