Master-Slave communication with SPI protocol on STM32 303 - embedded

I'm beginner and im trying to configure SPI protocol on STM32F303 but its not working , i dont know if im missing something or i do something wrong
i chose PA4 PA6 PA7 PB3 for miso,mosi,sck...
thanks for the help :)


Using ESP-IDF to recieve UDP packets via ethernet

I want to use the ESP-IDF framework to make a program that will recieve UDP packets via ethernet. I am not using an ESP32-Ethernet-Kit, but an ESP32 alongside a PHY (DP83848) in order to gain access to ethernet.
Pretty much every example I can find about UDP and ESP32 is using Wifi instead of ethernet.
What I want to do is use the basic ethernet example available in the espressif esp-idf git repository as a starting point and then add the functionality to recieve the datagrams.
If I'm not wrong, what I should do is create a new event handler and use the esp_eth_update_input_path API present in the esp_eth_driver.h, but I am not sure about how to use it. Can anyone help me with this?
esp_err_t esp_eth_update_input_path(
esp_eth_handle_t hdl,
esp_err_t (*stack_input)(esp_eth_handle_t hdl, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t length, void *priv),
void *priv);
I posted almost the same question in the espressif ESP-IDF forum before posting this one here and got an following answer by user ESP_ondrej.
I'm posting it here in case this can help someone.
All protocols examples located in the ESP-IDF supports both Wifi and
Ethernet. You just need to configure it via menuconfig.
Please check the README at ...
If you want to start from scratch with your Ethernet UDP application,
you can do so. You don't need to call esp_eth_update_input_path.
This function is used to direct L2 Ethernet frames to specific
callback function which you don't want since you want to communicate
via IP protocol. Therefore keep it as is, i.e. Ethernet frames are to
be processed by lwIP stack and just use socket API as you might be
used to from other platforms.

what is nRF UART and what all I need to implement an nrf UART app on NRF52 DK?

I have an nrf52 board I was able to connect to board via USB. I downloaded a hardware profile to check the functionality and the device acted like a BLE and I was able to communicate with it. But someone said to implement UART on the device now i am clueless about what this is?
there is this nordic toolbox which has UART example but my board won't connect to this why is that?
I wish this NRFtoolbox UART connects to my board how is that achievable?
it will not connect using standard configuration because in this mode it uses pin 5/6 for tx/rx as i remember, and these pins are connected to internal modem, you can not exchange data on these pins. I would suggest to use pins 2/3 for tx/rx.

How can I have my pc comunicate over ethernet with mbed NXP LPC 1768

I'm an engineering student, and to be honest a beginner in drivers writing. What i'm trying to achieve right here, is have the titular board talk with my pc over ethernet, so i'm asking for some useful tips regarding the communication setup, like pinging it from my pc.
Many Thanks.
Since LPC1768 doesn't come with a RJ45 jack, you need to somehow connect a RJ45 jack to your mbed. This page may be helpful.
Once you have physical connection, connecting a mbed device to internet is pretty easy with Mbed OS EthernetInterface library. You can find API and examples here.
Do you need to use Ethernet? Why not using USART directly by using e.g. use a USART to USB converter like the FTDI chip.

Setting up a GPS TCP server

I am working on a project where we are using a GSM modem with built in GPS system. The modem has setting to send GPS signal NMEA format to a remote TCP server.
Can someone consult on where should i start when creating this TCP server. If i have multiple units, how do i differentiate between them when receiving the data and etc.
If there are any online links that could help me get started, that would work as well.
P.S. The router i am using is from Multitech MTR-H5-B08.
I started with this video, may be it might help someone else who comes across this question:

how to make remote p2p chat

How can i make a p2p chat in communicate with my friends PC at their house from my own.
i have made a LAN Chat which was fairly simple, but i really cannot figure out how to get it to connect to his pc using a public ip.
I Assume that port forwarding would be a factor in this but Im trying to make it so that port forwarding is not required to be done so the user (my friend) does not have to porforward.
The Program is comprised of text-boxes threads and the Transmission Control Protocol for the listeners/server
please help thank you very much, sorry if my English appalls you. :D
All Fixed, It Was Port Forwarding Which Was Needed To Be Done,no need to Post on This Any More