Getting error:login failed for user <token- identification principle> data factory linked service to synapse analytics - azure-synapse

I am trying to create azure data factory linked service to synapse analytics with system-assigned managed identity but i am getting this error
Error 22300:Cannot connect to SQL Database:', Database: xxxx, User: Check the linked
service configuration is correct, and make sure the SQL Database
firewall allows the integration runtime to access.
Login failed for user token-identified principal
I am getting this error. how solve this error?

I tried to reproduce same thing in my environment, I got same error.
To resolve above error, Please follow below steps:
Go to Azure synapse workspace -> Azure Active directory ->
Set Admin -> search for Azure data factor, make as admin and save it.
You can refer this similar SO thread.


Not able to get Azure SQL Server Extended Events to work when Blob Storage is set to Enabled from selected virtual networks and IP addresses

So I have an Azure Database and want to test extended events with the database.
I was able to set up my Blob Storage container and was able to get Extended Events via Azure Database to work as long as the Blob Storage network setting Public network access is set to Enabled from all networks. If I set Enabled from selected virtual networks and IP addresses and have Microsoft network routing checked as well as Resource type set with Microsoft.Sql/servers and its value as All In current subscription, it still doesn't work.
I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing wrong and I'm not able to find any documentation on how to make it work without opening up to all networks.
The error I'm getting is:
The target, "5B2DA06D-898A-43C8-9309-39BBBE93EBBD.package0.event_file", encountered a configuration error during initialization. Object cannot be added to the event session. (null) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 25602)
Edit - Steps to fix the issue
#Imran: Your answer led me to get everything working. The information you gave and the link provided was enough for me to figure it out.
However, for anyone in the future I want to give better instructions.
The first step I had to do was:
All I had to do was run Set-AzSqlServer -ResourceGroupName [ResourcegroupName] b -ServerName [AzureSQLServerName] -AssignIdentity.
This assigns the SQL Server an Azure Active Directory Identity. After running the above command, you can see your new identity in Azure Active Directory under Enterprise applicationsand then where you see theApplication type == Enterprise Applicationsheader, click the headerApplication type == Enterprise Applicationsand change it toManaged Identities`and click apply. You should see your new identity.
The next step is to give your new identity the role of Storage Blob Data Contributor to your container in Blob Storage. You will need to go to your new container and click Access Control (IAM) => Role assignments => click Add => Add Role assignment => Storage Blob Data Contributor => Managed identity => Select member => click your new identity and click select and then Review + assign
The last step is to get SQL Server to use an identity when connecting to `Blob Storage.
You do that by running the command below on your Azure SQL Server database.
CREATE DATABASE SCOPED CREDENTIAL [https://<mystorageaccountname><mystorageaccountcontainername>]
WITH IDENTITY = 'Managed Identity';
You can see your new credentials when running
SELECT * FROM sys.database_scoped_credentials
The last thing I want to mention is when creating Extended Events with
an Azure SQL Server using SSMS, it gives you this link. This only works if you want your Blob Storage wide open. I think this is a disservice and wish they would have instructions when you want your Blob Storage not wide open by using RBAC instead of SAS.
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment I got the result successfully like below:
To resolve this issue, check whether your account type should be
StorageV2(general purpose v2). If you have a general-purpose v1 or blob storage account, try to upgrade like below.
In storage account -> under setting, configuration -> upgrade
Check whether you have choose Allow trusted Microsoft services to access this storage account under exception and I added firewall client Ip address range and vnet like below.
Make sure Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write permission in your storage account
After enabling firewall, we lose write access to the storage account and audit logs try to Resave the audit settings from the portal is required in order for auditing to function like below.
Note: Auditing to storage behind firewalls using user managed identity authentication type is not presently supported.
When I try to connect, I got result successfully like below:
Configure extended events in SQL Azure to the blob storage with Private Endpoint - Microsoft Community Hub by Sakshi Gupta

Content of directory on path*.csv' cannot be listed

When I try to query our Serverless SQL pool in Azure Synapse Analytics I get the following error:
"Content of directory on path '*.csv' cannot be listed.".
I have checked out the following link for clues as to what could be cause:
It is suggested that the error is due permissions:
However, I believe I have the correct permissons,
I get this error whether I try to execute the query in SSMS or Synapse Workspace.
The error in SSMS is as follows:
Warning: Unable to resolve path*.csv. Error number 13807, Level 16, State 1, Message "Content of directory on path '*.csv' cannot be listed.".
Can someone let me know how to resolve this?
The query that I'm attempting to execute can be located here:
Is there a definitive way to determine if the problem is due to lack of permissions?
Update Question:
I have just realised that the issue is access the Lake on
Therefore please take a look at my permissons on the lake and let me know if it is sufficient?
This issue occurs when the user trying to query the external table does not have the relevant permissions or if there is a firewall enabled on your storage network.
When looked at the permissions you have provided, I see Storage Blob Data reader and Storage Blob Data contributor have been given.
Ref doc: Control storage account access for serverless SQL pool in Azure Synapse Analytics
In case if your storage account is firewall protect then you will have to follow the steps described in this document to overcome the issue: Access storage that is protected with the firewall
Here are couple of relevant articles which might help you configure your storage firewall to overcome this issue:
Storage configuration for external table is not accessible while query on Serverless
Synapse Studio error while trying to read data from Storage Account using SQL On Demand

Sql Database sync error in azure Database Sync Group

I'm trying to connect my local database with online database. I've followed the full procedure but Database Sync Group is showing a log error of following type
Database provisioning failed with the exception "SqlException
Database provisioning failed with the exception "SqlException ID: ebcc6489-1083-4635-aa5e-a34deecb61c1, Error Code: -2146232060 - SqlError Number:18456, Message: Login failed.
For more information, provide tracing ID ‘3b685498-b462-4bde-b99b-0f1a156369c7’ to customer support."
Moreover hub database is not showing any table to select for sync but sync agent database is showing up.
Kindly please help me out.
Try to verify the SQL login you used to configure the hub database on the sync group has been disabled or the password has been changed.
On the Azure Database, provide the SQL Admin login with its current password. If you have provided this information before try to do this again.
Follow these steps:
Click on the Azure DBClick “Sync to other database”
Click on the sync group which you have created.
Click on the databases.
Click on your hub server.
Enter your username and current password.
Try to sync.
Reference: Configure SQL Data Sync

Azure Synapse - Unable to create External table Error 401 Unauthorized

I have a service principal using which I am trying to create an external table for Azure Data lake gen1. The external table creation fails with the error:
Error occurred while accessing HDFS: Java exception raised on call to HdfsBridge_IsDirExist.
Java exception message:
HdfsBridge::isDirExist - Unexpected error encountered checking whether directory exists or not:
IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 401
What I understand is that this is unAuthorized error. But I checked that this Service principle has proper role assignment in the Azure Data Lake Gen1 storage. What else could be causing the unauthorized issue here ? Does my SQL synapse instance where I am creating the external table also needs access to ADLS Gen1?
Please note that SQL Synapse instance and ADLS Gen1 instance are in different resource groups.
Just checked the Service principle I was using to create database scoped credentials, its secret had expired based on some periodic schedule. Renewed the secret and using the updated value helped fixing the issue.

DACPAC Deployment in Azure

I am trying to deploy my SQL Server project into another database using Execute Azure SQL Tak:Dacpactask in VSTS. But I am getting a error that can't find the user that was in Source Database. I am using Admin credentials to deploy the scripts in target environment, But it shows that the source user is not available in target environment. Since user and logins are database specific, I don't want to make any changes in the users and logins. I want it to remain same. I have attached error in below link.
[Error that I recieved during deployment]
[1]: Please let me know how to solve . I have added below Additional SQL Package.exe arguments,
/p:DropObjectsNotInSource=False/p:DropObjectsNotInSource=True /p:ExcludeObjectTypes=Users;Logins;RoleMembership;Permissions
Do we need to provide any delimiter for multiple arguments?