A good day for everyone.
I'm in a need of consuming an eventsource API, but it's a private one, where I need to pass some auth headers, specifically the Authorization one, and some more.
I had a look into these "two" crates, but neither of them explains how to pass some headers, has someone passed by something related, or knows how to set it up in these crates?
This can be done in eventsource with Client::new_with_client():
use eventsource::reqwest::Client as EventSourceClient;
use reqwest::{blocking::Client as ReqwestClient, header::HeaderMap};
let mut headers = HeaderMap::new();
headers.insert("Authorization", "Basic Zm9vOmJhcg==".parse()?);
headers.insert("X-Foo", "bar".parse()?);
let client = ReqwestClient::builder().default_headers(headers).build()?;
let client = EventSourceClient::new_with_client("https://example.com/".parse()?, client);
i am new to JWT concepts while i am learning in this site
in the above link at this line :
var token = jwt.sign(user, JWT_Secret);
he has written the jwt.sign() with only two parameters but while i saw few other posts where they are sending 3 parameters
my doubt is that jwt.sign() is correct
2) how to create a secret_token
3) and how to send all the required parameters to send in the jwt.sign() method
please help me i hope you understood my problem ,friends please help me
If you read the JWT docs, the function can run in two modes: Synchronously (sync) and asynchronously (async). The function can automatically decide on which method to use depending on the number of parameters and type of parameters you provide the function, and the parameters you can supply are (in order):
The data/payload
Secret key/token
Options/configs (optional, can use callback here if you use default options)
Callback function (optional, will run in async mode if you provide this)
To illustrate this, read the code below:
// Synchronous
const syncToken = jwt.sign({payload: { x: 1, y: '2'}}, 'JWT_SECRET');
// Asynchronous
jwt.sign({payload: { x: 1, y: '2'}}, 'JWT_SECRET', (err, asyncToken) => {
if (err) throw err;
As for the secret token, just make a hard coded one with no need to randomize, otherwise you wouldn't be able to consistently verify your tokens if at all possible. Or as an alternative, you can perform signing and verification asymmetrically by using algorithms such as RS256, or ES256 (using public and private key pair).
I hope this answer helps.
I was wondering how I can change the key of an action field through scripting in Zapier. I know I need to use KEY_pre_write to change an element before I send the request but how can I call the specific action field and change the key name in something else?
Zapier scripting image
The key name is currently "type" but I want to change it for instance to "type1".
Thanks in advance.
Fixed it myself btw, maybe for someone who needs to know.
'use strict';
var Zap = {
CompanyAdd_pre_write: function(bundle) {
var actionfields = bundle.action_fields;
var stringify = JSON.stringify(actionfields);
var body = stringify.replace("type1", "type"); // renaming key
bundle.request.data = body;
return bundle.request;
David here, from the Zapier Platform team.
key is set by the key of the action itself. See here:
Those would be action_pre_write, broken_js_pre_write, etc. Feel free to tweak these for a private app, but note that it'll break any existing zaps that use that action.
Let me know if you've got any other questions!
I am having an issue with AWS Cognito provided UI.
When I am trying to use the provided UI, I call the endpoint with populated URL:
Now the problem is that, after authentication, Cognito uses a # to send back the required parameters. The result would look like this:
I have a hard time reading id_token and access_token in my callback page (which is a vue app).
How can I configure Cognito to use the usual question mark (?) to pass query string, Or, How can I read the passed parameters after hash (#).
I appreciate your advise on this.
If you are using Vue.js router, it is actually pretty easy to process the hash part. Just put this snippet somewhere in your component.
reference: https://router.vuejs.org/api/#the-route-object
let cognitoData = {}
if (this.$route.hash !== "") {
let elementsString = decodeURIComponent(
this.$route.hash.substr(1, this.$route.hash.length)
let params = elementsString.split("&");
for (let param of params) {
let values = param.split("=");
cognitoData[values[0]] = values[1];
// do your business with cognitoData
What is the correct method for setting a client to auto answer with the vLine API for WebRTC calls?
Looking at your comment, it looks like you have figured this out. But for completeness and for future reference I will go ahead and answer.
To auto answer a call, all you have to do is call MediaSession.start() when an incoming call comes in, instead of throwing a prompt to the user.
Here is an example snippet:
client.on('add:mediaSession', onAddMediaSession, self);
// Handle new media sessions
var mediaSession = event.target;
mediaSession.on('enterState:incoming', onIncoming, self);
// Handle new incoming calls and autoAccept
var mediaSession = event.target;
// Auto Accept call instead of a prompt
Note that you can do this in your code even if you are using the UI Widgets.
I am having a RESTful service with the following method:
string GetDataFromStringAsString(string xmlString);
My client call to the method is as below:
var client = new RestClient();
client.BaseUrl = serviceBaseUrl;
var request = new RestRequest(method){RequestFormat = DataFormat.Xml};
request.Resource = resourceUrl;
request.AddParameter("text/xml", requestBody,
var response = client.Execute(request);
Let us take a string to post as "Hello World".
Now the string that i post to the above method gives me a 400 Bad
request. In order to get it working i had to wrap the above string in
a element as shown below:
<string xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/
Serialization/">Hello World</string>
Now when i post the above string i get a success response back from
the server.
Why is that i have to manually wrap the string to make it work. Is
there a way that i can achieve to post a string without doing the
above manually.
The only other way that I am aware of is to use stream as your input parameter. e.g.
string GetDataFromStringAsString(stream xmlString);
The problem with .Net 4 WCF REST is that fundamentally WCF only knows how to pass two types of info, either XML or a stream of bytes. Personally, I would use WCF Web API instead of the standard WCF REST library because you are going run into lots more of these kinds of issues.