Does wxWidgets provide Search/Filter Dropdown? - wxwidgets

Here is a demo of Search/Filter Dropdown. I'm wondering if wxWidgets provides this UI widget.
At this moment, the closest I get is wxOwnerDrawnComboBox, but it doesn't show the dropdown until we press Alt-down on it.
A Search/Filter Dropdown is supposed to show (and update) its dropdown while the user is typing.
Assume we have a wxOwnerDrawnComboBox named X, and its data member m_text which is a wxTextCtrl. If we call X's method Popup to show its popup/dropdown when X's wxEVT_TEXT occurs, m_text will lose the keyboard focus to the popup. The user can no longer input in m_text. If we call m_text->SetFocus(); in the wxEVT_TEXT callback to force the keyboard focus to go back to m_text, it goes even worse: Everything looks frozen, until the user presses double Esc and a runtime-error occurs:
src/common/popupcmn.cpp(313): assert "!m_handlerFocus || !m_handlerFocus->GetNextHandler()" failed in Popup().
Any suggestion? Does wxWidgets provide Search/Filter Dropdown? If "no", is there a 3rd-party Search/Filter Dropdown widget? If "no" again, which direction to implement it? Thanks.

There is nothing exactly like this in wxWidgets. You could use wxSearchCtrl with some extra control or you could use wxTextCtrl::AutoComplete() to use the platform native auto-completion support, but if you want to have something exactly like your demo, you would indeed need to implement it yourself.
And yes, basing your implementation on wxOwnerDrawnComboBox should work, you may just need to use CallAfter() to avoid focus-related problems. But it's impossible to be sure without seeing your code in details.


IntelliJ: How do I move the position of the method parameter popup hint?

When I'm working in IntelliJ, I often get this popup window that helps to see what method signatures I can use.
It's helpful sometimes, so I don't want to disable it, but in certain situations like this, it blocks my view and I don't know what I'm doing. Is there a way to move the position of this pop-up to under the code being typed instead of above? Basically, I'd still like the pop-up, but I'd like to see the code above it.

Tab Order in Visual Studio hates me

Tab Order in Visual Studio does not work for me for some reason.
I am making a VB.NET plugin for a cad program called Rhinocreos 5.
I have everything set perfect, and I don't know what the cause of it is.
I am using .Show() instead of .ShowDialog(), because I need that thread open and I don't feel like doing any thread management (not paid enough lol)
Does anyone have any pointers for this? Has anyone else ran into a tab problem with Rhino5 and .NET?
Seems I have to use a MODELESS Form for a rhino plugin.... So I wont have any tab keys or arrow keys unless I do a hook. But since I need to make the plugin future proof (in case I am no longer working here), I won't be doing that either. But thanks for the answers, comments, and awesome downvotes.
Very difficult to guess what's going on from the information you have provided, but I'd check the following things in the following order:
The disobedient form is open and has focus.
The form has controls in it.
At least some of the controls are enabled, focusable have their TabStop set to true.
There is no low-level keyboard handling in action (PreviewKeyDown, hooks etc).
Finally I'd call ShowDialog() instead of Show(), passing main form as parameter (to make disobedient form a child of main form) and see if that makes a difference.
It was a modeless form inside of Rhino3D as a plugin.
Rhino3D uses all plugins in the main thread. So tab is not an option.
The workaround was to tag all controls with a tag work (I used "tabMe")
Then I store all the controls in a List myTabbyControls.
Each time I press tab, I would cycle through the list.
But thanks for the down votes. It's the running joke of SO.

Check if software keyboard is open in Windows Phone 8?

I want to check if the software keyboard is open in Windows Phone 8. I have found some sparse information that this is possible using CoreWindow.IsKeyboardInputEnabled, but I can't find any way to implement this. I have found sample code only for C++, which I don't understand at all.
I use VB, however I can read C# enough to figure it out if I can get a C# example.
Whatever I do I always get a null/nothing value. The following code compiles and runs, but c is 'nothing' when the app crashes at the if c.IsKeyboarInputEnabled... line.
Dim c as CoreWindow
c = CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread
if c.IsKeyboardInputEnabled then...
I know I need to give 'c' a value, but can't figure out how. I've also tried:
Dim c as CoreWindow = New CoreWindow
which the editor flags as an error and thus won't compile.
If it's relevant, what I am trying to do is ensure my navigation is consistent. Currently, a tap on a particular screen element should close that element. However, if the keyboard is open, I want that tap to simply close the keyboard and leave the tapped item open. I believe this is the more intuitive and consistent approach for the user.
I think the only way to achieve this functionality is to know if the keyboard is open before determining what to do with any open panels.
[when screen tapped and a popup is expanded]
If [keyboard visible] then [close keyboard] else [close tapped item]
I don't think there is any official API to detect the opening and closing of the SIP but one workaround might be to check if any of your TextBoxes have focus.
You can do this by overriding GetFocus and LostFocus for each TextBox.
To close keyboard, just set the focus to the ContentPanel(or any other grid).
Let me know if this works.

How to disable autocompleet intellisence when pressing spacebar in

While creating test in i found it pretty annoying when you start typing and autocompleet changes a class to something similar looking even it is a class you don't want.
Image to illustrate :
In the picture you can see I am trying to setup a controller (this controller does not exist at the moment) so when i press the spacebar i will get DienstControllerFacts.
How do you disable this sort of auto-correction?
I can't see your image, but I think this gives you some keyboard shortcuts for dealing with your issue, and this shows you how to modify the settings.
Did you tried to selecting Common tab instead of All tab in the intellisense window?

Binding key combinations to your application

How can I bind a key combination to my application? I know it has SOMETHING to do with the registry, but I have no earthly idea what or how to go about doing this. I want the user to be able to hit those keys when the app is open and have it execute my function, but not while the app is closed.
Thanks for the help!
If you are using a dialog, then you can put '&' into the text for some controls (buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc) and this will cause Alt plus the next character in the text to be used as an accelerator/shortcut. i.e. "&Open" would activate the Open button if you press Alt+O. "Op&en" would activate if for Alt+e.
Beyond that, as Jason Irwin said, you need to add an event handler to your Form for KeyDown or KeyPress events, and then check if the keypress is the key combination you are interested in. This will only work if the user activates your form (clicks in it to give it the input focus. If they put it behind another window, it will not react to the key presses)
If you don't want to show a form, or want to react to keypresses when you're not the input-focus application, then it gets a bit more complicated (you either need to use a hidden form or a keyboard hook)
OK, it looks like you want a keyboard hook. This looks like a good article.
It depends on what you are trying to do:
If you have a gui application and you want to handle key events then you can do that in a keydown eventhandler
If you want to do more low-level stuff and have an application that will intercept all key strokes (regardless of whether or not the application has focus/is visible) then you need to use pinvoke to hit the win32 apis. I suggest you read the following:
link text
Please let us know what you are trying to do so we can provide better feedback.
Using Google, I found this Keyhook example.
I've worked with keyhooks before, in Delphi WIN32, so I am a bit familiar with them. (Just not in C#.) If you add one to a DLL, all Hell might break loose since most virus scanners will recognise this as malware behaviour. (Especially if you use them in the wrong way, causing them to be injected in each and every process that's running on your system.)
A keyhook will allow key combinations to be captured from other processes, though.
For a solution without programming requirements: Drop a shortcut for the application on your desktop. Edit it, assign a shortcut, close it. Press shortcut to test...