Intellij IDEA - stop gradle run tool window from filtering console logs? - intellij-idea

I find that when I'm running a failing Gradle task from within IDEA, the "Run" tool window automatically selects the most recent "node" in the tool window, which filters out all the console logs except from that "node" - IDEA tries help by showing only the logs relating to the failing task.
The problem is that the console output of just the last task never shows useful output.
It doesn't show the exception that caused the failure, and it doesn't show any logs leading up to the failure.
For example, when running a JavaExec task, by default IDEA shows this when the task ends:
In order to see the info that's actually relevant to debugging the issue, I need to manually select a node higher in the tree:
The question:
Is there any way to tell IDEA to automatically select the "task node" for a failing Gradle task (which usually contains the usable information), instead of the "command" node which almost never shows useful information?
IntelliJ: 2022.1.3
Gradle: 7.4.1

As per comment from Andrey - there is no such option for IDEA 2022.1.


IntelliJ IDEA. Compound doesn't work as 'Before launch' task

IntelliJ IDEA and other idea-based IDEs have Run/Debug Configurations that help users to create templates of frequently used tasks. One of the possible run configurations is Compound, which can include multiple run configurations/tasks and run them in parallel.
To mix the execution order IDEA also has Before launch option that allows us to define tasks or other run configurations that should run before the given task.
The problem is Compound works great when not included in any execution queue. When I try to define compound as the before launch task, the compound tasks get executed, but the run configuration where I have defined before launch option - not.
Here is a reproducible example.
Create 3 Shell Script run configurations: script_1, script_2 & script_3.
Each script should log its name into the console using provided script text like is shown here.
Combine script_1 & script_2 into the new Compound Run Configuration like is shown here.
Add the created compound to the Before Launch tasks of script_3.
Expected Result: script_1 & script_2 are executed in parallel and after they're done IDEA starts execution of the script_3.
Actual result: script_1 & script_2 are executed in paralel and after they're done nothing happens.
I haven't found any useful information about how exactly compound works along with other run configurations in the execution queue, but I also have tried the Multirun plugin as a workaround. This plugin's documentation states that it should be perfect to use it instead of compounds in this particular situation, however, developers also state that official functionality like Compound is still preferable. I've tried case Runs tasks A, B before task C in many different combinations and it doesn't even work in a plugin, not even talking about official compounds. Anything special in IDEA logs with both compounds and the Multirun plugin.
Question: am I doing something wrong? Or maybe it's an IDEA bug that should be reported?
Anyway, if compounds shouldn't work like this, why IDEA displays them in Before Launch tasks options? Please tell me what you think.
Tested on IDEA versions 2021.2.3 & 2020.3.4

Log name of Scenario when it starts

Is there a way to get Karate to automatically print the name of each scenario as it is executed into the logs? We have a reasonably large suite that generates ~25MB of log data in our Jenkins pipeline console output and sometimes it’s a little tricky trying to match a line where logs an ERROR to the failure summary at the end of the run. It is most likely possible to obtain the scenario name and print() it but that would mean adding code to many hundred scenarios which I’d like to avoid.
As part of the fix for this issue Karate will log the Scenario name (if not empty) along with any failure trace.
A beta version with this fix is available it would be great if you can try it and confirm.
If you feel more has to be done, do open a ticket and we'll do our best to get this into the upcoming 0.6.2 release.

The specified procedure could not be found - how to identify?

I'm developing plugins for a program. Whenever I try to load my plugin in that program it crashes with an the specified procedure could not be foundbut nothing more.
Well to have an insight I tracked with Process Monitor (or ProcMon). I set the filter to just print messages for the process of my main program. However that application shows me including the libraries ends (after wandering through PATH) at the right file - i.e. Result: SUCCESS.
So my computer left me pretty clueless, yet refuses to work. Has anyone an idea how identify the missing procedure?
N.B.: Additionally I ran the DependencyWalker which gave me the usual error message because it's deprecated (dependency walker gives me errors on the system that runs correctly) - which could indicate that all dependencies are found.

Display history of a single test result in Jenkins - additional plugin or config issue?

Currently our Jenkins server only displays a history/graph for the overall number of passed/skipped/failed tests - I'm assuming that's the behavior out of the box.
If you select a single test, you'll get information for how long the test was failing (assuming it did fail).
However, we'd like to see is a history for that single test across the different builds to identify whether the test has been failing in the past (and when) even though it just passed. If you find a build where it failed, you could click on it, and investigate what might have caused the failure; if it passes again, you could check whether something actually fixed the test, or whether it was failing randomly all along.
Is this something that can be done somehow through the config, or do we need an additional plugin for this? If yes, which one?
Not sure if this makes much difference, but we're using Java (Maven) & TestNG (Surefire).
Both the TestNG plugin and the JUnit plugin will actually display history of the test results.
You just need to pick a given result and then:
For JUnit click on "History" on the left side, and
For TestNG click you will see the history in the graph above the result. You can just click on the bars in the bars to see the older results, and also if you click closer to the edge, the scope of the test results will adjust
The Test Results Analyzer plugin does the job for me. There appears to be other suitable plugins out there as well.
Does the Static Code Analysis plugin help?

Intellij running one test in TestNG

So my typical workflow is
I write a data driven test using TestNG in IntelliJ.
I supply hundreds of data items
Run the test and one or two of them fail
I see the list of passed/failed tests in the "Run" pane.
I would like the ability to just right click that "instance" of the test and run that test alone (with breakpoints). Currently IntelliJ does not seem to have that feature. I would have to right click the test and when I run, it runs the whole set of tests with hundreds of data points.
Is this possible?
TestNG supports this at the testng.xml level, where you can specify which indices of your data provider should be used. It's called "invocation-numbers" and you can see what it looks like by running a test with a data provider, failing some of its invocation numbers and looking at the testng-failed.xml that gets generated.
Back to your question: your IDE needs to support this feature in order to make it available in the UI, so I suggest you ask on the IDEA forums
The feature has been added as of Intellij 142.1217: