Using list as a positional parameter in JPA query - sql

I want to know if it's possible to pass in a list as a parameter in native queries.
When search up online, an article in Baeldung has exactly what I want to do:
Collection-Valued Positional Parameters usage
I did the exact same thing, except that in the article, they used "createQuery" and I used "createNativeQuery". Not sure if this is the reason why mine is not working.

CreateQuery means JPQL was passed in which is parsed and modified into SQL, which allows it to break the collection parameter into its components to pass each into the SQL statement. CreateNativeQuery uses your SQL which isn't modified, and JDBC doesn't understand collections so requires parameters broken up into individual arguments in the SQL. You have to do it yourself and dynamically build the SQL based on the number of parameters in the collection.
There are other questions with solutions that touch on other options, such as using SQL within criteria or JPQL queries that can let you get the best of both.


IBM Rational Change using query functions with oscl_cm query

I'm trying to get a list of Change Requests that match certain conditions, some of these conditions are met by using functions like has_attr().
I would like to ask is it at all possible, I need for instance to use such function has_associated_task(cvtype="task") is it possible to do that?
For queries I'm using the following pattern:
http://ip[:port]/change/oslc/db/dbURI/role/User/cr?oslc_cm.query=change:cvtype="problem" and request_type="Change_Request" and has_associated_task(cvtype="task")&
this does work without the function term but I would like to extend the search criteria further, is there any other way besides doing a predefined query in change? Is there somewhere a list of terms? like change:cvtype (I've tried to see this [][1] but I got a "whoops" from the web server)
There are some ways you could solve this:
OSLC Resource Shapes - some OSLC providers associate shapes (like schemas) that describe what you can expect from an OSLC Query Capability.
There isn't a way in the simple query syntax to test for null (or not null), assuming you want to have some condition such as (cvtype="task" and linkedTask != NULL). To get around this you can simply query based on cvtype="task" and locally filter the results using tools such as XPath or Jena. Alternatively you can do is look for extensions to the tool you are working with to see if they provide any extensions to the query syntax to support your use case, I don't have this information off hand.

RESTful API Design OR Predicates

I'm designing a RESTful API and I'm trying to work out how I could represent a predicate with OR an operator when querying for a resource.
For example if I had a resource Foo with a property Name, how would you search for all Foo resources with a name matching "Name1" OR "Name2"?
This is straight forward when it's an AND operator as I could do the following:
The other approach I've seen is to post the search in the body.
You will need to pick your own approach, but I can name few that seem to be pretty logical (although not without disadvantages):
Option 1.: Using | operator:|Name2
Option 2.: Using modified query param to allow selection by one of the values from the set (list of possible comma-separated values):,Name2
Option 3.: Using PHP-like notation to provide list instead of single string:[]=Name1&Name[]=Name2
All of the above mentioned options have one huge advantage: they do not interfere with other query params.
But as I mentioned, pick your own approach and be consistent about it across your API.
Well one quick way to fixing that is to add an additional parameter that is identifying the relationship between your parameters wether they're an and or an or for example:
Or for much more complex queries just keep a single parameter and in it include your whole query by making up your own little query language and on the server side you would parse the whole string and extract the information and the statement.

Execute some arbitrary sql in the current transaction in JPA 2.0

I am new to JPA 2.0/EclipseLink/Glassfish/JEE6, and have kind of a basic question.
I have a DAO in which most of the entities are mapped directly to columns using JPA annotations, so I use the EntityManager, and it works great with no issues.
However there are some tables in which I am constructing the SQL statements myself b/c they use oracle-specific functions (spatial), and I want very fine-grained control of the SQL. So I am building it with string concatenation. I would like to be able to enroll my SQL executions in the current transaction, if there is one already underway.
So naturally I don't want to go directly to the DriverManager and create my own connection, I was looking for some kind of EntityManager.executeArbitrarySQL(String) function that would find the current connection and make my SQL part of the current transaction. Am I off my rocker?
One can use the EntityManager.createNativeQuery() methods to execute native SQL queries within the context of the same EntityManager that you are using. There are two three different types of these methods, and they differ in the arguments provided.
The first, createNativeQuery(String sqlString, Class resultClass) expects you to provide the Class object representing the type of the values that will be returned by the query. This is to be used in case you are returning a set of values that can be mapped to the class of another entity definiton in your persistence unit.
The second createNativeQuery(String sqlString, String resultSetMapping) expects you to provide the name of the result set mapping. The result set mapping ought to be defined using the #SqlResultSetMapping annotation.
The last createNativeQuery(String sqlString) is apparently meant to be used in scenarios where no result set will be returned, i.e. in execution of INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements.
You can also define native queries using the #NamedNativeQuery annotation or the named-native-query element in your persistence.xml file, but these are better suited for scenarios where you know the structure of the query during development. You can however, create multiple such named native queries to represent all varieties of the SQL statement you intend to execute, and then execute different ones at runtime based on the user inputs. Annotated native queries are executed using the EntityManager.createNamedQuery() methods. One will need to use positional parameters (defined using the ? placeholder) to supply values to the native queries at runtime.

load record by predicate/lambda via linq

im pretty confused about lambdas and actually im not even sure i need them here
what im trying to do here is write a function that will return an object from a certain table with a certain criteria
so lets say i can write
function GetRecord(TableName as string,Criteria as string) as object
'do the linq-stuff
end function
now i dont care if the paremeters are strings or lambdas or whatever, but the end result must be that at runtime i dont know which table and which criteria will be used
as sometimes i need to get a customer record by email and sometimes a product by id etc.
if possible i would prefer returning a list of matching objects and then i would just use .firstordefault when i want 1 (such as by id...)
thank you , as always, for taking the time to read this and answer!
all the best
Have you considered using Dynamic LINQ?
Parsing an expression tree can be a challenging but rewarding method of solving this issue. I think it's overkill and I'd go with Dynamic Linq as decyclone mentioned.
A benefit of parsing the expression tree, however, is that you can have compile time checking of the submitted criteria.
Here are some articles that helped me.
How to: Implement an Expression Tree Visitor:
Building a custom IQueryable Provider:
Walkthrough: Creating an IQueryable LINQ Provider:
Expression Tree Basics:

Consolidated: SQL Pass comma separated values in SP for filtering

I'm here to share a consolidated analysis for the following scenario:
I've an 'Item' table and I've a search SP for it. I want to be able to search for multiple ItemCodes like:
- Table structure : Item(Id INT, ItemCode nvarchar(20))
- Filter query format: SELECT * FROM Item WHERE ItemCode IN ('xx','yy','zz')
I want to do this dynamically using stored procedure. I'll pass an #ItemCodes parameter which will have comma(',') separated values and the search shud be performed as above.
Well, I've already visited lot of posts\forums and here're some threads:
Dynamic SQL might be a least complex way but I don't want to consider it because of the parameters like performance,security (SQL-Injection, etc..)..
Also other approaches like XML, etc.. if they make things complex I can't use them.
And finally, no extra temp-table JOIN kind of performance hitting tricks please.
I've to manage the performance as well as the complexity.
T-SQL stored procedure that accepts multiple Id values
Passing an "in" list via stored procedure
I've reviewed the above two posts and gone thru some solutions provided, here're some limitations:
This will require me to 'declare' the parameter-type while passing it to the SP, it distorts the abstraction (I don't set type in any of my parameters because each of them is treated in a generic way)
This is a structured approach but it increases complexity, required DB-structure level changes and its not abstract as above.
Well, this seems to match-up with my old solutions. Here's what I did in the past -
I created an SQL function : [GetTableFromValues] (returns a temp table populated each item (one per row) from the comma separated #ItemCodes)
And, here's how I use it in my WHERE caluse filter in SP -
SELECT * FROM Item WHERE ItemCode in (SELECT * FROM[dbo].[GetTableFromValues](#ItemCodes))
This one is reusable and looks simple and short (comparatively of course). Anything I've missed or any expert with a better solution (obviously 'within' the limitations of the above mentioned points).
Thank you.
I think using dynamic T-SQL will be pragmatic in this scenario. If you are careful with the design, dynamic sql works like a charm. I have leveraged it in countless projects when it was the right fit. With that said let me address your two main concerns - performance and sql injection.
With regards to performance, read T-SQL reference on parameterized dynamic sql and sp_executesql (instead of sp_execute). A combination of parameterized sql and using sp_executesql will get you out of the woods on performance by ensuring that query plans are reused and sp_recompiles avoided! I have used dynamic sql even in real-time contexts and it works like a charm with these two items taken care of. For your satisfaction you can run a loop of million or so calls to the sp with and without the two optimizations, and use sql profiler to track sp_recompile events.
Now, about SQL-injection. This will be an issue if you use an incorrect user widget such as a textbox to allow the user to input the item codes. In that scenario it is possible that a hacker may write select statements and try to extract information about your system. You can write code to prevent this but I think going down that route is a trap. Instead consider using an appropriate user widget such as a listbox (depending on your frontend platform) that allows multiple selection. In this case the user will just select from a list of "presented items" and your code will generate the string containing the corresponding item codes. Basically you do not pass user text to the dynamic sql sp! You can even use slicker JQuery based selection widgets but the bottom line is that the user does not get to type any unacceptable text that hits your data layer.
Next, you just need a simple stored procedure on the database that takes a param for the itemcodes (for e.g. '''xyz''','''abc'''). Internally it should use sp_executesql with a parameterized dynamic query.
I hope this helps.