userOnline status ramains offline in AgoraVideoChat application -

I am using this project for AgoraVideoChat application using local database (phpMyAdmin). Created 2 test users and used two different browsers in my computer to get both users logged in.
The problem is, that the online status of both users remain "offline". After a little troubleshooting i found that the array onlineUsers remain vacant. Your kind help is highly appreciated.


VSTS Restrict access to sensitive work items

Foreword: I've searched around on this question a fair bit and found answers which are close to a solution, but not what I'm looking for. So here I am, and I hope someone can help me. I'm relatively new to VSTS, so be gentle (or at least constructive) ;P
The Question: I'm looking for a way to restrict access to specific tickets (NOT by ticket type) that contain NDA protected data, whilst keeping them in the same backlog and iterations as the rest of the tickets related to a project.
We have many different NDA protected customers, so whilst creating a new ticket type per NDA, and restricting access to this, could work, it's not the solution I'm looking for.
Alternatively, I'm barking up the wrong tree, and there is an entirely different and "better way" to support this use-case?
Edit 1 - More info: Let's say I have 1 backlog for a product. It contains only 2 work items. It's important there is only 1 backlog for planning and overview by a product owner.
One of the two work items contains sensitive information only half the development team should have visibility to. How do I keep both tickets in the same backlog and iterations, but hide the sensitive one from some team members?
Thanks in advance for your time!
Regarding permission of work items in a team project, you can set the permission in area and iteration scope, but can’t for specific work items.
So, you need to put these work items in different area and manage permission for this area. Simple steps:
Go to team project admin page
Click New/New child, to create a new area.
Click …=>Security, set the permission for the group(s) or user(s)
Click the default team’s settings => Areas
Click + Select areas to add that area in order to show related work items (in that area)

Archive subsites from sites in SharePoint 2010

I have a requirement to find a way to archive subsites from a site.
When I say 'Archiving' I mean moving a subsite from one site to another so the end users can still access the subsites and check the history etc.
The main site is a Training site and the subsites are training courses, when these courses have ran there is no need for them to be sat under the training department site and I can envision it becoming confusing with too many of these subsites.
I know I can move them using structure and content in site admin but don't really want end users to be doing that after each course has ran ( we have had over 500 this year!)
Has anyone else faced a similar issue or have any advice to how they would go about it?
Many thanks
Is there a need to retain the subsites? If so, instead of moving the site, perhaps changing the way your users access the sites would be an easier way. You could set up a list with the current classes (assuming you don't have one already) and include a field in that list that links to the course's subsite. Create a view that shows only the current courses so the end users never see the other subsites.
If you don't need to keep the subsites, you should look into some kind of workflow that can kick off when a class expires that deltes the subsite. I'm pretty sure you can't create a workflow with Nintex or SharePoint Designer to move a site to another location, so you may need to code something with C#.

Any suggestions for a good login manager?

I tried using RoboForm but it's like Oracle - incredibly complex. We could never get it to share the corporate passwords but keep individual ones for each user.
Anyone know of a good login mananger?
We want one that has a shared company repository and individual repositories for each user for their person passwords. Preferably simple enough that there's only 5 - 10 options and only 1 password per user.
Have you looked at LastPass? It allows sharing individual passwords, but not a complete repository of passwords (at least as far as I know) so it may not fit your needs.

SharePoint 2010: Tag profile not showing all tagged items

After tagging some items, I go to the tag profile and can´t see the items that were tagged, neither choosing “all” or “popular in the last 60 days”.
These are the things I verified:
1) I’m making sure these two jobs run every minute,
User Profile Service Application - Social Data Maintenance Job Minutes
User Profile Service Application - Social Rating Synchronization Job
2) Tried full and incremental crawls, same result.
3) Don’t have any columns chosen in the “searchable columns” excluded columns list.
Any idea? Other job that collects this info, something I’m missing?
Thanks in advance.
UPDATE: After a day, I see the items being tagged. Which means, there are some services, along with full crawling, that are causing this info to appear. Which are those services/jobs?
I found the solution to this issue. Two conditions must be met:
Search service account must have "Retrieve people data for search crawlers" permission
Job “User Profile Service Application - Social Data Maintenance Job” must be run.

User Fast Switching Ideas Needed

I'm looking for ideas on how to implement some type of fast login scenario for an application that will allow employees to quickly login.
I work with an organization that has employees rotate every 30 minutes to a different location. If there are 3 employees, then the first employee won't come back to the checkout station for an hour. The checkout station is a higher traffic area where different things are borrowed by customers. Right now they have a generic login, but the organization wants to track which employee checked out/in a borrowed item. The problem is when they rotate there are customers there many times and having them logoff and login either via a workstation login or an application login is too slow for customer service.
Any suggestions?
I think a fingerprint reader would work well for logging in users. Then, they wouldn't have to type anything to log in.
There are plenty of biometric SDKs online that should be able to help you with this. And, I think some commercial readers will do something similar already, so you wouldn't even need to write any code.
Here's an article on Microsoft's Upgraded Fingerprint Reader
Also, you can have them scan once to log in, and once they are logged in, they can scan again to get logged completely out of the system (instead of just locking the screen or forgetting to log out and walk away.)
Use an application-level login, but make it only based on typing in their employee ID. This will simply identify who they are, exchanging security for speed while not giving up identity. Using employee ID's for this is a good way of guaranteeing uniqueness. I've seen systems like this work in retail, and it's really fast. Employees get used to typing this number into the console.
I'm not sure if it's in your budget but this sounds like a good use for those little button 1-wire devices. Basically it's an electronic "key" that is about the size of a button and can be read very quickly.
So Employee A goes to the station, puts his button on the pad(takes like 2 seconds) and he's logged in. When he needs to leave he pushes one button to log out, then employee B can come and log in, etc etc.
a picture of the button: