Twilio FCM notification not delievered in ios swift - firebase-cloud-messaging

I've integrated Firebase cloud message (FCM) in my app with p8 certficate and I'm getting notification through FCM.
I'm also using Twillio for integrating twillio conversation, but the problem is I'm not getting Notification from twillio FCM, I've only setup with FCM not APNS in twillio because we have already setup with Firebase cloud message,
How I'll get notification with the help of Twillio FCM?
Do we need to setup apns in twillio for getting notification?
I need a suggestion if any.
Please let me know what I'm doing wrong here.

To send notifications to iOS devices from Twilio Conversations you will need to set up your APN Credentials within Twilio. Please follow the documentation on enabling push notifications on iOS in Twilio Conversations.


Does FCM allow registering the android application from Backend server to receive the notification from FCM on device

Does FCM allow registering the android application from the Backend server to receive the notification from FCM on the device
You will always need to get the device token on the device itself, but once you have that you can manage topic subscriptions for that token on the server.

How to get a APNS token from an existing FCM Token?

We've been using Firebase Messaging with Android and iOS for over a year. Our React Native app currently sends the FCM token to our server for persistence.
We're are adding Braze to handle emails and push. They support Firebase Messaging for Android apps, however for iOS they will only talk to the APNS directly ( not through firebase as we do now ).
Is there a way for us to retrieve the APNS tokens from our saved FCM tokens?
Moving forward we can retrieve the APNS tokens using the method lined out here ( haven't tested ) How to convert a FCM token to APNS token?. However that appears to be a client side solution, we want to support push for those users who will not open the app before we need to send a push.
We went through the Firebase Admin Rest API, but it doesn't appear to have an endpoint that will allow us to convert. Although it is our first time going through them so we may have miss interpreted the documentation.

Why firebase is needed for android notifications along with third party notifications provider such as OneSignal, Pubnub & pusher?

I'm working on react native push notifications. i'm looking for some answers before i make a purchase to any third party notification provider
Why do third party notifications providers such as OneSignal, Pusher & PubNub are based on Firebase Cloud Messaging?
Can't they send notifications independently without relying on Firebase. why pay more to third party providers when FCM does the work for free?
Firebase is a Brand of Services
First, Firebase is a brand that encompasses more than just 1 thing. For example, there is Firebase the realtime database, and there is FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) which is the current incarnation of GCM (Google Cloud Messaging) which came from the original product, C2DM (Cloud to Device Messaging).
PubNub and others are push gateway providers
Second, third party realtime messaging services are not push notification services, rather they offer push notification gateways to the push services: APNS for iOS and FCM for Android.
PubNub Realtime Messaging & Mobile Push Notifications
In PubNub's case (my employer), we provide a realtime messaging service (publish, subscribe and much more) and if you provide a valid APNS and/or FCM payload, we will not only deliver that realtime message to active subscribers, we will also send a mobile push notification to the devices that are properly registered for them on that channel you published the message to. This allows the message to be delivered when the app on the device is either not active (background) or not running and therefore, no active connection to PubNub unless it is running in a background service). Now you can have an active connection to PubNub in the background with proper implementation and permissions from the owner of the device (easier on Android than on iOS which also has a review process that rejects apps that don't qualify as valid background service apps).
For Your Consideration
If you did not use a service such as PubNub or one of the other realtime messaging vendors or a push notification specific service like Urban Airship, you would have to implement your own server-based push notification service which is possible but might be more work than you would expect especially if it needs to scale, be secure, robust, etc.
The real question you should ask is do you need realtime messaging in your app or just push notifications and to what level of scalability where it is worth paying a third party for all that goodness.

Should I be worried about the current PubNub configuration when I upgrading to FCM?

While reading through GCM documentation, I found the alert message from the site:
Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is the new version of GCM. It inherits
the reliable and scalable GCM infrastructure, plus new features! See
the FAQ to learn more. If you are integrating messaging in a new app,
start with FCM. GCM users are strongly recommended to upgrade to FCM,
in order to benefit from new FCM features today and in the future.
How does it affect to current running PubNub configuration when I upgrading to FCM? I'm still not sure if ugprading from GCM to FCM will be just a snap.
Upgrade to GCM
PubNub Mobile Push Gateway - GCM to FCM
FCM is mostly just a rebranding of GCM (GCM used to be called C2DM and this is similar transition). It appears the changes are primarily client side (easier to user SDKs). PubNub (and other GCM push providers) do not have to make any changes on the server side at this time.
As always, PubNub will continue to monitor updates to push notifications services like GCM and APNS and provide new features as needed.
Please contact PubNub Support if you have any issues using GCM/FCM with your PubNub enabled applications.
For more details about using GCM/APNS with PubNub, see these resources:
Sending APNS and GCM Messages to Subscribers and Mobile Push Notification Services in One API Call
Android V4 Mobile Push Gateway Tutorial
Mobile Push Notification Gateways, APNS, GCM, and Data Streams Explained (video)
How can I troubleshoot my push notification issues?
I don't think there will be any issue moving your client from GCM to FCM. A client that implements FCM can receive messages sent to GCM, it is the same infrastructure. If PubNub is sending messages through GCM then your FCM client be able to handle those messages.
Note that GCM is still being supported. So if you are concerned about PubNub's implementation then sticking with GCM is a valid option.

What is the difference between notifications of Firebase and FCM?

I am using Firebase, but I don't know what is different between notifications in Firebase and FCM.
I think notifications of Firebase can only send messages, whereas FCM can send and get messages.
Is it right?
Firebase Notifications is built on Firebase Cloud Messaging and shares the same FCM SDK for client development. For testing or for sending marketing or engagement messages with powerful built-in targeting and analytics, you can use Notifications. For deployments with more complex messaging requirements, FCM is the right choice.
Use the Notifications console GUI to compose and send notifications to all supported message targets. Firebase Cloud Messaging handles the routing and delivery to targeted devices.
Firebase Notifications offer a console which users can use to send a notification without writing a single line of code. So, it is used to create and send the notification
Firebase Cloud Messaging is a cross-platform messaging solution that lets you reliably deliver messages at no cost. So, it is used to route and deliver the message/notification