How to get a guest token for embedding a chart in Apache Superset - api

The Apache-Superset swagger doc for the guest_token API shows the following payload for the POST request:
I used it successfully from the following Python code snippet from their example included in the source:
body = {
"resources": [
"id": "1",
"type": "dashboard"
"rls": [
"user": {
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"username": "johnd"
However, the documentation does not give any details on what other resource types besides "dashboard" are available. Can I directly embed a chart? I could have tried the "chart" but there is no documented way to obtain an embedded-id for a chart similar to the procedure that they describe for a dashboard.
To summarize, can I directly embed a chart too similar to a dashboard by this API and embedded sdk?

According to the source, the only accepted resource-type for guest tokens is dashboard:
class GuestTokenResourceType(Enum):
DASHBOARD = "dashboard"

Yeah. Worse case, you could create a 1-chart Dashboard, and embed that.


Custom 'rendering' of Display Value completing a Survey in SurveyJS

I can't find anything in the documentation of SurveyJS. If there is something I missed, a link would be great!
We have implemented a Custom Widget as described here and it works well. What we want to do next is to change the Display Value on the 'Survey Results' section when testing the survey from the creator. In other words, a 'Signature' question's result is displayed as ...
but we don't want to do this, we want to render the result... but not for the signature but for our custom widget.
Also, is there a function to review your answers before submitting? If there is, we'll most probably also need to display a rendered answer of our custom widget here.
Showing a preview of answers before submitting
There is a SurveyJS feature, which does that. To enable it you need to add a survey-level parameter called showPreviewBeforeComplete. You can choose from the following values:
This feature will automatically render all images or signatures on the preview page.
The feature is also available through the Survey Creator's UI under the "Navigation" section of the survey settings panel.
Here's an example:
"pages": [
"name": "page1",
"elements": [
"type": "signaturepad",
"name": "question1"
"showPreviewBeforeComplete": "showAnsweredQuestions"
Rendering uploaded images
If you would like to create your own widget, which renders uploaded images or signatures, you can base it on the HTML widget. It should contain an <img src='{question1}' /> tag, where the value of the src parameter should be the base64 data string, which you retrieved from the signature pad widget.
Here's an example:
"pages": [
"name": "page1",
"elements": [
"type": "signaturepad",
"name": "question1"
"name": "page2",
"elements": [
"type": "html",
"name": "question2",
"html": "<img src='{question1}' />"

How can I add product to shopify store from another website?

I want add products to Shopify store form another website (maybe) using API. I not finding the request URL for do it. Please help me make it. I Writing this website with PHP (Laravel framework)
To create new product you can use the Product REST API
POST /admin/api/2020-07/products.json
"product": {
"title": "Burton Custom Freestyle 151",
"body_html": "<strong>Good snowboard!</strong>",
"vendor": "Burton",
"product_type": "Snowboard",
"metafields": [
"key": "new",
"value": "newvalue",
"value_type": "string",
"namespace": "global"
Pay attention that for such type operation you will need to have the write_products scope

How to make a BigCommerce widget compatible with PageBuilder

I'm following the tutorial here
I made the widget template by performing a post request to with this in the body
"name": "Header Images",
"template": "{{#each images}}<a href='{{image_url}}'><img src={{image_source}} style='width:33.3%'/></a>{{/each}}"
The response was successful.
I then performed a post request to
with this in the body
"name": "Header Images",
"widget_configuration": {
"images": [
"image_url": "",
"image_source": ""
"image_url": "",
"image_source": ""
"image_url": "",
"image_source": ""
"widget_template_uuid": "7c5f05c2-2361-45a3-bb99-89554dd145ee"
The response was successful.
My custom widget does then appear in page builder but when I try to add it I receive this error
This widget is not supported by Page Builder. Please consult our developer documentation for more information on how to make your
widget compatible with Page Builder
When I visit the developer documentation it links to on how to make it compatible with Page Builder I don't see any mention of Page Builder.
Is there any way to find out how to make the tutorial widget compatible with Page Builder?
#Mikhail was correct. I was able to add it as a widget accessible by page builder by specifying a schema in the body of my widget-templates post request. After sending another request with the schema added like this:
"name": "Header Images",
"template": "{{#each images}}<a href='{{image_url}}'><img src={{image_source}} style='width:33.3%'/></a>{{/each}}",
"schema": [
"type": "tab",
"label": "Content",
"sections": []
It worked.
You can find more information about schema settings for page builder here
and you can find a list of the items available in your schema here

Duplicated content with json:api related links

In the Resource Linkage section of json:api specification I found that you can fetch a related resource object with a url like this,, making reference to "the author of the article with id 1".
In the site complete example we can see that the author has id 9.
// ...
"type": "articles",
"id": "1",
"attributes": {
"title": "Rails is Omakase"
"relationships": {
"author": {
"links": {
"self": "",
"related": ""
"data": { "type": "people", "id": "9" }
"links": {
"self": ""
// ...
So, if I understood it, I would be able to request the same resource with two different urls:
Is this ok?
Wouldn't this be considerated duplicate content?
The article you have linked talks about duplicated content in the context of a website. JSON:API specification is about an API. A website is typically meant to be read and consumed by humans. An API is meant for programs to be consumed. The SEO concerns raised by that article are not applyable to an API cause search engines like Google does not care about API responses. They may care about the website build based on the data fetch of that API. That website should have a unique URL or a rel="canonical" attribute.

Accessing a Word(.docx) file's content with Microsoft Graph REST API?

Is there a way to obtain the content of a Word document stored in the cloud through the Microsoft Graph API without having to download the file locally?
The goal is to build an app that analyzes a Word document's inner content and produce some interesting data from it. However after searching through Microsoft's Dev Center, Graph Explorer, and their API's documentation repository, I can't find any API endpoints that can serve me that data.
I can find some endpoints that deal with manipulating Excel's contents, but not one that deals with Word. Does Microsoft Graph not support retrieving a Word document's content?
EDIT: For example, I know I can read the contents of a "message" and even apply a search on it through query parameters, as demonstrated by one of Microsoft's samples. But I can't seem to find how to do this with Word documents.
Well, it's possible to download the content of the document.
See: Download the contents of a DriveItem.
For example:
GET /v1.0/me/drive/root:/some-folder/document.docx:/content
But you'll get the entire docx, with embedded images and all. Don't know if this is what you are looking for.
As an example, see the helix-word2md project that fetches a docx and converts it to markdown.
I'm afraid you can't direly access word content. What you can do is use web URL property of a DriveItem opening a document the associated Word Online or native world if it is installed.
You can use this below to show specific item or all items:
GET /users/{userId}/drive/items/{itemId}
GET me/drive/root/children/
This is the result below:
"#microsoft.graph.downloadUrl": "",
"createdDateTime": "2018-08-10T01:43:00Z",
"eTag": "\"{00000000-3E94-4161-9B82-0000000},2\"",
"id": "00000000IOJA4ONFB6MFAZXARX7L7RU4NV",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2018-08-10T01:43:00Z",
"name": "daily check.docx",
"webUrl": "https://xxxxxxx",
"cTag": "\"c:{00000000-3E94-4161-9B82-37FAFF1A71B5},2\"",
"size": 26330,
"createdBy": {
"user": {
"email": "",
"id": "000000-93dc-41b7-b89b-760c4128455a",
"displayName": "Chris"
"lastModifiedBy": {
"user": {
"email": "",
"id": "00000000-93dc-41b7-b89b-00000000",
"displayName": "Chris"
"parentReference": {
"driveType": "business",
"id": "00000VN6Y2GOVW7725BZO354PWSELRRZ",
"path": "/drive/root:"
"file": {
"mimeType": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-
"hashes": {
"quickXorHash": "OSOK7r2hIVSeY1+FjaCnlOxn2p8="
"fileSystemInfo": {
"createdDateTime": "2018-08-10T01:43:00Z",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2018-08-10T01:43:00Z"