WhatsApp Chat to Continue - whatsapp

We have discovered today that the WhatsApp's click to chat link is not working anymore.
For instance, if you visit https://api.whatsapp.com/send/?phone=XXXXXX&text=hi, the browser shows a website with the following button.
But if you click "Continue to Chat", it prompts you to download WhatsApp on mobile device. Or if you were using desktop computer, it prompts you to login WhatsApp. Previously, it would go directly to the chat area.
Is there any workaround? Thank you.

You can use the underlying deep link instead of the URL. We do this in production and it works reliably.
The deep link is: whatsapp://send?phone=1234&text=smth. If you have any symbols in your message text, then you should URL encode it. For instance, if you're using JavaScript then you'd first run encodeURIComponent on your text. The phone umber should be written with the international country code included as a prefix.

We encountered this problem suddenly too here in Austria. What worked for us:
Uninstall the WhatsApp-Client for Windows and download and install the latest Version
Use the Link-Variant provided by #pir with the phone number written with the International Country Code, e.g. whatsapp://send?phone=43699123xxxxx
This not only works in JavaScript but also in the URL-Searchbar of your Browser, you can use it like any other hyperlink.


how to add browser in my bot automation any where for capturing sites

I'm using latest version of automation anywhere and then I want to capture the site elements.my problems is when I select the window for choosing browser it does not adding the browser and showing the error given below.
this is happening because your device does not have the agent installed or has an error.

automate electron based desktop app using testcafe not working

i am trying to automate tests for 'lens' electron based desktop application.i was following this link enter link description here to setup the test for electron app.This link expects a 'mainwindowurl' but application doesn't have any main page, but testcafe give suggestion of the mainwindowurl as an error so tried it works but am not convinced with the suggrstion urls ,but same way want to give fixture page url on the test what should be the url should i need to give? then have got one more error ERROR Unable to establish one or more of the specified browser connections. This can be caused by network issues or remote device failure.Please can you guys suggest what to do?
Each and every Electron application has to navigate to a page after opening a window.
I guess that the mentioned Lens app is an Kubernetes IDE: https://github.com/lensapp/lens.
This app uses the BrowserWindow.loadURL function to navigate to the main page:
Digging the code a bit more, I found that the main window URL is just localhost with some port:
I guess it is possible to determine or set the port number by looking at the code a bit more or asking Lens developers about it.

iTunes Connect users Testflight broken?

I am trying to invite testers to my iOS app through iTunes Connect, but when they receive an invitation, nothing is working..
Seen the screenshot below:
That is what happens when clicking the link from the iTunes Connect new user e-mail:
Welcome to iTunes Connect. You have successfully created an iTunes
Connect account for 123#123.com. To complete the process,
activate your account using the password already associated with this
Apple ID.
If you have any questions about this email, please use Contact Us.
Regards, The iTunes Store team
Am I doing something wrong?
The problem seems to be that a script in the page is referring to a non-public hostname idmsauth-stable.corp.apple.com. I was able to workaround this issue by manually modifying the script in Chrome Developer Tools and re-executing the code in the Developer Console.
1) Open the activation URL in Chrome
2) Open Chrome Developer Tools (Cmd-Alt-I on OS X, Ctrl-Shift-I on Windows)
3) Go to the Sources tab
4) Find main.js (itunesconnect.apple.com/itc/static-resources/main.js)
5) Modify line 20 to replace "idmsauth-stable.corp.apple.com" with "idmsa.apple.com"
6) Select the contents of the main.js file and copy to the clipboard
7) Paste into the console (you may need to tap the ">_" button to make it visible)
8) Press "Enter"
You should now see the expected iTunes Connect spinner appear and eventually you'll see a Terms and Conditions window.
Credit by apboyle from apple forums
It seems Apple fixed the issue, I don't get the white screen anymore.

Password-Protected Video in cPanel site won't play in Safari

Summary. I administer a website, for which I pay a small monthly fee to have hosted on a shared server. It has cPanel. When I upload a video which is longer than a few seconds, and password-protect it, and try to view it in Safari as a user would, it asks for the credential, but then won't play. If I try the same thing in Firefox, it works, and then it works in Safari for a day or so, without entering anything. What might be going on here?
Steps to reproduce
• Using cPanel's File Manager, create a new directory on my site.
• In cPanel, password-protect the new directory, composing a username and password.
• Using the FTP client on my computer, upload a 4-minute .mov Quicktime movie file to this new directory.
• On my computer running Mac OS X 10.9, activate Safari 7.0 and browse to the uploaded .mov file. A sheet and/or a freestanding dialog window appears asking for Username and password.
• Enter the User name and password, once or twice.
RESULT: A Quicktime Player appears, but showing the scrubber and control strip only, no video box. It says "Loading", and hangs there forever. Clicking the ► "play" button has no effect.
• On same Macintosh, activate Firefox (Aurora version 27) and browse to the same .mov file. Again, sheet appears asking for username and password.
• Enter username and password.
RESULT: Movie plays in Firefox.
• Reload page in Safari.
RESULT: Movie plays in Safari now, without entering anything.
Further Info
This seems to work until maybe the next day. If I try to reload the page the next day, it won't play until I enter username and password into Firefox again. This is apparently not related to my IP address, because whatsmyip.org is giving me the same number today as yesterday. Also, I just tried it in Safari on my iPad Mini, entered username and password, and it worked. But we're on the same LAN with the same gateway IP address.
Here is a link to the protected movie, which I have uploaded for testing. (It's a rip of the first 4 minutes of Apple's October 13 event.)
To test it, you'll need:    Username: test      Password: test13579
The finger most likely points at Safari, but before I give up and file a bug with Apple, can anyone take a stab at what might be going on or how to work around it?
Jerry Krinock
P.S. Why I want this: I support some Mac OS X apps, and sometimes people send me their private data in a support request. I'd like to be able to make a quick video, showing them what to do with their data, and then create a protected folder for them on my server, upload the video, and send them the username and password. I know there are alternative services which can do this, but to do it on my own cPanel site is quick, convenient for both of us, and of course, no additional cost or accounts to fuss with.
I did some more testing on the un-embedded video.
In Mac OS X, it plays OK in Firefox and Google Chrome, but not in Safari. In iOS 7, it plays OK in Safari, but not in Google Chrome and not in Foxbrowser.
How did they manage that?
But it doesn't matter because I have a workaround. Embed the video into a professionally-crafted HTML page.

Download link not working in Adobe AIR app

I wanted to let users browse my site as a desktop application,
but didn't have the time to write an application from scratch.
SO tried following trick.
Created a simple Adobe AIR application with a single page.
This page redirects to my website and hence loads the website in the AIR window.
Everything is working fine except that the download links are not working. The download doesn't start. Nothing happens. What is the solution here?
Any help is appreciated.
Well... Adobe AIR doesn't support downloading from a link.
But it does provide you the option to open a link in your default browser. I am using this now.