compare value in two rows in a column pandas - pandas

I have a pandas df something like this:
color pct days text
1 red 5 7 good
2 red 10 30 good
3 red 11 60 bad
4 blue 6 7 bad
5 blue 15 30 good
6 blue 21 60 bad
7 yellow 2 7 good
8 yellow 5 30 bad
9 yellow 7 60 bad
So basically, for each color, I have percentage values for 7 days, 30 days and 60 days. Please note that these are not always in correct order as I gave in example above. My task now is to look at the change in percentage for each color between the consecutive days values and if the change is greater or equal to 5%, then write in column "text" as "NA". Text in days 7 category is default and cannot be overwritten.
Desired result:
color pct days text
1 red 5 7 good
2 red 10 30 NA
3 red 11 60 bad
4 blue 6 7 bad
5 blue 15 30 NA
6 blue 21 60 NA
7 yellow 2 7 good
8 yellow 5 30 bad
9 yellow 7 60 bad
I am able to achieve this by a very very long process that I am very sure is not efficient. I am sure there is a much better way of doing this, but I am new to python, so struggling. Can someone please help me with this? Many thanks in advance

A variation on a (now-deleted) suggested answer as comment:
# ensure numeric data
df['pct'] = pd.to_numeric(df['pct'], errors='coerce')
df['days'] = pd.to_numeric(df['days'], errors='coerce')
# update in place
.diff().ge(5), 'text'] = 'NA'
color pct days text
1 red 5 7 good
2 red 10 30 NA
3 red 11 60 bad
4 blue 6 7 bad
5 blue 15 30 NA
6 blue 21 60 NA
7 yellow 2 7 good
8 yellow 5 30 bad
9 yellow 7 60 bad

In the code below I'm reading your example table into a pandas dataframe using io, you don't need to do this, you already have your pandas table.
import pandas as pd
import io
df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(
""" color pct days text
1 red 5 7 good
2 red 10 30 good
3 red 11 60 bad
4 blue 6 7 bad
5 blue 15 30 good
6 blue 21 60 bad
7 yellow 2 7 good
8 yellow 5 30 bad
9 yellow 7 60 bad"""
not_seven_rows = df['days'].ne(7)
good_rows = df['pct'].lt(5)
#Set the rows which are < 5 and not 7 days to be 'good'
df.loc[good_rows & not_seven_rows, 'text'] = 'good'
#Set the rows which are >= 5 and not 7 days to be 'NA'
df.loc[(~good_rows) & not_seven_rows, 'text'] = 'NA'

def function1(dd:pd.DataFrame):
return dd1.assign(text=np.where(dd1.pct.diff()>=5,"NA",dd1.text))
color pct days text
0 red 5 7 good
1 red 10 30 NA
2 red 11 60 bad
3 blue 6 7 bad
4 blue 15 30 NA
5 blue 21 60 NA
6 yellow 2 7 good
7 yellow 5 30 bad
8 yellow 7 60 bad


Pandas filter maximum groupby

I have Pandas df:
family age fruits
Brown 12 7
Brown 33 5
Yellow 28 3
Yellow 11 9
I want to get ages with next conditions:
Group by family;
Having maximum of fruits
So result df will be:
family age
Brown 12
Yellow 11
We can do:
(df.sort_values(['family','fruits'], ascending=[True,False])
family age fruits
0 Brown 12 7
3 Yellow 11 9
Or with groupby().idxmax()
df.loc[df.groupby('family').fruits.idxmax(), ['family','age'] ]
family age
0 Brown 12
3 Yellow 11
Use head after sort_values
['family','fruits'], ascending=[True,False])

Auctions System Logical Condition

I am trying to make an auctions system but can not figure out the logical conditions for doing so..
Lets say that I have 10 credit
I have already bet 5 credits on another auction... so I owe 5 from 10 $owe
I thus have 5 available... $available = $credit - $owe (=5)
I bet 3 from available (on a different item)...
I wish to bet again 4 (cancel 3, update to 4), but credit available is now $available - 3 (=2)
Can't find a logical solution.... written in code.
What is the condition for setting a bet???
Made up a matrix with the dependence between variables:
bet available owe lastbet
1 10 10 0
2 9 11 1
3 7 13 2
4 4 16 3
5 0 20 4
6 -5 25 5
7 -11 31 6
8 -18 38 7
9 -26 46 8
10 -35 55 9
11 -45 65 10
Need to translate it into a condition statement.... (the next row would not meet the conditions)
The condition should fail on the 11th row....
Based on the Matrix... I found out that the condition is:
if ($bet <= (($owe + $available) / 2)) {}
Not very intuitive......

Pandas: sorting by integer notation value

In this dataframe, column key values correspond to integer notation of each song key.
track key
0 Last Resort 4
1 Casimir Pulaski Day 8
2 Glass Eyes 8
3 Ohio - Live At Massey Hall 1971 7
4 Ballad of a Thin Man 11
5 Can You Forgive Her? 11
6 The Only Thing 3
7 Goodbye Baby (Baby Goodbye) 4
8 Heart Of Stone 0
9 Ohio 0
10 the gate 2
11 Clampdown 2
12 Cry, Cry, Cry 4
13 What's Happening Brother 8
14 Stupid Girl 11
15 I Don't Wanna Play House 7
16 Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler) 11
17 The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll 4
18 Paint It, Black - (Original Single Mono Version) 5
19 Let Him Run Wild 11
20 Undercover (Of The Night) - Remastered 5
21 Between the Bars 7
22 Like a Rolling Stone 0
23 Once 2
24 Pale Blue Eyes 5
25 The Way You Make Me Feel - 2012 Remaster 1
26 Jeremy 2
27 The Entertainer 7
28 Pressure 9
29 Play With Fire - Mono Version / Remastered 2002 2
30 D-I-V-O-R-C-E 9
31 Big Shot 0
32 What's Going On 1
33 Folsom Prison Blues - Live 0
34 American Woman 1
35 Cocaine Blues - Live 8
36 Jesus, etc. 5
the notation is as follows:
'C' --> 0
'C#'--> 1
'D' --> 2
'Eb'--> 3
'E' --> 4
'F' --> 5
'F#'--> 6
'G' --> 7
'Ab'--> 8
'A' --> 9
'Bb'--> 10
'B' --> 11
what is specific about this notation is that 11 is closer to 0 than 2, for instance.
given an input_notation = 0, I would like to sort according to closeness to key 0, or 'C'.
you can get closest value by doing:
closest_key = (input_notation -1) % 12
so I would like to sort according to this logic, having on top input_notation values and then closest matches, like so:
8 Heart Of Stone 0
9 Ohio 0
22 Like a Rolling Stone 0
31 Big Shot 0
33 Folsom Prison Blues - Live 0
I have tried:
v = df[['key']].values
df = df.iloc[np.lexsort(np.abs(v - (input_notation - 1) %12 ).T)]
but this does not work..
any clues?
You can define the closeness firstly and then use argsort with iloc to sort the data frame:
input_notation = 0
# define the closeness or distance
diff = (df.key - input_notation).abs()
closeness = np.minimum(diff, 12 - diff)
# use argsort to calculate the sorting index, and iloc to reorder the data frame
closest_to_input = df.iloc[closeness.argsort(kind='mergesort')]
# track key
#8 Heart Of Stone 0
#9 Ohio 0
#22 Like a Rolling Stone 0
#31 Big Shot 0
#33 Folsom Prison Blues - Live 0

Create new ID based on cumulative sum in excel vba

I need to create a new transport ID based on the cumulative sum of the volume being transported. Let´s say that originally everything was transported in truck A with a capacity of 25. Now I want to assign these items to shipments with truck B (Capacity 15).
The only real constraint is amt shipped cannot exceed capacity.
I can´t post a picture because of the restrictions...but the overall set up would be like this:
Old Trans # Volume New Trans # Cumulative Volume for Trans
1 1
1 9
1 3
1 7
1 4
2 9
2 10
3 8
3 5
3 9
4 4
4 6
4 8
5 9
5 1
5 5
5 8
6 3
6 4
6 3
6 4
6 4
6 7
7 7
7 10
7 4
8 10
8 6
8 7
9 4
9 9
9 6
10 7
10 4
10 1
10 1
10 5
10 2
11 9
11 3
11 9
12 8
12 5
12 9
13 9
Expected output would be that the first three entries would result in a new shipment ID of 1;the next two entries would result in a new shipment ID of 2;and so on... I´ve tried everthing that I know(excluding VBA): Index/lookup/if functions. My VBA skills are very limited though.Any tips?? thanks!
I think I see what you're trying to do here, and just using an IF formula (and inserting a new column to keep track):
In the Columns C and D, insert these formulas in row 3 and copy down (changing 15 for whatever you want your new volume capacity to be):
Column C: =IF(B3+C2<15,B3+C2,B3)
Column D: =IF(B3+C2<15,D2,D2+1)
And for the cells C2 and D2:
C2: = B2
D2: = A2
Is this what you're looking to do?
A simple formula could be written that 'floats' the range totals for each successive load ID.
In the following, I've typed 25 and 15 in D1:E1 and used a custom number format of I\D 0. In this way, the column is identified and the cell can be referenced as a true number load limit. You can hard-code the limits into the formula if you prefer by overwriting D$1 but you will not have a one-size-fits-all formula that can be copied right for alternate load limits as I have in my example..
The formula in D2 is,
=IF(ROW()=2, 1, (SUM(INDEX($B:$B, MATCH(D1, D1:D$1, 0)):$B2)>D$1)+ D1)
Fill right to E2 then down as necessary.

Excluding rows dynamically

Let's assume we have the following:
1 10
2 20
3 30
4 20
5 10
6 30
7 20
10 =(AVERAGE(A1:A7)
11 4
12 6
I would like to be able to find a way to calculate the Average of A1-A7 into cell A10 while excluding row range defined in A11 and A12. That is, according to the above setup the result should be 20:
((10 + 20 + 30 + 20) / 4) = 20
because if rows 4,5 and 6 are excluded what's left is rows 1,2,3,7 to be averaged.
Two other options:
Seems to meet your requirement, though not flexible:
Adjust re misunderstanding of requirements: