Traverse of linked entities with API client exposed by spring-data-rest - spring-data-rest

With a generated client by openapi-generator (typescript-axios in my case), it is easy to request an entity that is exposed by spring-data-rest, let's say a Person entity with
const endpoint = PersonEntityControllerApiFactory(configuration);
which gives me an object like
"id" : "5000",
"name" : "Mr. Anderson",
"_links" : {
"self": {
"href": "http://localhost:8888/api/persons/5000"
"addresses": {
"href": "http://localhost:8888/api/persons/5000/addresses"
Now, is there an easy way to request the addresses collection of that entity with the generated API client (typescript-axios in my case)?
One compicated way comes to my mind to solve this. It's possible to provide a spring data rest projection for Person which inlines ids or complete Address entities into Person. But that would take some extra effort and would be against the HAL / HATEOAS idea.
Another way could be to perform a request on the provided addresses link manually (e.g. by calling axios). But that would question the use of a generated API client in general.


Passing State and Other Attributes at Login Using Microsoft.Identity.Web

I'm having troubles getting the .NET Core 6.0 authentication libraries working as I did with prior versions of .NET Framework. Specifically, I'm using Microsoft.Identity.Web, but have not figured out how to get the scope and state parameters passed in and out that I want. The signin-oidc keeps overriding these values with the ones I am trying to manage dynamically. If I use the old method, which is just a RedirectResult to a properly formed URL for authentication, signin-oidc overrides the values I send in on the query string. If I use the Challenge class with a list of name value pairs in the Properties collection (like state, consent, scope, etc), signin-oidc still overrides them.
I would like to have something as simple, readable, and operationally efficient as when I could just redirect to a URL with all the query string parameters, and provide a callback URL that had a "code", "error", "state", and other parameters in the method. Right now I'm tied in knots over getting the right values over, and trying to get them back in a generic event override in the app's Program start up code. Some stuff shows up in a generic Properties bag, but not in the logical "State" property of the context argument's ProtocolMessage. What am I missing?
These are for cases where the user has authenticated to the site, and now I am trying to get them to consent and get a token for another Azure AD app.
Here is an example of using a simple redirect:
Here's an example using Challenge:
return Challenge(new AuthenticationProperties(
new Dictionary<string, string?>() { { "state", "my state stuff" } },
new Dictionary<string, object?>() {
{ "client_id", ServiceConfig.Configuration.FILEMON_WEB_CLIENT_ID },
{ "type", "code%20id_token" },
{ "scope", "openid%20offline_access%20" + Uri.EscapeDataString(ServiceConfig.Configuration.FILEMON_WEB_SCOPE) },
{ "response_mode", "form_post" },
{ "nonce", Guid.NewGuid().ToString() },
{ "prompt", "consent"} })
{ RedirectUri = "filemonweb/home/tests" },
With the Edge dev tools network sniffer, I see that the request arrives as expected with the top example (properly formatted URL). When the response is returned, I see it go to the redirect URI I requested, but the app sends a 302 response, and the response header includes a Location value that changes the redirect URI from the one I requested, to signin-oidc. For example, like this: profile offline_access
When it sends that 302 response, it changes the State parameter, the Scope parameter, etc.

OData: Change URL value for entity type in EDM Model

I'm working with a ASP.NET Core Web Api project that uses OData for the exposed endpoints and are consumed with a Simple.OData.Client.
Some of my endpoints are:
http://{baseUrl}/odata/Vehicle --> this works perfectly
But I'm having issues with these two:
Basicly, I can't modify my EDM Models for modifying the URL property that is exposed in the metadata of OData. My EDM looks like this:
private IEdmModel GetEdmModel()
var odataBuilder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
return odataBuilder.GetEdmModel();
And the metadata that I get when I navigate through http://{baseUrl}/odata/ is the following:
"#odata.context": "https://localhost:44332/odata/$metadata",
"value": [
"name": "Vehicle",
"kind": "EntitySet",
"url": "Vehicle"
"name": "VehicleType",
"kind": "EntitySet",
"url": "VehicleType"
"name": "VehicleBrand",
"kind": "EntitySet",
"url": "VehicleBrand"
I couldn't find a way to maintain the name as it is, but modify the "url" property shown on the JSON to point to my proper endpoint. I want this result:
"name": "VehicleBrand",
"kind": "EntitySet",
"url": "Vehicle/Brand"
Any of the methods exposed on EntitySetConfiguration or ODataConventionModelBuilder seems to have a way to specify a different URI for a registered entity type.
Someone has faced this issue? I'm sure that might be some way of solving this.
Odata Route or Navigation Property?
Please have a look at that documentation here
Long story short - an OData URI consists of:
The service root
The OData path
Query options
For example. This is a Path that goes to the EntitySet "Products", takes the first, and then Navigates (see Navigation Properties) to its Supplier.$top=2
So, everything you make accessible at root level should have its own path, and the / telling Odata to navigate onward from there.
So, now for OData, it would freak the hell out of most clients and surely be bad style if you would define an entitysets path as something that can be confused with another entititysets navigation property.
But if you REALLY need to do it, maybe you can achieve it by defining a custom routing convention.
But dont! It will only make trouble
Do you want a navigation property?
If you want the set that "Type" returns to be dependent on the Vehicle, you should define a navigation property on Vehicle instead.
Greetings, Mike

Custom API route will respond with Forbidden if JWT token generated with Skoruba (Identity Server 4) is used

We've started implementing a new Web API with ASP.NET Core 2.2 and it has been decided that it should use Identity Server 4 for authentication/authorization duties. Furthermore, its Skoruba implementation has been chosen as it looks like it should fulfill most, if not all our needs in that regard.
We got the identity server and Skoruba up and running, but when it comes to consuming the JWT token in our own API, even assigning just one role to the test user, we'll keep hitting the same brick wall. The following request to the Skoruba API will respond with a 200:
It successfully returns a JSON string with access_token, expires_in and token_type ("Bearer").
After that, a request to the http://localhost:5000/connect/userinfo route of the API with the following header
will also respond with a 200 and return the following JSON string:
"sub": "aeccf460-7d0d-41ae-8b52-a051138f5c05",
"role": "Administrator",
"preferred_username": "dev",
"name": "dev"
Please take notice that "role": "Administrator" assigned to user dev is something I set up myself using the Skoruba Admin UI, so that JSON is pretty much what I wanted. So for all intended purposes it looks like I have the information I need right now. I just can't consume it. If I try to retrieve the JWT token in our own back end, I am successful (this is obviously just for testing purposes):
public string GetAccessToken()
var accessToken = HttpContext.Request.Headers["Authorization"];
var token = accessToken.First().Remove(0, "Bearer ".Length);
return token;
With all that said, onto the actual problem: calls to a route that demands authorization in our API are treated in the same fashion as calls to Skoruba's userinfo action (particularly, the headers):
Inside this same Controller ("Foo"), I implemented a simple Get method, which should only be accessed with the correct role, which I assume is information fetched from HttpContext.Request.Headers["Authorization"] and hoped the framework would use it accordingly:
[Authorize(Roles = "Administrator")]
public IActionResult Get()
var response = ConvertListToJsonResponse(GetAll()); //Don't mind me
return Ok(response);
At this point, my API server responds with the infamous 403 Forbidden status code. Not sure where to go from here and research proved unwieldy so far. Any help is appreciated, I'll provide more code and info if necessary.
This is the generated token:
The resulting payload:
"nbf": 1568745958,
"exp": 1568749558,
"iss": "http://localhost:5000",
"aud": "http://localhost:5000/resources",
"client_id": "auth_test",
"client_access_rights": [
"sub": "aeccf460-7d0d-41ae-8b52-a051138f5c05",
"auth_time": 1568745958,
"idp": "local",
"scope": [
"amr": [
I see the claims I added to the client, but what I really need at the moment is simple Authentication, which I suppose should be provided by a role. Or am I completely off?
This question, and more specifically, this answer helped me to understand what was going on and map Skoruba's UI functionalities to IdentityServer4 inner workings. Credits goes to Ruard van Elburg.

Should "persistent" field appear in serialized PanacheEntity?

I am building a simple Jaxrs api in quarkus. When I call my index method it looks like jackson serializes the objects with the persistent field, that it gets from the PanacheEntityBase.
"persistent": true,
"id": 1,
"createdAt": "2019-03-18",
"updatedAt": "2019-03-18"
"persistent": true,
"id": 2,
"createdAt": "2019-03-18",
"updatedAt": "2019-03-18"
The persistent field isn't saved to the database, but it shows up in the response. I have looked into using #jsonIgnore and jackson mixins, but I would rather not have to do this, especially if this is just a configuration issue. I am curious if Panache should be doing this, or if anyone else is having this problem.
This happens when we use 3-rd party libraries as returned data type and provide it to Jackson serialisation process. PanacheEntity extends PanacheEntityBase which contains isPersistent method which is treated by Jackson like a POJO getter method.
public boolean isPersistent() {
return JpaOperations.isPersistent(this);
Jackson automatically takes all get* and is* methods and try to serialise it and include to result JSON. There is no way to configure it on quarkus level. Your solution with JsonIgnore and MixIn feature is good approach.
With Json-B add in your entity :
public boolean isPersistent() {
return super.isPersistent();

changing meteor restivus PUT to implement upsert

i'm using restivus with meteor and would like to change the PUT schemantic to an upsert.
// config rest endpoints
useAuth: false,
prettyJson: false
Restivus.addCollection("sensor", {
excludedEndpoints: ['getAll','deleteAll','delete'],
defaultOptions: {},
how does one do this?
Right now, the only way to do this would be to provide a custom PUT endpoint on each collection route:
Restivus.addCollection(Sensors, {
excludedEndpoints: ['getAll','deleteAll','delete'],
endpoints: {
put: function () {
var entityIsUpdated = Sensors.upsert(, this.bodyParams);
if (entityIsUpdated) {
var entity = Sensors.findOne(;
return {status: "success", data: entity};
else {
return {
statusCode: 404,
body: {status: "fail", message: "Sensor not found"}
The goal with Restivus is to provide the best REST practices by default, and enough flexibility to allow the user to override it with custom behavior where they desire. The proper RESTful behavior of PUT is to completely replace the entity with a given ID. It should never generate a new entity (that's what POST is for). For collections, Restivus will only allow you to define a PUT on a specific entity. In your example, an endpoint is generated for PUT /api/sensors/:id. If you aren't doing the PUT by :id, then you should probably be using POST instead (there's no "right way" to do this in REST, but at least you can POST without requiring an :id).
It sounds like what you want is a way to override the default behavior of the collections endpoints. That is extremely doable, but it would help me if you would make a feature request via the Restivus GitHub Issues so I can better track it. You can literally copy and paste your question from here. I'll make sure I add a way for you to access the collection in the context of any collection endpoints you define.
Last, but certainly not least, I noticed you are using v0.6.0, which needs to be updated to 0.6.1 immediately to fix an existing bug which prevents you from adding existing collections or using any collections created in Restivus anywhere else. That wasn't the intended behavior, and an update has been released. Check out the docs for more on that.